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Thug Passion 3 Page 7

  "Not yet." Malik slapped my hands down and led me to our Jacuzzi. The Jacuzzi was located on the balcony of our bedroom.

  "What have I done to deserve all of this?" I asked him as I poured me a glass of Moet.

  "What haven't you done to deserve all of this? I just wanted to show that I appreciate you even though you think that I don't. I know that you hate being in the house all day with Londyn. You haven't complained once, but I know you're frustrated. You moved down here with no questions asked, although I knew you didn't want to leave Chicago. After all I have put you through, I know that you riding for a nigga. That shit means a lot to me. I know you riding for a nigga so you deserve to be pampered and more."

  I took his blunt from his mouth and took a pull from it. I sat it on the side of the Jacuzzi. I straddled Malik and took all ten inches of him without hesitation. I had to sit there for a minute. The way he filled my insides up had me wanting to cream all over him without even moving. Malik grabbed my waist, and I slowly started to ride his dick. The sounds of the water and Jaheim in the background made the mood so sensual.

  "That's right. Ride your Daddy dick just like that." Malik picked up the pace and bounced me up and down on his dick. He was tearing my pussy up with each thrust. He lifted me off of him and turned me around. He spread my legs and entered me from behind. He was hitting my shit from the back and hitting all the right spots. He was smacking and grabbing my ass with such force. I knew that he was going to leave marks.

  "Yessss! Just like that Bae. I love it when you smack my ass like that."

  "You love that shit huh?" Malik smacked me on my ass again.

  "I'm about to cum, Malik." Malik continued to thrust inside and out of me well after I had I came. He didn't stop until he filled me up with all his seeds.

  "That was the shit, Ma." Malik grabbed me and kissed me long and hard. "Come on get out, I got something I want you to see. We both took a shower and laid in bed. Malik was already sitting on the edge of the bed when I exited the bathroom. There was small bag sitting in the middle of the bed from Harry Winston.

  "What's this?"

  "Open it up and see." Malik sat back and fired up another blunt. My eyes lit up, and tears welled up in my eyes. Inside the bag was a small black box. It was the biggest yellow canary diamond I had ever seen.

  "Oh, my God Malik. Thank you so much. I'm about to shut these bitches down with this ring." I jumped on top of Malik and kissed him all over his face.

  "That bitch bad ain't it?" As soon as we come back from vacation, I want you to start planning the wedding. There's no limit on what you can spend. You can have whatever you like." Malik sounded just like T.I saying that. For the rest of the night, we just chilled and made love to one another. I couldn't wait to show the girls my ring. I forgot all about cursing Malik out about not picking our daughter up from Momma Peaches. My baby was showing me his growth more and more every day.

  Chapter 14- Thug

  The FEDS is Watching

  For a whole week, we chilled in the Cayman Islands. We went jet skiing, snorkeling, and clubbed at some of the hottest spots. We had rented out an estate that was by the beach. The clean air and the fresh blue water made me want to stay another week, but I couldn't. We couldn't be gone from the money that long. We only had that free week because we had got all of our shipments out of the way beforehand. We all needed to get away.

  The entire trip Dominique continuously called my phone. I had to cut my shit off because she was constantly calling and texting me. I really had no idea what was so urgent that she needed to see me. The last thing I needed was for Tahari to find that shit out.

  "Did you enjoy yourself, Ta-Baby?" I kissed the back of her hand as our plane landed back in Miami.

  "I had so much fun. Thanks for taking me again. I can't wait to get home and see the kids. I miss my babies."

  "I miss them, too. I know Kaine and Kash gave Peaches hell." We both laughed because we knew that they did. Knowing my mother she spanked them, and they're probably sitting down somewhere quiet as a church mouse.


  It had been a week since we arrived back home, and Dominique continued to call me. I ignored all of her calls and texts. That was until she sent me a text saying that if I wanted my freedom, I better meet up with her at her crib. That shit had me thinking like a motherfucker. At first I wanted to keep it to myself, but I knew I needed to at least tell my wife.

  I should have known some bullshit was in shadows waiting to fuck up my life once again. That was what I get for fucking with her ass in the first place. Tahari was going to let my ass have it once I told her this shit. Dominique had better not be playing no fucking games with me. I had every intention on putting a bullet in her head if she was.

  "Ta-Baby, I need to talk you about something." I entered our bedroom, and all the kids were in our bed. Just looking at how they were all snuggled up under her warmed my heart. I would have to be one foolish ass nigga to ever fuck up my happy home.

  "Okay. Let me put the kids in their beds." As soon as she tried to move Ka'Jaiyah she started screaming and hollering. She just handed her over to me. She stopped crying immediately. Since the first time I held her, she had been stuck to me like glue.

  "Hey, Daddy's Girl." I kissed her on her forehead, and she laid her head on my shoulder. Before I knew it, she was fast asleep. Tahari just stood in the doorway as I placed her in her bed.

  "I will never understand why she always clowns on me, but is the perfect angel for you."

  "She's a Daddy's girl," I said rubbing it in. I closed our bedroom door, so that we could talk without waking up the kids or Marta. I handed her my cell phone and let her read the messages from Dominique from the very beginning.

  "From the moment I saw that bitch, I knew that she was going to be a problem. When you go meet up with her, I'm going, too. Send her a text and let her know you're going to meet up with her tomorrow night. Don't even let her know that I'm coming. I want it to be a surprise. I'm not pregnant anymore. That bitch has one time to get out of line with me. That's her ass."

  I knew Tahari was going to be out for blood after reading the messages. I was waiting for her to calm down before I said anything. I hopped in the shower and when I got out she was laying on her back staring up at the ceiling. I climbed in bed with her and pulled her in close.

  "Talk to your man. What's on your mind?"

  "What if the FEDS are really watching you? What are we going to do?" I'm not ready to lose you again. I just got you back. I swear to God I'm killing anything that will try to take you away from me and our kids."

  "That's why I love you so much. You're ready to go to war, and the war hasn't even started. You make a nigga feel like we can conquer anything. It's us against the world. I love the shit out of you, Ta-Baby."

  "I love you, too." I pulled Tahari's panties off of her and placed her legs on both of my shoulders. I buried my face in between her legs. I slowly licked each and every inch of her pussy. I sucked on her swollen clit until I could feel all of her juices running down my mouth.

  "Ka'Jaireeee! Baby, I can't take it anymore!" Tahari was trying her best get away from me, but I had a strong ass hold on her ass. I had every intention on eating her pussy until she cried. After about five more minutes of sucking the soul out of her pussy, I knew she had enough. She was shaking and trembling like crazy. I had a wicked smile on my face as I stood up and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.

  "Are those tears I see coming out of your eyes?"

  "I don't see shit funny. I swear to God, I'm getting your ass back." Tahari wiped the tears from her eyes, and I couldn't do shit but laugh. I went into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I wasn't gone for two minutes, but when I walked back into our bedroom, Tahari was sleeping like a baby. I loved it when I made her tap out from that Thug Passion.


  "Follow my lead, Tahari. You can't go in here on straight beast mode. I need to know everything this bitch needs to tell me. J
ust go in here and have a seat." Tahari and I were on our way to meet Dominique. I was trying my best to talk to her before we got there. I watched her demeanor as she sat in the passenger’s seat. I hoped and prayed Dominique wasn't on bullshit today. Tahari had murder in her eyes. Sometimes I hated I turned her into a beast. She could be sweet as pie one minute and the next a cold blooded killer.

  "I'm going to follow your lead. That bitch just better show some fucking respect." Tahari flamed up a blunt and exhaled the smoke from her mouth. I just stared at her because I knew that she was on good bullshit.

  "Why are you looking at me like that?"

  "Because you on bullshit and I know it. Follow my lead, Ta-Baby." I leaned over and gave her kiss on the lips.

  We pulled up onto the street that Dominique had given us. It was located in South Beach. Dominique was standing outside on the porch. Tahari and I exited the car, and I could tell she wasn't feeling Tahari's presence. I looked over at Tahari, and she was staring Dominique's ass down. Please Lord help me; I silently prayed that God wouldn't let anything pop off.

  "Ka'Jaire, you should have told me that you were bringing your wife," Dominique said as she kept looking around like she was nervous or something. That shit made my antennas go up. I patted my waistline to make sure my gun was in place. Just in case some shit popped off.

  "My husband didn't have to tell you shit. I'm here, and that's it. You had so much to say in those texts, so you need to start talking. Because we have seven kids we need to get home to," Tahari said as she sat down on the couch. I took a seat next to her.

  "The FEDS have been building a case against your father Vinny. Once he stepped down and handed things over to you and your brother; that put you and your operation on the radar. Prior to that, we had nothing on you.

  "What the fuck you mean—we?"

  "I'm not a physical therapist; I'm a Federal Agent. I was brought on to infiltrate the Santerelli Crime Family. This investigation has been going on for the last two years. We didn't know anything about you or your brother until you had been killed. We had surveillance on Vinny twenty-four seven. We observed him moving your body from the funeral home after your funeral. That's when he moved you down here to Miami. My job was to find out who you were and why he was hiding you out.

  One day he was coming out of the medical supply store, and I approached him and gave him my card and he hired me on the spot. I was only there to bring Vinny down. You were never our target. Once you were awake and moving around, I had to continue playing the role as your physical therapist. I did just that. In the midst of me helping you, I fell in love with you. The day that I came over when I first found out about your wife and kids, I was coming to tell you who I really was and that I quit my job as a federal agent. I was in love with you and I wanted to protect you from any harm. I ended up going back to work since things didn't work out in my favor."

  "So, let me ask you this. Are the FEDS after me now?"

  "They didn't start focusing on you until you took over your father's Miami operation. They're trying to build a case against you as we speak. They don't have much because they just started it. That's where I come in at. Since I had gotten so close to you, they want me to take you down. The whole pregnancy thing was all fake. When I saw you in the doctor's office, I was supposed to tell you that I was pregnant by you. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. The doctor that I was standing there with was also a Federal Agent. Once word got back to my superior's that I didn't follow the plan, I was relieved of all my duties until I had a psych evaluation." I was sitting there in deep thought, but still listening to each and every word that Dominique spoke.

  "If you're off the case then that means they will have a hard time building a case against Ka'Jaire right?" Tahari asked with a look of concern on her face.

  "Wrong. Johnny and Santino have agreed to wear a wire during your next drug shipment. My best advice for you would be to off their asses before then. They aren't under surveillance right now. They have already signed statements agreeing to wear the wires and testify against the whole organization."

  "Did my father know that the FEDS was after him when he turned over shit to me?"

  "That I don't know. I just wanted you to know that I'm sorry for all of this. It was never my intention to bring this type of shit to your doorstep." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. This bitch knew exactly what type of drama that shit would bring my way. I had to remain calm as I looked over at Tahari. Her eyes had turned dark as hell. She was plotting on this bitch Dominique.

  "We really appreciate you giving us a heads up. Let me ask you something. Are the FEDS currently keeping an eye on you and your whereabouts? When we came in, I noticed your luggage by the door. Are you leaving town?" Tahari asked as she gave me the side eye. In a matter of minutes, it went from her following my lead to me following hers.

  "No. They have no reason to follow me. I'm off the case, so I am of no use to them. Yes, I'm leaving. I'm going back to Baltimore. That's where I'm originally from. I hope that there are no hard feelings about this.”

  "Actually, bitch there are some hard feelings." I watched as Tahari went inside her purse and pulled out one of my guns that I usually kept in the gun case. She also took out a silencer and started to screw it on the gun.

  "You're a rat. There is nothing worse than a rat ass bitch, and that's exactly what you are. Thanks for the info." Tahari raised the gun and hit Dominique with all shots to the dome. Her shit exploded like a watermelon. I hated to admit it, but Tahari had a nigga scared as shit. She was holding that gun and had a wild look in her eyes.

  She walked over to me and gave me a long passionate kiss. She had a nigga dick harder than a motherfucker. She was rocking an army fatigue mini dress with some sandals to match. Her toes were perfectly manicured. Her ass and titties were sitting up just right. The twins made her body look even better than it already did.

  "Let's go home baby." I looked around to make sure that we hadn't touched anything, and we both exited and got the fuck out of dodge.

  "So much for following my lead," I said as I drove, but I kept my eyes on the road as Tahari cut the radio up. Young Jeezy and August Alsina's new banger Fuck the World was playing, and I listened to the lyrics. They fit us to the T.

  "I told you I will kill anyone who poses a threat to my family's happiness. Stop fronting, Thug. You knew from the jump I had every intention of offing that bitch." Tahari fired up the blunt that she had from earlier. She passed it to me and leaned over in my seat and proceeded to unzip my pants. She unleashed the beast and placed my dick in her hot, wet mouth. The shit was feeling so good, I had to pull over on a side street. The sight of my shit disappearing in her mouth and the feeling of it touching her tonsils had a nigga going crazy. I leaned my seat back and smoked on the Kush blunt and let August Alsina do the talking.

  When the streets is all you know

  Ain't no telling who's a friend or a foe

  All I need is a beautiful girl

  So, me and her can fuck the world.

  Middle finger with her legs in the air.

  Getting money so it's hard to care.

  All I need is a beautiful girl

  So me and her can fuck the world.

  "This dick all yours, Ta-Baby." I wrapped my hands around her long flowing hair. I began to roughly make love to her throat. Tahari was sucking, licking, and humming all over my shit. I shot all my seeds down her throat and like the pro she was she swallowed them all. It still amazed me how she gave head and never smeared her lip-gloss.

  "What the fuck I'm I going to do with you?" I asked as I tried to gather myself from the million-dollar mouth that she had just given me.

  "The same thing you've been doing, love me more and more each day and spoil me rotten."


  I had thought a lot about what Dominique had told me. I was trying to make my next move my best move. Without I doubt, I knew that I had to kill Johnny and Santino ASAP. I had to figure out if I would keep
my entire family in Miami and continue with this new business venture or go back to the Chi and continue getting money on the land. We already had more money than we knew what to do with.

  We could actually retire, and we weren't thirty years old yet. I would leave the decision to my crew. I called a meeting at my crib with my team. Not just the niggas, but our wives as well. Most importantly Momma Peaches. She started this empire. She definitely knew what was best for us all. I chose not to include Vinny on this meeting.

  Regardless of whatever he has done for me, the rest of us were a family and had a drug empire already established before I even knew who the fuck he was. Plus, My hustler’s intuition was telling me he knew the FEDS were on his ass. Vinny had been real good to me and my family. I would hate to have to kill him for trying to snake me and Malik. That shit would hurt us because we had grown to love Vinny. All of our kids loved him. Not to mention him and Peaches think that I don't know that they’d been fucking around.

  Peaches had been the happiest she had been in a long time. She didn't even curse as much. I would never want to fuck up my mother's happiness, but if he was not who he claimed to be I was going to kill him.

  I had the whole family meet up at my house. Once everyone arrived; I got right down to the business at hand.

  "What the hell is so important Ka'Jaire that you got me out the bed this early?" Peaches had been cursing me out since I called her and told her to come to my house.

  "I'm going to cut straight to the chase and let y'all know what's going on. Basically, the FEDS have been watching Vinny for a long time. Once he handed over his Miami faction to us; we became the FEDS target. They're building a case against us as we speak. Johnny and Santino have agreed to wear a wire for them during our next drug shipment.”