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Thug Paradise 3: Forever Thuggin Page 4

  “Come sit down and eat with me.”

  “I’m not hungry. I’ve been eating as I go along. I’ll just sit here and watch you eat.”

  “Do you need anything for the kids?”

  “No. They don’t need anything else. Stop buying all this stuff Quaadir. You have to give them a chance to wear the stuff they already got. Plus, buying the twins power wheels was a little extreme. They can’t even hold their own bottle.”

  “That’s okay. I don’t want y’all to want for nothing. I feel like with me not being here I’m lacking in my duties as a father.” Although I go hard for my family, I still feel like I’m failing them by not being in the same house with them.

  “You’re doing a wonderful job as a father. It’s the husband department that you’re failing in miserably.”

  “Here we go with this shit. Can I just eat this food before you get on bullshit with a nigga?”

  “Speaking of bullshit. I don’t give a fuck if we’re not together, if I catch you with a bitch I’m beating both of y’all asses. On paper, we’re still married. I own all rights to your ass nigga and don’t you ever forget that shit.” I was getting ready to speak but she threw a cup of water in my face. She casually got up and walked away. Had this been any other time I would have beat her ass, but I took the high road. I found a towel and wiped my face. I was pissed because I really wanted that food but she made me lose my damn appetite. I went upstairs to kiss my lil’ niggas before I headed out. When I walked inside of their room, they were both asleep. I kissed them on the forehead and went to find Keesha.

  “So how long are you going to act like this?” I asked as I leaned up against the dresser. Keesha was lying in bed staring at the ceiling.

  “Until I’m done being mad.”

  “I’m starting to think this is more than just me hitting you. I know that I was way out of line for hitting you the way that I did. There’s no excuse. We’ve had plenty of physical fights and it never ever went that far. You didn’t deserve that. I’ll spend the rest of my life apologizing for my actions. You’re mad at the world for Tahari being dead. I’m mad, too, but I would never shut you out. This is the time we need to be here for one another, not constantly fighting.” I stood over her as she lay in bed.

  “It’s not fair Quaadir.”

  “What’s not fair Keesha?”

  “Everybody has a family but me. All these years it was just us, and now you have an entire family. For a brief moment, I had someone special and now she’s gone. I have nothing Quaadir. I just want my sister back. ” I pulled her up out of the bed and hugged her as tight as I could.

  “How could you say that you’re by yourself? What about our kids? They’re your family. As far as me having my own family, I’m incomplete because I don’t have you. You will never be alone as long as we have each other. Before I found my mother and my siblings, all I had was you, Aunt Ruth, and our kids. No matter what we go through, you will always and forever be my backbone. I fuck up a lot but at the end of the day, I’m nothing if I don’t have you. Please let me come back home Ma!”

  “You can’t keep hurting me Quaadir. I’m tired of the back and forth. We have four kids now. They deserve to have us under the same roof but I’m not about to be playing games with your ass. Of course, you can come home. It was my intention to tell you that earlier, but the bitch, Melissa posting shit on Facebook about how she just saw the love of her life, that nigga God. I will kill that bitch, I swear on everything I love I will. What the fuck are you laughing for? I don’t see what the fuck is so funny. Don’t make me nut up in this bitch Quaadir!” I couldn’t do shit but shake my head and laugh at her ass.

  “I’m laughing at your crazy ass. I swear I have turned your sexy ass into a monster. You got a nigga’s dick hard as hell right now. You feel this big motherfucker? That’s all you bae. No more games.” I picked Keesha up and sat her on top of the dresser.

  “We can’t Quaadir. I have another week until my six weeks are up.” Keesha was talking but her hands were working overtime trying to pull my pants down.

  “I’m going to pull out, I promise. I just need to feel my pussy. It’s been too long.” Once Keesha freed my dick, she directed it towards her hole. She wanted this shit just as bad as I did. I lifted her up from the dresser and laid her on the bed.

  “Damn Quaadir, come on, you taking all damn day. I’m trying to feel you inside of me and you bullshitting.

  “Shut the fuck up! Damn! Let me eat your pussy in peace.”

  “Okay Daddy.” Keesha spread her legs as far as they could go. I dived in and went to work. Keesha was wet as hell.

  “Ohhhh! Godddddd!” Keesha was trying her best to get out of my grip, but I had her legs pinned back. I had Keesha squirting like she was a porn star. I let her legs down and flipped her over on all fours. I smacked both of her ass cheeks before I entered her. Her pussy gripped my dick like a glove. I had to close my eyes and just sit still for a minute. Just being inside of her after so long, felt like our very first time.

  “Fuccckkkk! This still my pussy.” I slowly thrust in and out of her, making sure to hit her G-spot each and every time.

  “Yesssss! This is your pussy. I love you so much Quaa.”

  “I love you too.” I felt myself getting ready to buss, so I hurried up and jumped out of her. Keesha turned around and sucked me dry. As soon as we were finished, my phone rang. I knew it was Thug. His flight had landed and I needed to go scoop him. I looked at Keesha and I knew she was about to start some shit. The last thing I wanted to do was tell her what was going on.

  “Go ahead and leave, that’s what your ass does best.”

  “Don’t be like that, damn Keesha. Your ass can really kill a nigga’s mood.”

  “Nigga, fuck you and your mood.” She got up and went into the bathroom. She slammed the door so hard she woke up the damn twins. I threw on my boxer shorts and went to check on them. After placing their pacifiers in their mouth, they went back to sleep. I sent Thug a text and told him I was on the way.

  “Yo Keesh! I’m about to head to the airport to grab Thug. I’ll be back later.” I tried walking out the door, but I heard the bathroom door open. I turned around and looked at Keesha. She looked really sad and that tugged at my heart.

  “Do you think she is really alive?”

  “I don’t know, but I promise if she is we’re going to bring her back home.” I hugged and kissed her before I left. I hated to leave her alone, but it was imperative I get to the airport and pick up Thug.

  Chapter 8- Tahari

  Escaping the Devil

  Something was wrong with my baby and I just knew she needed medical attention. Her fever was extremely high and she was severely congested. I believe the damp and cold ass basement had made her sick. I had been in the basement since the last time he viciously attacked me. I had not heard or seen him since. At any other time, I would be elated but I need him to come down here and help me out. At first, I just planned on waiting for Thug to come rescue me, but there is no guarantee he knows where I am, or that I’m even alive for that matter. I had to get the fuck out of here with my baby. I knew there was a woman in the house because I could hear him and her having sex at night. I was still unaware of who the hooded person was holding a gun to my daughter’s head. I really wanted to know but Ka’Jariana needed to get out of here. I had remained quiet for as long as I could out of the fear that he would rape me again. It was bad enough he was doing it knowing I wasn’t on any birth control. I hoped and prayed that God would not allow this man to impregnate me.

  “Open this door right now, Nicario! My baby is sick and needs to see a doctor.” I had been banging and kicking on the door for hours. My daughter was no longer eating and she was barely wetting diapers. I held my baby and cried for I don’t know how long. She didn’t deserve this. He could do whatever he wanted to do with to me but not to my daughter. The sound of the chain being removed from the door made me jump to my feet. Nico walked in and he was holding a gun
in his hand.

  “Are you ready to behave yourself now?”

  “Please stop this, Ari needs to go to the hospital. Something is wrong with her.” Nico came towards me and snatched her from me.

  “What the fuck did you do to her?” He punched me so hard I fell backwards and hit my head on the concrete. I was a tad bit disoriented, but not out of it to the point where I didn’t see him lay his gun beside him on the sofa bed. He had pulled his phone out and was telling someone about her symptoms. As soon as he turned his head, I grabbed the gun and shot him in the shoulder. I was aiming for his head but I was off due to being woozy.

  “Make another move and I’ll shoot your ass again.”

  “Ahhhh! You stupid bitch!” I grabbed my daughter and I started to slowly back out of the door.

  “I got your bitch.” I shot his ass again in the leg. He was keeled over in pain and was trying his best to stand, but he couldn’t. I tried shooting him again but there were no more bullets in the gun. This nigga was such a joke. He had two damn bullets in the chamber. I saw that he was trying to stand to his feet, so I took off running out of the basement and up the stairs. I could hear him shouting obscenities and getting closer and closer. I was out of the door and it was pouring down raining. The rain was falling so hard that it was blinding me. I was slipping and sliding but I refused to give up. My baby wasn’t even crying anymore. That made me run harder and faster. I had completely forgotten that I was completely naked. I didn’t even know I had ran into the street until I saw the bright headlights shining in my face. The impact knocked me unconscious. I don’t know how, but I was still cradling my daughter.


  My body felt as if it had been run over by a train. I was in so much pain. I tried to focus my eyes but it seemed like I just couldn’t. It was then I remembered my baby.

  “Where is my baby? Where is my baby?” I could feel myself being pinned down to the bed. I just knew Nico had caught me. My eyes were now focused and I could see people standing all around me.

  “Calm down ma’am. You’re in the hospital.”

  “Oh my God! Please tell me where my daughter is?”

  “I’m sorry but when you were brought in, you were alone.” I lost all composure hearing that my daughter wasn’t with me. I know for a fact when the car hit me I had her.

  “Noooooo! He has her. I have to go get her.” I was crying and pleading but they wouldn’t listen.

  “You have to calm down in order for us to find out who you are. If you don’t calm down I’ll have to give you a sedative.” Once the nurse told me that I immediately calmed down, but tears were streaming down my face because I feared that he had taken her. My biggest fear is that she had probably died from being sick, but Nico wouldn’t hurt her. For some reason I just felt like that.

  “Can you call my husband and please get my discharge papers, I have to go.”

  “You’re in no condition to sign yourself out.”

  “If you don’t do it I will walk the fuck out of here.” I handed her Thug’s number and waited for her to get him on the line. At this very moment, I knew that I had to take matters into my own hands. Fuck the police. I’m going to get my baby girl back on my own. I have to be the one to get rid of Nico. After all, I’m the reason he’s still alive, not to mention the reason why he has it out for my husband. Once I heard Thug’s voice on the line, I cried the hardest I had ever done before.

  “Please come and get me Ka’Jaire. He took Ka’Jariana from me.”

  Chapter 9- Thug


  The address that Adonis gave me was that of an abandoned house, so I was right back at square one. I kicked and hit the dashboard over and over again.

  “Calm down Bro, we’re going to find her. Let’s just head over to the crib. Keesha will be so happy to see you. Plus, you still need to meet your nephews.”

  “Okay cool. I miss lil’ sis too. This shit is just fucking me up in the head right now. I can only imagine what the fuck she must be going through.” Never in my life have I felt so helpless. What type of nigga am I that I can’t even protect my wife? It’s been damn near eight months now. I laid my head back on the headrest and prayed that she hadn’t suffered at the hands of her captor. Once we made it to the crib. I called and checked on my kids. I needed to hear their voices. It was them who was keeping a nigga going. Besides that, I needed to come clean to my family about the video and Adonis. If it wasn’t one thing it was another with my family. Before we exited the car, my cell phone rung. I looked at the screen but it was an unknown number. A part of me wanted to ignore it, but something inside of me told me to answer. I had to sit down on the curb as I heard my wife’s voice. I could barely hear what she was saying through her crying. The next thing I knew, a man’s voice came on the line and he gave me directions to Grady Hospital. He explained to me that he was Tahari’s doctor and it was imperative that I speak with him prior to seeing Tahari. So many thoughts were running through my head. Out of fear that my mind playing tricks on me, I didn’t even tell Quaadir what was up. I just snatched his car keys out of his hand and drove straight to the hospital.


  “Thanks for giving me a minute of your time, Mr. Kenneth. When your wife was brought in, she had sustained injuries from being struck by a car. Surprisingly, she only walked away with a concussion. She has some abrasions but they should heal just fine. Up until she called you, she wouldn’t even tell us her name and she refuses to talk to the police. I’m concerned about her mental state. She keeps saying that someone took her daughter. Not to mention she was completely naked when they brought her in. She shows signs of physical and sexual abuse. I can’t make her talk to the police, but I am at liberty to have her admitted to the psychiatric ward. The only reason I’m talking to you about this is because she assured me that you had nothing to do with this and that you had no idea where she has been at. Because you’re her husband, I’m releasing her into your care but I think it would be best if you can get her to talk to the police about her accident.” I sat there for a minute taking all of this shit in. I wanted to kill anything moving just hearing that she had endured physical and sexual abuse. Fuck the police; I’m going to handle this shit my way.

  After signing the necessary paperwork, I headed towards the room Tahari was in. For months, I have yearned for her and knowing that she is still alive has a nigga speechless. I hit Keesha and Quaadir up and told them to come up to the hospital. I made sure to tell Keesha to bring some of her clothes. They were going to be so surprised. I had no idea how I was going to explain to my kids that their mother was indeed alive. I know that they will be happy but confused at the same time. When I walked in the room, she was coming out of the bathroom. Our eyes locked and call me a bitch nigga if you want to, but I cried like a motherfucker. I lifted Tahari up off the floor and held onto her tightly. She latched on to me and held me tight as well. I could feel her tears on my neck and I knew that she could feel mine as well. For five minutes, we just held each other without saying a word. We knew each other inside and out. We didn’t have to apologize for the things we had said to one another in the heat of the moment. There wasn’t a question of our love. Regardless of whatever we’ve been through, our love will stand the test of time. I looked into her eyes and I just stared at her. Despite looking like she had lost a considerable amount of weight, she was just as beautiful as the first day I laid eyes on her. I wanted to ask so many questions, but I wanted to wait until she was comfortable. Hopefully, it would be sooner than later because time wasn’t on our side. I needed to know who the fuck had her and what the fuck had went down. I could see it all in her face that she was afraid to tell me, but she had no other choice but to.

  “Oh my God!” Keesha screamed as she ran in the room and held on to Tahari. Quaadir was just standing there in amazement.

  “Man Sis, I’m so happy that you’re okay.” Quaadir held on to Tahari a little too tight.

  “Alright nigga, that’s enough.” I bro
ke that shit up quick. I don’t give a fuck how much time passes or how close we have become, I will never forget they fucked. Y’all already know how I am about the situation. What’s understood don’t need to be explained.

  “Where have you been Tahari? I thought I would never see you again. There is so much we need to talk about.”

  “I’m here now Keesha. Please stop crying. Can we please just get out of here?” Tahari hurried up and wiped the tears from her face. Keesha handed her some clothes and hugged her again.

  “We’ll meet y’all back at the house.”

  “I already booked us a flight back to the Chi.”

  “We’re coming too. Let me go get the kids ready. Wherever my sister going I’m going right with her. Come on Quaadir. Book our flights now. We’ll meet y’all at the airport.”

  “You can cancel our flight to Chicago and book one for the family to come out here. I’m not going home until I find my daughter and I kill Nico.” Tahari spoke so nonchalantly and went into the bathroom. Keesha followed her, closing the door behind them. I had to sit down for a minute to wrap my around the fact that she had just said ‘Nico’.

  “Who the fuck is Nico?” Quaadir asked as he came and sat down beside me.

  “A nigga that’s supposed to be dead. In fact, I was there when he died so some shit ain’t adding up. You and Keesha go book some flights for everybody. I want Thug Inc. here front and center, first thing in the morning. I’m about to book a room for me and Ta-Baby. Some shit still needs to be discussed. She’s not telling me something and I’m going to get to the bottom of this.” I rubbed my hand over my face in frustration. If I wasn’t fucked up in the head before, I was definitely fucked up now.


  I had booked the Presidential Suite at the Hilton in Downtown Atlanta. I was able to grab a couple of personal items from the Peachtree Mall. I also grabbed a much-needed bottle of Remy. Tahari has been quiet the entire time since we left the hospital. I was feeling some type of way because she wasn’t even responding to me trying to touch her. Granted she had been through some shit, I just feel the need to know what the she had been through. Once we checked into the room, I headed straight for the shower. I felt like the weight of the world was on my shoulders. The feelings of Tahari’s hands wrapped around my waist and her head leaning up against my back, took a big load off of me. The touch of her hands still made a nigga weak. I closed my eyes and let the piping hot water, fall all over our bodies. I wanted to bask in the glory of having my wife back, but I could feel the apprehension in her touch.