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Thug Mansion (Thug Passion Book 8) Page 7

I just shook my head at him because here he was standing in front of me being big, bad Thug. Acting like her behavior didn’t faze him, but I know that I did. I wanted to snap on his ass. Instead, I just remained quiet and walked out of the bathroom and past him. I stripped down to my panties and bra and climbed up in my bed.

  “You’re just going to walk away and not say anything?” Thug sat next to me on the bed and flamed up the blunt.

  “It’s not that I don’t want to say anything. It’s just that you’re making me feel like saying something was wrong. You’re my husband and I have the right to defend your honor, even if it’s your mother.”

  Thug grabbed my legs and placed my feet in his lap. He kissed on each one of my toes.

  “I don’t know what I would do without you, Tahari. I’m so appreciative and grateful for all that you do for me. Never think that shit go unnoticed. You were not wrong for defending me. I apologize if I made you feel that way. This shit is between you and Peaches. I’m not getting in the middle of that shit. Both of y’all know better than to be at odds with one another. We’re a family and I expect y’all to fix it. I know it’s hard for you to understand, but Peaches and I have a relationship that only we understand. Yeah her words hurt me, but I know that it wasn’t her intention to do that. I’ll handle it. I love you, man,” he grabbed my face and kissed me.

  “I love you, too.”

  He removed his clothes and climbed in bed. I laid my head on his chest and listened to his strong heartbeat. It was like a lullaby because it put me right to sleep. I was sleeping good too until Thug woke me up.

  “Wakeup, Bae. Khia is here.”

  I sat straight up when I heard him say that. All I could think about was that bitch getting the fuck out of dodge on my ass yesterday.

  “Let me handle my personal hygiene. Tell her I’ll be down in a minute. I hope she ready to deal with Dro because all this running not right. She need to sit down and talk him.”

  “I’m glad she showed up too, but you know I try to stay out of people relationships. I’ll go down and let her know.”

  “Wait a minute, nigga. I’m gone need you to put on a T-shirt and make sure it cover your dick print. Khia my bitch and all, but I’m not comfortable with her seeing your bare chest or your dick print in them basketball shorts. I’m not saying that you or her would take it there, but I want to take precautions for what’s mine and at the same time refrain from murdering her ass.”

  I grabbed his dick and he made his chest jump like I like. I thought that he was going to say something smart but he grabbed a T-shirt and put it on.

  “Are you happy now, Boss Lady?”

  I nodded my head in approval and he headed out the door. My baby had become so mild-mannered and humble these days. Retirement has made him a better man.

  When I walked into the living room, I was taken aback at the sight of Khia bouncing a baby girl on her leg. She looked up at me with the saddest eyes ever. I rushed over to her and she started to cry and hold the baby tighter.

  “I never should have come back.”

  Tears were streaming down her face and she was shaking uncontrollably.

  “Calm down, Khia and tell me what’s wrong?”

  She was crying so hard that I could barely get any understanding from her.

  “I went over to the house and she answered the door. He got that bitch in my house, Ta-Baby. I wanted to be the bigger person and allow him to meet his daughter. Now I’m gone make sure he never sees her,” Khia yelled, causing the baby to start crying. I grabbed the baby from her arms and rocked her.

  “Now you know I’m Team Khia all day, but you left him. I know you didn’t think that nigga was gone keep looking for you and you were purposely hiding from him. I’m not condoning a damn thing Dro has done because the shit is dead ass wrong on so many levels. However, that was your nigga and you never should’ve walked away. You left the door open for that bitch to slide right in your motherfucking spot. You’re a motherfucking Boss Lady and we don’t run from nothing. We fuck shit up. Now while you’re sitting your ass on my couch crying, looking all ugly and shit, you need to be over there beating that bitch the fuck up.”

  Khia was pissing me off with this weak shit right now.

  “I know that it’s my fault he moved on, but what was I supposed to do when he was basically showing me that he didn’t want to be with me. I was tired of fighting him and I wasn’t about to let him hurt me anymore than he already had. I didn’t start regretting it until I gave birth and looked into my daughter’s beautiful face.”

  Before I could respond, someone begin ringing the doorbell repeatedly. Khia and I looked at each other and Thug came walking from the back with a smirk on his face.

  “Really, Thug?”

  He opened the door and Dro rushed in. Khia’s ass took off again running up the stairs in my house with Dro hot on her ass. I looked at him and shook my head because he was a sneaky motherfucker for doing that. These niggas know they stick together. That’s why me and my girls be on good bullshit with their asses.

  “Don’t say shit. My nigga deserves to know he has a daughter. Now sit there and mind your business.”

  I rolled my eyes and sat back to listen to Khia and Dro tearing shit up and I hoped they knew they were paying for whatever the fuck they broke in my shit.

  Chapter 10- Is Your Heart Still Mine


  I was so damn out of breath running from Dro. Tahari and Thug house was like a damn fortress so I was running all over the place but a bitch was tired. I looked behind me and noticed that Dro was on my ass. I tried to turn into one of the rooms but he caught me by my long ass weave and jerked my ass back so hard that he damn near broke my neck. I fell backwards on my ass hard as hell. He dragged me be my hair until he found a guest room.

  “Let me go, Dro!”

  “Shut the fuck up! You up and leave a year and half ago and come back only to have me chasing after your ass. Where the fuck have you been and where the fuck is my son?”

  “Please Dro, just stop pulling my hair and I’ll tell you!” He roughly pushed me away by my hair and I jumped up on his ass and started swinging like a mad woman.

  “How dare you put your motherfucking hands on me like you give a fuck? Ya bitch ass laid up in my fucking house with that thot ass bitch Brittany and think the shit cool.”

  He lifted me up and pinned me down on the bed in way that the only thing I could move was my head from side to side.

  “Calm your ass down. I fucked up okay and I didn’t realize that until you and Khiandre were gone. I know that there is nothing I can say that will change all the hurt and pain that I caused you. Just give me a chance to do right by you and my son. Come home, Khia. I know you came by and saw Brittany but me and her are no longer together. We’re just co-parenting for the sake of our daughter. Yes, I was fucking with her from time to time while you’ve been gone, but what the fuck did you expect me to do.”

  Dro let me go and sat down on the side of the bed next to me. He rubbed his hand over his face in frustration.

  “I expected for you to not get another bitch pregnant and treat me like shit. Do you actually think I wanted to just up and leave you? Dro, you basically shitted on me for Brittany. After I made a mistake and shot Khiandre things were worse and you acted as if you hated me. I just couldn’t take it so I took our son and left. During that time, I met someone and we’ve been together ever since. Three months after I was gone, I found out I was pregnant with your daughter. That little girl Tahari was holding is our daughter Khelani. Khiandre is here as well, I dropped him off over Barbie’s house so he could play with Lil’ Malik and Malikhi.”

  I reached out to touch Dro but he knocked my hand away and walked out of the room. I jumped up and followed him down the stairs. I made sure to keep some distance between us. He might get the urge to turn around and smack the shit out of me. Dro walked over to Tahari and she handed him Khelani . He just looked at her for a minute before kissing her all over h
er face.

  “I don’t know who the fuck that nigga is you been with and I don’t give a fuck. All I know is you better tell that motherfucker it’s over and bring ya ass home. I’m taking my fucking kids home with me. You have less than twenty four hours to bring your ass home.”

  Dro walked out of the door with our daughter and her diaper bag without so much as looking back. I sat down on the couch and put my head down in my hands.

  “Go tell that nigga it’s over lil’ sis before shit get out of hand. You already know how Thug Inc. coming. Stop with all the bullshit and save that man life. He had no idea what he was getting himself into. I love you sis, and welcome back,” Thug patted me on the shoulder and walked out of the door like it was nothing. I rolled my eyes at his ass too, because it’s all his damn fault Dro caught up with my ass.

  “I hate when they start with them egos and shit. However, you know they gone be at that nigga head. So it’s up to you if you want that nigga blood on your hands. Who the fuck is he anyway?”

  I was dreading that question but I knew I had to tell who it was.

  “Adonis,” I said just above a whisper.

  “Come again.”

  “I’ve been in a relationship with Thug’s brother Adonis. About a month after I left, I bumped into him at the mall. We exchanged numbers and we started talking on the phone. One thing led to another and we took things to the next level. Adonis was giving me everything that Dro wasn’t. I think that’s what made me fall for him so easy and so fast. We both knew that shit had the potential to get us both fucked up, but at the time we didn’t care. We didn’t want to cause any trouble so that’s why we’ve been MIA.

  “The sad part is that he’s a really good guy. He’s been good to me and my kids. This shit is going to be so hard because I was supposed to be coming here to tell Dro about my relationship with him. I never really wanted to do it because my heart was still with Dro. Now I have to go home and break this nigga heart.”

  “Oh my God, Khia. This shit has the potential to have bad ass consequences. Thug is going to spazz the fuck out when he finds out. Take your ass over there and end the shit immediately. Hurry up because Dro psycho ass is in rare form this morning.”

  Tahari and I embraced one another and I left. It only took me a little under a hour to get home. I was still living in the State of Illinois, just not Chicago. The whole ride over I was shaking in my Giuseppe’s because this man had changed jobs and everything for me. I felt bad as fuck, but not bad to the point where I would change my mind about calling things off. In reality, it was the best thing to do because I’m not in love with Adonis. I have love for him and I appreciate everything he has done for me but my heart is with Dro. I shook my head at myself because I had to be the dumbest bitch on Earth to still love Dro. I’m learning the hard way that the heart wants who it wants, no matter who you’re with.


  As I drove up to the house, I observed an all-black Lincoln Town car pulling out of the driveway. That was odd to me because we never had visitors. Although Adonis was a police officer and had a lot of powerful friends on the force, he still moved with caution because he was a Santerelli. From what he told me, he had to be careful at all times because there were still so many enemies lurking in the shadows. Being with Dro, I understood that firsthand.

  Adonis was sitting on the couch when I walked inside of the house. I sat down next to him on the couch and reached out to touch his leg.

  “There’s something I need to tell you, Khia. I just hope when I’m finished telling you, we can still remain friends.”

  I laughed inwardly because this nigga was getting ready to dump my ass which was fine because it made me feel a lot better than just walking out on him. He’d been good to me and he didn’t deserve for me to just leave him.

  “Please don’t spare my feelings, Adonis. Just tell me what’s going on.”

  “I’ve been cheating on you with someone else and I really love her. I’m sorry to tell you like this, but I just can’t keep living a lie and lying to you.”

  “How long has this been going on, Adonis?”

  “Since before we met. We had a bad break up but we both realized that with each other is where we wanted to be. I’m really sorry, Khia. You know that I love you and the kids.”

  “It’s fine, Adonis. I was actually coming here to tell you that I was going back to Dro. I’m sorry as well because you’ve been so good to us. We can both agree that this is over. No one knows about us but Tahari. I can assure you that our secret will not be revealed to the rest of the family. Let’s just act like this has never happened. This actually works out perfect for you. I know how much you want to know your brothers. Now is the perfect time to start bonding with them. I’m going to grab a couple of items and I’ll be out of your way. Thanks for being there when I needed you the most. Know that in me you have a friend for life.

  “I’m glad to know that we can be friends. Call me if there is anything you or the kids need.”

  Adonis and I exchanged hugs and we officially parted ways. I packed as much as I could and headed back home to Dro. I didn’t even know how to act being around Dro. It had been so long since we interacted with one another. I really had no idea what to expect from him. The one thing I did know was we had to have a conversation about him and the bitch Brittany, because I know while I was away they had something going on. Which is way more than them just co-parenting. That’s bullshit and Dro is going to have to come better than that if he thinks things between us are going to just go back to normal.

  Chapter 11- Where I Want to Be


  A man will never see the error in his ways until he’s left alone to fend for himself. I would be the first nigga to admit that it ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone. That’s how I’ve been feeling since Khia walked out on me over a year and a half ago. I thought she was just in her feelings and she would come back in a week or so. She definitely showed my ass never to underestimate a hurt woman. I still can’t believe that she up and left like that without so much as a word.

  The thing that hurt me the most was the fact that she took Khiandre from me. I don’t give fuck what I was doing in these streets. If she wanted to leave to find herself that was fine, but she was never supposed to take him away from me. What’s worse is the fact that she had given birth to my daughter during her time away from me. She had been hiding good as fuck. I had one of the best private detectives looking for her and even he couldn’t find her. It was like she had disappeared off the face of the Earth. Now that she was back, I wanted to know what nigga she’d been with.

  I most definitely wanted to fuck the nigga over. Just thinking about this nigga being around my kids has me hot and wanting to beat Khia’s ass. I know that I brought all of this shit on myself, but I’m a nigga and this is how the fuck we react when we aren’t in control of the situation. There’s nothing that I can do but sit back and pray she comes home to a nigga. In the meantime, I was enjoying this time getting to know my daughter.

  Tears came to my eyes as she laid on my chest sleeping. I’d missed out on everything and that shit hurt. Khiandre was in bed, knocked out as well. He’s been under me since I picked him up from Barbie’s house. I knew my little nigga had missed me just as much as I’d missed him. This shit was the life right here.

  I had shared custody with my older kids’ maternal grandmother. I only get to see them on holidays and weekends. I have my daughter by Brittany on a regular because all she wants to do is party and bullshit. Brittany and I were getting along until Khia came to the house while she was here. I don’t know why the bitch was all in her feelings. She knew what the fuck it was when this shit got started. I told her ass from the jump Khia had my heart and whenever I found her, she was coming back home. This bitch was quick to say she was cool with the shit so I would continue fucking with her. Now she’s in her feelings about Khia being back, but I don’t give a fuck. My main concern is being in all my kids’ lives. I just want to be a
better father to them and an even better husband to Khia.

  This shit with Sarge and Ta’Jay has put some shit on my heart. I need to make sure my home front is in order. I’d lost Khia to another nigga behind me chasing pussy out here in these streets. I don’t have to be out here on that bullshit when I have everything in her. I could only hope that we can get back to our happy place. I promised to make her happy and never make her feel the way the nigga Nico did.

  I have to make up for the promises that I broke. The sound of the alarm beeping made me remove my daughter from my chest and lay her next to her brother. I hopped up and stood at the top of the stairs, which overlooked the foyer of the house. I was happy as hell on the inside to see Khia was standing there with her suitcases. I walked down the stairs to grab the bags from her.

  “Where are the kids?” she asked, not making eye contact with me.

  “They’re upstairs in the bed sleeping.”

  “I hope you weren’t fucking that bitch in that bed. I don’t want my fucking kids laying in that bitch pussy juice. As a matter of fact, that bitch has been in this house I don’t even want to stay in this house!”

  Khia turned around and tried to leave back out of the house but I pulled her in close to me. I hugged her so tight that she could barely move. I could tell from her touch she was trying not to give in, but that made me grab her face and kiss her.

  “How could you do this to us?”

  I was now rubbing my face where she had smacked the shit out of me. Before I could respond, she just starting hitting me. She was knocking the shit out of me, but I took the shit because I knew I deserved it.

  “I’m sorry, Khia,” I said as I pushed her up against the front door and held her hands above her head.

  “No you’re not. You just saying that shit to make me stay here,” Khia said as she quickly wiped tears from her eyes.

  “If you weren’t staying, you never would have come back.”

  I ripped her blouse off of her, causing all of the buttons to fly off, exposing the black lace bra she was wearing. Her titties were sitting up just right. I couldn’t help but to bend down and place succulent kisses on each one of them. I got down on my knees and unbuttoned her pants. I looked up at her just in case she wanted me to stop, but the way she was biting on her bottom lip in anticipation told me to keep going. I unzipped her pants and slowly removed them with her assistance. I turned her around so that she was facing the door. In one swift motion, I ripped her thong off of her. I ran my tongue up and down the crack of her ass. I went in for the kill and I started eating her ass like a buffet, fuck them groceries.