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Thug Passion 3 Page 8

  "I knew I should have put a bullet in both of them niggas’ dome!" Sarge roared as he banged his fist against the table.

  "So help me God if that motherfucker Vinny knew the FEDS were on his ass and tried to get us knocked, I'm going to kill his ass," Malik said as stared at my mother intensely.

  "What the fuck you looking at me like that for? I'm with y'all on this. If he did, I'm going to kill his ass myself. Personally, I don't think he knew. Vinny put his life on the line by bringing y'all into his family faction. If he was against y'all he never would have gone to these great lengths to keep y'all safe." I looked at my mother as she spoke and I knew that was the love talking. In her heart, she wanted to believe that he didn't set us up.

  "We have three options. One, we can stay here and continue getting this Miami money and change up the whole operation. Two, we can go back to Chicago and continue running them motherfucking streets. Third, we have more money than we know what to do with, we can get out the game right now. This is a decision we need to make as a family. Khia and Dro are here because they're a part of this family now." I had to look at Tahari when I made my last statement because I knew that she was still holding a grudge against Khia.

  "We don't need beef within the family. We have enough people at our heads in the streets. I'll go around the table and let everybody tell me their decision. I'll start with myself first. I say we go back to Chicago and finish getting money. The last thing any of us need is to have the Federal Government in our shit. We have come too far to lose it all in another fucking city. I think that the girls should each open up their own businesses so that we can clean up our dirty money. We already have a storefront and our residential properties. I will fall back and play behind the scenes, no street shit for me. Especially since everyone there thinks I'm dead. I'll show my face when the time is right.”

  "You're head of the family, Bro. Whatever you want to do we're following your lead," Malik said and everyone nodded in agreement.

  "What do you think Momma?” I asked her because she was too quiet for me.

  "I'm with you baby. I taught you well, so, I know you know what you're doing. I actually miss Chicago. It's beautiful here, but there's no place like home."

  "Okay, then it's settled we're going back to Chicago. We'll send the girls back before us to get shit together with the kids and our homes. We have some unfinished business here that we need to take care of before we go back. Start packing ladies. Your flight leaves at noon tomorrow. This meeting is adjourned."

  Once the ladies left the room, it was now time for us to decide how we were going to kill Johnny and Santino. The FEDS had me nervous as hell. I was ready to get the fuck out of Miami. I needed to holla at Vinny first. I couldn't help but wonder what bullshit was coming my way once I made it back to Chicago.

  Chapter 15- Peaches

  Reasonable Doubt

  After everything my kids had been through, I hoped and prayed that Vinny did not set my kids up. After all these years of not being in their life, the least he could do was come into their life and do right by them. I hoped and prayed he didn't know about them damn FEDS. I knew that my sons would fill his ass full of bullets. Vinny and I had been spending a lot of time together. My kids thought that we recently hooked up once we moved out here. I actually had been sleeping with him since a little after I got into his limo that day.

  I also had a confession to make. I knew that Thug wasn't dead; I just had to play it off to him and the rest of the family. I could be an actress I was so good. Vinny made me promise not to tell the rest of the family until Thug was ready for them to know. I called Vinny over to my house because I wanted to talk to him before my son's got a chance to. It was odd that he told me that he was already on his way over because we needed to talk.

  I hoped that he wasn't about to tell me something I really didn't want to hear. It had been so long since I had some good sex and Vinny’s ass was hung like horse. Whoever said white men had little dicks was dead ass wrong. My kids would kill me if they knew the shit that me and Vinny had been doing. We'd broke two damn beds since we started back messing around. Fuck that. I needed some dick in my life. I was old school. All that sleeping around with random ass niggas went out the door when I was fucking Snake and Venom at the same time. That was enough ratchetness to last a lifetime.

  I was laying on the couch when Vinny came in with the key that I gave him. Yeah, I had given him a key. Don't judge me.

  "Good Afternoon, My Bella." That was the name that Vinny had always called me since our younger days. He only called me Peaches when he was mad at me. I sat up on the couch, and he sat next to me. He placed soft kisses all on my neck and behind my ear. He knew that shit made me horny, but all that would have to wait until later. We had some shit that needed to be discussed immediately.

  "Did you know the fucking FEDS had been building a case against you?"

  "I'm the Boss of the Santerelli Crime Family. The FEDS are well aware of who I am and what it is I do. They have been following me around for years." He said that shit like it was nothing. I wanted to strangle his ass with the tie he was wearing.

  "Well, I don't know if you're aware, but the FEDS are now trying to build a case against your sons. I hope and pray your ass didn't try to set my kids up to take the fall for your Italian Mafia bullshit! Ever since they took over for you, they have been under surveillance. That bitch you hired as a physical therapist for Thug was a damn Federal Agent. Her ass was there to take you down, but when you turned everything over they shifted the investigation onto Ka'Jaire." I guess shit was starting to register; he pulled his cell phone out and called Johnny and Santino, but they didn't answer. "There is no need to call Johnny and Santino they're probably being tortured as we speak. They're rats; they are working for the FEDS."

  "Son of a Bitch! I would never put my sons in danger. I love them and you too much. I never want to lose y'all again." Vinny threw his phone against the wall and then pulled me in close and kissed me passionately on the lips. I believed him. He was not trying to set his boys up.

  "So, what are you going to do?" I asked him as I stared into his beautiful eyes.

  "I need to get in contact with Thug and Malik." I handed him my phone, and he placed a call to Thug. I sat down on the couch and fired up a Newport. This family was stressing me the fuck out.

  "Look I got to go. I'll be back as soon as I can. Put that shit out, you know I hate when you smoke." Vinny was rushing out of the house as he talked to me.

  "Wait a minute, Vinny. You said you had something you wanted to talk to me about!"

  "Oh yeah. Let's get married!" He rushed back in and handed me a small black ring box, giving me a kiss on the jaw. He never even gave me a chance to respond before he ran out of the door.

  Chapter 16-Thug

  To Kill a Rat

  It had been a week since the ladies and the kids went back to Chicago. We had a sitdown with Vinny, and he assured us that he had no clue that the FEDS had been watching us. He did tell the truth about them having surveillance. He said some of them were on his payroll, and that was why they had never even moved in on him after all these years. He wanted us to continue in Miami, but I declined the offer.

  I wasn't about to take that chance and play with my freedom. I couldn't wait to get back to Chicago. Tahari's birthday was coming, and I needed to do something really special for her. I still felt bad about missing her birthday last year. So, I had to do double to make up for it, but first I had two rats to exterminate.

  I watched as Johnny and Santino walked into the warehouse without a care in the world. They were smiling so fucking hard. I smirked because they wouldn't be smiling later. Malik and Sarge had been keeping tabs on them since we found out about what the fuck they were up to. Vinny found out that they would not be under surveillance again until the day of the shipment.

  We had to get at them now because our next shipment was due to come into the Marina in a couple of days. We had already switched up our whole oper
ation. That drop had already happened. It was shipped to our warehouse in Chicago. If the FEDS wanted us, they were going to have to start from scratch. I wasn't about to make the shit easy for their ass. If they wanted me, they were going to have to work hard to get me. Malik, Sarge, Dro, and myself were sitting around my office anxious and ready to get this shit over with.

  "What's up with this last minute meeting?" Johnny asked as he sat down and fired up a Cuban cigar.

  "There has been a change in plans; the shipment is coming in today, and we need you guys to go get it." They looked like deer in headlights as they heard me speak the words.

  "Who changed the shipment?” Santino asked as the sweat poured from his fat ass forehead. I sipped from my Remy and stared his ass down before I spoke.

  "Don't ask any fucking questions! Just get ready to go get my shit. The last time I checked I was the fucking boss, and you motherfuckers were the employees!" They had become so scared as they tried to figure out a way to get out of this shit.

  "Do you really need us to do it? Sarge and Dro can handle it without us. We could be getting set up." Johnny spoke as he downed a straight shot of Remy. This motherfucker had a lot of nerve to be talking about a set up. That pissed my hittas off even more than they already were.

  "Get the fuck up and let's go!" Dro grabbed Johnny by the back of his shirt, and Sarge did the same to Santino. Johnny and Santino started to struggle, but they were no match for Sarge and Dro. We threw their asses into the back of the van we used for our shipments. Sarge, Malik, and Dro started to beat the shit out of them.

  I drove until we made it to the Florida Everglades. Johnny and Santino were unconscious as we dragged their bodies from the van towards the swamp. I wanted to empty my clip into their ass, but I had something better in mind. The alligators were swimming, and they were hungry. Sarge lifted Johnny's ass up and tossed his over into the murky water. Dro followed suit and did the same to Santino. The water caused them to come to, and they began to splash around in the water.

  "Ahhh! Get me out here!" As soon as the words left his mouth, a gator came out of nowhere and pulled his ass under water. He was trying his best to get away, but he was no match for the four hundred pound alligator. Johnny had already been pulled underwater by an alligator. We watched as the water turned bright red. After we were satisfied that their ass was definitely dead, we got the fuck out of dodge and headed to the airport. Our bags were packed, and our plane was ready for takeoff. Chi-Town here we come.

  Chapter 17- Tahari

  Ratchet Bitches

  We had been in Chicago for a little over a month, and everything was going well. I was so glad Thug had been staying in the house and laid low. I could tell he wanted to get out and see what was popping in the streets. I begged and nagged him to stay in for a little while, and it had been working so far, but I knew eventually he would be back out in the streets.

  For the time being, I was going to bask in the glory of him helping me out with the kids. Ka'Jairea and Ka'Jaire Jr. were so happy to be back in Chicago. They went back to their old school, and they were able to start back visiting with Ms.Brenda. She almost had a heart attack when she first saw Thug. She was all over him, hugging and constantly kissing him on jaws.

  I didn't care what no one said that old bitch liked to feel on my husband. He thought the shit was so funny. His ass wouldn't be laughing if I kicked her ass. I'll beat an old bitch up about my nigga, too. I don't discriminate.

  Since being back, we had all been busy opening up our businesses. We decided to open up our very own strip mall. I decided to open an actual nail bar. I wanted ladies to able to get manicures or pedicures while they sipped on the wine of their choice. Barbie decided to open a Boutique that made dresses. She was a beast when it came down to fashion.

  Ta'Jay decided to open a beauty supply that would specialize in imported Hair Weave Extensions. Trish hooked her with her supplier. Khia could lay some hair, but she never really used her gift, so she decided to open up a beauty shop. Ms. Peaches got in on the deal and was going to open up a Soul Food Restaurant. The rest of the stores in the strip mall were going to be rented out to other vendors. It felt good to be doing something instead of sitting around while our husbands hustled. I wanted to be more than just his wife; I wanted to contribute to our household, as well. I knew that our business ventures would be a success. The guys were going to be so proud of us.

  Tonight was ladies' night, and I couldn't wait to go out with my girls. It took me forever to decide what I wanted to wear. I decided on a tight fitted, all black Christian Dior jumpsuit with an open toed, all black wedge. I threw on my leather jacket and grabbed my clutch and was ready to get out in the streets with my ride or dies. I was trying my best to get out the door before Thug saw me. I didn't have on full panties, but a thong and he hated when I wore them out without him.

  "Damn, you just gonna walk out the door without giving me a kiss or saying bye." Thug walked towards me holding Ka'Jaiyah.

  "I'm sorry baby. I didn't want to keep the girls waiting for me." I walked over and kissed him and my daughter. I tried to hurry up and get out the door before he noticed my ass, but I wasn't fast enough.

  "I already know you don't have on the right panties. You're all dressed up and looking sexy as ever, so I won't make you change. Since you're being bad girl, I have every intention on punishing that pussy when you get home."

  "I have every intention of letting you." I turned around and made my booty cheeks do a little dance, and he smacked me on it.

  "Hey! Don't be doing that shit while you're out either," he hollered as I made my out of the door. I couldn't help but to laugh as I got inside my car and pulled out of the driveway. I was already late meeting the girls for dinner at the Weber Grill. As I walked in, I found Barbie, Khia, and Ta'Jay already eating and sipping on wine.

  "Your ass is late heifer," Barbie said as she put a forkful of salad in her mouth.

  "I have seven kids I needed to get ready for bed before I hit the streets. Thug's ass will have them up all night long eating junk and watching movies if I don't.”

  "Dro does the same shit with Khiandre."

  I was glad the girls had ordered me some food. The steak and potatoes were everything. I ordered me a double shot of Patron and downed it immediately.

  "You're trying to get fucked up, huh?" Ta'Jay said to me. I heard her talking, but my eyes had shifted to a group of women sitting about two tables over. They kept eyeballing us and whispering.

  "Do y'all know one of them bitches over there?" I discreetly showed them, and they looked over to the table. They were still staring at us like they had a problem.

  "What the fuck are you bitches looking at?" Barbie stood up and started walking towards the females. I had to grab her because we weren't at no damn hood restaurant. Your ass will go to jail in Downtown Chicago acting disorderly. I watched Khia taking off of her earrings like she was about to do something. Her ass knows she wasn’t no fighter. Ta'Jay was just sitting there looking crazy and not saying anything.

  "Girl fuck them bitches with their Payless shoe wearing asses. I have on eight hundred dollar Christian Dior's. I wish I would get a scuff mark or a scratch on them for a pair of bum ass bitches."

  "Ain't nobody scared of y'all bitches!" one of the girls yelled at me.

  "You should be bitch! I swear to God I want to beat the fuck out of them bitches!" Barbie knocked back a shot of Patron. We sat drinking and talking about them bitches. I noticed the girls were getting up to leave, and they started to walk past our table.

  "Sarge should have left her ass in Miami," the tall big bird looking bitch said as she purposely knocked the glass of water on Ta'Jay. Ta'Jay immediately jumped up and started beating the fuck out of her.

  "Beat her ass, Ta'jay!" Barbie yelled as she grabbed her friend by the hair and started beating her ass. Khia and I both jumped in and started helping. Khia was helping Barbie, and I was helping Ta'Jay. The staff and other patrons were trying their best to
break us up, but we were fighting like wild banshees.

  Next thing I knew, we were all in handcuffs and the girls were pressing charges on our asses. All the witnesses told the police that we started the fight. There was hair all over the damn place.

  "Thug is going to snap the fuck out," I said as we all sat in lock up waiting to be transported to the County Jail. It was a Friday night, so we wouldn't be able to see a judge until Monday morning.

  "I know Malik about to rip me a new asshole."

  "Dro ass gone cut me off. Whenever I make him mad, he keeps the dick from me. He knows that I'm nympho." We all laughed, and I noticed Ta'Jay was sitting with her head leaned back on the wall with her eyes closed. I nudged Barbie and Khia so that they could stop laughing.

  "Ta'Jay you need to stop holding that shit in all the time. I heard that bitch when she walked pass," Barbie said as she kneeled down in front of Ta'Jay. The tears were finally falling, and we all huddled up with one another and comforted Ta'Jay.

  "That's the same girl I saw him with on Michigan Ave. I have never cheated on him. How could he do this to me? I swear on my son when I get out of here. I'm fucking him up, and I mean that shit."

  "They kill me fucking with buzzard ass bitches!" Khia said.

  "Dro, cheated on you?" I asked her in shock. She talked about him like he did no wrong. Now to think about it we all do that shit.

  "Before we left and went to Miami, I went through his phone and found some texts between him and his kids’ momma. They were still fucking around. I went Norma Bates on his ass. Let's just say that motherfucker needed stitches. I told him the next time I find some shit out I was going to Lorena Bobbitt his ass."