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Thug Passion 3 Page 9

  "I knew it was a reason I liked you. I will go across Malik shit without hesitation. I will admit since our last blow up I haven't had any problems with him. That doesn't mean he's not doing shit. He slicker than a can of oil."

  "Well, since we're all telling shit, Thug was sleeping with that Federal Agent lady while I was here mourning his death." They all looked at me in shock. "It's obvious we've been going through shit and holding it in. Right here and now we need to make a pact to quit keeping secrets from one another." We all agreed and a little after that; we were transported over to the County Jail.

  I was so happy when Monday morning came. The girls dropped the charges against us, and we had to pay a fine to the restaurant for the damages we caused. Once we exited the jail, Malik, Dro, Sarge and Thug were all standing outside of their Maserati's waiting for us. These nigga's looked like some Bosses. Their facial expressions said pissed off. I opened my mouth and got ready to say something, but Thug cut me off.

  "Don't say shit, just get in the car. We'll talk when we get home." I was about to get in the car until I heard Ta'Jay and Sarge arguing and tussling. I just knew Thug and Malik were about to go back there and fuck Sarge up. Instead, they both got inside their cars and pulled off.

  "How come you didn't break them up Ka'Jaire?"

  "It was none of my fucking business. Just like it's none of yours. Ta'Jay wanted to be with that nigga. She's a grown woman. What goes on between her and Sarge is none of my business. As long as he don't put his fucking hands on her, we're cool." I was getting ready to say something, but he caught me off again.

  "Please stop talking to me, Ta-Baby. Our kids have been asking about you all fucking weekend. I couldn't bring myself to tell them that your ass was in lock up. All of y'all are mothers. There is no reason for y'all to be out having fist fights with random females."

  "They weren't random females. One of them was picking with Ta'Jay over Sarge. All y'all ass ain't nothing but some dogs. Always cheating on us with basic bitches and getting mad because them hoes don't know how to play their position. It's not our fault we always out fighting trying to prove our love."

  I couldn't help but to laugh at what I said. I shouldn't have done that because that made Thug madder than what he already was. He didn't say a word to me the rest of the drive. Once we made it to the house, he went straight to his man cave. My kids were with Peaches, so I took a hot shower and got in my bed. I was not about to kiss Thug's ass. I didn't do shit. I helped my sister fight, and I would do it again in a heartbeat.

  Chapter 18- Sarge

  What's Done in the Dark

  It was a hard ass struggle getting Ta'Jay inside of the car. The ride home was silent. She just stared out the window and cried. I wanted to console her, but I knew she didn't want me to touch her. I was kicking myself in the ass for ever fucking with Lelani. When I met her at Gentlemen's Paradise, it was only supposed to be a one-night stand. That one night stand turned into something more than it should have been.

  We started kicking it on a regular. For me, it was just a fuck thing. On the other hand, she had fell in love with a nigga. I admit that shit was my fault because I was over doing my part with her. Shopping sprees and paying her ass way too much attention. She did some of the freakiest shit to a nigga. I knew that there was only so far Ta'Jay would go in the bedroom. It bothered me, but I would never let her know that.

  That was the only reason I fucked with Lelani in the first place. The day Ta'Jay told me that she saw me with her; I immediately cut that bitch off. I stopped accepting calls and texts. I put that bitch on the block list immediately. I hadn’t fucked with her since, and the bitch had been real bitter about the shit. Regardless of me cheating on Ta'Jay, she had my heart, and that was who I wanted to be with.

  As we pulled into our driveway, Ta'Jay jumped out of the car before it came to a complete stop. I almost wanted to pull back off because I was not ready to face her. I went inside the house to find her, and she was in the bathroom. I heard the water running, but I also could hear her crying. That shit had me fucked up. I knew that I needed to console her, but I felt she just needed to be alone.

  I went downstairs to the basement to smoke something and clear my mind. I had to figure out a way to make shit right with my girl. I was chilling until I heard the sound of glass breaking. It sounded like it was coming from outside. I ran upstairs and out of the front door.

  "What the fuck are you doing?" Ta'Jay was busting all the windows out of my Maserati with a steel bat. She was fucking the body of the car up with the bat, as well. "Put the bat down, Ta'Jay! "Damn, why the hell you got to fuck up my car up?"

  "Nigga, fuck you and this car!" She started busting out the headlights. I ran towards her and tried to take the bat from her. We lived in a predominately white neighborhood that was very upscale. All of our neighbors were now outside on their lawns looking at us.

  "Give me this damn bat!"

  "Let me the fuck go. I'm sick and tired of you and these bitches you out here fucking. I'm so done with your black ass. Pack your shit and get the fuck out of me and my son’s life. We don't need you for shit. I can take care of me and my baby!" Ta'Jay went inside the house and ran up the stairs. The next thing I knew she was tossing all my shit over the banister. My shoes, my clothes and whatever else belonged to me was now in our living room.

  "Get the fuck out you bitch ass nigga." I was trying my best not to put my hands on her, but she was being downright disrespectful. Instead of me hitting her, I decided to give her ass a taste of her own medicine. I grabbed the bat and went outside and started tearing her cocaine white Benz up. I knew that she loved that car. I brought the muthafucka anyway. I did the same shit to her car that she had done to Maserati. Her ass ran full speed ahead trying to get me to stop.

  "Stop tearing my car up Sarge!" She was hitting and grabbing me. I was trying to get her off of me. I pushed her a little too hard causing her to fall on the ground. She got up and limped into the house. I already felt like shit, and that made me feel even worse. I gathered myself and went inside the house. It looked as if a tornado had swept through it.

  Ta'Jay was sitting in our bedroom with her foot elevated and an ice pack on it.

  "I'm sorry. You know I didn't mean to push you that hard," I said as I rubbed her feet.

  "I guess you didn't mean to cheat on me either."

  "That shit is dead and over with. Once you told me that you saw me that day, I ended that shit. It hurt me to my heart knowing that you and my son saw me. If you don't believe me here is my phone. I can show you the proof that I ended that shit. All I want is you. Yeah, I cheated, but I've been trying my best to make it up to you." I tried to hand her my phone, but she pushed it away.

  "I don't want your phone, Sarge. You're the first guy I ever messed with that I thought understood me and my past. I'm very confident in myself. I'm beautiful and sexy as fuck. I can be with any man I want to, but I want to be with you. Obviously, I'm not enough for you. All I want is to be all that you need, but if I'm not enough, let’s end this now before I start hating you.”

  “What the fuck do you mean end it? What makes you think that I want to end things between us? I love you, Ta'Jay." I tried to reach out and hug her, but she quickly pushed me away from her.

  "All we have is a son together. It's not like we're married or anything. I'm nothing, but your baby momma. That's it, and that's all."

  "What if I wanted you to be my wife?" Ta'Jay removed her feet from my lap and stood up from the bed.

  "You're a day late and a dollar short," she said as she limped out of our bedroom. I just sat their dumbfounded trying to figure out what the fuck I was going to do. I had to make my next move my best move or I was going to lose the love of my life.


  It had been two weeks since the incident between Ta’Jay and me. She had not spoken one word to me. I tried buying her shit, but she wouldn't accept it. I tried to get the rest of the girls to talk to her, and she still wasn't trying to
hear shit I was talking about. Malik and Thug tried to talk to her, but that made her mad at them. She felt like they were on my side.

  I was at my wit's fucking end with this shit. Momma Peaches was my last and only hope. I knew that she would be able to talk to her. I dreaded going to talk to her because I knew she was going to rip me a new asshole. That would be a risk that I would have to take. I was willing to do anything to make shit right with Ta'Jay.

  "I knew it would only be a matter of time before you brought your ass over here. That bitch better be lucky I wasn't there when she called herself fucking with my baby. She is too damn pretty to be getting her face all scratched up. I don't play when it comes down to my baby. The only reason I'm not going to go across your shit is because she told me not to. I love you like you are one of my sons. I've told y'all niggas to keep your dick in your pants. Now look at you. Looking just as pitiful as you want to. Bring your ass on in here," Momma Peaches said as she opened the for me to come inside of her house.

  "I'm sorry, Momma Peaches. You're my last hope to get Ta'Jay to forgive me." I followed Momma Peaches to her lounge area. She had a full-size bar in her house. Stocked with all types of liquor. She had cases of her favorite drink Patron. She took a bottle out for me and one for her. We sat down at the table, and she fired up a Newport and I fired up my Kush blunt. Momma Peaches was a straight gangster with her shit. For about ten minutes, we both just knocked back shots and sat in silence.

  "I've been trying my best to get Ta'Jay to forgive me. I've spent well over twenty stacks this week trying to make it up to her."

  "That's where you're fucking up at. She don't care about that shit. All she wants is for you to love and understand her."

  "I do love her."

  "Ta'Jay is like a flower; she is very delicate. Being raped and molested by her father has scarred her for life. She thinks that she is damaged goods. Knowing that you cheated on her has her feeling like it's something about her that's running you away. Plus, she put you on a pedestal and acting as if you never cheated. She had the other girls thinking her relationship was the best thing since sliced bread. Her finding out that your ass was cheating knocked her down a couple of notches. Me and you both know my baby girl has an ego out of this world. If you want her back, step your fucking game up. If you love her like you say you do, you need to put a ring on it. I guarantee you she'll take you back."

  "I'm glad you said that, Momma Peaches." I reached inside my pocket and pulled out the ring that I had purchased her from Tiffany's.

  "That's what the fuck I'm talking about. Go make my daughter happy. The next time you fuck up I'm a give your ass a leg shot." We both laughed, and I got up to leave. I had to plan something really special for her.


  I had been wrecking my brain thinking of ways to propose to Ta'Jay. I had been so busy planning it that I forgot all about it was her birthday. I just decided to throw her a surprise party at Thug and Tahari's house. It was going to be just us family members. Thug didn’t let everyone know he was alive just yet, so we had to keep out celebrations small and private. With the help of the rest of the family, everything was going as planned. All I needed was for Ta'Jay to allow me to take her out. We were staying at the same house, but sleeping in different rooms.

  Ta'Jay had been laying around all day after coming back from letting Trish do her hair. She was acting like it wasn't even her birthday. My bullshit had really taken a toll on her. I gave Tahari some money so that she could go out and grab her a nice dress and pair of Red Bottoms. I went to Tiffany's and purchased her a pendant, a bracelet, and matching earrings for her birthday. Ta'Jay was now twenty-three, so I brought her twenty-three long stemmed roses.

  Since I fucked her car up. She didn't want it anymore, so I had to buy her a new one. That she still had yet to drive. Ta'Jay was putting a hole in my pocket. Her ass didn’t lie when she said she was going to make me pay for cheating on her. I didn't give a fuck, though; I would go broke trying to get my baby back.

  "Happy Birthday, Ma," I said as I entered our bedroom. She was sitting up in bed eating ice cream and cake. I handed her the roses and her gifts. I saw her crack a slight smile, but nothing major that said she was elated.

  "Thank you." She smelled the roses and sat them on the nightstand. She opened the Tiffany's bag and took out the boxes that were inside. "Oh, my God! These are so nice. Thank you."

  "Look, I know you're still mad at me, but I really want to take you out tonight. You're sitting up in bed with your hair and makeup done, let's go out and celebrate." I moved closer to her on the bed and kissed her on the lips. I was taking a chance doing that. Hell, I didn't have shit to lose. I was surprised she kissed me back.

  "I'm really not in the mood. I just want to stay in and watch TV. Plus, I didn't even buy anything to wear." I got up from the bed and went into the guest bedroom where I had been sleeping and grabbed the dress and shoes that Tahari had got for me. I walked back in the room and handed them to her.

  "I got you covered, Bae. Now get dressed and let's celebrate your birthday." She stared at me for a long time before she spoke.

  "You think that you're real slick. I'm still mad at your ass, but you're doing a good job at buying my forgiveness. I expect more gifts where those came from." I watched as she walked past me and into the bathroom. Her ass was hard to satisfy. I just prayed the ring I got her would have me in the clear. I got dressed in all black Armani Exchange from head to toe. I smoked a blunt in the living room as I waited for Ta'Jay to come downstairs.

  I heard the clicking of her Red Bottoms against our marble floors. I stood up and watched as she descended down our spiral staircase. The all black Gucci mini dress hugged every inch of her curvaceous body. Her legs looked so long and silky. Her skin had a beautiful glow to it. She batted her eyes at me as I smiled at her. Ta'Jay was flawless. Not a blemish in sight.

  "You look so beautiful." I pulled her in close and placed soft kisses all over her neck. I grabbed her hand and led her out of the house. I decided to drive her new car, so that she could see how nice it rode, and good the custom made interior was. We rode in silence all the way to Thug's house. I shot them a quick text telling them that we would be pulling up any minute.

  "I thought you were taking me out. Why are we over my brother's house? Plus, all the lights are off. They might be gone out already."

  "I need to grab something. Come on in with me." I exited the car and opened her door. We walked hand in hand up to the door. I twisted the knob, and we walked in.

  "Surprise!" The whole family was there dressed in all black. The kids were all there and dressed in black, as well. We were having our family portraits done tonight, too. The professional photographers were already there ready to start taking our pictures.

  "Oh, my God!" Ta'Jay was standing there with her hand covering her mouth. Everybody started hugging her and kissing her. She was so surprised. "I'm going to get y'all for this."

  "Come on let's eat. The chef is ready to serve dinner, and I'm ready to celebrate," Peaches said as she winked her eye at me. She was more ready for me to pop the question than I was.

  We all sat down, and I was nervous as hell. I wondered if anyone else picked up on my nervousness. Once dinner was coming to a close, I had to do it while I had the nerves. I clinked my fork up against a champagne glass to get everyone's attention. The room became quiet, and the only thing I could hear was the sound of my rapid beating heart. I could kill a nigga in a minute, but this proposal shit had a nigga scared as shit and sweating bullets. Ta'Jay was sitting next to me. I turned around to her and got down on one knee. I pulled the ring out of my pocket and opened the box before I spoke.

  "These last couple of weeks have been hell without you. I didn't realize how much I really loved and needed you until you stopped fucking with a nigga. You're my heart and my soul. I can't live my life without you or my son in it. I live and breathe you Ta'Jay. I love you so much. I don't want to live another day without being able to call you
my wife. Will you marry me, Ta'Jay? The airplane is all gassed up and ready for takeoff. We can go to Jamaica right now and get married?" Ta'Jay just sat there with tears streaming down her eyes. The whole room was quiet including me waiting for her to tell me her answer.

  "Say yes, Mommy. Daddy really wants you to say yes." Sar'Jay ran over to us and stood beside me. Out of nowhere, Ta'Jay got up and ran to the back of the house. I sat there stunned and embarrassed as hell. I got up off of my knee and sat down at the table. I drank straight from the Remy bottle.

  "I told you Auntie was going to say no," Ka'Jairea said matter of fact.

  "Shut your grown ass up. As a matter of fact, Marta can you please take all the kids to the movie room and put something on for them to watch," Tahari said.

  "Go in there and check on her my nigga," Thug said as he lit a blunt. I really didn't want to go after her. I felt defeated. I wanted to walk out that damn house. However, I knew that wouldn't help anything, so I went and found her in the backyard in the kids swing. I approached her and kneeled down in front of her. I wiped the tears from her eyes with my thumbs.

  "Damn, It seems like all I do is make you cry these days."

  "I'm not crying because of you. I'm crying because I'm scared to be your wife. I wasn't enough as a girlfriend. What makes you think that I will be enough as your wife? Plus, I don't want a sympathy proposal. I want you to marry me because you want to not because you feel like you're obligated to.”

  "We will have to work real hard at making it work. Ta'Jay you're enough for me mentally, physically, and sexually. All I need is a chance to prove it to you. I want to marry you because I love you. Please marry me."

  "So, if I say yes we're going to Jamaica to get married?" Ta'Jay asked with a slight grin on her face.

  "Hell yeah! We on that plane tonight."

  "If I even think you're looking at another bitch, I'm gone and I mean it Sarge. Let's get married!" I slid the rock on her finger, and she wrapped her arms around me and we kissed for what seemed like eternity.