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Thug Mansion (Thug Passion Book 8) Page 6

  “Yes, I knew. But it wasn’t my business to tell her overprotective brothers. In case you forgot, she’s my sister as well.”

  “Cut the bullshit. You knew that shit was wrong. Do you see what keeping secrets do? Because she felt like she needed some attention, she decided to step out on her husband with a fuck nigga. Now they’re back there fighting for their lives. I know all y’all close, but this should be a lesson about keeping fucking secrets and being on that sneaky shit y’all be on. Watch out man.”

  I had to get up and take a walk to calm down. I felt myself taking my anger out on Tahari and the rest of the girls and they hadn’t done any wrong. I stood outside the hospital and flamed up a fat ass blunt.

  “Can I hit that?”

  I looked up and it was a familiar face from my past. She looked even better now than she did then, but I wasn’t fucking with her, period. Bitch lied and told me she was pregnant for money. Bitch got that money and I haven’t seen her since.

  “Knock yourself out, Pooh,” I handed it to her and walked off.

  I don’t even entertain peasant ass bitches like that. No matter how good they look or how good they suck dick. This one right here was definitely a beast, but she was no Tahari. Nothing close to it. I’ve learned my lesson with that cheating shit. Last time it was a gun shot to my ass. Next it will be dirt on my coffin. I am not fucking around with Boss Lady.

  “Damn, it’s like that. When you start curving bitches?”

  “When I put ring on his dick. Swerve bitch.”

  “Come on, they’re out of surgery and the doctor wants to talk to us,” Tahari came out of nowhere and we both left her ass looking crazy. I wanted to laugh but there was nothing to laugh at. Hearing that they were out of surgery had me on edge. When I walked inside of the family waiting room, the doctor was walking out. I looked at Malik and he was crying. I sat down and waited to get the bad news.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Sarge gone be cool. All the bullets he took went in and out with out damaging anything. Ta’Jay wasn’t so lucky. She might not ever walk again. They have her under sedation because they were unable to remove the bullet in her back. Her heart stopped on the table, but they got it back beating. They just want her body to heal so that’s why they have her in a medically-induced coma for now. What the fuck, man? I was supposed to be there! This shit was never supposed to happen. I fucked up, Big Bro.”

  I had to stand up and grab my little brother in for a hug. We both felt guilty so I knew we needed each other. I felt a pair of hands wrap around us and looked up and it was Quaadir on one side and Remy on the other side. It felt good being with all my brothers at once. Now there was only one of us missing. Adonis had been MIA since he helped with the info on Tahari. Once all of this was over, I had every intention on making sure I reached out to him. Family is precious and we have to start living like everyday is our last.

  “My baby has to be okay. Where were y’all at when all this shit was going down? Do you hear me, Thug? You’re the oldest. You know you’re supposed to protect your siblings!” Peaches was yelling at me from the seat she was sitting in.

  “Ma, stop! It’s my fault all this happened.”

  “Shut the fuck up, Malik! Thug is the head of this family. It’s his job to protect us. Talk to me Ka’Jaire. What the fuck happened?”

  “I fucked up, Ma! I’m sorry!”

  “That shit ain’t fair, Peaches. They’ve been blaming themselves from the moment they walked in the door,” Tahari said jumping up in my defense.

  “I love you Tahari, but Ka’Jaire is my son and I handle him my way. Don’t get in between our shit!” Peaches was now standing up and in Tahari’s face.

  “Well I’m his wife and it’s my duty to protect him when I feel like he’s being wronged. Right now you’re in the wrong for chastising him like he’s a child when he goes above and beyond for this family.”

  “Stop all this shit. Ta’Jay and Sarge are in the back laid up from someone shooting them. It ain’t nobody fault in this room!” Barbie said as she stood in between Peaches and Tahari.

  The whole scene had me fucked up. I was hurt by Peaches’ words because I could look at her and tell she was angry about something else and taking the shit out on me. I wanted to stay, but I knew if I did I’d blow the fuck up. The last thing I wanted to do was blow up and disrespect my mother. I wanted to go back and see my nigga Sarge and my sister, but I would wait until later. I walked out of there, refusing to look back and answer as they called out my name. I just wanted to be by myself and sort some shit out. As soon as I walked out of the emergency room doors, I walked right into Khia walking inside.

  “Hey Bro. How are they?” she asked as we embraced one another.

  “Sarge is good. Ta’Jay not so good, but she’ll make it. I need to get out of here. By the way, that nigga Dro in there and well, you know the rest.”

  Khia looked almost afraid to walk in now but she needed to see that man. It’s been well over year since we’d heard from or seen her. Dro had even hired a private detective but had no luck. I had enough on my plate. I was in condition to deal with Khia and Dro’s shit. I was in need of peace of mind and went to the only place I knew where I could find it: in the walls of my home with my children. When I was with them, nothing else in the world mattered. They made the evils of the world look like candy and rainbows to a nigga. When I walked inside the house, Ka’Jairea was sitting on the couch watching TV.

  “What you still doing up, baby girl?” I went and sat next to her on the couch and she hugged me.

  “I was waiting up for you and Momma. Is Uncle Sarge and Auntie Ta’Jay okay?”

  “Yeah, they’re okay. Auntie Ta’Jay is still pretty sick, but she’s going to be okay?”

  “Can I ask you something, Daddy? Promise me that you won’t get mad,” she looked so sad and almost afraid to look at me. That was a first because she was the head strong one out of all the kids.

  “Yesterday at school, I had a argument with this girl. I wanted to sit with her and the other girls at lunch but they didn’t want me to. I asked her why she was being mean and she said that her mother told her to stay away from me because my parents were drug dealers and killers. Is that true, Daddy?”

  I looked at my daughter. I realized she was not the same little girl that I fell in love with the moment I laid on her when she was three years old. She was now thirteen and looking just like Ta’Jay. I ran my hand over my face in frustration because I’ve worked so hard to shield my kids from the shit I do in the streets, only for some mean ass little girl to put something in her head. I could lie, but that would be wrong. The fact of the matter was her parents were everything the little girl said we were. But right now, I wasn’t mentally prepared to have this talk with my daughter. This was more of Tahari’s department.

  “Don’t listen to them little girls at school. They don’t know nothing about your parents and the next time her or any other person disrespect you or your family, you go across they shit. They see you with everything they don’t have and they’re jealous of that. What your parent’s do for a living shouldn’t even be a topic of conversation at school. I want you to always remember that family is everything. Don’t ever let someone disrespect your family. You got that.”

  “Yes, Daddy. I got it,” she smiled and kissed me on the jaw.

  “While we’re talking. What’s this I hear I about you liking Lil’ Hassan?”

  I had to see what was really good because Ka’Jaiyah had been telling me all types of shit about these two.

  “I’m going to kill Ka’Jaiyah,” she gritted.

  “Don’t kill my baby. Plus, you know that her ass can’t hold hot water. Now come back over here and tell Daddy what’s going on with you and Lil’ Hassan.”

  I could tell she was hesitant to talk to me, but she didn’t have to be.

  “Nothing is going on, Daddy. I mean, I like him. I guess you can say he’s my boyfriend. ”

  “Boyfriend, huh

  “Are you going to kill him, Daddy?”

  I laughed because she was so dramatic when she said it. She looked like she was about to cry. I wanted to cry because my baby girl had her first crush.

  “Of course I’m not going to kill him. However, he’s not your boyfriend. You just have a little puppy love. You’re too young to be talking about you having a boyfriend. What are you trying to do, give me a heart attack?”

  “No, Daddy. I just like him. He’s so cute.”

  I just shook my head at her because she was really sitting here blushing like it was nothing.

  “Listen to me. Boys ain’t shit but trouble. They come in like a thief in the night and steal your heart. Boys will make you sad and they will make you cry. I don’t want nobody hurting my baby. If he does hurt you or make you cry, I might have to kill him. If I kill him then I have to turn around and kill his father Hassan. We do business together, so that wouldn’t be a good look. I love you, baby girl. But I don’t want to hear any more talk about Lil’ Hassan again. Now go to bed before your Momma come in here cursing about you being up late.”

  She grabbed her throw blanket and headed up the stairs.

  “Just so you know Daddy, I’m well aware of your lifestyle. I also want you to know that it doesn’t matter what you do for a living. You and Momma have always made sure that we had everything we needed. I don’t care what anyone says, you guys are the best parents in the world. I know that you told me that I can’t have a boyfriend and for me to stop saying that Lil’ Hassan is my boyfriend. Daddy, I just want you to know that one day I’m going to marry Lil’ Hassan. I love you, Daddy.”

  “I love you too, baby girl.”

  I sat speechless, in awe of my daughter. She was no longer my little baby girl. I got a good look at her and one would think she was Tahari’s biological daughter. She was so headstrong like her. That shit warmed my heart to hear her say Tahari and I are good parents. Just when I had the weight of the world on my shoulders, a simple conversation with my daughter lifted it off. Now I need to figure out what the hell am I going to do about her calling herself liking Lil’ Hassan. I enjoy being a father, but nothing will ever prepare me for this shit here.

  Chapter 9- Real Love


  I stood, watching my husband as he walked out of the family waiting room. That shit hurt me to the core the way Peaches had talked to him. My husband is not perfect, but he goes hard for his family. That’s one of the things that attracted me to him. Family is everything to Thug and everybody around him knows that. For Peaches to say that shit to him pissed me off. I don’t care about her being his mother. That shit was dead ass wrong on so many levels. I would be less than a wife not to address the situation.

  “How could you do him like that, Peaches? Everybody else can stand around here and be quiet, but not me. Y’all know this shit is dead ass wrong. Thug does everything in his power to make sure everyone is okay. Thug didn’t deserve that. I understand that you’re his mother, but I’m his wife. I love him just like you do, Peaches. I’ll even die for him just like I know you will.

  “It’s not my intention to disrespect you, Peaches. You know that I look at you like the mother I never had. However, please stop acting like my husband is your husband and it’s his responsibility to be a father to your kids. He loves his brothers and sisters with everything in him. Sometimes Thug needs love and affection too, but I think everybody forgets that about him. Just talking to you about this makes me rethink the way I act towards him. I’m spoiled and bratty towards him on a daily basis, but no matter what he still goes hard for me and he does the same for everyone in this room. Thug is a thoroughbred and as hard as they come, but he needs someone to depend on just like everybody else. Please Peaches, watch how you handle my husband.”

  “He wouldn’t even be your husband had we not felt sorry for your ass. As a matter of fact, a lot of the shit that we went through we’ve been going through it since your ass came along. Please don’t ever in your life think it’s cool to check me about my motherfucking son. I love you just like a daughter as well, but watch how the fuck you handle me when it comes to my son.”

  “I guess you been dying for a reason to throw that in my face. Kudos to you. Thank you for letting me know how the fuck you really feel. I admit I come from a fucked up bloodline. You, on the other hand, created your own chaos by fucking one brother that was a fucking pedophile and then fucking the other brother that was a sadistic son of a bitch. All of that shit happened before I met your son. Please don’t blame me for your fuck ups. I’m glad we had this conversation. Now we both know how the other one really feels. You don’t ever have to worry about my kids or me bothering with you again.”

  “Both of y’all shut the fuck up with all this shit. My sister is paralyzed! What part of that shit don’t y’all get? This shit is petty. Both of y’all sitting her arguing back and forth over Thug. How in the fuck y’all think he gone feel knowing his mother and wife is disrespecting one another. I love you Ma, but you dead ass wrong. I’m sorry, Ma. I’m just being honest,” Malik said before he grabbed Barbie’s hand and they left out of the family waiting room.

  Peaches wanted to say something but Quanie grabbed her roughly and yanked her out of the room. I was so over this whole scene so I grabbed my jacket and headed out to check on my husband. I already knew Malik’s trick ass had called and told him by now. I just had to mentally prepare myself because I knew he was going to be upset with me. As I headed out the door, I ran dead smack into Khia. I rushed over and grabbed her tightly. I’d been extremely worried about her. She hadn’t been in contact with us or anything.

  “Hey, sis. I missed you so much.”

  “I missed you more. Let’s hurry up and get out of here before Dro sees me.”

  “Khia! Khia!”

  The sound of Dro’s voice boomed and I tried to turn to look, but this bitch grabbed my hand and made me take off running with her.

  “Really, bitch?” I said out of breath as we made it out to the parking lot with Dro hot on our asses. I swear to God I’d picked up a little weight so a bitch was in no shape to be out here running.

  “I swear to God I’m gone shoot your ass if you keep running!”

  “Don’t stop, Ta-Baby!” Khia ass was running like Jackie Joyner Kersey. I gave up, I couldn’t run anymore. That bitch hopped in her car and got the fuck out of dodge.

  “Really, sis? That’s how you do me? How could you let her get away like that? I just want to see my son.”

  “What was I supposed to do? That’s my friend. Trust me, she’ll be back. If she didn’t want to see you, she never would have came back. Just give her some time. Especially since you’re now with Brittany. If memory serves me right, you and that boot mouth bitch is the reason why she left in the first place. This shit ain’t gone do nothing but cause more drama. I love you Dro and you know that, but you did this shit to yourself,” I said out of breath, and headed to my car.

  Today was just too much on me and I was mentally exhausted from the day’s events. I just wanted to go home and cater to my husband and kids.


  I walked in the house and Thug was knocked out sleep on the couch. I checked on all the kids and they were asleep as well. Since they were all sound asleep, I decided to take that time to cater to Thug. I ran him some bath water and placed some rose petals inside of the tub. Since the water was a little too hot, I waited for his water to cool off before I woke him up. I used that time to roll him up a fat ass blunt and pour him a double shot of Remy.

  “Wake up, Bae,” I gently shook him and he sat up quickly.

  “What’s up?” he said as he wiped his eyes and looked at his phone.

  “Nothing. I ran you some bath water. Come on upstairs so I can bathe you. I just want to make you feel better,” I said as I tried to pull him up from the couch.

  “Now you know damn well I don’t take no baths. Real niggas take showers. Go and get the shower ready for me. I’ll b
e up in a minute. Thanks, babe.”

  He kissed me on the forehead and started looking through his phone. I hurried up and walked away because I knew at any minute he was going to go ape shit about me arguing with Peaches. Just thinking about it had me feeling really bad. A part of me wanted to call her and apologize. But if I apologize, it would be like I was wrong. I stand firm in everything that I said to her with regards to Thug.

  Pretty early in our relationship, I realized how much they depended on him and how much he catered to them and made sure they were okay. Now don’t get me wrong, I love how he loves his family. I never had the type of love that they have for one another, so it’s heartwarming to see their bond. However, Peaches has given Thug the responsibility of being the father that they never really had around. Malik and Ta’Jay look at him as a father figure because that’s how he treats them and that’s a good thing. He does that shit from his heart because he loves them. However, Peaches makes it like he’s obligated to be their father figure. She might not see it that way, but that’s how it looks to me.

  “What the hell is Peaches talking about you disrespected her?”

  Damn I thought it was going to be Malik, I thought to myself.

  “I didn’t disrespect her, Ka’Jaire. I spoke the truth and she got mad. I told her that she was wrong for the way she treated you. As your wife I have the right to speak in your defense, and if that’s wrong, then so be it. Don’t you dare tell me to apologize because I’m not.”

  I could see it all in his face that he wanted me to apologize but I had to let his know up front that shit wasn’t happening at all.

  “I’m not saying it’s wrong, Ta-Baby and I’m not telling you to apologize. However, I’m a grown man and I can speak up for myself. I know that you love me and you go hard as fuck for me. I love you more because of the way that you love me. The sexiest thing outside of your beauty is how big your heart is on the inside. It’s my job to take care of you, not the other way around.”