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Thug Mansion (Thug Passion Book 8) Page 20

  Tahari turned around placed her hood back on her head and I did the same. We lifted our guns and aired Python’s ass out. We held hands and walked out a stronger united front than we were before.


  I sat at the head of the massive dinner table dressed in an all-black tuxedo, smoking on a Cuban cigar. I took a puff and exhaled as I observed my family in all of our greatness. We’d all been on a journey of love and redemption together. I smile as I look at my mother and Quanie. This is the happiest she’s been in a long time. Peaches deserves it though, she’s been through a lot. Outside of my wife, she’s the strongest person I know.

  I look across the table at Ta’Jay and Sarge. It warms a thug nigga’s heart to see her happy and able to live out the rest of her life with her first love. I laugh on the inside when I remember how we found out they’d been fucking around. She was willing to go against her family to be with that nigga. I wasn’t mad at her then and I’m not mad at her now. I’m just glad they were able to fix things.

  I raise my glass and salute my twin brother, Quaadir. he’s been through some shit and I’m just glad we have him here with us where he belongs for good. I never in a million years would have thought that Aunt Ruth was behind all of the attempts on my life. That just goes to show you, no one is to be trusted, not even sweet old ladies who claim to love you. Quaadir and Keesha had been coping the best way they could with the death of their son. It was a long journey but as long as they had each other, they would be just fine.

  Then there’s crazy ass Malik and Barbie. I don’t even have to go in-depth about them, because they are who they are and they will never change. Of course they’re still arguing and fighting no matter where they are. That’s just how they express their love for one another.

  It made a nigga happy to finally see Remy happy and accepting the fact that we are indeed family. He never again would have to worry about betrayal of a loved one because all of us in this room were loyal to one another, without a doubt. Having him and Rosé as a part of our family was a beautiful thing. I was happy to have Aunt Sherita in our lives. It was always plenty of laughs when her, my mother, and Gail got together. They needed each other to heal their unknown and fucked up pasts.

  I looked at Adonis and I was still surprised to see that he was married to Barbie’s brother/sister Chrissy Poo. Yes, you heard me right. I don’t know what that makes him, but that shit don’t matter to me and I make sure to let everyone else know it doesn’t matter. That’s our brother and what he chooses is his decision. Although we all know that Malik has had a field day with the jokes about this shit, at the end of that day he’s family. Nothing in this world means more to me than family. We’ve been through it all and survived successfully. I wouldn’t change them for anything in the world.

  I wink my eye at my wife who’s sitting at the other end of the table dressed in an all-black Roberto Cavalli custom-made gown. Of course she rocking Red Bottoms and iced the fuck out. You already know Ta-Baby does no fucking around when it comes to her wardrobe. There was a point in time where she would try to match my fly, these days I match hers. I observe my children and I’m proud to say that they are a reflection of Tahari and me. I can’t wait to see how their story plays out. We’ve laid the foundation, it’s up to them to carry on the Legacy.

  As I knock back a shot, I close my eyes and thank God for sparing me. Most niggas don’t live to enjoy their wife, children, or the money. I’m just thankful to be in the land of the living, enjoying my family, and living off the fruits of my labor. With everything that has been stacked against me, I’m surprised I made it this far. I’ve been through it all and I finally get to rest, kick it, and smoke my Kush in peace, in the comfort of my chromed out paradise. There ain’t no Heaven for a Thug like me. That’s why we go to Thug’s Mansion.



  I would like to dedicate this book to my READERS. You guys are the best hands down. Never in a million years did I ever think that this series would be so successful. With each book that I dropped in this series you guys wanted more and that’s what kept me writing and coming up with dope plots for you guys. The Love and Support you guys showed this series has made Thug and Tahari Kenneth very popular in the Urban Fiction Genre. Not to mention you guys made them they epitome of that Hood Love you guys like to read about.

  After eight books I wanted to give them a happy ending. As you know the whole crew has been through so much. The timing was perfect so that I could set the scene for a new generation in the Thug Legacy. This journey has been absolutely amazing and it’s because of you guys. You all get the highest honor and recognition. It’s your world. I just live in it. Thank you all so much for the love and support that I receive on a daily basis. Without you guys I’m nothing. Stay Tuned for more dope reads!!!!!!

  With Love

  Mz. Lady P

  I love to spoil you guys so I decided to give you all a glimpse into the future


  Thug Legacy

  (I am my Father’s Son)

  Written By: Mz.Lady P

  Some odd years later

  Chapter 1- Ka’Jairea

  I cried my heart out as I sat in my bedroom listening to 4 page letter by Aaliyah. I loved all the old school songs my momma listens to when she in her feelings about my Daddy. He could be lying in bed right with her and she would still be in her feelings about something. My mother is spoiled rotten and it’s my dad’s fault. That’s why when she gets in her moods he pays her no attention because that’s all she wants is some attention. I look at my father and mother and I could only wish that I would be so lucky to have a relationship like theirs. At one point I thought that was going to happen but now I’m not so sure.

  As I sit here writing this letter to Lil Hassan I just don’t know what to do. Since the age of thirteen I had been in love with him and I knew for a fact he loved me. I was so in love with him that I gave him my most prized possession. My virginity. He took it and ran with it. Things were good with us until he became what every girl dreads. A Dopeboy. I guess in a way I shouldn’t be mad because I knew that was his destiny along with my brothers. I’m so scared for all of them because the streets aren’t like they used to be when my father was in the streets wreaking havoc. Now there is no code in the streets or honor amongst men.

  My brother is considered the Prince of the Chi. Even though my father is retired he still reigns Supreme. He still has the power to shut shit down and make niggas bleed if they breathe wrong.

  Nowadays KJ is the go to nigga and Head Nigga In Charge of Legacy Inc. His crew consists of Kaine, Kash, Lil Markese, Lil Sarge, Lil Hassan, Lil Rahmeek, Lil Malik, and Khiandre. These niggas are some young money getting niggas and goons just like their fathers. They might just be worse. I’ve sat back and watched how my brother moves and I am amazed. My father should be so proud to see my brother carry on his Legacy.

  As I sit here and go through my Instagram I want to cry. The sight of Hassan and his new girlfriend is killing my soul. We haven’t been broken up a good week and he out with these bitches showboating. I should buss the windows out of his car like my momma told me to do. Then again I’m too fly for that shit. I’m gone just have to show him that two can play that game. I’m the daughter of a Boss Lady. So without a doubt my moves must be Bossy. At the same time I should have listened to my father when he told me niggas ain't shit and all they do is break your heart. My father ain’t no saint but he knows what’s best for his Babygirl.


  “I’m telling you don’t do this?” I stood in the bathroom fixing my makeup with my best friend Hadiyah completely ignoring what the hell she was talking about. We were at my mother’s boutique hardly working as usual. It was just something for us to do and to help out my mother because she was so busy with our other businesses. It had been a year since we graduated from high school. I wouldn’t dare go away to college so I enrolled at the University of Illinois with a major in Nursing. Of course
Hadiyah did the same as well. We had been best friends since Kindergarten. So there was no way we were going to different colleges or to other states. Plus, for some reason I think my parents didn’t want me to leave anyway.

  “Why shouldn’t I do it? Your brother out here in these streets making a fool out of me. I refuse to keep sitting waiting for him to come back to me. Fuck that shit. I understand that ‘s your brother but fuck that nigga. I’m sick of him trying to treat me like I’m one of these random ass bitches he out here fucking with. He got me fucked up.”

  “Look I understand that you’re mad and all in your feelings. At the same time you know this shit will cause a war if you go out with that nigga Kato. He a Southside ass nigga and you know they beefing with them niggas. This ain’t about my brother this is about your brother and the drama that your ass is about to cause because you in your feelings.” I rolled my eyes because that was the last thing I wanted to hear. Kato had been trying to get me to go out with him for the longest but I kept curving his ass because I wanted to be with Hassan.

  “I ain’t got shit to do with that Hadiyah.” I grabbed my purse and I headed out of the door.

  “Your ass hardheaded. Don’t call me crying when KJ beat your ass.”

  “You must got me mixed up with you. I’ll fuck KJ up with the quickness if he even thinks about it and he knows it. You are the only one scared of my brother sweetie. I love you though friend. I’ll call you later and tell you how my date went.” I kissed her on the cheek and rushed out of the door. I didn’t want to hear her clap back from my statement. She hated when I threw KJ in her face. I loved my brother but he had her wrapped around his finger and he was so damn aggressive with her when he got mad. I hate how he treats her but if she like then I love it. I found out to mind my business a long time ago when it came to KJ and Hadiyah. He was gone do whatever he wanted to do and she was going to be sitting idly by until he came around and did right by her. I loved Lil Hassan but I refused to be a dummy for his ass.


  When I walked outside Kato was standing outside his cocaine white Benz with a bouquet of beautiful red roses. This nigga was dark chocolate and sexy as fuck. He was rocking an all white Robin Jeans suit and the matching hat along with a pair of white and gold Giuseppe’s to match. I blushed as I walked over towards him and he handed me the roses.

  “These are for you beautiful. Thank you so much but you didn’t have to do that.” He said as he handed the roses to me and we engaged in a hug.

  “The Princess of the Chi is going out on a date with the nigga the streets call Kato. I had to come correct Lil Ma.” He said as he opened the passenger side for me and I slid in. I was so nervous because I had never dealt with any nigga outside of Hassan so this shit was new to me. As soon as we were about to pull off KJ swerved his Ferrari in front of Kato’s car and hopped out. I was about to piss on myself when I see him walking towards the car with his gun out.

  “Get the fuck out the car now!” He roared as he banged on the passenger side window with butt of the gun.

  “I’m so sorry about this Kato.”

  “It’s cool. You might want to do as your brother say. I promise we’ll get our chance to kick it.” He said with a grin on his face. I hurried up and stepped out of the car and immediately KJ yoked me up by the collar of my shirt.

  “You trying to get this motherfucker murked huh?

  “You ain’t got to manhandle her like that my nigga.” Kato said as he jumped out of the car.

  “How the fuck I handle my sister ain’t none of your concern. If you want to make it home back to yours I suggest you walk that shit off. Take your ass back to the Southside with your whack ass crew!” KJ cocked his gun and started walking towards the driver side where Kato was standing.

  “Please KJ stop!” I screamed at him through tears as I tried to pull him back.

  “Get your ass in the car Baby Girl!”

  “You got this one my dude. I’ll be seeing you around. Stay sexy Babygirl.” Kato said as he licked his lips and hopped back in the car and blasted Chief Keef as he drove away. I looked up and watched as Hadiyah walked her simpleminded ass out of the boutique and got inside of his car. I just shook my head at her and walked over to my own car. I sped away and headed straight home. I knew it was about to be some shit when I got there. I was ready to hear my father’s mouth. He hated the entire Southside with a passion. He was more of a Westside nigga and that’s how we were all raised. I was so mad at Hadiyah because I keep all of her secrets. Just for that I’m about to tell my brother her ass pregnant by him and too afraid to tell it. That will teach her ass about running off at them big duck ass lips of hers.

  Chapter 2- KJ

  Stuntin Like My Daddy, I Ain’t Nothing Like My Momma

  It took everything inside of me not to knock this nigga Kato shit back. He knows motherfucking well not to ever grace the Westside if he wasn’t ready for a gunfight. What my dumb ass sister didn’t know was that me and that nigga was beefing big time over territory. Niggas in this city knows that I run shit on the West, South, East, and North side of Chicago. I just choose to stay on the Westside were the fuck I was born and raised. Any nigga from any other set knows they work through me. Kato wants to run his shit on the Southside. That’s all fine and dandy. I want everybody to eat but of course them niggas got to pay me to do it and it ain’t no way around it.

  The niggas over East and Up North fell in line quick because of course they don’t want no smoke from the kid. Kato and his crew insisted on thinking this shit is a game. He just don’t know the only reason I didn’t leave his brains on the side of him was because my sister and my girl was in close proximity to us. He lived another day but his time is almost up. I’ve let that nigga slide for the last time because apparently that nigga starting to think he can ice skate.

  This is exactly why I didn’t want her and Hassan to mess around in the first place. She was only doing that shit to get back at him not knowing the consequences that were sure to follow. My father insists that I keep my sisters and brothers out of harms way and that’s what I intend to do. The last thing I want to do is let my father down. He’s passed the torch on to me and I have every intention of running the city just the way he did and maybe even better.

  I knew my sister was mad at me but I didn’t give a fuck because she knew better than to be fucking with that Southside ass nigga. She hopped in her car and sped off almost hitting my shit. I knew she was trying to beat me there but it didn’t matter because our Pops already knew. Who do you think told me to get my ass over to the boutique and get her ass? I slid inside my car and looked over at Hadiyah who was trying her best not to look at me and I knew her ass was fully aware of what the fuck was going down. So since she didn’t tell me I’m gone punish her ass too.

  “Where you want me to drop you off at?”

  “What the fuck you mean where I want you to drop me off at? I thought we agreed that I was spending the rest of the day with you.”

  “I need to head over to the crib and handle this shit with my sister. So, again where do you want me to drop you off at?”

  “You know what KJ you don’t have to take me anywhere? Let me out. I’ll call me a Uber or something. I don’t have time for your wishy washy ass. You must think I’m stupid or some shit. Gone head over that bitch Trese house. I swear when ever I catch you and her together I’m fucking both of ya’ll up.” I couldn’t do shit but laugh because Hadiyah was so quiet and mild mannered until a motherfucker made her mad. Hadiyah and I have history and I know that one day I’m going to settle down and make her my wife. Right now I’m married to the streets and I’m just not ready for the commitment that she wants.

  “Calm your ass down and watch how the fuck you talk to me. Fuck Trese. I don’t fuck with her like that so all that shit ain’t necessary. You of all people know I’m not about to sugar coat my whereabouts. If I was going over to her house to fuck with her then I would tell you. I never lie to you about these hoes that I fuc
k with. I’m like that because you have my heart and it ain’t a hoe out here that can come and tell you some shit about me that you don’t already know. Plus, you know how this shit go when I’m with you, I’m with you and when I’m not, I’m not.” I leaned over and grabbed her chin and kissed her passionately.

  “That’s just it you’re never with me and I’m tired of waiting on you KJ. I know you have to handle your business but why must I get the short end of the stick. I deserve better than to sit back and wait for you to come around and be with me. So, I’m done with you. Going forward it’s all me or nothing. You don’t have any idea how many niggas I turn down out of respect for you but you won’t do the same for me. Every time I turn around you fucking with these tired ass bitches. I’m mentally and physically exhausted. My hair is falling out from the stress KJ.” Hadiyah put her head down in her hands and started to cry. Lately, she had been so emotional and the shit was driving a nigga crazy. I was starting to think her ass was Bi-Polar or something. “Stop crying man. You’re upset for shit. Hadiyah you know you got my heart and one day I’m going to make you my wife. Them other bitches ain’t nothing to me. Come on we can kick it the rest of the day. You need some of this dick in your life that’s why you sitting over there all emotional and shit.” I grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it and we headed over to my parents crib.


  As soon as I pulled into the driveway my Pops was standing in the driveway washing his old school box Chevy. He had nothing but the latest luxury cars but he loved the first car he ever had. That car is his baby. Not even my mother is allowed inside. So you know that car got to mean something to him.