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Thug Mansion (Thug Passion Book 8) Page 5

  “Don’t do my baby like that. She’s passionate about her animals.”

  We both laughed and dapped it up before he left. Since I’d cooled down, I walked through the house to find Barbie. I heard her and Ta’Jay talking. Of course my nosey ass wanted to know what was being said so I stood outside of the door.

  “You have to tell Sarge, Ta’Jay.”

  “How can I tell my husband that our daughter might not be his?”

  I appeared in the doorway and they immediately stopped talking. The look on my face let them know I’d heard what they said.

  “Either you tell him or I am. I don’t know what the fuck wrong with you but you better stop it with all this fucking thot ass behavior. You’re my sister and I love you, but I will fuck you up. I’m not your husband who’s sitting over there in the house waiting for your ass to come home, knowing that you out without another nigga. As a matter of fact, get the fuck out my house and take your ass home. Tell that man, Ta’Jay. He deserves to know.”

  “Stop being so hard on her, Malik. This is really hard for her.”

  “Shut the fuck up, Barbie! It wasn’t hard when she had her legs in the air or her pussy in that nigga mouth. Sarge don’t deserve this shit. It’s one thing to be cheating, but a baby is involved. He crazy about Ta’Jariea and both of y’all know it. I’m not even surprised that you condoning this shit. I forgot you got sneaky pussy, too.”

  “Nigga please, you had community dick wayyy before I got sneaky pussy. While you talking shit nigga, you love this sneaky pussy. And while you worried about why her pussy in another nigga mouth, this one over here needs some mouth action. Nigga you slipping.”

  “Get the shit slapped out of you. While you running off at your mouth about what the fuck I need to be doing, I’m gone need some of that mouth from your ass. Quit talking shit, Barbie. I advise you to shut the fuck up before I drop something off in it. Get the fuck out Ta’Jay and go talk to Sarge. Barbie, bring your sneaky pussy ass on. My dick hard from all that talking you doing.”

  They both looked at me like I was crazy, but I was dead ass serious.

  “You’re one ignorant ass motherfucker. I swear to God don’t you ever say shit else to me.”

  Ta’Jay pushed past me and walked out the door. I didn’t care that she was mad about some shit that she created. I would be less of a brother to condone that shit. Sarge is so in love with their daughter. He prayed for a daughter for so long after they lost their first daughter. Don’t get me wrong, he loves Lil’ Sarge and Sema’Jay, but Ta’Jariea is his heart. So for Ta’Jay to be acting like this shit is okay is not cool at all. That man is over there feeling like shit for cheating on her so he’s accepting her infidelity. Not fully knowing there’s more to it. She might hate me now, but she’ll love me later. They all hate me when I’m spitting real shit. I don’t mind being hated because I speak the truth.


  “You gone do this dick, or nah?” I said as I laid back in our bed, asshole naked.

  Barbie walked inside of the room looking sexy as fuck. It seemed like the older we got, the sexier she got. She’s so self-conscious about her weight after our last baby that all she does is work out, waist train, and eat healthy. She’s starving the shit out of me and our kids. I’m glad that she wants to keep her shit right and tight. There’s nothing worse than a bitch that lets herself go. If your ass started out looking like Beyoncé, don’t let a nigga wake up and ya looking like Precious. That shit is the ultimate deal breaker.

  “I’ll give you all the pussy you want if you give me money for a new wig,” Barbie said as she stood in the mirror in nothing but a hot pink corset and thong. She made her ass jiggle on purpose, playing with a nigga.

  “Hell no. That’s why your ass bald-headed now,” I jumped out of the bed and grabbed her ass around her waist.

  “Let me go, Malik. You play too damn much.”

  “Don’t get mad at me because you ain’t got no edges. I told your ass a long time ago to stop wearing that shit in your head.”

  “Babe, you know that I hate my real hair.”

  Barbie turned around, wrapped her arms around my neck, and sucked on my bottom lip. She knew exactly what she was doing.

  “You’re my wife and I love you. So you don’t have to lie to me. I know underneath all that shit, you’re looking like Suge Knight. I’m glad you wear that shit though, because when I’m hitting it from the back you give a nigga something to pull on while I’m off in them guts. That’s what I call teamwork. Now give Daddy a kiss,” I puckered up my lips and she muffed me. I picked her ass up, threw her over my shoulder, and smacked her on her ass repeatedly, “You gone do this dick! You gone do this dick!”

  “Ahhhhh! Yeah I’m gone do your dick!”

  I threw her on the bed and we started wrestling. These days, no matter how much we might argue or fight, we intend to never go to bed mad. We just have a different type of way of showing our affection. She pushed me back on the bed and straddled me. I ripped her thong off and she slid down on my dick without hesitation. Barbie got that wet wet. My eyes started rolling in the back of my head as she began to rock back and forth. I had to grab her hips and try to take control so that I wouldn’t bust quick. The sight of her bouncing up and down on my dick had a nigga about to be a minute man. Lord knows I’ve got the stamina of a bull, but she was just feeling too good at the moment.

  “Slow down, Bae,” I moaned out as I bit my bottom lip. She knocked my hands away and began to bounce hard as hell.

  “You wanted me to do this dick, right?” she asked as she turned around and started riding me backwards.

  “You doing that motherfucker, too.”

  I smacked her on both of her ass cheeks, making sure to leave my handprints. Not long after, I was cumming long and hard all up in her ass. Her ass better be lucky she’s on birth control because those were twins right there.

  “So are you going to buy me some hair or not?”

  I knew that was coming. Damn shame my own wife was using her pussy to trick me out of some damn weave.

  “Of course. You know you can have whatever you like.”

  “I’m glad you said that because the hair is four thousand dollars, but it’s well worth it.”

  “Really, Barbie? You can go down there to the beauty supply and get some packs of Remy like all these other bitches do.”

  “That’s the thing. I’m not average like these other bitches. I’m a Boss Lady. I roll with nothing but them pretty bitches and siddity bitches. Fuck I look like walking out the house with Giuseppe’s on my feet and beauty supply hair in my head. Don’t try me Malik, because you dress to impress. So don’t try to send me out here looking a fool because you for damn sure don’t walk out the door looking a fool.”

  I just shook my head because she was trying to figure out anything she could to make wanting four thousand dollar hair in her head okay. At any rate, of course she could get it. I love for her to look beautiful, so if the hair was forty thousand dollars I would have got it for her. I just like to talk shit. I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t.

  As I lay in bed, I decided to flame up a blunt because I needed to relax my mind. I was so upset with Ta’Jay for being reckless. True she’s a grown woman and very capable of making her own decisions. However, the one thing I know is that she can’t handle the repercussions of her decisions. This nigga Cam ain’t shit to her but something to do. I know for a fact she’s not going to be able to handle it if Sarge leaves her. The more I laid here, the more a feeling came over me that I couldn’t shake. I had a feeling some shit wasn’t right. I jumped out of bed and started putting on my clothes.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I have a bad feeling, babe. I need to hit up Thug and head over to Ta’Jay house. Some shit don’t feel right. Just stay by the phone.”

  I kissed Barbie on the forehead and I rushed out the house. Although Ta’Jay and I aren’t twins, we just have this sixth sense about each other.

  Chapter 7- Sins
of the Wife


  I sat in my driveway too afraid to go inside. This shit had been a long time coming, I just didn’t know how to go about telling Sarge. A lot has happened in such a short time. I’m now the mother of a beautiful baby girl I named Ta’Jariea. Despite me being so in love with Sarge, I still felt as though I was missing something. I found that comfort and understanding in Cam. It started out as innocent flirting when I would take Sarge to the barbershop or go do pickups for Malik. One thing led to another when we started inboxing each other on Facebook. That led to us fucking via Facetime. It was crazy how he was able to get my body to do things without even physically touching me. It was the sound of his voice commanding me to cum and the way he jacked off as he watched me.

  In that one time I did something with somebody outside of my husband and I loved it. As soon as I did it, I regretted it. But it made me want him in a more physical way. We’d been fucking around for months and I didn’t stop until I was pregnant with my daughter. That was because I had no idea who the father was. There was a sixty percent chance it was my husband’s and a strong ass forty percent chance it was Cam’s. I thought that if I cut off all ties that would ease my worries, but my entire pregnancy I was scared shitless. The moment I gave birth and looked her, I was scared because she didn’t look like Sarge. She was the splitting image of me. When Cam heard I gave birth, he started reaching out to me talking about he wanted to see his daughter. I didn’t know what to do so I ignored his ass and avoided him.

  This nigga was throwing out threats like my brothers wouldn’t murder his ass. I didn’t want to tell them about this shit. I thought that I could handle the shit on my own. That’s how I ended up in the position I was in today. We were supposed to be discussing the baby but my pussy ended up in the nigga mouth. Now Thug and Malik know. I know it’s about to be some shit because Cam thinks he tough and my brothers are beasts. Not to mention my husband. Sarge is going to murder him and me. I knew I couldn’t sit in my car any longer. I got out of the car and headed inside to face the music.

  As I walked up to my door I started reciting Psalm 23:4 in my head.

  Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

  Laugh all you want to, death was in my near future and I needed a little more Jesus. I walked through the house looking for Sarge while I still had the courage to come clean. I knew once he found out about the possibility of our daughter not being his, our marriage was over. I can’t blame anybody but myself, so I was prepared for whatever.

  I found him out on the patio, smoking a blunt, and drinking out of a big ass Remy bottle. I sat beside him and I felt like shit. I looked at my hustling ass husband and then at the lavish ass estate we lived in. He’s always given me the world. Cam had money, but nothing compared to my husband. I just became overwhelmed and started shedding tears. I reached and touched his leg but he knocked it off of him.

  “Don’t touch me!”

  I bit my bottom lip and I rubbed my hands up and down my legs nervously.

  “There’s something I have to tell you.”

  “What? About that broke fuck nigga Cam. No need for you to confess shit, I already know. It was one thing for you to be out cheating. I would’ve fucked him over, but in the past I cheated. So I guess had that shit coming. But my daughter, Ta’Jay. That’s my daughter. How could you do this to me? I’ve fucked bitches but I would never leave room for any bitch to bring a baby to our doorstep. No matter what I’ve done to you, I would never do no shit like. That’s the ultimate disrespect.

  “So, you fucked that nigga raw, huh? Turned around and looked me in my face everyday. Laid next to me and made love to me like it was nothing. I give you your props, though. That shit was real gangsta. I respect that, but I’m going to keep it gangsta with you as well. I been had her tested and that’s my fucking daughter without a doubt. By the way, I want a divorce. You can keep all this shit.”

  Sarge grabbed some papers from under the lawn chair and threw them at me making sure they hit me in my face. I caught them and I looked at the DNA test and it read that at 99.9 percent, he was indeed her father. I folded it up and picked up the divorce papers. My tears were actually falling on the papers.

  “Is this really what you want, Sarge? Can we at least try to get through this?”

  “We can’t try shit. The last bitch that hesitated when I wanted her to sign divorce papers is pushing up daises. Sign them papers. If you lied about our daughter’s paternity, then I can’t trust you. Just sign the papers. Let’s not make this shit all long and drawn out. I’ll take care of my kids. You can have everything I bought for you during the marriage, including the cars. You also still have access to our joint account. I’m here as the father of your children, but I simply can’t be here to be your husband.

  “This shit has been going on for months and I tried to give the chance to see if you would remember you were married. The last straw was when I physically saw you having sex with that nigga in the boutique that I put my blood, sweat, and tears in to make sure that you could pursue your dreams. Yeah, I saw everything, so don’t deny shit. Please don’t make this shit harder than it has to be. Sign the papers.”

  He threw a pen at me and I caught it before it fell. I sat in the lawn chair and cried the ugliest cry ever. The entire time he stood there without a care in the world. I looked in his eyes and I knew he was dead ass serious.

  “You fucked up repeatedly during the course of our relationship and I accepted you back with open arms. I fuck up once and just like that it’s over. Really, Sarge?”

  He stood silent and continued to stare a hole through me. There was nothing I could say to persuade him to change his mind. I signed the divorce papers and handed them to him.

  “I’ll take the kids with me tonight and I’ll bring them back sometime tomorrow.”

  He snatched the paper out of my hand and walked away. My head was spinning because I didn’t expect for him to want a divorce. I woke up this morning with intentions of ending the shit with Cam once and for all. I had no idea I would go to bed divorced.

  I hurried up and wiped the tears from my face as Lil’ Sarge came and gave me a hug. He was such a big boy, standing tall at ten years old. He’s grown up so fast on me it seems like yesterday I was in labor with him. Sema’Jay was standing off to the side being his usual quiet self. He was a momma’s boy, so I knew at any minute he would be crying. At five years old, he was very smart and observant. Sarge looked away as he handed me our daughter so that I could kiss her. She’d just started walking and was getting into everything. He quickly walked out the house without looking at me. Seconds later, I could hear arguing. I cringed when I heard this nigga Cam outside acting a fool. I ran towards the front door and rushed outside. Cam had a big ass gun holding it down to the side.

  “What the fuck are you doing, Cam?” I screamed jumping in front of Sarge and my kids.

  “Take the kids and go in the house,” Sarge roared.

  “Take your sons in the house, but you can bring my daughter over here.”

  I looked at his ass and I tried to rush inside of the house. That’s when I heard the first gun shot. I didn’t feel the pain until I hit the ground, which made me drop my daughter. After that, the sound of gunfire was going off in rapid succession. I felt something on my back and I knew it was Sarge because he was grunting like he was in pain. I could hear my kids crying in the distance. The pain in my back was burning like hell and it was so painful.

  “Oh fuck!” I heard Malik say.

  “No! No! No!” I heard Thug say and it seemed like he was kicking something. I tried keeping my eyes open but I just couldn’t. I was cold and sleepy.

  “Hold on, sis! Don’t close your eyes!”

  “I’m sleepy, Thug.”

  “Ta’Jay! Ta’Jay!” The last thing I remembered was him calling my name before everything faded to black.

er 8- Family Matters


  When Malik called me I thought that he was exaggerating, but that shit changed when we pulled up in Sarge and Ta’Jay’s driveway. I can still see it in my head when that nigga shot my sister in her back like a coward. Then he turned the gun on Sarge and fired. At the same time, we were letting off rounds in that nigga. He went out blazing all over some pussy that never belonged to him. Now my sister and Sarge are in the hospital fighting for their lives. The only reason we aren’t sitting in jail is because they live on private land. That nigga was definitely sleeping with the fishes.

  As I sit in this emergency room looking at my family and my crew, I can’t help but think that I failed them. I’m supposed to know what the fuck is going on with my family at all times. I’m the head of this family. This shit was never supposed to happen. It had been hours and they were both still in surgery. My niece and nephews were shaken up, but they weren’t hit. Thank God for that.

  I just keep hearing my mother screaming and hollering through the phone. She was on her way out here on a private jet with Quaadir and Keesha. I had to close my eyes tight to keep from shedding tears. My sister and Sarge were really fucked up. Sarge looked dead. That nigga hit him all in his chest and stomach. I just started kicking the chair in front of me in anger. I was supposed to be there to protect them. There’s no way my niece and nephews can grow up without their parents.

  “Everything is going to be okay, baby.”

  Tahari rubbed her hand over my back trying to calm me down and in a way, it did. Her soft touch and angelic voice were the only things that could calm a nigga down at the moment.

  “I fucked up, babe. I should’ve went and hollered at that nigga immediately when Malik told me about the shit. Did you know about this shit?” she hesitated to answer, so I knew she knew. I’m not surprised, though. All the Boss Ladies stick together and ride with each other until the very end.