Thug Passion 3 Read online

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"I didn't do any of it for you. I did that shit for my own satisfaction. You're so satisfied with me, but you're out cheating. Not to mention out in public with the bitch. Our son saw you with her. It took everything inside of me not to run you and that bitch over. Let me know what it is now. I'm not into sharing." Sarge must have thought that he was talking to a damn fool. Sex was a big part of a successful relationship. He was really trying to blow smoke up my ass, and I didn't like that shit at all.

  "It's all about you, Ma.” Sarge kissed me on the forehead and pulled me in close. If this nigga thought I was stupid, he had me fucked up. He just didn't want to talk about that bitch. I would let him think this shit was over, but that was the furthest from the truth. I tried a different approach with Sarge by not wilding out on him or going across his shit. Fuck that. Playtime was definitely over. I tried my best to stay quiet and humble myself in this situation, but Sarge still couldn't keep it one hundred. That nigga had just woke up a sleeping beast. He was going to regret playing these games with me.

  Chapter 10-Tahari


  It had been almost three months since our move to Miami. I'd settled into the idea of no longer living in Chicago. However, I really did miss it. Since being in Miami, I have done nothing but sit in the house with the kids. I didn't know what I would do without Marta. I was so thankful that she gave up her life in Chicago to come with us. If she wasn't here, I think I would have a whole head full of gray hair. These kids were driving me up the wall, and Thug was hardly ever home. He came in late and left out early. I knew that his new position kept him busier than ever, but damn could I get some quality time with my husband?

  I had been searching for a new Gynecologist for me and a Pediatrician for the kids. I found a great doctor's office in Downtown Miami. I got all the kids caught up with their shots and got medicine for the colds that they all had. Finally, it was my turn to see the doctor. I needed to get on some type of birth control. Ka'Jaiyah was only six months. The last thing I needed was another baby right now.

  "Hello, Mrs. Kenneth, I have all of your test results back and everything is normal. However, I won't be able to give you any birth control at this time. You are already pregnant. Could you lay back, so I can see how far along you are."

  I wanted to burst out in tears hearing that I was pregnant. It was hard for me to believe because I had been getting a period, and I hadn't had any morning sickness. After the doctor had given me the Ultrasound, I found out I was about twelve weeks along. That meant I got pregnant by Thug the first time we had sex three months ago. I couldn't get an abortion if I wanted to. Thug would be dead set against it.


  "I knew your hot pussy ass was going to end up pregnant again. All of that fucking y'all have been doing. I knew it would only be a matter of time before this shit happened. Have you told Ka'Jaire yet?" Momma Peaches said as she fed the baby. Before I could answer her, Thug walked into the kitchen where we were sitting at.

  "Told me what?" Thug walked over and kissed me on the forehead. Momma Peaches got up and left the kitchen with the baby. Just like her ass to leave me by myself to tell him the news.

  "I'm pregnant," I let out a loud out a sigh.

  "Oh, yeah. That's what up. I knew your ass was getting fatter than usual, "Thug said as he smacked me on the ass and pulled me in between his legs.

  "I'm not ready for another baby right now. Ka'Jaiyah is only six months old. The twins are almost two. I will have four kids under the age of five. This is bad timing for me.”

  "So, what the fuck are you trying to say? You don't want to have my seed?" Thug pushed me from in between his legs.

  "That's not what I'm saying. It's just too soon for another baby. It's bad enough you're never here. I'm basically raising the kids by myself. I'm stressed out sitting in this house all day with these kids. A newborn won't do nothing but add to my stress." I walked closer to him and caressed his face. I always did that when I knew that he was upset.

  "Basically, you're saying being a mother is too much for you to handle."

  "It's not that Ka'Jaire. I just think that I would be overwhelmed with another baby." Tears fell from my eyes as I tried to get Thug to see my point of view.

  "I don't want you to be overwhelmed. Here go handle that." He reached inside his pockets, pulled out some money, and threw it in my face. He walked out the house and slammed the patio door causing it to shatter. I couldn't believe he was acting so selfish. I never said I wanted an abortion. I was just scared of having another baby so soon. I don't have any fucking issues with being a mother. I was a wonderful mother and for him to question that really hurt my feelings. His ass better be lucky because I had the right mind to go across his shit for throwing that money in my face.

  "What the fuck happened to the door?"

  "Your stupid and selfish ass son broke it."


  The following days after I told Thug that I was pregnant was hard on me. The morning sickness kicked in full speed ahead. I found myself once again running back and forth to the bathroom vomiting. I hated the headaches that came along with the beginning of my pregnancy. I could barely lift my head off of the pillow. All I wanted to do was lay in bed in complete silence and darkness. The way my motherly duties were set up that would never happen.

  "Mommy, are you still sleeping? I thought we were going to get our nails and feet done today?" I forgot I promised baby girl a spa day.

  "We're going. Just give me a minute to get dressed. Where are your brothers and sister?"

  "They're downstairs with Daddy. He's trying to clean up the mess the twins made in the kitchen." Hearing that made me get up quick, fast, and in a hurry. Marta was off for the day, so I knew my house was in total disarray.

  After about thirty minutes, I came downstairs, and I wanted to run right back up the stairs. The house was in shambles. The kitchen had food all over the place. A whole gallon of milk was turned over on the floor. Dishes were stacked up to the ceiling. The living room was even worse. The twins had written on the walls and all over the damn flat screen TV with crayons. All of the pillows were off the couch and on the floor.

  I looked over at the fish tank, and all the damn fishes were dead. The fish tank was filled with fish food. It looked like Thug just let the kids tear the fucking house up. I went through the house looking for Thug, and he was in the twins room asleep on the floor with them and the baby. Ka'Jaire Jr. was in his room playing video games.

  I didn't have an ounce of energy to clean up the fucking house. I got the hell out of there and took my daughter to the spa and shopping. She was such a big girl telling the nail technician how she wanted her nails and feet done. Ka'Jairea had been such a big help with the kids. She deserved to be pampered. Once we were done with our mommy and daughter time, I was beat and ready to go home.

  During the drive home, I had to pull over several times to throw up. I was surprised when we made it home the house was spotless. I also had brand new Tropical fish in the tank. I searched the house, and I was surprised to find Marta there and Thug gone.

  "Marta, it's your day off. You should not be here with the kids."

  "It's okay; Mr. Kenneth had an emergency at his office. So he needed to leave." Marta continued to scrub the walls and the TV trying to remove the crayon marks. For a minute, I thought that maybe Thug had cleaned the house. I should have known better than that. What the hell was so important that he would ask Marta to work on her day off?

  I wanted to call him and curse him out. However, the vomit rising in my throat and the sounds of my daughter crying prevented me from doing that. Thug was going to have to do more with helping me out around here. I could not go through this the entire pregnancy like this.

  Chapter 11- Thug

  Trouble In Paradise

  Everything had been going good on the business side. Vinny had been getting paid his percentage in full and on time. The pickups and the drop-offs have been all good, as well. Sarge, Malik, and Dro had been handli
ng their positions just like I knew they would. I could tell that Vinny was very pleased.

  He had given them more territory to cover and that meant more money in all of our pockets. Once we got to know all of Vinny's clientele, we created a rapport with them, and everything had been all good.

  It was a good thing that Dro had family that lived in the Pork and Beans Projects. We were able to get a drug operation going over there. Since Dro was somewhat familiar with that area, I let him handle it. I was also testing him to see if he could run shit without Sarge or Malik. There was not a doubt in my mind that he could. Dro was a real loyal nigga, and I was glad to have him on my team.

  I would be the first to admit it and say I hadn't been able to spend time with my family. Taking over Vinny's position was actually more than I bargained for. I took the shit in stride, though. I was a hustler to my heart and money had always been my motive. In order for me to secure a lucrative future for my family, it was a must I got this money. By any means necessary. Tahari and my children would thank me later.

  Since we moved to Miami, we had yet to just go out on the town. It'd been all work and no play for all of us. I wanted to treat the family out to dinner to Prime 112, an upscale steakhouse. I invited Vinny, as well. I just prayed Peaches behaved herself.

  As we all sat around eating dinner, I noticed Tahari being really quiet while everybody else was talking and mingling. This pregnancy was taking a toll on her. She got up to go to the bathroom, and she was gone for a long time. I went to the bathroom to go check on her. I knocked on the door before entering.

  "You cool, Ta-Baby?" I asked as I entered the bathroom. She was standing at the sink rinsing her mouth.

  "I'm good. It's just the morning sickness that's all. I'll be okay once it passes."

  "Come here let me make you feel better." I lifted Tahari up on the sink. I placed my hand under her dress and slid her underwear to the side. Tahari leaned her head on my shoulder as she guided my fingers deeper into her wetness.

  "Lock the door, Baby," Tahari said as she began to tug at my pants. I assisted her with my pants and pulled them down. I lifted her off of the sink and onto my hard dick. I leaned her against the wall, and I started to get all up in them guts. I swear I loved fucking Tahari when she was pregnant. She always had a nigga bussing prematurely.

  "Please don't stop! You feel so good, Thug!"

  "I'm going to have to keep you pregnant as good as this pussy is." As soon as we both came, someone started to bang on the door. We wiped ourselves clean and exited the bathroom. Once we made it back to the table, all eyes were on us.

  "That's why your ass pregnant now," Peaches said as she knocked back her shot of Patron.

  "We're making up for lost time," I said as I leaned in and kissed Tahari. I also slid my hand under her dress and began to play with her pussy.

  "Mmmm!” Tahari said as she played it off as she drank from her water glass.

  "Y'all are so nasty," Barbie said as she gave us the side eye, letting us know that she knew what we were doing.

  Once we were finished with dinner, we all decided to head home. As Tahari and I walked outside of the restaurant hand in hand, I bumped into Dominique. I hadn't seen her since the last time she came to the house when Tahari had first arrived. Only this time there was a difference in her appearance. She was pregnant. Tahari became uneasy as she looked at her stomach and then over to me.

  "Hello Ka'Jaire. How have you been doing?" I watched as she rolled her eyes at my wife and rubbed her stomach at the same time.

  "I'm good." I walked right past her holding my wife's hand. I had no words for the bitch. She was trying to get some shit started. If she knew like I knew, she would stay in her lane and keep it moving. Tahari was ready to Mayweather her ass pregnant, and all. I already saw Tahari clenching her jaws tight, so I knew she was heated.

  "Calm down. There is no need for you to get upset."

  "Cut the bullshit, Thug. That bitch wanted me to see that she is pregnant. For your safety and hers, that baby better not be yours."

  "That ain't my fucking baby! Let that be the last time you let some shit like that come out your mouth. You're the only woman carrying my baby." I opened the car door for Tahari and let her in. The whole drive home I knew that I needed to holla at Dominique. I didn't know what I was going to do if she said that she was indeed pregnant by me. One thing I was sure of was that Tahari was going to leave if it was mines. In the meantime, I would just avoid Dominique ass altogether. I needed to focus on my money, my wife, and of course my kids. Anything else was irrelevant in my book


  "I pray that this is a boy," I said as I rubbed Tahari's stomach.

  "I don't care what it is as long as it is healthy. I just can't wait to give birth. I'm getting my tubes tied, clipped, and burned. No more babies for me." I didn't even respond to what Tahari had said. We had already had this conversation about her getting her tubes tied. I was against it. I wanted an army of kids running around. I knew that I wasn't the one who had to deal with the morning sickness or the pain of childbirth. However, as her husband she would never have to worry about anything. My kids were my life.

  It didn't matter that I was in the streets more than I was at home. Everything I did was for a better life for my family. Ever since a nigga thought it was okay to try to take my life I had to live like every day was my last. I wanted a house full of sons and daughters to carry on my legacy. With my street status being upgraded, I knew it was only a matter of time before niggas would start gunning for me again. To add insult to injury, I still had no idea who tried to kill me.

  I could see the nigga's face clear as day. I just couldn't put a name to the face. I tried not to think about it because it consumed me not knowing who the fuck tried to kill me. I had never shared my thoughts about the shooter with Tahari. I didn't want her to worry about that. She just needed to live stress-free, raise my kids, and spend all the money she wanted.

  "The doctor will see you now, Mrs. Kenneth." The receptionist had finally called Tahari. We were almost at the six-month mark. Today we were going to find out what the sex of the baby was. We both got up and went to the back office. As we approached the room where the doctor would see us at, another door opened and out walked the doctor along with the bitch Dominique. Fuck my life; I thought to myself.

  "Any day now, Ms. Rizzoli. As soon as you start feeling any pain or if your water breaks, call me and go to the hospital. I'll meet you there," the doctor said to Dominique as he handed her his card.

  "What a coincidence seeing you two here. I had no idea we had the same Obstetrician."

  "This is your second time being messy and disrespectful. I'm aware that you and my husband were fucking around at some point. I don't know if I need to paint your dumb ass picture or purchase your slow ass vowel. But, whatever y'all had is over. All of sudden you’re popping up in the same places that we are. That tells me you want me to see that you’re pregnant. You have a point to prove. That means you're a woman scorned.

  He has cut off the dick supply and now you're trying to get back at him. Please don't be a coward and play games like some little ass girl. We're both grown women here. So, I'll ask you the million-dollar question. Is that my husband's baby that you're carrying?" I couldn't believe this shit was happening right now. The doctors and the nurses had all stopped what they were doing, and all eyes were on us.

  "As much as I would love for Ka'Jaire to be the father of my son—he's not. Is that what he told you, that we fucked around? Sorry, to be the bearer of bad news, but we did more than just fuck around. I was with him day in and day out. It was me who helped him to walk and talk again. I thought we had something special. That was until the day I came over, and you answered the door. I didn't know anything about you or the Brady Brunch."

  "Bitch, watch your motherfucking mouth when you're talking about my kids," I said through gritted teeth. I was about a minute away from slapping the shit out of this bitch. Just for running off at th
e fucking mouth.

  "Well, bitch you can kick rocks now. My only concern was if you were carrying his child. All that other shit you talking about don't mean shit to me. It actually makes you look weak and desperate. I don't care what the fuck went on between y'all. This is my first and only time telling you, stay the fuck away from my husband and me. Next time I might not be so cool, calm, and collective." Tahari and I walked away and entered the room to await the doctor to come in.

  Tahari sat up on the table and began to scroll through her phone. She wouldn't even look at or say anything to me.

  "Are you anxious to know what the baby is?"

  "Don't fucking play with me, Ka'Jaire Kenneth. I will hop off this table and knock fire out of your ass. That's all you have to say to me after that bitch stood out there talking about how she was fucking you and how she nursed you back to health. I felt like shit as she said that. I was in another city mourning over you. All you had to do was call me and let me know that you were alive, and I would have been here. I would have nursed you back to health. That was my job to do not some random ass bitch who you were fucking. Now that hoe will have something over me when it comes to you."

  "Now, you mad at me because you confronted her. I told you that wasn't my motherfucking baby, but your ass just had to prove a point and make a scene."

  "So fuck the fact that this bitch was deliberately disrespecting me as your wife? Come to think about it, you just stood there and let her disrespect me. You only spoke up when she said something about our kids. All this shit is making sense to me now. No wonder you were standing there quiet as a church mouse. That bitch was telling the truth about y'all relationship."

  "We've already had this discussion, Ta-Baby. I'm not going to have it again. I'm your husband, and you should trust what the fuck I say. I have been telling your ass to follow my lead since the day we met and you still find a way to go against the motherfucking grain. I told you that bitch wasn't pregnant by me. You should have left it at that!"