Thug Mansion (Thug Passion Book 8) Read online

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  “I almost called her bad ass a bitch. I had to catch myself because she makes me so angry. Remy allows her to get away with murder. She’s seen how he’s been acting towards me, but he does no wrong in her eyes. I’m just fed up with all of this shit. I need a damn vacation away from all of this shit.”

  We both grabbed the bags and headed out of the house with the kids.

  “That shit doesn’t sound like a bad idea. I say we make it a girl’s thing. Next week is Spring Break. Let’s tear down South Beach, Boss Lady Inc. style.”

  I was in desperate need of a vacation myself. I love my husband and my kids, but I need some me time. I want to get fucked up, party, and of course, bullshit. My girls and I needed a vacation.

  “I’m with it. Just let me know the details and I’m there with bells on. Thanks for coming over to check on us. I really appreciate it. I need to call Madear and let her know about this shit. She’s going to have a fit knowing I walked out on Remy. Then again, I’m not going to even tell her. It’s a shame I can’t even go to my mother’s house because her and my Daddy will tell him where I’m at. Fuck that, I’m going to a hotel.”

  “No problem. I’ll call you and let you know all of the details. Everything is going to be just fine with you and Remy. Watch what I tell you. Love you, Boo.”

  Rosé and I hugged one another and parted ways. As I drove back towards the house, my phone was constantly going off. I looked at the screen and it was Python. I made sure to decline his calls. Thug would kill me if I had any contact with Python. Python rubs my husband the wrong way. He’s cordial for the sake of me, but at the same time he flat out refuses for me to fuck with him on any level. The old Tahari would have defied Thug in a minute, but the new me knows better. Plus, we’ve been so good with regards to our relationship. There is no need for me to create unnecessary drama when we’re on great terms. Lord knows Thug and I can go from lovey dovey to World War III in a matter of seconds. I don’t want those types of problems with Thug.

  When I pulled into the driveway, I was surprised to see Momma Peaches’ car, especially this early in the day. Lately, she and Momma Gail have been doing nothing but partying and acting like teenagers again. Peaches and Quanie have been going at it because of it, and in a way, I don’t blame him. She’s walking around like she’s not the mother of toddler twins.

  Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not bad mouthing my mother-in-law because she’s the best. I’m just having a hard time understanding why she’s behaving this way. I looked in my rearview and saw Malik pulling in behind me. I shook my head because I could only imagine what was going on. Before I could even get out of the car good, Malik had jumped out and rushed into the house. That made me put some pep in my step. I didn’t want to miss a beat. I walked inside the living room and Thug was sitting in his recliner. Momma Peaches and Malik were sitting on the couch, looking like she had been crying.

  “What do you mean you’re not going to do shit?” Momma Peaches cried.

  “Like I said, I’m not getting in that shit. That man had every right to drag your ass out the club. In case you forgot, you have small children. It would be different if the twins were grown, but they aren’t. You need to be at home with your kids,” Thug took a pull of the blunt and handed it to Malik.

  “You and Gail need to sit ya asses down somewhere and act like the Golden Girls you are. All this drinking and hanging out don’t make no sense. Plus, I’m tired of babysitting your damn kids. Last night was the last time, Ma. All they do is shit and cry. I was happy as hell Quanie came and got their ass. I was about to bring them right to that damn club,” Malik added.

  “Shut the fuck up, Malik. This shit is your fault anyway. Who told you to let Quanie take my fucking kids?”

  “I wasn’t about to deny that man access to his kids. Last time I checked, he was a good father to them and an even better husband to you. If I was him, I would have been laid hands on your ass. You need a foot up your ass for your behavior. You lucky you’re my OG and I love you because I might do it myself.”

  “I wish the fuck you or Quanie would even try it. You and Thug got a lot of fucking nerve chastising me about my parenting. Last I remember, I raised both of y’all and your sister. Y’all never wanted for shit. Just because I want to hang out, it’s a problem. At the same time, I never complain when I had to babysit them damn heathens you call kids. I love all my grandkids, but let’s keep it real, they’re bad as shit. I can’t believe y’all sitting here acting like Quanie taking my kids is cool. I’m so done with y’all. Where the fuck is the loyalty at?” Peaches jumped up and grabbed her purse and rushed out of the door, damn near knocking me over. I wanted to go after her, but she really upset. I would just call and check on her later.

  “What the hell going on?” I asked as I went and sat on Thug’s lap.

  “Ma mad at us because Quanie got the kids and won’t answer the phone for her. All that partying with Gail has caught up to her ass. Now she wants to blame the world because Quanie done got fed up and took his kids,” Thug said as him and Malik continued to pass the blunt back and forth.

  “Ma knows better. I’m gone head over to her crib in a little while and talk to her. I don’t like my baby being mad at me,” Malik said with his spoiled ass. As much shit as he and Peaches talk to one another, they still have such a special bond.

  “Get your soft ass out of here!” Thug said as snatched the blunt from him.

  “That shit must be going around because Rosé just took the kids and left Remy. When I made it over there this morning, Rosé had stabbed him. He left out of the house and I don’t know if he went to the hospital or what. I’m kind of worried about him because he was bleeding like crazy.”

  “Raise up, babe. Let me see if I can get in touch with this nigga. In the meantime, mind your business Ta-Baby. I know you mean well, but you be having all the ladies acting out with their niggas. Since when Rosé doing shit like that? I love you babe, but you’re a bad influence on your whole crew.”

  I was appalled that Thug would even say some shit like that to me. I wanted to curse his ass out, but I knew that wouldn’t be a good thing because I could tell that he was upset about Remy.

  “All them Boss Lady Bitches is crazy. Barbie be stressing me out so much she got gray hairs growing on my dick.”

  “Really Malik?”

  I swear he irritates my soul with the shit he says out of his mouth.

  “Dead ass. I have to keep my shit shaved bald. I’m too fucking sexy for gray hairs to be anywhere on a sexy motherfucker like myself.”

  “Get the hell out of my house, Malik, and I’m telling Barbie what ya black ass said, too.”

  I headed upstairs and Thug was getting dressed. I wanted to ask questions but decided against it. I was just going to let him be. I knew that most likely he was on his way to check on Remy. Since I had a couple of hours to kill before the kids made it home from school, I decided to take me a much needed nap. Lord knows I needed all the rest I could get.

  Before dozing off, I thought of Momma Peaches. In a way I could relate to her wanting to hang out and have fun. Motherhood has a way of stopping all the leisure activities for a woman. So I can understand her just wanting to get out and enjoy herself. The more I thought about it, the more I knew we ladies definitely needed us a get away. The problem was convincing our husbands to let us go without them.

  Chapter 3- Torn Love


  Pissed was understatement to describe the way that I was feeling. Thug and Malik had really pissed me off acting like me hanging out was so wrong. It was bad enough I was fighting Quanie about it, but to be at odds with my boys was killing me. I wished Quaadir was here in Chicago. Out of all my sons, I could never do wrong in his eyes. I think that’s because we not too long ago reunited. At any rate, he’s always on my side. Which is more than I could say for Malik and Thug. Don’t get me wrong, I love my boys. I just hate when they get all high and mighty on me like their shit don’t stank.

nbsp; Besides being mad at them, I was down right angry with Quanie. This nigga had taken my kids and flat out refused to come home with them. I was going crazy because I had no idea where they were. I just wanted my kids, and at this point, Quanie could take his ass on somewhere.

  It had been a week and Quanie still hadn’t come home. I had blocked everybody’s number because I didn’t want to hear shit. The only reason Quanie wasn’t blocked was because of the kids. I was on my Petty Betty shit and I was going to make everybody feel it. Malik, Thug, and Ta’Jay had been at my house on several occasions, but I refused to answer my door. I was laughing my ass off because Malik sounded like he was going to cry begging me to open the door. Serves his spoiled ass right for going against the grain.

  Despite being so angry, I was sick without my babies. Quanie just didn’t understand. To be honest, I didn’t understand either. I didn’t know if I was having a midlife crisis, going through menopause, or having a nervous breakdown. Whatever was going on with me, it was causing me to go crazy and my mental state was in question. I loved my kids and I loved Quanie, but I was so afraid that I was going to hurt them. After all, I always find a way to bring some type of drama or grief into my kids’ lives.

  I’ve worked hard at being there for my kids no matter what and in my heart I know that they appreciate everything that I’ve done for them. I don’t think they understand what I go through on a daily basis trying to keep this family together. All I wanted was some me time. Now I’m sitting up feeling like a bad parent because Quanie is punishing me for it. I had been in bed, too depressed to get up and do anything. I just wanted to sleep my life away. I wouldn’t be so depressed about the situation if Quanie would just answer my phone calls.

  I was going crazy, so I decided to go over to Gail’s house just to get some air. She had been calling me like crazy. I knew she was going to curse me out. but shit, it’s her damn fault anyway. I’ve been hanging out with her ass so that she can sneak off with Python. Mike is going to kill both of our asses if he finds out.

  I walked inside of Gail’s house and found her in the kitchen sitting at the table. I was glad she had the Patrón because I was in desperate need of a drink and a cigarette. Since I had the twins, I’d slowed down on the drinking and the smoking. Since I’d started back hanging out with Gail, I’d been back smoking and drinking, heavily. That was most likely a big issue with Quanie as well because I had promised that I would stop over indulging in Patrón and my Newports. Y’all know that shit was hard on me but for the sake of my children I did it.

  Now I’m feeling like shit because I know that I love Quanie and he’s the best thing that has ever happened to me. I had a feeling that I’d been being selfish to Quanie and his needs of me. I expected so much from him without giving him all of me. I’m far too old of a woman to be acting like a teenager without a care in the world. I need to make this shit right with Quanie. That is, if he’ll allow me to.

  Quanie is stubborn as fuck and knows how to hold a grudge. I really underestimated this young nigga. He did so much more than slang good ass cock. Lil’ nigga wasn’t playing no games with my ole ass. He was so much more than just the father of my kids. He was my husband and that changed the entire dynamic of the situation.

  “It’s about time you brought your ass out of that house. I thought I was gone have to call the fire department and have them kick the door in.”

  “I was okay, Gail. I just didn’t want to be bothered with anybody. Quanie still hasn’t brought my damn kids home or called. So I’m sorry if I have other shit to worry about,” I poured me a shot of Patrón and knocked it back, followed by another.

  “Calm down, bitch. I was joking. I think you should let Quanie keep them kids and stop worrying. He not gone let shit happen to them. I say you get dressed and let’s go out tonight and get our step on.”

  I looked at this drunk pussy bitch like she had lost her mind. It was then I noticed something different, yet familiar, about my sister. Her ass was back getting high and I knew who was responsible for it.

  “I’m gone ask you this once and one time only. On the lives of all my children, I’m gone beat your ass in this kitchen if you lie to me.”

  “Ask me what?”

  “Are you back getting high, bitch?”

  Gail stared at me long and hard before answering.

  “I’m sorry, it was just once.”

  I jumped across the table and smacked the fuck out of her.

  “You’re a damn lie. After everything you’ve been through. You have a relationship with your kids and grandkids. Mike is the best thing to ever happen to you. Please don’t let Python come into your life and fuck up everything you’ve worked so hard for. I’m going to tell you this once and one time only. If you don’t straighten the fuck up and cut that nigga Python off, I’m through with your ass.

  “Life is too good for us to be fucking over the people we love. I love you sis, but I’m done with the partying and all that hanging out shit. I have to get my family back on track. My kids and my husband deserve better than this.”

  I pushed her ass away from me causing her to stumble. I was so fucking disappointed in her right now. At the same time, I was mad at myself because she’s a recovering addict. I had no business engaging in that type of behavior with her.

  “I’m done with this shit, too. I promise you sis, I’m done with him and that drug shit. Please don’t tell Markese and Aja. Mike already knows and got in my ass something serious. My only regret in all of this was letting Python come and fuck shit up. I can’t blame him though because I should have known better than to be fucking with him anyway. That nigga is toxic. Always has been and always will be. I love Mike too much to put him through more than I already have.”

  I was glad to hear her say what she said. Looking at her let me know that she was indeed telling the truth about being done.

  “I’m glad to hear that. Call me if you need me, sis. I love you.”

  “Okay I will and I love you, too. By the way bitch, make that the last time you put your hands on me. Heavy-handed hoe.”

  We both hugged one another and parted ways. Gail and I have come too far to lose it all. Especially her. Because of her drug use, she lost out on so many years with her children. Shit is real good for her and no matter how good Python tries to come off, he still shares the same blood as Snake and Venom. Down the road, there is bound to be some type of betrayal on his part. I can feel that shit. He smiles too motherfucking much for me and smiling faces tell lies.

  I hope and pray Tahari stays far away from him like my son has demanded her to. Just seeing how vulnerable Gail was to their past makes me see how he can move in on Tahari. Outside of Keesha, he’s her next of kin. No matter how strong Tahari is, she has a way of being vulnerable when it comes down to her relatives. Python better tread lightly though, because he’s not prepared for Hurricane Thug. My son will definitely do damage behind his wife.

  As I headed back home, my mind drifted to my twin sister, Sherita. I wanted nothing more but to be as close to her as I was with Gail. She flat out refuses to fuck with me. The shit that happened between us happened when we were younger, but she just won’t let the shit go. Since finding out that Rosé was indeed my niece and her daughter, I’ve gone above and beyond to rebuild our relationship. She ignores and avoids me like the damn plague. We’re missing out on precious time because this old bitch is still in her feelings after all these years. This bitch gets on my fucking nerves acting like she’s so much better then Gail and I. I love Sherita, but I will love her from a distance. If there is one thing a motherfucker needs to know about Peaches, it’s that she don’t kiss nobody’s ass. Hopefully, before one of us leaves this world, we will make things right. Until then, fuck her stuck up ass.


  As I pulled into my driveway, I was happy to see Quanie’s truck. A smile crossed my face as I exited my car and rushed inside. My smile quickly turned into a frown as stumbled over his bags that were packed by the door. H
e was sitting on the couch and the twins were on his lap.

  “Hey Momma’s babies, I missed y’all so much,” I rushed over towards the couch and I started hugging and kissing all over them. Quanie removed them from his lap and headed towards the door.

  “Whatever they need, just call and I’ll get it to you.”

  “Quanie, sit down and stop it with all the damn dramatics. Yes, I fucked up and I’m sorry. Please don’t do this. Don’t punish our kids because of my wrongdoing.”

  “I would never punish my kids. That’s why I brought them back home to their mother. I am, however, punishing your ass. You want to act like you missing something in them streets, well now you’re free to go out and find whatever you’re looking for. Like I said, call me for whatever they need.”

  Quanie grabbed his bags and walked out of the door. It had been years since I cried over man. The tears were flowing freely, but I remained calm not to alert my kids of the sorrow that I felt inside of me. Just like that I had lost the only man who probably ever truly loved me. I wanted to go after him and beg him to forgive for me for my behavior, but I knew right now was too soon. Quanie was fed up and I brought the shit on myself.

  I thought long and hard about what I was going to do. It had been so long since I sought guidance from someone. I’d been so busy giving my all to my family that I forgot about me. It had been so long since I’d seen or talked to my Aunt Ruth. She had been my biggest supporter, friend, and confidant when I gave birth to Thug and Quaadir. I was dead set against it, but she assured me that my baby would be well taken care of. I knew that she took my son in out of the kindness of her heart and the love she had for my mother.

  On the other hand, I knew that my mother had done it out of spite to hurt me. I had no idea she was so heavy in the drug game until years after. Finding out she had Quaadir so heavy in the drug game threw me for a loop. At the same time, I was happy because it was in our blood to run drug empires. I wasn’t proud of it but you can’t control what you’re born into.