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Thug Mansion (Thug Passion Book 8) Page 21

  “What’s up Pops?”

  “Don’t what’s up Pops me. Where the fuck is Kaine and Kash? Go in the house Hadiyah let me holla at my son real quick.”

  “Yes Sir.” I grabbed Hadiyah and kissed her on the cheek before she headed inside.

  “I don’t know I haven’t talk to them since earlier when we made that pick up.” I was fuming because they never did shit they were told. Little niggas is straight savages.

  “Them little niggas gone make me fuck them up out here on that dumb shit. You need to get a handle on your motherfucking crew. Brothers or not put them in their place. What’s this I hear about them running up on Ingleside and airing the fucking block out in broad daylight?”

  “I don’t know shit about that Pops.” He threw the sponge he was washing his car with at me and I jumped back before the water could get on me.

  “That’s the problem. You need to make it your business to know what the fuck your crew doing as a matter of fact they don’t make moves unless you tell them to. This my last time getting on you in regards to your fucking operation then I’m going to step in and regulate my way.”

  “I got it under control Pops.”

  “Fuck under control! I want that shit in order. “ Before I could respond my mother appeared in the door looking mad as ever.

  “KJ get your ass in here right now! You come too Ka’Jaire. It seems like our son is about to be a daddy and we don’t know shit about it.” She walked down the stairs and staring beating my ass with a broom stick.

  “What are you talking about Ma? I don’t got no kids on the way.” I was dead ass serious. I had no idea what the hell she was talking about.

  “Give me this damn broom! Get your ass in the house with them damn booty shorts on got these nosey ass neighbors looking at my shit. ” My father said as snatched the broom from my mother and threw across the lawn.

  “I’m in the prime of my life. I’m far too young to be somebody’s grandma. How could you be so careless KJ? My mom said with tears in her eyes.

  “I swear to you Ma. I don’t know nothing about nobody being pregnant.” I had to grab my mom and look in her eyes to let her know I was being truthful. Plus, I hate to see my mother cry about anything. When I was younger I wanted to murk my Daddy when he would hurt her. So, the last thing I would ever want to do is make my favorite girl in the world cry.

  “Can we please take this shit in the house so that I can find out what the fuck is going on?” My father said and the veins in his head was sticking out so pissed wasn’t even a word. He was mad as fuck and he wanted to kick my ass but I hadn’t did anything wrong. I walked into the house followed by my parents and the first person I saw Hadiyah and she was crying.

  “I’m sorry KJ. I’ve been trying to tell you but I just couldn’t find the words.”

  “We were just in the car together you could have told me then. Why would you come in here and tell my mother some shit that you could have told me?”

  “Watch your mouth!”

  “I’m sorry Ma. I’m just saying that was foul on her part. If she supposed to be carrying my seed don’t you think I should have been the first to know?”

  “True she should have told you but she didn’t even tell me. Ka’Jariea is the one who came in here airing shit because she mad at Hadiyah for telling KJ about messing up her date with some damn boy named Kato.” My mother said as she turned her glass of wine up and drank it straight down. OG was stressing for real.

  “Wait a minute. Let me get this straight you’re mad at your brother about some fuck nigga you was about to go on a date with that you knew was against this family. Don’t be mad at him be mad at me because I told him to go get your ass. You ain’t no better than Yah-Yah walking around here telling people fucking business. Get out my sight Baby girl because that shit was dead ass wrong and you know it!”

  “Why you cursing at me?” I knew them tears were coming and I could see that my father was about to get weak for her ass.

  “Look Baby Girl I –“ My father tried walking towards Ka’Jariea but my mother stepped in his path.

  “Hell no! Ain’t no fucking explaining she dead ass wrong. She can take her ass upstairs and sulk. While we handle this shit here. I’ve been telling you for years to stop walking around here letting these girls get away with murder Thug.

  “Go on with that bullshit Ta-Baby! How I am with the girls ain’t no different then how you are with the boys. While you worried about me and how I discipline the girls you need to talk to Kaine and Kash about the shit they out here doing before I break my foot off in their ass. You got this one here standing in front of us about to be a father. After all the talks and unlimited condoms that I supply him with. You would think he would have prevented this.” My father grabbed a Newport from the pack and flamed it up.

  “Wait a minute. What the hell are you doing with an unlimited amount of condoms?”

  “Not right now Ta-Baby. This is not the time for you to make this about us.”

  “Yeah aaight! Don’t make me come out of retirement. Ms.Pearlie all shined up and ready. You know how I roll.” My father just started laughing and grabbed her around the waist and kissed her on the neck. Just that quick they forgot about the elephant in the room but I didn’t needed to holla at Hadiyah alone. Her being pregnant had a nigga feeling some type of way. Especially since she claimed to be on Birth Control Pills. I’m nineteen years old and the last thing on my mind is being a father.

  “Can I please talk to Hadiyah alone first? Then I’ll be able to talk to you guys after.”

  “Handle your shit KJ!”

  “I got you Ma Dukes.” I grabbed Hadiyah by the hand and led her upstairs to my old bedroom. I no longer lived at home but my room was still available if I ever wanted to sleep over or needed to come home. Once we were inside of the room Hadiyah looked like she was trembling and nervous.

  “What you all nervous and shit for?”

  “I’m not nervous KJ. I’m scared. I’m only nineteen. My daddy is going to kill me. This was the one thing he asked me not to do. He gave me permission to be in a relationship with you. Once he finds this out he’s going to make me stop seeing you.

  I just shook my head at her this was one of the things that made me not want to be exclusive with her. She had no mind of her own. She’s grown and still answers to her parents. That shit so childish to me. I need my bitch available to make decisions for herself. The line of work that I’m in needs me to have a bitch that thinks on her toes. I’m not going to even respond to any of this other shit she talking about especially since she promised that she was taking her Birth Control faithfully.

  “I thought you were on birth control? Let me find out.”

  “What the fuck you mean let you find out? What you trying to say? That I got pregnant on purpose?” Hadiyah was now crying again. No wonder her ass was crying and emotional all the damn time she was pregnant.

  “I mean you keeping the shit a secret from me. You told me that you were taking your Birth Control Pills. I never would have dropped my seeds off in you had I known you were trying to trap a nigga. I can honestly say I’m not ready for kids. I have too much on my plate with running my father’s empire. I think it’s best for you to get an abortion.” I handed her all of the money I had in my pocket. Hadiyah stared at me through hurt eyes. I felt bad that I was the reason for her tears. I fucked with Hadiyah the long way. She was a good girl in love with a street nigga. Right now I’m married to the streets and it comes first with a relationship coming second. She might not understand now but she will without a doubt thank me later.

  “You know what KJ. Fuck you and your money. I’ll pay for my own abortion.” She threw the money and it hit me in my face and it all fell to the floor.

  “Pick my motherfucking up!” I grabbed her by her hair and forced her down to the floor to get the shit up. Hitting me in my face with that dirty ass money was disrespectful. Hadiyah of all people know how I am when it comes to respect. She picked it all
up and handed it back to me. I let her go and roughly pushed her ass away from me.

  “I would never trap you KJ. I’ve been in love with you since I was thirteen. How could you ever think I would do something so foul? I agree that we’re both young and right now isn’t the time to have a baby. A part of me just wished that you would have shown an ounce of happiness for the life that we created. Then again I’m not surprised at your reaction. That’s why I had been scared to tell you from the jump. In my heart I knew that you would have that negative ass reaction. After all you don’t really love me. I’m the most loyal bitch on your team. Yet, you treat me like shit for all these random ass hoes. I’m going to walk out of here and I will schedule an abortion. I don’t want anything from you and I don’t want you either. Loving you is too hard and it hurts too much.” She took off her Tiffany necklace and tennis bracelet and threw it on the bed. A part of me wanted to grab her as she walked out of the room but my pride wouldn’t allow me to do it.

  “What did you do to her?”

  “Get the fuck away from this door. This shit is all of your fault anyway. You did this shit because you can’t fuck with some square ass nigga. Instead of standing here questioning me you need to go and make sure Hadiyah straight.” Ka’Jairea had a lot of fucking nerve after just exposing her best friend like that.

  “Last time I checked you didn’t live here. Don’t take your anger out on me because you just lost the only girl who really loves you KJ. You need to go after her. I can’t believe you treated her like that Bro. We all heard everything. That’s how damn loud you were. Momma said bring your ass downstairs. Just to give you heads up she got her broom in her hand. I advise you to tuck and roll you know how them Boss Ladies do it.” I needed to get the fuck out of this house before my momma put me in the hospital. I know for a fact she’s about to wild out. As I got up and headed back downstairs to face the music with Ka’Jairea I could hear my parents arguing.

  “I’m done discussing this shit. Her getting an abortion is what’s best right now. KJ did the right thing by telling her to get an abortion. Business is what’s more important right now. Having a family will knock him off of his square.

  “Like father like son huh?”

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  “I know exactly how that girl feels right now. I know you like to suppress a lot of shit and act like it never happened but I don’t forget shit. This reminds me of when I first got pregnant by you and you wanted me to get an abortion. That shit hurt me to my heart. Especially when I came back home to find out that you were the father of three year old twins. Don’t even let me get started on the bitch Kelis.”

  “Who is Kelis?” Babygirl had took the words right out of my mouth. At the same time I was trying to see what three year old twins she was talking about. I looked at both my mother and my father trying to read their facial expressions.

  “What three year old twins? We got some more siblings ya’ll never told us about or something?” I asked in a joking manner but serious as hell. My mother looked at my father before she spoke.

  “You and Ka’Jairea were those three year old twins. Kelis was the person that gave birth to you. From the day your Daddy bought you guys home I’ve loved you. You guys are my kids and I’m your mother.” She tried to step toward me but I step back.

  “So ya’ll lied to us!” I yelled.

  “Watch who the fuck you’re hollering at!” My Pops said as he started walking towards me but my mother grabbed him back.

  “Where is Kelis now?” Ka’Jariea asked. My mother got ready to respond my father but his hand up.

  “She abandoned ya’ll. This the last time we will ever have this conversation. Tahari took ya’ll in and raised you as her own and she is your mother. Show her some fucking respect and stop asking about a bitch who didn’t give a fuck about you.” My father said as he walked away. My mother sat down on the couch and out her face I her hands.

  “It’s okay Ma. We love you. Don’t be upset. I hate it when you cry. You have nothing to worry about you’re our mother.” I kissed her on her left cheek and Baby Girl kissed her on the right. I hurried up and left out because the shit had me fucked up in the head. Ka’Jariea and I both handled the situation accordingly because she is our mother but to know that she didn’t birth us is like a dagger. I wonder do our brothers and sisters know?

  As I drove home at every red light I tried to sit back and think if I could remember something. For some reason I remember getting pushed by a woman into the street and a car hit me. I was in such a deep thought that I snoozed and I didn’t realize until the first bullet hit me in the stomach. I looked up and saw the nigga Kato hanging out of a passenger side window of a car shooting at my ass. I got hit up a couple of more times before I stepped on the gas and crashed head on into a truck. The last thing I remember was my car flipping several times.

  Stay Tuned For More

  Thug Legacy