King and I: A Royal Love Affair Read online

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  “Hey, bitch! I missed you.” I said, as I wrapped my arms around her neck and we hugged each other tight.

  “Where are you on your way to?”

  “Over to Rika’s house to see what she up to.”

  “That’s where I’m on my way to. We’re about to get fucked up before we head over to this party they having at Club Dream for Legs. You should go with us. It’s been a minute since we all hung out. Star and Na-Na gon’ meet us up there; it will be just like old times. Your ass need to get out of that big ass mansion and stop acting like a damn grandma. The Siyah I knew was always down for a party and some good old bullshit.” I got quiet as I continued to walk towards the building. I hated that she felt the need to make me feel bad, but at the same time she was absolutely right.

  “Okay, bitch, I’m all in, but I have to be careful of my surroundings. Luca will kill me if he catches me in the club.” I decided not to divulge information about what was going on to my friends, outside of Rika. Mainly because the last thing I wanted to hear was the ‘I told you so’s’. In my heart I knew that they meant well, but I wasn’t in the mood to be reminded of the bullshit.

  “Ain’t shit changed but our age. Luca come through here with that bullshit if he want to and we’re going to whoop his ass.” Blacky was dead ass serious. Back in the day, we were known for helping each other fight our boyfriends. That shit was so long ago and Luca was not one of our little niggas from back in the day. My husband was a ruthless motherfucker and my friends nor I would be able to handle what he would bring our way. An eerie feeling came over me that made me scared. I looked around because I felt like someone was watching me.

  “Are you okay, bitch? You need to hit the blunt when we get upstairs. That nigga got you straight tweaking.” I just shook my head because the shit was so obvious.

  “I’m cool, bitch, let’s go get fucked up.” Blacky and I walked inside the building and headed towards the elevator. There were a lot of familiar faces, and some faces I had never seen before.

  “I know that ain’t Siyah walking on the land iced the fuck out!” I smiled from ear to ear, as I looked at my nigga Legs walking towards me in all of his bowlegged glory. This man was so damn bowlegged that when he walked it looked as if his shit would break. The ladies absolutely loved that shit on him. We had been friends since kindergarten. Growing up if I ever had a problem with a nigga I knew who I could call on. Legs was right there kicking ass and taking names. Besides hanging out with my friends, I missed just kicking it with him. He was like the big brother I never had. My mother treated him as if she had birthed him.

  “You see this bitch gracing us with her presence.” Blacky said, as she started breaking down the Swisher in the lobby of the building.

  “Hey, big bro, I missed your bowlegged ass.” He picked me up and hugged me tight.

  “I missed your crazy ass too. My party is tonight, but we out here in the park getting fucked up now. Rika got her stanking ass back here smoking up all the weed.” We all laughed as we walked out of the back door and into the big ass park that was in the back of the building. As I walked towards the park I saw that it was nothing but niggas and Rika was the only bitch with them. This was right up her alley, though. The closer I got to the crowd I began to sweat bullets and my pussy got wetter with every step that I took. It was my fantasy fuck, Kingston, dressed in all white everything. The diamonds on his Robin outfit was glistening something kind of serious. Our eyes met briefly as he drank straight from the Remy bottle and chased it with some Red Bull. After our brief gaze he turned away and started back talking to some guys I didn’t know.

  “That fine motherfucker right there could one night stand me!” Blacky said loud enough where damn near the whole crowd could hear her. I shook my head and at her because she had no filter and she always went after what she wanted. I was relieved to know she hadn’t sampled that dick yet, because it would hurt my poor little heart. We don’t share dick. That shit has always been a no no.

  “Heyyyy, friend!” Rika said, as she passed Legs the blunt and jumped off the hood of the car. “I missed you so much.”

  “Girl, please we talk damn near every day.” I said, as I waved her off.

  “It’s not the same as seeing you in the flesh. Here, bitch, bless this Rem thang. We’re about to get fucked up!” We all went and sat down on a bench that was off to the side away from the guys. I poured myself a nice cup of Remy and grabbed a Red Bull from the cooler. When I walked back over to the bench, Blacky was leaving.

  “Where you going, hoe?” I said, as I stood in front of her.

  “I got to slide right quick and meet up with this nigga to get me a couple of dollars. You know how this shit be. I’ll see y’all at the club, I got to go scoop Na-Na and Star anyway.” Blacky was always on her get money shit when it comes to fucking with these niggas. She vows to never be in a relationship.

  “Luca know you in the hood?”

  “Nope, and I really don’t even want to talk about Luca, I just want to have fun tonight. I missed this shit so much, Rika.”

  “Don’t get me wrong I hate how Luca is, but that man has given you a life bitches like us could only dream of. I love you, Siyah, but I’ll take the hallways of mansion over the pissy hallways of the projects any day. Don’t let nobody from this hell hole make you feel like a sell out because you lucked up on a rich nigga.” Rika handed me the blunt, and I took a long ass pull from it. I laid my head back and blew smoke from my mouth into the air. I looked up in just enough time to see a shooting star. I didn’t have time to wish on it, so I just prayed for better days.

  “It’s not even that, I’m just not happy. It’s like I’m his property and I don’t want to be treated like that. I didn’t get a chance to tell you, but Luca put his hands on me a couple of weeks ago.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Dead ass. Had my ass in the back of the car how Ike had Tina.”

  “What would make him do some shit like that?” I took a sip from my drink and a pull from the blunt before telling her what happened. I looked and her ass was all ears waiting for the tea.

  “So, Luca had a business meeting a couple of weeks ago with that nigga over there, named Kingston. I don’t know what it is about that man, but he does something to me, Rika. I’ve fantasized getting fucked by him in my dreams. I don’t know how because I had never met him prior to that day. The whole night I couldn’t stop staring at him. Bitch, I was openly lusting over another man in front of my husband and his family. What’s crazy is that all I can think of is him fucking the shit out of me. The struggle is so real, bff. I want that nigga in the worst way. So, tell me what’s to his sexy ass.”

  “Don’t get me wrong King is every bitch’s dream come true, but you ain’t built for a nigga like that, Siyah. He’s one of them niggas who don’t give a fuck about shit. Goon ass nigga, and he don’t have no problem with killing a nigga or a bitch. These nigga’s out here fear him. He and his crew are considered the fucking Money Team because they’re caked the fuck up. Not to mention that nigga got a stable of bitches. Listen to me, bff, find you another nigga to fulfill these fantasies you got going on. Trust and believe me, he will bring your ass sweet dreams and nightmares.”

  Instead of responding, I just let her words marinate in my head. As I smoked on the blunt our eyes locked again and this time he licked his lips as he tugged on his long beards. I took it a step further and licked mine too, and I held my stare until someone called his name and broke the trance we were in. It was evident that we were both lusting over one another. Right then and there I made a promise to myself that I was going to get some of Kingston “King” Banks, if it was the last thing I did. Something told me he wasn’t the type of man that would kiss and tell.

  Chapter 3-Kingston “King” Banks

  Life was the shit for a boss ass nigga like me. I ain’t got shit, but money to blow and mad bitches to fuck. I know you’re thinking this nigga cocky as fuck. I’m here to tell you that you’re absolu
tely right; I’m one cocky ass nigga. I live life to the fullest and treat everyday like it’s my last. Growing up I struggled to stay out of the Foster Care System. I went from different family member’s houses to living on the streets. Never really had a mother or a father. Drugs and the streets meant more to them than raising their one and only son. I made a way out of no way without them. As a kid I resented them for abandoning me. As an adult I forgive them because you’re supposed to honor your mother and father. My faith in God is strong and His Word is bond. Without him I’m nothing, and he knows my heart.

  Now don’t get me wrong, yes I pump the streets with drugs twenty-four seven, three hundred and sixty-five days of the year. I do that shit because I’ll never have another hungry day. Having a fucking nine to five ain’t for a nigga like me. Plus, God said he would never let me be hungry. In the words of my biggest mentor Malcolm X “By any means Necessary” and that’s my motto. I’m gone get this bread and live life to the fullest. I make sure I pay my tithes, though.

  The big guy has to get his cut. As I look around Club Dreams and see how great it would be to own it. I’m leaning closer to purchasing it from the owner who’s selling it. I don’t know the first damn thing about business, but the shit can’t be that hard. I’ll just hire a team of professionals to get the shit running in the direction that I want it to go. I have big plans for this place. A couple of upgrades to the interior, add some more V.I.P. sections, and I’ll make a killing. Yeah, I think I will add entrepreneur to my resume.


  After discussing business and numbers with the owner, I ordered a couple of bottles, and had them sent over to the V.I.P. area to my right hand man Legs. He’s been down for me every since we was youngins on the streets of the Chi, selling packs on the corner. After going half on our first big shipment, it’s been money over everything ever since, and I fucks with him the long way. I’m not really the type of nigga to club, so my antennas were up and I was watching my surroundings.

  It’s too many fuck boys in my presence and I have to be on high alert. As I leaned over the balcony I got a hard on as I watched Siyah and her crew enter the club. She was sexy as shit, and I was trying to figure out why she was with a lame ass nigga like Luca. She had ass and tits for days. I knew he wasn’t fucking that pussy right by the way she’s been mind fucking me. Little does she know I’ve been doing the same thing. I’m dying to knock that pussy out the frame. If she keep giving me them lustful ass stares, I’m gon’ have her calling my name out while her husband is fucking her.

  I’ve been known to have that effect on women. I continued to watch as her and her girls started to dance. She turned around and looked up at me and started putting on a performance as if it were just me and her in the room. I knocked back my shot of Remy and headed downstairs to the dance floor. I needed to see if she was really about that life with a nigga. When I made it downstairs I saw her walking towards the bar area and I followed her.

  “What’s good, Ms. Siyah? Have you ever had the pleasure of fucking a King?” I whispered in her ear, at the same time I let her feel my dick on her ass. I could see her become so nervous to the point where she was shaking.

  “No, I’ve never even been in the presence of a King. I would love the chance to sit on the throne, though.”

  “It’s a good thing my throne sits high and slightly curves to the left.” She turned around and was now facing me. I got a good look at her big, juicy, pink colored lips and all I could do was imagine them wrapped around my big black dick. At this moment I didn’t give a fuck if she was married, it was obvious she didn’t care either.

  “I know that nigga ain’t fucking you right. Let’s get out of here and let me take you to heights of pleasure you have never thought possible. One night, no strings attached. Let me make love to that pussy until you cry.” I could tell she was thinking long and hard, but was hesitant at the same time. I leaned closer into her body and grabbed a handful of her pussy. That monkey was dripping wet. She didn’t have to speak a word. Boo Boo Kitty was doing all the talking for her.

  I didn’t even give her a chance to respond, I grabbed her hand and led her out of the club. On my way out I locked eyes with my bitch Vita. I knew she was pissed, but she knew not to say shit. I would cut her ass off without hesitation. In the meantime I needed to see what was to Siyah, with her beautiful ass.

  Chapter 4-Siyah

  As I sat in the passenger seat of Kingston’s car I was scared shitless. I swear all this time I had been fantasizing and lusting over him had not prepared me for being in his presence. I tried my best not to look at him and keep my eyes forward, but at this very moment he was making it hard for a bitch.

  “Pull your skirt up so I can look at that pussy while I drive.” My eyes bulged out of my head as I looked at him like he was crazy. The look on his face let me know that he was dead ass serious. I knew this nigga wasn’t for none of this kiddie, shy bullshit I was on, so I did what the fuck I had to do. I pulled my skirt up and removed the thongs I had on. He snatched them from my hand and put them up to his nose.

  “Don’t sit there, I like to be entertained while I drive.” He reached over with his free hand and ran it across my pussy. I bit my bottom lip at the feeling of his warm fingers. I watched as he brought them up to his nose.

  “Like water. Just the way I like it. Now open your legs and make that pussy cum for me. Make that shit nasty too. I want my seats soaked.” The way he was talking had me wet as hell. I opened my legs as far as they would go, and I inserted two fingers inside of me. At the same time I unbuttoned my shirt and released my breasts. He reached over and began to pinch on my left nipple. I placed my right nipple in my mouth and flicked my tongue back and forth over it. I closed my eyes and I started to attack my clit with my index finger until I came all over my hand and his seat

  “That a girl.” He said, as he continued to rub on my breasts as we drove. We pulled up to a condo and I fixed my clothes as he walked around to open the door for me.

  “Here’s the key. I’m about to walk my dog. I want be gone long. When I get back I want you in my bed, ass up, face down.” He grabbed me by the chin and placed a soft kiss on my lips. The feeling of his soft lips sent chills down my spine. I watched as he walked away and went into the garage. I rushed up to the house and went inside. I power walked through his house trying to find his bedroom. When I found it I went inside of the adjoined bathroom.

  I took a quick shower and freshened up. I’m glad I was still some what tipsy because there was no way I would be able to handle this nigga sober. I felt his dick pressed into my ass, so I knew that he was working with a monster. I heard the alarm sounding off, alerting me that the front door had opened and closed. Without hesitation I assumed the position. I made sure to have a proper arch. I wanted him to have a clear view of my pussy from the back. All my doubts and fears went out of the door. I had been fantasizing about this nigga and here I was in his kingdom getting ready to be blessed with his royal penis. I know this is a one-night thing, so I was getting ready to enjoy this night. I knew that he was in the room because I could smell the strong scent of his Burberry cologne. The feeling of his tongue sliding inside my asshole caused me to jump forward on the bed. I had never felt no shit like that before in my life. Luca didn’t even eat pussy so the feeling of his tongue seductively assaulting my ass gave me goose bumps.

  “Bring that ass here, girl! Don’t move again. As a matter of fact put your hands behind your back!” I placed both of my hands behind my back and he was able to hold them tight in his hands. He began to feast on my ass and my pussy. My body was going into overdrive as I tried to get out of his grasp but that only made him suck and lick harder. I buried my face into the bed to muffle my screams and moans of pleasure.

  “Stop that shit! I want to hear you scream!” He yelled, as he smacked me on the ass, and I knew that shit left a handprint.

  “Ahhhhhh!” I screamed out, as I felt a gush of fluid escape my pussy. He let me go and my bod
y collapsed on the bed. He flipped me over onto my back and I watched as he rolled the Magnum on his long dick. I took notice of the curve he mentioned earlier. His dick was long and thick as hell, not to mention the prettiest shade of chocolate a bitch had ever seen. We locked eyes as he climbed on top of me and spread my legs as far as they would go. The sight of my juices glistening all over his face made me eager to taste his lips. I was surprised when he slipped his tongue in my mouth. I hated to kiss Luca, but I welcomed Kingston’s lips and tongue. I thought I was being ripped in half as he entered my pussy. I grabbed on to his neck and held on as tight as I could. He was giving me the fuck of my life and I was enjoying the fuck out of it.

  “Oh, Kingston, please don’t stop!” I managed to moan out in between the forceful thrusts he was delivering to my pussy.

  “Get your ass up!” He hopped off of the bed and pulled me up at the same time. He lifted me up and carried me over to the wall. He leaned my body up against the wall and wrapped my legs around his waist.

  “What’s my name!” He said, as he roughly bounced me up and down on his dick.


  “Say that shit like you mean it!”

  “Kinnnnngggggg! Oh shit, baby! You the motherfucking King! Fuck me harder!” And he did just that. He was fucking my brains out to the point where I felt like I was about to pass out.

  “Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!” He moaned out as he came long and hard. He let my body down and slid my ass to the floor. I couldn’t walk so I crawled over to the bed and fell flat across it.

  “Damn, Siyah, you got some good ass pussy!” He said, as he slapped me on my ass cheeks. I rolled over onto my back and I watched him as he flamed up a black and mild. The entire time he was staring at me, and it was weird a hell.