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King and I 2: A Royal Love Affair Page 5

  “Watch your motherfucking mouth with the disrespect. She ain’t no bitch. If anything your cunt ass is the bitch. That’s why I just smacked the fuck out you. Now, this is my last time telling your slow Dizzy Dora ass that you’re not my woman. The next time you walk your bitch ass up on me flexing I’m gone give your ass some hot shit. Ain’t nobody exempt from catching these hollow tips. Now, with that being said if you mad at me we can end this business relationship and this fucking friendship. Don’t ever think because I let you sit on or taste the throne your ass is entitled to be in my world. Bitch you’re not worthy of that.

  “All that shit you saying ain’t even necessary. You’re pulling on my hair and slapping me. Why are you being so fucking heartless King?”

  “Because I’m a heartless ass nigga and I don’t give a fuck. I told you that shit from the jump. I told you not to fall in love with me. I’m that nigga that’s going to break your fucking heart. I can not give you what you looking for Karma. Now get the fuck up and handle your business. I need a count before the fucking day is over. Tighten the fuck up and get your shit together.” I held my hand out and tried to help her off the floor. Instead of her getting up she crawled closer to me, unzipped my pants, and released my dick.

  “I’m sorry, it won’t happen again.” She said as she began to suck my dick, as if her life depended on it. I grabbed the back of her head and made sure to punish the shit out of her face and her throat. I know ya’ll mad about what I’m doing, but this shit is business. Without Karma I don’t get to keep these buildings or my operation. So, if letting this bitch suck my dick keeps my money flowing then so be it. There’s a method to my madness. The worse I talk to this bitch, the harder she goes for my fucking cause. The money will forever and always be the fucking motive. At the same time, I need to put a backup plan into place because I know that with this bitch being in her feelings she has the potential to fuck up my bread.


  I had been riding around looking for my father for hours with no such luck. I swear I was going to do his ass in when I got a hold of his snake ass. I knew he would be coming around sooner or later, thinking it was cool to try and get more money, but I gave whatever nigga he approached the green light to fuck him up, and hold him until I got there. I was having a hard time dealing with the fact that this nigga crossed me. I was tired as fuck and all I wanted to do was lay my ass down, but I knew Siyah was about to go full force on my ass. A nigga was not prepared.

  “What’s up daddy’s princess?” I said, as I lifted her out of the bed and begin to play with her. Siyah was sitting up in bed reading on her Kindle as usual. She was doing all of this fucking reading, but she needed to be over at her damn place of business building her company, Princess Publications. I have been meaning to say something to her, but I was giving her time to heal and be comfortable with daycare for our daughter.

  “Did you cook something?”

  “There’s leftovers from yesterday.” She said dryly, and not looking up at me as I spoke to her.

  “Go make me a plate, a nigga hungry as fuck.” She stood up and walked out of the room. About ten minutes later she returned with a plate full of food. I started to feel bad looking at it because I knew she had slaved hard in the kitchen cooking that meal for me.

  “Why you didn’t tell me you cooked this?” She ignored me and continued to act like she was really reading.

  “You don’t hear me talking to you Siyah?” I asked, as I snatched the Kindle from her hand and threw the bitch across the room. I hated when she did this shit. I swear I’ve had to purchase about five new cellphones and this will be the third Kindle because I heard the screen when it cracked.

  “I don’t want to talk.”

  “Fuck you mean you don’t want to talk!”

  “Like I said, I don’t want to talk. When I want to talk you don’t want talk to me. Instead you shut me out or treat me like shit. So don’t say shit to me and I won’t say shit to you. I’m cool on you Kingston.”

  “Is that right?” I said laughing it off, at the same time as I continued to eat. I was trying my best not to go spazz out on her. At the same time she was looking sexy as fuck in nothing but a t-shirt and her panties.

  “I’m so right. You can go back and talk to that bitch as far as I’m concerned. I’m cool and that’s a step away from me not giving a fuck, and when I no longer give a fuck we got problems.” Before I knew it I threw my plate of food up against the wall.

  “Chill the fuck out Siyah before you take me there.” I said, walking towards her. At the same time Princess started to cry and I felt bad because I startled her. I picked her up and walked out of the room with her. I stayed inside of Princess’s nursery until I was able to calm he down and put her to sleep. When I walked out of the room I realized Siyah and her car was gone. She was really trying me, acting childish. I’m physically and mentally exhausted. I don’t have it in me to go after her ass. I guess it’s better if I let her cool down anyway. I’ve never seen her snap out like that. It has me fucked up in the head a little bit.

  Chapter 8- Siyah

  I had to get the fuck out of that house before I went off. King and his nonchalant ass attitude was starting to get the best of me. I can’t stand his I ‘don’t give a fuck’ attitude. That shit bothers me the most. Like the first thing he should have done was walk in the house and give me some type of explanation about who the bitch was that was all in his face, not asking me what the fuck is for dinner. I should have spit in that shit, but I’m not devious like that.

  Every time I closed my eyes I saw that hoe falling all over him and crying. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist or a blind man to see that something is or was going on between them. It was obvious because he was trying his best to push her inside of the building as I walked up. Yeah, that nigga was hiding something and I swear if I found out anything I was leaving and taking my princess with me. Lord knows I want to be with King and I can’t wait to be his wife, but I don’t know what I’ll do if I find out he’s cheating on me. That shit would kill me because I did all that shit to leave Luca and that would make a bitch feel like such fool. I know these bitches are out here praying for our downfall. The last thing I want is to give these hoes what they want.


  “I just don’t know what to do Ma. I know he’s fucking that girl; I can feel it in my heart.” I had been over Nita’s house for the last hour, lying in bed with her. All I wanted was some of my mother’s wisdom and her tough love. I knew that Nita would tell what was right not what I wanted to hear.

  “You’re overthinking this shit Siyah. Don’t let these bitches knock you off your square. These hoes want King for themselves. So, there is going to be bullshit in the game. When you fuck with a nigga like that it comes with the territory. I told you that nigga got mad bitches and don’t think because he has popped the question to you and you guys have a baby that shit will change. It’s just up to you to play your role and play the shit out of it. You have to go hard. I told you don’t show any motherfucking signs of weakness when it comes to fucking with that nigga. He needs a strong woman by his side Siyah. Get your ass up and go home. King- Your King is at home in the bed that you guys share, in the home that he built for you and Princess. Fuck these bitches, they want what you got and I refuse to let you give it to them.

  “I’m not going to give them anything. The bitches ain’t even the problem, Ma, it’s King. He’s just so nonchalant about everything. It’s like he doesn’t understand that I have feelings and certain shit affects me. I just want him to be more affectionate to my needs as the woman in his life. I feel so disrespected by him.” My phone began to ring and I looked at the screen and declined it.

  “Why do you keep declining his calls? Something could be wrong with Princess.”

  “That’s not King, Ma, that’s Gutta.”

  “What the hell is he doing with your phone number? I’m telling you right now if I even think you fucking with that nigga I’m telling King. I
mean that shit from the bottom of my heart. You and I both know Gutta ain’t shit and ain’t gone ever be shit. I have a bad ass feeling about this shit. You know I be seeing shit before it happen.” Nita was now standing over me with her hands on her hips.

  “Really Nita? Tell me what you see?” I said, laughing at her ass.

  “I see Gutta in his closed casket and your ass on the run from King. Think this shit a game if you want to Siyah, and watch it with that Nita shit before I knock your teeth down your throat. Please stay away from Gutta because he don’t mean you know good baby girl.” My mom was stroking my face and I could see that she was in fact worried. I had never seen that look in her eyes and it was scary.

  “It’s okay, Ma. I promise you I’m not dealing with Gutta. I love Kingston with all my heart and I would never fuck up my relationship over Gutta stupid ass. I haven’t even answered any of his calls. As a matter of fact I’m deleting his number now because I have no intention of even entertaining him or the thought that there is a chance that I will allow him to fuck up my life. I’m grown as hell now Ma. I’m not fourteen-year-old Siyah, selling drugs and getting into trouble. I’ve grown tremendously and thanks to King life is wonderful. Let me head home to my family. I love you, Ma. I kissed her on the cheek and I headed home.

  The house was pitch black when I walked inside. I was glad the spiral staircase lit up as you walked up each step and they were heated. When I think of all the features our home has, I smile. King went all out when he designed it. I smiled when I walked inside our room. Princess was on King’s chest asleep with her thumb in her mouth. It was the sweetest pic ever and I had to get. You don’t want to miss precious moments like this. I quickly grabbed my phone and took a picture of them. I made sure to upload it with the caption “A King and his Princess”. I undressed and got ready to climb in bed with them and at the same time his phone begins to ring and it woke him up. He grabbed it and answered it while he placed Princess in between us.

  “I can’t get away right now. Just keep shit on lock and I’ll be there first thing in the morning. King powered off his phone and dressed down to his boxers. He climbed in bed and turned his back to me.

  “That bitch ain’t shit to me Siyah, it’s just business. You have nothing to worry about so stop stressing and overthinking shit.”

  “I try not to stress or overthink things King, but you make it so hard. I felt so disrespected today. Promise me that it’s all business between you and that girl.”

  “I promise Bae.” I reached out and rubbed his back because I just wanted to get a feel for his body language since he wasn’t even looking at me in my face. If he wanted me to believe that nothing was going on between him and this bitch he should have made eye contact with me instead of having me talking to his back. He had confirmed that there was indeed more than just business between them, but I had no proof. I wasn’t going to be the woman that goes looking through his phone or following him around. If it’s meant for me to find out some shit then it will fall in my lap. I’m not going to look for shit that’s going to hurt my feelings. Until then I’ll take one for the team and continue with my wifely and motherly duties. I wasn’t gone slack because there was a slight bump in the road. This shit only made me go

  harder in my relationship.

  Chapter 9-Santana

  King didn’t know how much I appreciated him giving me the new position. A nigga had been out in these streets dog hustling just trying to make it another day and stay alive. For as long as I could remember life had always been a struggle for me. I’ve been in and out of foster homes my entire life. I don’t even know whom my birth parents are and that’s cool that I don’t know because I might murder their asses. I could never understand how people just give their children up. The first thing that comes to their minds is them going to a good home, but they forget about the ones that don’t get adopted. I’ve been treated like shit by each and every foster family I had been to. I’ve been raped on several occasions by different bitches that were supposed to be my fucking foster mother. Hell yeah, I said raped. Them old pussy bitches took the dick from my ass and they all would tell me how big it was. Back then I just didn’t understand. How is a ten year old boy supposed to understand that because he is well endowed at a young age it’s okay for old, cob web, pussy ass ladies to suck and fuck on him? It’s been a long ass journey, but I’ve overcome and now I’m twenty-one and living the motherfucking life. I was living good before I met King, but now I’m living great and it ain’t a bitch or nigga out here that can tell me shit. People who have been raised by loving parents will never understand how the foster care system breeds savages. Ya’ll know I’m telling the truth. Some of these kids be real fucked up out here behind that shit. I have to thank God for my strength because the shit that I had been through I wouldn’t wish on my worse enemy. At the same time I’m glad I went through it and it made me the savage ass nigga I am today.


  “Why the fuck her hair looking like this?” I asked my baby momma, Lexus. This was the worse bitch I could have ever nutted in. My daughter Mercedes, hair was matted to her damn head. She was looking like one of them damn neglected animals on that pet abuse commercial. That’s some disturbing ass shit to look at one TV so just imagine how it is looking at my baby head like that.

  “Don’t come over here fucking with me Santana. Every time you come over here it’s some bullshit.” I turned my nose up as I looked at this grimy bitch, not to mention how filthy the fuckin’ house is. Something was moving on her shirt and I had to do a double take. This hoe had a bed bug crawling on her t-shirt. ‘Nasty ass bitch.’ I thought to myself.

  “Every time I come over here it’s always fucked up. Like the fact you have a fucking bed bug crawling on your Bride of Frankenstein looking ass. I’m about to take my daughter with me until you get your shit straight. This ain’t no place for a fucking two-year-old to be. I advise you to clean this bitch up and call a fuckin’ exterminator. While you at it take your hype ass to the fucking rehab because that PCP got you twisted. She will not be back until I see some improvements.” I grabbed my daughter off of the couch and took off all of the clothes she had on. Them damn bed bugs traveled in packs and that’s the last thing I needed to be dealing with at my condo.

  “I need a break anyway motherfucker. It’s about time you came and got her. Don’t think you slick either. I wish I would find out you and that bitch Na-Na playing house with my daughter. Shit gone get real for you and that bitch Santana.”

  “The only thing that better get real is you cleaning this bitch up and getting rid of these fucking bed bugs with your old infested ass. Na-Na shouldn’t even be coming up in our conversations. This is about Mercedes and the fact that you’re neglecting her.” I picked Mercedes up and she was wreaking. The scent of piss overpowered my nose and it made me want to kick Lexus ass. I couldn’t believe this bitch had lost all her fucking senses.

  “You heard what I said. I don’t like the bitch anyway, her or her crew.”

  “See that’s your problem right there, your ass is worried about the wrong fucking thing. You’re too old to be so fucking childish Lex. Your ass is kissing forty in the ass and you act like a fucking kid. Worry about your fuckin’ priorities, Lex. Fuck outta here with that bullshit. Make sure you wash your old ass pussy too. I smell your stanking ass over here.” I rushed out of the door with my baby in tow. I was glad as fuck it was nice outside. Damn shame I had to have my baby out here like this. Although I was mad that shit also hurt a nigga. I give this bitch damn near two thousand dollars a month. There is no way my daughter, Lex, or her house should look like that. I just needed to face the fact that the bitch was doing more than fucking PCP. When I first met Lex she was a bad ass bitch. She carried herself like a real woman. My ass was nineteen and she was thirty-five, but the bitch looked every bit of twenty-five. Bitch used to be fucking my young ass so good my toes used to be doing the crip walk. Not to mention she had a never ending throat. She could swallo
w a dick whole. I never had any intentions on getting her pregnant, but of course shit happens. After the DNA test came back that Mercedes was mine I went above and beyond for my baby girl. However, I felt nothing for Lexus anymore. I lose interest in a bitch real quick. As far as Na-Na goes I think I found the love of my life.

  Chapter 10- Na-Na

  The sound of someone banging on my door woke me up from my peaceful ass nap. You couldn’t get no rest in this fucking building. I needed to hurry up and move, but I was trying my best not to rush it and take my time to look for a decent neighborhood. The last thing I needed was to move to a worse place then where I’m at now. I tried my best not to answer, but then the motherfucker started banging on the window. I jumped up because shit was about to get so fucking real for whoever was knocking on my shit like they had lost their mind. I looked through the peephole and it was this fine motherfucker, Santana. This little nigga was the motherfucking truth. At twenty-one this nigga had a daddy dick for real. I’m a full-grown woman and at thirty-years-old I found the one person who could break me down like a fraction. I’ve been known to be the coldest when it comes to fucking with these niggas, but it’s something about Santana’s young crazy ass. We’ve been fucking around heavy every since that night at the club. My bitches don’t know though. I would never hear the end of it for fucking with this juvie ass nigga.

  “Why the hell are you banging on the door like that?”