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King and I 2: A Royal Love Affair Page 6

  “I’ve been knocking for like twenty minutes. Let me find out you got some nigga up in this bitch so I can kill you and that nigga.” I just shook my head at this fool. I believed him too. This nigga was a couple of bricks loose of a building.

  “You know I sleep hard, plus, I need my rest since your ass be having me up all night.” We both laughed and I allowed him, and whom I assumed was his daughter, into my apartment. She was knocked out sleep on his shoulder.

  “Could you please do something to my daughter’s hair? I had to take her from her mom. That living situation over there ain’t healthy for her.” That was one of the things that I really liked about Santana, he loved that little girl to death and made sure she wanted for nothing. Just looking at her let me know she had been neglected. Her hair was so nappy I was scared to touch it.

  “Of course I’ll comb her hair. Does she have any clothes or anything?” This baby didn’t have on shit but a pamper and I was trying to understand where in the hell her clothes were at. It was hot outside, but I don’t think it’s that damn hot.

  “She has some shit at the crib. I had to get her the fuck out of Lexus house; bitch had bedbugs and shit crawling. I didn’t want to bring anything with her.” I looked at him as his phone begins to ring. I knew he was about to leave and leave this baby here with me. Don’t get me wrong Na-Na love the kids it’s just not my thing to babysit other bitches kids. I don’t give a fuck how good the daddy’s dick is. He looked at me and that confirmed that I knew he had to go, and he needed me to keep her.

  “Lay her down in the bed and I’ll comb her hair later. Plus, I need to go out and get some stuff for her hair.”

  “She has everything she needs at the crib. Get dressed and I’ll take you guys out there before I handle this business. It will be good to come home to my woman and a nice, hot cooked meal.” Santana stepped closer and kissed me on my lips. Him calling me his woman took me back a little. We had never put a title on whatever it is that we are. That was fine with me because it seems like when titles are applied that’s when the drama starts. My life is drama free and I want to keep it like that. At the same time it feels good to know that he wants me in this way. I guess it’s okay to give in a little and try something new for a change. It don’t hurt to take a leap of faith. The way my heart is feeling let’s me know I’m feeling things for him that I never intended to. I’m going to go ahead and fuck with Santana, but I swear if he plays any games with me I’m going to fuck him up. I guess I have to tell my girls about us now. I already know these hoes about to have a field day with this shit.

  “So I’m your woman, Santana?”

  “You were my woman the moment I walked in that club and saw you shaking your ass. Pack all your important shit. We’ll be back for everything later in the week. Here is the keys to the crib and my car. Legs about to come scoop me so I’ll check on ya’ll later.” He kissed me one last time and headed out the door. I was standing there looking crazy as hell. Santana had fucked me up in the head, but I was also flattered. Who knew a young nigga like that could be such a fucking boss. Santana had me so open right now. I peeked out the window and watched Santana as he hopped in the car with Legs. A part of me became worried about him because he was deep in the streets. I knew if he was running with King and Legs shit could get real at any minute. I’ve never been a dope boy’s girl and the last thing I want to do is see him behind bars or visiting his grave. Just thinking about it alone has me overthinking already. I quickly shook the negative thoughts from my head and got ready to head over to his house. I guess one could say that this was a new beginning for me and I was ready for my new life with Santana.

  Chapter 11-Siyah

  I had been sitting in my office chair that was shaped like a throne. This was my first official day at Princess Publications and it felt so good to be doing something productive. My only problem is that I was missing my daughter something kind of terrible. I was having detachment issues and I know I was getting on my mother’s nerve calling every ten minutes to check on her.

  My office space was simply mind blowing. The entire space was draped in hot pink, black, and white stripes. The Swarovski chandeliers, vases, and black and white photos of Marilyn Monroe gave the room the prettiest glow I had ever seen.

  For hours I had been sitting behind my desk creating numerous submission forms and setting up accounts to promote my business. I reached out to a couple of my favorite authors who had recently started their own companies. I was in desperate need of an assistant so I posted on Craigslist for an administrative assistant. I was ready to take my publishing company to the next level. The only way was up for me. I felt so proud of myself because I had never really been hands on at doing anything that made Siyah happy. No matter what, I’m grateful for King because he has been my biggest supporter and motivator. He’s helping me with achieving my goals and making my dreams come true. I couldn’t ask for a better man to decide on spending the rest of my life with. As I looked around the room I became teary-eyed just thinking of how he went above and beyond to give me something that I wanted. As a matter of fact, he goes above and beyond to give me everything my heart desires and that means a lot to me.

  I had been working hard all day and all I wanted to do was get my daughter and go home. Unfortunately, King had other plans; he wanted to take me out to dinner. I instantly got all of the energy in the world. It had been a minute since we had went out on a date so I was definitely about to take full advantage of it.

  We decided to eat dinner at Ruth Chris’s Steakhouse. I loved their stuffed chicken breast so this was right up my alley.

  “How was your day, babe?” Kingston asked, as he cut a piece of his steak and placed it in his mouth. This nigga was even sexy eating. I laughed at myself on the inside because everything about my nigga was sexy to me.

  “It was great. I set up the accounts to let people know that I was accepting submissions. I put up an ad on Craigslist for an administrative assistant as well. Last but not least I did some work on my on novel.”

  “That’s what’s up, I’m proud of you Siyah.”

  “Thanks babe. I just want you to know that I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. I’m so grateful to have a man like you in my life and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.” I leaned across the table and placed a deep kiss upon his lips.

  “I don’t see why we’re waiting at all. We can just fly to Vegas and do the damn thing.” King had been trying to get me to go to Vegas and get married, but that’s not what I wanted. I want a big ass wedding for the Gods that people would be talking about for years. Plus, we weren’t ready for marriage just yet. Everything had happened so fast between us and at this point we were both still learning each other. Honestly, I don’t think King is ready for marriage right now. As much as I love him and I know that he loves me, I prefer for him to wait until he gets his single ways out of his system. The last thing I want is another failed marriage.

  “Can I get you anything else Mr. Banks?” The waitress asked, as she stared at King as if I wasn’t sitting there.

  “No, we’re good sweetheart.” He smiled, showing off them damn diamond fronts that I loved so much, but at the moment I wanted to knock them down his fucking throat. They were both so busy with the smiling and flirting they didn’t see me gripping the knife on the table, that’s just how fucking mad I was. I couldn’t kill the bitch so I decided to make that bitch remember what her position was. I knocked over the entire pitcher of water that was on the table. It fell all over the floor and on her shoes.

  “I’m sorry sweetheart.” I said with a devilish grin, as I drank the rest of my wine straight down. The look on her face was priceless and the look on Kingston’s face was of anger and embarrassment. He took out a couple of bills and placed it on the table. He raised up from the booth and walked out of the restaurant. I didn’t give a fuck though. I’m sick and fucking tired of every time we go somewhere he allows women to flirt with him as if I’m not sitting there
. What makes matters worse is that he goes out of his way to put on the charm with these random ass bitches. I know I have no right to sit up and be mad at these women because these hoes for everybody and don’t give a fuck about fucking on a another bitch’s man, but at the same time I’m his fiancé. He’s supposed to let these hoes know to watch it with the blatant, fucking disrespect. At the same time how the fuck can I expect him to let these hoes know when he’s a disrespectful motherfucker. I grabbed my things and headed outside to wait for him to pull his car around.

  “Excuse me sir, did you see where Mr. Banks went to?” I asked the valet guy.

  “He just left ma’am. Shall I bring your car around?”

  “Yes please.” I blew out a sigh of frustration. I couldn’t believe he left without at least saying bye. King was being so petty right now. Once my car was brought around I hopped inside and headed over to my mothers to pick up Princess. I needed to get home and put my damn feet up. I was not about let King worry me.


  “What the fuck? What the hell are you doing in my house?” I said, as I walked into my house and saw Don Gianni sitting on my fucking couch with two big ass goons standing next to him. I could have shitted in the floor as I locked eyes with Luca’s father. The fact that he was sitting in my house and not in a damn jail cell had me scared as fuck.

  “Call King. He should be here to hear this.”

  “I’m not calling King what the hell do you want Mr. Gianni!” My screaming made my baby jump. I kissed her on the forehead as I soothed her.

  “I’ve come for what is rightfully mines. I want my granddaughter. She belongs with her family. After all, she is my deceased son’s flesh and blood.”

  “Princess is King’s daughter. Please leave my house Mr. Gianni.” My heart was beating so fast that I felt like I was about to have a heart attack.

  “Do you really think that things are that easy? You and that black motherfucker murdered my son and my wife. Life as you know it is about to end. I should have murdered you the moment my son brought you to my home. I’ll be around and closer than you think. I’ll be back for my granddaughter, Princess.” He stood to his feet with the assistance of the guys that were with him. As soon as they were all the way out of the door I locked the door and hurried up to call King.


  “Babe come home now. Please hurry up! Its an emergency.” I fell back on the couch and sat Princess up on my lap. It’s like I was trying to see if she bore any resemblance to Luca. I knew in my heart that she was King’s daughter but for this motherfucker to show up, throwing this bullshit out into the atmosphere, had me sitting up and going back to the last time I was with Luca. There was just no way possible she was his daughter.

  Chapter 12- King

  The sound of fear in Siyah’s voice had me rushing through traffic to get home to her. I was in the middle of a business meeting when I had to reschedule and get home. I was still pissed at her for that stunt she pulled at the restaurant. She is the future wife of King and she should never have to feel threatened by any bitch. I’m a gentleman so I open doors for women and refer to them as sweetheart from time to time. There was nothing more to it. Siyah was wrong for wasting that fucking water on that girl. That shit was so fucking ratchet and catty. Those are two things I don’t do. One would think Siyah would know that shit by now, but that’s neither here nor there at this point. My baby was in distress and she needed me. All that mad shit went out of the window when I heard my baby pleading for me to come home. It better not be a hair out of place.

  “Siyah!” I yelled out, as I walked throughout the house trying to find her.

  “I’m up here!” I ran up the stairs and found her sitting on the floor with Princess in her nursery, crying her heart out.

  “Babe! Why are you in here crying? What the fuck happened?” I moved closer to her and lifted Princess from her arms and helped her off of the floor.

  “I came in and Luca’s father, Don Gianni, was sitting in the living room. He started talking about how Princess is Luca’s daughter and she should be with the Gianni family. He was talking about life, as we know it, is going to end. He was basically threatening us.”

  “You ain’t got to worry about that motherfucker because he ain’t gone do a motherfucking thing. As a matter of fact, his bitch ass just signed his old ass death certificate. Speaking my fucking daughter’s name was the worse fucking thing he could have ever did. Fuck you crying for? Wipe your motherfucking face. There is no need for you to feel like this old motherfucker is a threat. Princess is my fucking daughter. I watched her come out of your pussy, that’s all me.” I pulled Siyah into my embrace and she was shaking like a leaf. I had my daughter in one arm and my other arm wrapped around Siyah.

  “Why won’t they just leave us alone?”

  “Shhhh! Stop crying. As long as you have me you ain’t never got to worry about no motherfucking body ruining our family. We are the only ones that have the ability to do that. Tighten up ma, you know I’m going to hold you down.”

  “Can we please go stay at the condo? I don’t feel safe here.”

  “Yeah. Pack some shit for all of us. Let me call Nita and Mo to tell them what’s going on.” While Siyah packed I hit up her parents and my niggas. I was hitting up that nigga Gianni tonight. If this old motherfucker had beef he was about to get exactly what he was looking for. I hope his wife and son saved a spot for his ass because I was coming to snatch his soul.


  Later that night

  “So let me get this straight, this old motherfucker think Princess is Luca’s?” Legs asked, as he handed me the blunt we were smoking on. That shit had been weighing heavy on my mind since Siyah was telling me what the fuck he was saying. I hate to even think for a minute that there could even be a possibility, but there was something in Siyah’s eyes when she was crying like that. I was wondering if there was a possibility. I hurried up and shook that thought from my mind. I knew Princess was my fucking daughter, without a fucking doubt.

  “Hell yeah. Nigga talking about he coming for what the fuck is his. I don’t know why these Italian motherfuckers want to keep fucking with a king. It’s about to be off with their fucking heads.

  “I hear that my nigga. That shit would have me going crazy if a motherfucker came around insinuating some shit like that.”

  “I feel you on that because I would be doing life in prison if a nigga ever came around talking about my baby, Mercedes, was his.” Santana said, from the backseat. He had been so quiet that I forgot that he was in the car with us.

  It was about twelve at night and we were all sitting outside of The Rosebud, a popular Italian restaurant in the heart of Little Italy. The Gianni Crime Family conducted a lot of their daily businesses from there so I knew that’s exactly where his fat ass was.

  “Look, somebody is coming out of the doors now.” Legs said, and we all sat up so that we could get a closer look. My eyes became wider at the sight of my father shaking hands with Mr. Gianni.

  “What the fuck is this shit?” I said, as I hit the steering wheel over and over again. Not only was this motherfucker stealing from me, but he was also plotting against my fucking family. Yeah, I had officially let this nigga make it for too long. Without a second thought I swerved directly in front of him and Don Gianni’s fat ass. I made sure to pop the trunk too. Santana and Legs had big ass assault rifles pointed at their asses.

  “Get the fuck in the trunk!” I said, as I had the gun pressed into my father’s head. He was looking at me with shock and fear in his eyes. Neither one of those emotions moved me in the least way. This nigga was a snake and I was ashamed to have that nigga’s blood flowing through my veins.

  “Let me explain son, this isn’t what it looks like.”

  “It’s exactly what it looks like. Get the fuck in the trunk. That’s my last time telling you.” He climbed in the trunk and Legs slammed it shut.

  “What your big Incredible Hulk looking ass think you
about to do with that? As a matter of fact I’m not even about to play with your big ass.” Santana said, and without hesitation he shot Don Gianni’s security in the face. Legs had his gun trained on the other man that was most likely one of his henchmen. I gave him a nod and he let off about ten rounds, dropping his ass. All that shit that be in the movies about these fucking mobsters and how deep their ass be on the streets is a lie. In the old days it wouldn’t have been this easy to get at a made-man, but then again the hood niggas weren’t so savage and bold to even step a foot in Little Italy. Times have definitely changed. As he saw his other security guard drop I could see the fat motherfucker start to sweat.

  “Do you have any idea who the fuck you’re fucking with?”

  “Actually motherfucker you don’t know who the fuck you’re fucking with and it’s obvious because you violated the most precious thing in this world to me. The moment you got the bright idea to come to where the fuck my family lays their head at is where you fucked up. To even say my daughters name out of your fucking mouth was the ultimate disrespect. See, you motherfuckers never learn. One would think after I murked your wife and your son you would know I wasn’t to be fucked with. You got anything you want to say before I blow your fucking brains out?”

  “Siyah has the sweetest pussy I -----.” I didn’t even give him a chance to finish what he was about to say. I emptied my clip in his ass. Mentioning Siyah and her pussy in the same sentence didn’t sit well with me and sent me over the fucking edge.

  “Let’s get the fuck out of her before twelve come.” Legs yanked me out of my trance. I was so engrossed with killing his ass that I didn’t even realize I was still pulling the trigger and the damn chamber was empty. We all jumped inside the car and headed towards my headquarters. It was time I got down to the reason why he was doing all of this to me. I needed to get back to my motherfucking cash flow. This shit was knocking me off of my square. I’ve never been this off balance in all my years of hustling. I need to tighten up for real.