King and I 2: A Royal Love Affair Read online

  King & I:

  A Royal Affair II

  Written By: Mz. Lady P

  Copyright 2015 by Mz Lady P

  Published by Shan Presents

  All rights reserved

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales or, is entirely coincidental.

  No portion of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without writer permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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  Previously in King and I:A Royal Affair

  I tried my best to stay away from Chicago, but the death of my mother brought me back. When I shot Siyah, it was without a doubt, my intention to kill her ass. Luca promised me a million dollars if I could take out Siyah and Kingston for him. Luca was supposed to be this big time ass mobster, but he was terrified of Kingston. I had no idea why he was putting on a front like he wasn’t. I still cringe at the thought of each and every time I let him stick his little pink, pale ass dick inside of me. No wonder Siyah left his ass for Kingston.

  I was so in my feelings about Kingston leaving me for Siyah that I was ready and willing to do anything to hurt him. My heart and soul hurt knowing he didn’t want me. After everything we had been through, how could it be so easy for him to just throw me out like yesterday’s trash? I know for a fact I’m a bad bitch, and I could get any man I wanted. But the fact of the matter is, I wanted Kingston and if I couldn’t have him, no one would. That was obvious because I had given up a child that we shared to ensure that I would always have him to myself. Some might call it selfish, but I called it surviving. Don’t judge me. I know you don’t understand, but don’t try to understand me. You might fuck around and catch a fucking headache.

  My heart ached for my mother, because I knew that Kingston had killed her. I guess I felt worse because I stole all of her money from her before I skipped town. Luca reneged on the money he was supposed to give me, because his mammy was missing. I could have told him her ass was dead, but he was holding out hope.

  After my mother’s service I had every intention on going back to Florida where I had been hiding out, but of course I felt the need to play with my life and look for Kingston. I sat outside of the liquor store he owned and I waited for him to come and do his rounds. Kingston was a creature of habit, and like clockwork he checked on the store at five in the evening, like he did everyday since it opened. He had no idea I was following him, and he led me back to the beautiful home he and Siyah shared. I became enraged as he got out of the car and she met him at the door with a huge belly.

  I was in so much rage that I started to beat my head against the steering wheel repeatedly until it bled. It was then I came up with the plan to take everything from her that she had taken from me. I began to follow them all around and that’s how I learned where she was going to be giving birth. I had to give one of the security guards some head in order to get a key card made. That was the only way I was going to be able to gain entry into the hospital. The rest of the plan was easy.

  Kingston had become so comfortable being all in love with this bitch that it became a fucking turn off. Never in all of my years of knowing his ruthless ass did he act like a bitch nigga. It was disgusting to me how he doted on her and acted as if she was the fucking Queen of Sheba. This nigga was in love, and if he didn’t fall in line, the bitch Siyah was going to be the death of him. I was in possession of not only his daughter, but him too. See, like I said I was taking back what belonged to me. The baby was just collateral. Now, if only I could get this little bitch to stop crying.

  “Shhh! Don’t cry, pretty girl, everything is going to be okay. I know you want your daddy, but he’s a little tied up at the moment.” I laid her in the bed next to Kingston, who I had tied to the bedposts. I sat in the backseat of his car waiting for him to come out of the hospital. With the help of the security guard, who had given me the key card, we hit him across the head with a gun and placed a rag soaked with chloroform over his nose, making sure that he was unconscious.

  So, now I sit here at the foot of the bed he shares with Siyah, smoking a blunt, tuning out their cry baby ass daughter, waiting for him to wake up and see me in the flesh. After all he has been looking for me. Right? I can’t wait until he wakes up and I’m the first face he sees. Ya’ll stay tuned; the fun is just beginning.

  Chapter 1-King

  My head was in excruciating pain and I was trying my best to see where the hell I was at. My vision was blurry as fuck. At the same time I kept hearing a smacking and sucking noise. Once my vision cleared and I was able to see that I was in my bedroom, I tried to move, but I was tied up. When I looked from side to side I noticed my baby girl was lying next to me. She was going ham kicking her little legs a mile a minute. I looked at her and I could tell she had been crying, but she had no more tears to cry. She was obviously exhausted and hungry the way she going crazy on her fingers trying to suck on them.

  “Well look who decided to wake up and join the festivities.” Vita said as she walked in the room, dressed in a silk robe and a pair of Red Bottoms that I knew belonged to Siyah. That instantly made me think of her and where she could be. I hoped and prayed this crazy bitch hadn’t did anything to harm her.

  “Where the fuck is Siyah?”

  “You worried about that bitch and I got you tied up.” Vita said, as she came and stood over me with a gun in her hand. How could I not know that this bitch was a psycho? I was tied up and there wasn’t much I could do, but even being tied up I knew I had mind control over this Dizzy Dora ass bitch. She was in love and working off of emotions. If she really wanted me dead she would have been offed my ass. My daughter started to cry and it enraged me.

  “I’m not about to play these games with your ass Vita. Let’s get some shit straight bitch; I still run shit. You got the game fucked up. It’s one thing to bring harm to me, but right now you fucking with my Princess. She’s only been in this world a couple of hours, but I’ll give my life so that she can live a long and prosperous life. Now you and me got some shit we need to discuss, like our son Prince for instance, or did you forget you had a motherfucking son? Do you have any idea how fucking stupid you look right now? You gave your son away like he was nothing, but you kidnapped somebody else’s child out of jealousy. Bitch, have you ever taken a step back and looked in the mirror at that stupid ass face of yours. My daughter is hungry and she wet. You sitting here in front of me calling yourself punishing me is not helping her. You need to get off your ass and fix her a bottle, change her, and put her on some dry clothes. While you at it roll a nigga blunt and untie me. Me and you both know this ain’t what you want. I’m no good to you dead. You want me alive and well so you can suck this dick from time to time. Not to mention, reap the benefits of the luxurious lifestyle I have you accustomed to.”

  “King I--!” I cut her off immediately. I wasn’t ready for her to say a word to me.

  “Don’t say shit Vita. Handle what the fuck I said first.” Vita walked over to the bed with tears streaming down her face and slowly untied me. As soon as both of my hands were free I tried to knock h
er fucking head off. She flew across the room. At the same time I jumped up and grabbed my daughter.

  “I’m sorry King! You just hurt me so bad! I never meant for any of this to happen. All I wanted is for you to love me.” This bitch Vita was on her knees begging and pleading, but the shit didn’t move me at all.

  “Shut the fuck up and go do what the fuck I said! Shhh! It’s okay daddy’s princess.” I soothed and rocked my daughter to calm her down. At the same time I kept my eyes trained on the bitch, Vita, as she slowly stood to her feet and walked into the kitchen. I followed her and watched as she did each and everything I said. I dared the bitch to even act like she wanted to do something devious.

  “Kingston! Kingston!” The sound of Siyah’s voice calling my name gave me a sense of relief.

  “I’m in here babe.”

  “What the fuck is going on?” Nita said, as she walked inside the kitchen at the same time Siyah rushed Vita and knocked her ass on the floor. She tackled her ass like a football player.

  “You stupid ass bitch. I’m about to kill your dumb ass for touching my fucking daughter.”

  “Let me get in on this shit. I’ve been dying to fuck this hoe up.” Nita said, walking towards Siyah and Vita on the floor tussling. I handed her the baby and gestured for her to leave the room.

  “Here, off that bitch! Give her one to the chest like she gave you.” I handed Siyah the gun and I walked out of the kitchen. I sat on the sofa and smoked the blunt Vita had rolled up for me. I could have easily killed the bitch myself, but Siyah needed to send that bitch to hell where she belonged. I don’t want Siyah to be the woman that stands besides me murking motherfuckers. However, I want her to be able to hold her own and bring a bitch to her knees for fucking with her.

  The more I sat and waited for the gunshot to go off, I knew that I couldn’t let Siyah kill the bitch in our home, especially with our newborn daughter being in the house. That shit wouldn’t be cool at all, as a matter of fact that shit would be against the street code anyway. You just can’t do shit like this where you and your family lay your head. I jumped up and headed back in the kitchen to see that Siyah had the gun pressed into the middle of Vita’s forehead. The bitch Vita was like a deer in headlights, waiting for the bullet to enter her skull.

  “Get up, Siyah! Go upstairs with Nita and Princess. Do not come out of that fucking room. I’ll come up there and get you when I get rid of this bitch.”

  “No King! I have to kill this bitch. She violated me in the worse way when she came in that hospital and took my daughter. Do you know this bitch drugged me with something before she took her?”

  “I understand all of that, but we can’t do this here, not while our daughter is present. I promise you I’ll handle everything. Now, do as I said.” I removed the gun from Siyah’s hand and pulled her off of the floor. I kissed her on the lips and she hesitantly walked away.

  “Just kill me and get this shit over with.” Vita said, as she rolled up in a ball and cried.

  “Shut the fuck up!” I said, as I grabbed my phone and hit up Legs. I needed his help getting rid of this bitch. I could do it alone, but whatever this bitch had hit me with had me feeling like I had a fucking concussion.


  “Are you sure that you want to do this shit bro?” Legs asked, for what seemed like the one hundredth time.”

  “Hell yeah! That bitch has to go. There is no way I could let Vita live. This bitch hid my son from me and gave him up for adoption to fucking strangers. She fought, shot, and drugged Vita. To make matters worse this hoe kidnapped my fucking newborn daughter from the hospital. Last but not least that bitch called herself kidnapping me. Do you really think a scandalous ass, Dizzy Dora ass bitch like that deserves to live? Hell no! That bitch should have killed me when she had the chance. Pull over right here.” We had been driving for about two hours and we had finally made it out to the fucking Calumet River. It was late at night and no other cars were in sight, so I had to hurry up and do this bitch.

  “I understand all that shit, but man, you know Vita just love your ass, and that’s why she did all that stupid shit.”

  “Really nigga? So you telling me if Rika pulled some shit like this you would be able to forgive her and move on?”


  Exactly! Now shut the fuck up and pop the trunk.” I hopped out of the car and headed towards the back of the car. I heard the unlocking sound and I lifted the trunk. Vita’s eyes got wide as saucers as she saw me standing over her screwing the silencer on my gun. I had her mouth duck taped so she couldn’t say shit. The last thing I wanted to hear was her fucking mouth. I roughly grabbed her out of the trunk by her hair. She was shaking and trembling from the fear of knowing that her life was about to end. Knowing her nutty ass, she was probably crying because she would never be able to taste this dick again. I turned the bitch around and put three in the back of her dome. Before she could hit the pavement I lifted her ass up and threw her body off the bridge, and it crashed into the water with such force I was almost sure it broke the fucking bones in her body. There was a strong current and it carried her body down the river. I watched until it was out of sight. I hopped back in the car and laid my head back on the headrest.

  “I want you to get rid of this car and this piece. You can head over to the car lot and get any car of your choice. In the meantime drop me off at the crib; I need to get home to my girls.” The rest of the ride back towards my home was silent. One would think I was in deep thought about killing Vita ass, but all I was thinking about was Siyah and my princess. I’m deep in these streets and I don’t see me walking away from the empire I’m in the process of building. One could only hope Siyah was built for this shit.

  When I walked back into our house I took a deep breath and headed up the stairs. I took a long hot shower in the guest bedroom before going to check on my queen and my princess. I didn’t want to be around them smelling like that bitch Vita, or with her blood on my hands.

  Once I was finished I dried off and wrapped a towel around my waist. I walked inside our bedroom and Siyah was sitting up breastfeeding Princess.

  “Where’s Nita?” I asked, as I walked closer and placed a kiss on both of their foreheads.

  “She went out to get me some soup. I don’t feel good at all Kingston. I think I need to go back to the hospital.” I felt her forehead and she was burning up with fever.

  “How about you let me take Princess and you get some rest. You had her less than twenty-four hours ago. You’re exhausted Siyah. I’ll make her bottle of formula. I don’t think it’s such a good idea for you to breast feed her. There’s no telling what that bitch Vita injected you with.”

  “Oh my God! I completely forgot!” Siyah immediately removed her breast from Princess’s mouth. I walked over and picked her up because she begin to get fussy.”

  “Give her to me. Both of you need to just get some rest. The hospital called because I was listed as Siyah’s emergency contact. They were saying that we need to bring the baby back because she still needed to do some testing. I told their ass we have our own pediatrician who will come here and do all of that. I’m not trusting them motherfuckers with my pride or my joy. They let that crazy bitch get in that hospital and hurt them. Every time I think about it I get so upset. At any rate ya’ll are fine and that’s the most important thing. Now go ahead and get some rest. Eat this soup Siyah you need your strength to take care of Princess.” Nita handed Siyah the soup and reached for Princess. Never in all my years of knowing Nita did I know she had a motherly instinct or a caring bone in her body. She was so damn crazy, but I loved how she loved my girl and our baby.

  “Thanks Nita. I appreciate you for looking out for us like this.”

  “Nigga please, I might not be much, but I love my family. I love you too, which your crazy ass.” Nita walked out of the room and closed the door behind her. I removed the towel from my waist and threw on a pair of gray LaCoste pajamas.

  “You know I love how your di
ck looks in those pajamas.” Siyah was staring at me with so much lust in her eyes.

  “Down girl. That pussy out of commission for a minute, but when she up and purring again you know I got you right.” I laid in bed and Siyah snuggled under me placing her head on my chest.”

  “Don’t I know it.”

  “I love you, Siyah, and I’m sorry shit has been so crazy. The last thing I wanted was for you to have to go through the shit you’ve been through fucking with a nigga like me.”

  “It’s not your fault King. We both have brought stressful situations into one another’s lives. Luca is dead and I know you offed that bitch Vita, so, all of our stress and worries are over. We have our princess and now we can plan on getting Prince here with us where he belongs. Not to mention planning our wedding. I’m so excited about dress shopping with my girls.” I laid there listening to Siyah go off into a tangy about all these big plans she had for us. There was no limit to what I would do for her or give to her and our daughter. At the same time there is so much that comes with fucking with a street nigga. There is so much more to me than just the Kingston she met and lusted over. She has me and now the hard part comes in. She has to be able to accept me for who I am and what I do. It’s not easy loving a nigga that love the streets and getting money more. My empire is currently at it’s peak. Siyah has to be prepared for the life of being a king’s wife.

  Chapter 2- Siyah

  It had been two months since I had gave birth to my baby, Princess. She is the most beautiful little girl I have ever seen and I’m not just saying that because she’s mine. She looks like one of those life-like dolls. Her hair is so curly and thick. I just sit for hours staring at her. It’s like I can’t believe that she’s my daughter and I’m her mommy. Having her has been the most fulfilling thing in my life, outside of King. They both have brought me so much joy.