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King and I 2: A Royal Love Affair Page 4


  Since my mother had Princess I called and asked her to keep her for another day. I was tired from the nights events and I wanted to try and do something nice for King. It had been so long since I cooked dinner for him. After taking a nice nap I got up and headed to the grocery store to get all of the items I needed to cook. It had been so long since I made a good ass soul food dinner. I decided on fried chicken, baked macaroni, greens, dressing, sweet potatoes, cornbread, and a red velvet cake for dessert.

  I needed to get in the habit of being with King and living in his world. I never had to do anything as far as household duties are concerned when I was with Luca. He forbade me from lifting a finger. I’m surprised I was able to wash my own ass. I was Luca’s showpiece; all he wanted me to do was sit and be pretty. I could do the same with King, but that’s not how I want to be. I want to take care of our household. I even refused a maid or a nanny for Princess. I want to wash his clothes, cook him dinner every night, take care of our daughter, and fuck him like a porn star every day of the week. I will not lack in my duties as his queen, so if any bitch bumps my slot it was never mines to begin with.

  Tired wasn’t even the word for the way I was feeling, but everything looked and smelled so good. I had been calling King, but his phone was going straight to voicemail. I was starting to get worried so I tracked his phone and this nigga was at the Red Diamond Strip Club. I sat and thought long and hard about what I wanted to do. I could snap, but then again what reason did I have to snap. There is no harm in going to the strip club. I actually like them myself. Instead of sitting home and sulking I got dressed to join my nigga.

  Chapter 5- Kingston

  I was going crazy thinking about the shit my father had pulled. Like I’ve literally been cashing out on this man. I purchased him a new home and a car, not to mention opening him up a bank account with ten thousand dollars in it so he wouldn’t have to go back to the streets and start back getting high again. I’ve never in my life felt so fucking disrespected or unappreciated in my life. All I wanted to do was try to build a fucking relationship with my father, despite the fact that he had abandoned me as a child. This fuck ass nigga has been robbing me and biting the fucking hand that’s feeding him. This is the fucking thanks I get for having a forgiving heart for a motherfucker that didn’t deserve to even be in my presence. This is the reason why I’m so fucking heartless; my parents fucked me up. All I ever wanted to do was be loved by the people who gave me life. The way I was treated as a child is the reason why I’m cold hearted and I don’t give a fuck about shit. Siyah and my baby, Princess, have removed that ice from around my heart. At the same I’m one angry ass nigga. I know Siyah at home wondering what the hell happened last night. Learning of my father’s deception and seeing that nigga all up on her had me wanting to murder him and her ass. I couldn’t do that so I murdered that pussy. I didn’t mean to spazz out like that in front of her. I feel bad as fuck about that. This morning when she was sleeping she looked like a naked goddess. I just wanted to taste that pussy. When we were staring into eachother’s eyes as I feasted on her, I could see fear and pleasure. The last thing I wanted was for my baby to be afraid of me. She has no reason to be. She’s the type of woman I need in my life, but at the same time I’m still trying to figure life out. I just need Siyah to be the backbone I need when shit gets rough. She might not understand why I do the things I do, but neither do I. All I know is I need her to make me a better man than I already am and for her to never give up on me.

  After putting in a long day of going over the books I decided to head over to the strip club. Legs decided to take it in early so it was just this crazy ass lil nigga, Santana and me. This nigga was off the fucking chain. I had just given him a promotion, but I was seeing the potential in him to fuck with me on a different level, money wise. I sat back and watched how he passed and collected. He didn’t play with the product or the money. I loved the fact that he was about business and had no issue with getting grimy. Yeah, I could see him doing big shit with me and my nigga Legs.

  “I need you to get me all the info you can on that nigga that was up on Siyah last night.” I said to Santana, as I smacked the stripper on the ass that was currently giving me a lap dance.

  “Who, that nigga Gutta?”

  “That’s the nigga name huh?”

  “Yeah, he used to run with my cousin’s back in the day. He just came home from a ten year bid. From what I heard from my fam him and Siyah used to be a couple back in the day when they were teenagers. Nigga been bragging about how he coming back for Siyah and how he used to have her wrapped around his finger.” I instantly became heated on the inside. This nigga is plotting on my girl. At the same time she never said shit about him being a nigga that she used to fuck with.

  “She used to be wrapped around his finger, but I got bae wrapped around this dick. Trust and believe me that nigga don’t stand a chance with Siyah. I need eyes on that nigga at all motherfucking times!”

  “I got you Boss.” Santana said, as he was walking away to a private room with the stripper who was giving him a lap dance. I continued to sit and drink the Ace of Spades I had and faced a blunt as my favorite stripper, Fat Kat, performed for me. That was her name because she had a fat ass pussy. Every time I come to the club I drop two bands at the door for her and her only. She’s the only one I come to see. She’s a beautiful, young girl just working to put herself through college. Not to mention she has ass for days.

  “Care if I join you?” I looked up to see Siyah standing over me with her hands on her hips. She looked beautiful in a red two-piece skirt set along with some black Red Bottoms. I loved this new beautician named Trish she had started going to. I loved how her weave touched her ass. That shit be looking so pretty when she be riding my dick, looking like my personal ghetto Pocahontas.

  “What you doing here Siyah?” I gestured for her to sit down. She took the blunt from my mouth and started to smoke it. At the same time she went in her purse and pulled out her singles.

  “I was home missing you so I decided to come be wherever you are. I take it you like her.” Siyah was looking at me in my eyes as she smoked the blunt. Fat Kat starting grabbing her money off the floor that I had let rain down all over her.

  “She cool people. Fat Kat this is my fiancé Siyah, Siyah this is my favorite stripper Fat Kat.” They shook hands and Siyah poured her drink.

  “Is that right? Well she’s my favorite stripper too. Make that ass clap for a real bitch!” Siyah said, as she slapped her on the ass and started showering her with money. Siyah reached over and kissed me on the lips grabbing my dick at the same time. I was shocked at her behavior, but at the same time I didn’t complain. I don’t know why but I decide to take shit a step further.

  “Can we take her home with us?” I whispered in Siyah’s ear. I watched as she took a gulp of her drink and looked at Fat Kat and then me. I could tell that she was apprehensive, but she was curious and I could see it in her eyes.

  “Yeah, we can.”

  “Aye Kat, would you do us the honor of coming home with us?” I asked, as I smacked her on the ass.”

  “I would love to King, especially since I would be able to be with her. She’s beautiful as fuck.” Fat Kat stopped twerking in front of me and stood over Siyah. She seductively bent down and began to tongue kiss Siyah in the mouth. My dick instantly got hard. I heard about Fat Kat being gay, but she just confirmed the shit. She want to fuck my bitch!

  “We’ll be outside waiting for you.” I said as I grabbed Siyah’s hand, and we walked out of the club. Once they pulled my car around we both slid inside and waited for Fat Kat to join us.

  “What you over there thinking about?”

  “About the fact that I’m about to have a threesome with you and another woman. I’ve never done this before Kingston, but I know that you want this.”

  “It’s not about what I want. We can pull off if you want to. Trust and believe the shit wouldn’t matter to me either
way. Going forward don’t ever make a decision based on what you think I want to do, do it because you want to. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes Kingston, I understand. However, I know that this is a fantasy of yours and I want to be able to fulfill it, so lets do it.” Siyah reached over and kissed me on the lips. A knock at the window broke our embrace; it was Fat Kat. I popped the locks and she slid in the back seat. I grabbed Siyah’s hand and kissed the back of it. We held hands all the way until we made it to the Trump Tower. Shit got real as soon as we entered the room.

  Chapter 6- Siyah

  I couldn’t believe I had agreed to some shit like this, but at the same time there was no turning back now. My eyes rolled in the back of my head as I rode King’s face. The feeling of his beard tickling my pussy was driving me crazy, that along with the feeling of his wet tongue. Fat Kat was sucking his dick as she watched me intensely each and every time she bobbed her head up and down his shaft. I reached down and pressed her head further onto his dick. I couldn’t concentrate with her staring at me like that. Once King came in her mouth she sat up and began to kiss me. The taste of his nectar made me cum hard as ever in his mouth.

  I noticed that King was hard as hell so I got off his face and hopped on his dick. At the same time Fat Kat licked my breasts as King played with her pussy. I had already let it be known that he would not be eating her pussy. I never thought in a million years that I would be in a sexual act with another woman. This shit was crazy yet mind blowing.

  “Can I taste you Siyah?” Fat Kat asked as she flicked her tongue back and forth across my nipples.

  “Yeah!” I damn near screamed out in pleasure as I came all over King’s dick. I laid back on the bed and Fat Kat seductively crawled in between my legs. I looked over and King was sitting on the edge of the bed smoking a blunt. He put his feet up and relaxed as Fat Kat sucked and licked all over my pussy. This bitch was definitely a beast with her tongue, but at the same time I just couldn’t get into the act. King looked so fucking good to me at the moment. All I wanted was to be with him and only him.

  I removed her head from in between my legs and I got up from the bed. I handed Fat Kat her clothes and some money for her troubles.

  “Thanks for coming with us Fat Kat, but this is where it ends.”

  “Here, keep the money. It was a pleasure just to be able to fuck with a king and his queen for a night.” Fat Kat got dressed and she left the hotel room.

  “Come here babe and talk to me. Are you cool?” King said as he continued to smoke on his blunt. I slowly walked over to him and he pulled me down onto his lap.

  “I thought that I could get into the act with her, but I looked over at you and realized that my mind, body, and soul yearn for you. I had every intention on going all the way, but my pussy did nothing when she was licking on it. I’m sorry, but I just want you, and only you to make love to me.

  “That was real boss right there. Now lay down so I can give that pussy what she yearns for. I love the fuck out of you Siyah.”

  “I love you too, King.” He pushed his dick inside of me and we made love to one another until the sun came up.

  Call me crazy, but I sat up in bed and watched him as he slept. He looked so peaceful. Although we had a wonderful night I know that there is still something going on with him and he’s trying to block it out. For the time being I would just go with the flow and let him talk to me when he was ready. I placed soft kisses on his chest and laid my head on him. I snuggled under him and drifted off to sleep with dreams that we could be like this forever.


  Once we checked out of the hotel we headed over to pick up our baby, Princess. In the process of us heading home King’s phone rang and we needed to head over to the building where he ran his operation. I hated that I had to go at the same time. I just wanted to spend some much needed family time with him. I didn’t care if it was just riding around with him while he ran errands. I just wanted to be with him. Although I know he’s not about to let that happen. That’s one thing about King; he keeps me away from that part of his life. As I sit, looking at his demeanor I could tell the call he got made him angry as fuck. His eyes were bulging out of his head and the veins were protruding from his neck. He was morphing and I knew he was about to go off.

  “Calm down, babe.” I reached over and rubbed my hand over his hand.

  “Stay in this car and do not get out Siyah.” He said, as he jumped out of the car and headed towards the building. The sound of him slamming the door woke Princess up. I turned around in the seat so that I could put her pacifier in her mouth. That’s when I saw a bitch blocking King from going into the building. They looked like they were in some type of heated argument. She was well dressed so I knew that she wasn’t a crack head. My mind was going into overdrive trying to see who the fuck this bitch was and why did she look like she was crying, begging, and pleading to King. I became pissed because he had been standing there entertaining this bitch for too long. Like where the fuck is the respect. Did this nigga forget that me and his daughter were in the car waiting for his ass? Princess started to cry so I got out of the car so that I could get in the back seat with her.

  “Really King?” I hear the bitch saying in a distance. Before I knew it he had grabbed her by the throat and pushed her back up into the building. I instantly became heated. This shit was so fucking disrespectful. I continued to sit in the back seat fuming and trying my best to hold my composure, but fuck this shit. I grabbed Princess and went right inside that building. I didn’t know who the bitch was, but she was about to meet the motherfucking family. I’m not about to let King or his bitches play with me. You let these hoes slide once they’ll keep trying you, and that’s where I want went wrong with the hoe Vita. I let her make it too many times, but that shit will not be happening with any other bitch.

  “Didn’t I tell your ass not to get the fuck out of the car?” He said, as he walked out of the building as I was walking towards it.

  “Who was that bitch Kingston?”

  “Get in the car and take my daughter home. We’ll talk about it when I get home. Don’t make me say it again Siyah.” I bit the bottom of my lip trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall. Instead I snatched the car keys from his hand and walked away with my daughter. As I drove away I wanted so badly to not go home and disappear on his ass, but I knew without a doubt he would come shooting up shit and going berserk. He thinks this shit is over, but it’s far from it. His black, bald headed ass gone tell me who the fuck that bitch was. He lucky I have our daughter because I swear I wouldn’t have left that easy. I was feeling so disrespected at the moment. I could really kill his ass. It’s cool though I’m about to handle his ass just like he tries to handle me. I’m sick of this shit.

  Chapter 7-Kingston

  I knew taking Siyah with me was a bad ass idea, but I needed to try and catch my father. I had just received a call that he had come through trying to get more money from my workers. I wanted to catch his ass in the act because he had been dodging my calls. I really wanted to calm the fuck down before I saw him, but since he wants to keep calling himself robbing me, ain’t no holding back. His bitch ass is officially dead to me.

  If that wasn’t enough, as soon as I’m on my way inside the building to meet up with Santana, here comes this stupid ass bitch Karma, with all this stupid ass crying and shit. This bitch is so irritating when she gets to crying and talking about how I’m doing her wrong. What part of ‘this is business’ don’t she fucking understand. She really showed her ass when she saw Siyah. I had to choke her ass up to shut her the fuck up. At the same time I had to send Siyah home because I saw that she was about go crazy. She’s probably going crazy right now, but I’ll handle her later. Right now I need to handle this bitch Karma, and pay a visit to my donor with their bitch asses. These motherfucker’s done forgot who they fucking with, but I’m about to remind their asses.


  “You must want me to fuck ya bitc
h ass up!” I said as I walked back into Karma’s office, which was located on the first floor of the building. I grabbed her hair so she could look at me in my face.

  “You’re hurting me Kingston.”

  “Shut the fuck up! It’s obvious you like this shit because you keep fucking with me. Now answer the question before I rip this shit out of your head. I don’t even put my hand a women, but you be pushing me Karma.”

  “No, I don’t want you to fuck me up. I’m sorry King.” She said, through tears.

  “You can stop with all that fucking crying. You of all people know that shit does nothing to me. I could careless about your feelings. So wipe them bitch ass tears and your apology don’t mean shit because you keep doing the same shit over and over again. How many times do I have to tell your ass that you’re not my woman? We don’t go together. What we have is a business relationship? We are friends. You cool people and I don’t want to hurt you, but you need to get out of your feelings and uphold your end of the bargain.” I had let her hair go and was holding her face in the palm of my hands.

  “You told me you weren’t ready for a relationship and now you’re about to get married, and you have a daughter. Come on now King, you standing here acting like we weren’t fucking around. All of sudden you seriously throwing that friend card in there. It’s funny because I’m not your friend when I’m sucking the soul out your dick or when you fucking my brains out. You treating me like I’m just some random ass bitch, all for that nothing ass bitch you just met.” Before I knew it, I had slapped slob from this bitch mouth.