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Thug Paradise 3: Forever Thuggin Page 3

  “What the hell going on now?” Gail said as she got up to see what the commotion was about. I was right behind her. My heart broke just a little bit more as I watched my sons fight like two niggas on the street. They were going at it like two wild ass animals, not to mention in front of the kids. I was livid seeing my grandbabies screaming and hollering.

  “Stop Malik! Y’all are so wrong for fighting in front of these kids like this,” Barbie said as she was trying to assist in breaking them up. I couldn’t believe all these niggas couldn’t break them up. Then again, they both were like two fucking beasts. Nobody really wanted to touch their asses. I ran off the porch but I was caught in midstride.

  “Get your ass back! Are you serious right now?”

  “Move Quanie! My kids are fighting each other and I have to stop them.”

  “So fuck the fact that you’re carrying my seed right now?”

  “Don’t do that Quanie. You know that’s not what I’m saying.” Quanie was making me mad. Lately, he’s been acting real shitty when it comes down to the things I do concerning my kids. He hasn’t spoken on it, but I know it’s only a matter of time before he says what’s on his mind.

  “Go sit the fuck down before you hurt my seed!” Quanie walked away and went over to break up the fight. I was kind of turned on by his forcefulness. I think that sometimes he holds back because of Thug and Malik. I don’t want him to do that. I want him to be assertive and put me in my place, if that’s what I need.

  “Damn! I need to get rid of Mike’s old ass and get me a nigga like Quanie. He laying pipe and running shit. My type of nigga.”

  “Shut the fuck up Gail!”

  Finally, they were able to break the fight up. Malik and Thug looked like fools, clothes all ripped off and blood dripping from their nose and mouth.

  “Are you motherfuckers done yet? As long as I am on this Earth and even after I’m gone, you better not ever fight one another again. I’m so fucking disappointed in y’all right now. If this is us mourning over Tahari then I know my daughter is rolling over in her grave.” I hadn’t cried in a long time but this shit was hurting my heart. I wish Tahari were still here; things would be so much better. Tahari has had the biggest impact on our family. Without her, we’re falling apart.

  Chapter 6- Thug

  I Can’t Feel It In The Air

  The last thing I wanted was to lash out at my family because of what I was going through. Seeing my mother upset fucked me up in the head. Peaches never cries. She didn’t need to be upset in her condition. Malik and I have never come to blows so I know shit is serious. I’m a proud big brother right now. He stood his ground just like I taught him. Despite us fighting, we had an understanding with one another that no one else around us could ever understand. Once we got our frustrations off our chests, we dapped it up and went to check on our OG. My heart hurt seeing her crying. As we were walking into her bedroom, Quanie was walking out and he looked pissed. I couldn’t even blame him. If it was my woman, I would be upset that she was crying. I have a lot of respect for Quanie. He handles Peaches with tender love and care. Peaches deserves that and more.

  “We’re sorry for disrespecting you,” Malik said as he sat on the bed beside her.

  “You know we hate when you cry. It will never happen again. I’m going to head home and get my shit together. I’ve been off my square and I’ve been taking it out on y’all. And for that I’m sorry.”

  “I’ve been sitting here thinking, Ka’Jaire. I birthed you and I’ve watched you grow into a force to be reckoned with. You usually have a keen sense of things and you’re always on the money. One thing I know about you is that when you feel strongly about something, you go for it. What makes you feel so positive about Tahari not being dead?”

  “Do y’all remember when it was Tahari birthday and we were all at the crib. When y’all were arguing my phone rang and it was her. She was telling me she needed help and something about he took her baby. I knew it was her. If I don’t know anything else, I know my wife’s voice. She needs me and I don’t know where she is and it’s fucking me up in the head right now.” I walked out of the room without even letting them respond. I could tell by the looks on their faces, they thought I was crazy. I gathered all of my kids and we headed home. I ordered some pizza and we all sat around eating.

  “Daddy is sorry for being so mean lately. I promise to do better. I love y’all so much. I just miss mommy.”

  “It’s okay Daddy. We miss mommy, too, but we’re going to get through this as a family,” Ka’Jairea said as she fed the babies. I felt so bad for my baby girl. She would be eleven in a couple of weeks and she’s taken on the mother role, and that’s not fair at all.

  “What’s up KJ?

  “Nothing. I’m good Pops.” He has always been the good one out of the bunch. Always quiet and calculating. He reminds me so much of Malik. I know somewhere inside of him there’s a beast that no one wants to fuck with. Only time will tell. One day he will run my empire and he will do it well.

  “Time for bed my babies,” Marta said as she came in and grabbed Kaia and Kahari out of their high chairs. It’s crazy how Marta went from being my housekeeper to the caretaker of my children. She has been the biggest help since Tahari has been gone. I swear I don’t know where I would be without her.

  “Thanks Marta.”

  “Get you some rest Mr. Kenneth. And just in case you didn’t know, I believe you. Mrs. Kenneth is still with us, I feel her presence.” Marta kissed my forehead and gathered all the kids and took them upstairs. I wanted a drink badly, but I knew that was the last thing I needed. Instead, I went upstairs to the bedroom I shared with Tahari. I had moved out and into one of the guest bedrooms. I was losing my mind sleeping in our bed. It drove me crazy looking at her clothes and smelling her scent. I missed my baby so much I was sleeping in her robe at night just to have her close to me. I laid across the bed and a smile crept across my face, as I pictured Tahari fucking the shit out of me in the club off of August Alsina’s “Porn Star”. Or the first time she woke me up to head and breakfast in bed. Let’s not forget when she shot me in the ass. I could see her clear as day dressed as a stripper and killing Don Gianelli. I already knew she was my down ass bitch. She had proven that shit to me repeatedly. How could I ever doubt her decisions? Each and every motherfucking time she laid a nigga down, whooped a bitch’s ass, or killed one of my sideline hoes, it was all for me. A thug ass nigga like me at that. I had a thug ass bitch ready for whatever and whenever. Not to mention she gave birth to five seeds for me and raised my two kids from a previous relationship as hers. Tahari Lashay Monroe- Kenneth was the real motherfucking MVP. I miss her with my whole heart and soul, and if my intuition is right, she’s not dead. I’m going to find my wife if that’s the last thing I do before I leave this Earth.


  The next morning, I woke up to loud knocks at my door. I sat up and looked over at the clock and it was past nine. I knew all of the kids were gone to either day care or summer camp. I hurriedly walked downstairs to the front door and peered out of the peephole. I hesitated before I answered. The man on the other side was the same police officer who came and informed me of Tahari’s death. The last thing I needed was to hear some bad news. I was in an ‘I don’t give a fuck’ mood, so I answered the door with my gun to my side.

  “Can I help you officer?”

  “Is it possible that we can have a talk on a personal level?”

  “I don’t fuck with the police. They don’t like me and I hate their asses. So, the answer to your question is no.” I slammed the door in his face. This motherfucker had lost his mind asking me some shit like that. I sat on the couch and grabbed a blunt from my candy dish and flamed it up. The doorbell started to ring again as I exhaled the smoke.

  “This bitch ass nigga gone make me catch a body this morning,” I said as I got up to answer the door.

  “You must be deaf or something?”

  “Actually I’m not deaf. I suggest
you talk to me. I have some information regarding your wife.” I looked him up and down sizing his ass up. The look in his eyes told me he was serious but I didn’t trust his ass. A black nigga with a badge makes white cop decisions all the time. I was not about to become a statistic fucking with this pig ass motherfucker.

  “The last time I saw you, you were informing me of my wife’s death. What could you possibly have to tell me about her?” I made sure to blow the weed smoke in his face when I was done talking.

  “I could actually show you better than I can tell you,” he said as he handed me a DVD. I looked at his ass as if he was crazy. If this motherfucker was playing with me, I was going to body his ass and bury his ass in my backyard. I stepped to the side and allowed him to come in. I led the way to my theater room.

  “Before I watch whatever is on this DVD, I need to know something. Why are you here in the first place? You’re an officer of the law and I’m that nigga that breaks the law. What could possibly be on here that would make you want to step out of uniform and enter my world?”

  “Before I became a boy in blue, I was a nigga from the hood, born and raised in the Cabrini Green Housing Project. Trust and believe me that badge is a disguise for who I really am. I’m Adonis Santerelli and Vinny Santerelli was my father. My mother was one of his many women. Despite that nigga having money, I was his biggest secret. He took care of me but he was never there in the physical form. All of my life my mother told me that I had three older brothers. A couple of months back, I was in a meeting and the discussion was about a kingpin that the Feds were trying to take down. When y’all pictures came up along with Vinny’s, I immediately knew that y’all were my big brothers. I look just like you.” He had said a lot but the only thing that was registering was the fact that I had a brother who was a pig. I never even considered Vinny having other kids outside of the ones that I murked. I can’t say I’m surprised. That motherfucker loved black women. The closer I looked at him, I saw the striking resemblance between us.

  “Your ass ain’t pretty as me but you know how that go. Can I trust you?”

  “I wouldn’t be here if you couldn’t. CPD ain’t my blood. You, Malik, and Quaadir are my blood. I would leave the force in a minute if it meant I could have a real family. My mother has been on drugs all my life. I love her, but she’s a bitter woman and that made me a bitter young man. Seeing you and knowing he was never in y’all lives either, takes all that anger way. No matter what, you turned out great. I don’t care if you’re Public Enemy Number One. In my eyes you’re my big brother and my hero.” He had me feeling some type of way. I have a way of reading people and I can tell that he was sincere with his shit. I pulled him in for a hug. My siblings are my world and I love all of them. I wouldn’t treat him any different. Of course, I’ll have to take him to meet my mother when the time is right. I guarantee you my mother and his mother have clashed before. Peaches was something else back in the day. In the meantime, I needed to see what was on the DVD.

  “That’s what up. No need for you to leave the force, I need somebody to fix my parking tickets. Now let me see what’s on this DVD.” We both sat back and I played the DVD. I immediately shot up out of my seat. All of the air left my body as I watched Tahari’s car flip over multiple times. Once it came to a stop, it started to smoke. It was turned over and Tahari was partially hanging out of the window. Tears welled up in my eyes as I watched her try to struggle out of the window. A dark figure appeared and pulled her from the wreckage. I sat with my fists balled up as I watched whoever it was kiss her on the lips. As soon as they walked away from her car, it became engulfed in flames. Shortly after, it blew up. Tahari was placed in the backseat and the car drove away. I put my head down in my hands because my shit was spinning.

  “This shit cannot be life right now. Who the fuck was that?”

  “That’s actually another reason why I’m here. The car that took her was registered to a Monae Douglass from Atlanta, Georgia. Are you familiar with her?”

  “No. That name doesn’t ring a bell.” I was trying had to see if I remembered the chick’s name but I didn’t.

  “I think you need to check it out. This is all of her information. I’ll keep a listen out at the station. For some reason they’re trying to cover this shit up. I’m going to try everything in my power to find out where she is Bro, you got my word.” I dapped him and he left. I immediately booked a flight to Atlanta. I wasn’t coming back to the Chi without my wife. My gut was telling me this bitch was the link to her whereabouts. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to see that it was a man who took her out of the car. I hit Quaadir up and told him to be expecting me. He had no idea what the hell was going on. I would call my crew down there once I found out what was what. I’m about to make them motherfucking country boys bleed. It’s about to be a red hot summer in the A.

  Chapter 7- Quaadir

  Just Me and My Bitch

  Getting that call from Thug had me on one hundred. I couldn’t imagine what the hell made him hop on a plane at a moment’s notice. I had already spoken on the phone with my mother and Malik, so I had a pretty good idea what was on his mental. That shit that happened with Tahari killed Keesha’s spirit. I feel so sorry for her. She feels so alone without her sister. She just recently gave birth to our twin sons Quaadir Jr. and Quameer. I love my daughters but them my little niggas. Despite moving back to Atlanta together, we aren’t together. Keesha is still having a hard time forgiving a nigga. In my opinion, she was being real extra. She gave my pussy away so I murked that nigga. I gave a bitch the dick and she cut the bitch’s head off. We’re even in my book. I’m tired of kissing her ass, so it is what it is.

  Aunt Ruth was glad to have us back home. I was actually glad to be back as well. I couldn’t bear living in Chicago without Tahari being around. I already know what y’all thinking. I bet y’all saying that nigga still in love with his wife’s sister. Well you’re wrong. I no longer have those type of feelings for her. I love her as a sister, that’s all. I know the fact that we had sex will never change. We actually act as if it never happened. I guess we both had just tried to put it in the back our minds. Plus, that nigga Thug would kill my ass if he even thought I was reliving us having sex. That nigga is fifty types of crazy when it comes to Tahari. It’s been real hard accepting the fact that she is no longer with us. It pains my heart to see Keesha and Thug so fucked up over this. I hope like hell Thug’s suspicions are right. We need Tahari back here like never before.

  Before Thug touched down, I wanted to spend some time with my family. I missed just being with my family. I hated to be at Aunt Ruth’s house because Keesha wasn’t letting me live in the house that I had built from the ground up. Life was too short for this bullshit but all of that was about to change. I wanted to do something nice for Keesha, so I headed to the mall to cop her a new ring. It had been years since we got married and it was time for an upgrade. I know that I haven’t been doing my best as a husband, but this was a start. I just hoped and prayed that Keesha would allow me to do something nice for her.

  “What’s up God?” I turned around and it was Melissa. Over the years, we had a on and off again affair. This bitch was nothing but trouble. She and Keesha have come to blows so many times. The last thing I need is for Keesha to think I’m cheating with this bitch.

  “What’s good Melissa?” I said as I handed my card to the jeweler. He needed to hurry up so that I could get the fuck out of dodge. This bitch looked like she wanted to pull my dick out and suck right there in the mall. Knowing her ass, she probably would.

  “It’s been a minute since I had some of that good ass dick. You got my pussy wet as hell.” She walked up on me and grabbed my dick.

  “Straight like that huh?” This bitch had no shame. Now that I look at her, she is such a fucking turn off. A thirsty ass bitch. I knocked her hand away. The last thing I needed was some shit to get back to Keesha.

  “You know how I get down. Whatever I want I go after it. You got the type o
f dick that’s worth getting my ass kicked for. Are you and Keesha still together?” I looked at this bitch like she had lost her mind. You had to be two types of crazy to even say some shit like that. Instead of me responding to her, I grabbed my bag and walked away. My personal life wasn’t any of her fucking business. Melissa is a messy ass bitch. Her ass was fishing for information, trying to see if I would give her the dick. I already know what the fuck her tonsils feel like. Not to mention her ass didn’t have any walls so why the fuck would I even waste my time. Fuck her and her disabled ass pussy.


  I sat outside of the home Keesha and I used to share, and wondered would we ever get back to us. I know all of this is my fault but I just need Keesha to see that I’ve changed for the better. I smoked a blunt before going inside. I had no idea the mood Keesha was in today. I needed to be high just in case she was on bullshit with a nigga. I used my key to walk in and Keesha had the crib smelling like Thanksgiving. I headed to the kitchen and she was standing in front of the stove in a pair of boy shorts and a tank top. I snuck up on her and hit her on the ass.

  “Oh shit Quaadir! You scared me.”

  “Where my kids at?” I asked as I kissed her on the jaw.

  “The girls are at summer camp and the boys are napping. Are you hungry?”

  “Hell yeah! What did you cook?”

  “Ham, Collard Greens, Sweet Potatoes, Baked Macaroni and Cornbread.” I rubbed my hands together and I was ready to go clean in. I couldn’t help but wonder why she was being nice to me. I wasn’t going to even question her behavior, I was just going to go with the flow. This is the best mood I’ve seen her in, in a long time. I watched her as she fixed my food just the way I like it, each item on a different plate. I had a thing about my food touching each other.