Thug Mansion (Thug Passion Book 8) Read online

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  “For months I wondered what I had did to make you treat me so bad. Then we got back together and I got pregnant with Kaine and Kash and you started fucking with that bitch Sabrina. That was one bitch’s ass I enjoyed murking. There I was, pregnant with your twin sons and you were out fucking the help. I knew you were cheating on me with her and you continued to lie about it. That’s why I broke that bitch jaw and had her sucking out of a straw. I didn’t do that bitch dirty because she was fucking you. I toe tagged that hoe for thinking it was cool to fuck my husband and play them teenage ass games with me. Then there was what’s her name. The one I shot in her chest and ended up killing her in the end because she thought shit was sweet. I can’t even remember it but I bet you and your ass remember. See that’s the problem. I’ve gotten too soft and all in my feelings over shit.” I watched as Tahari walked over to her nightstand and pulled out her custom made Tiffany and Co. diamond encrusted nine millimeter.

  “What the fuck? Aye man put that shit up!” Now her ass was going too far. I regret the day I taught her ass how to shoot. Tahari pulled the ottoman that was in our bedroom right in front of me and sat in-between my legs with her gun. I just took a long pull off my blunt because she was in rare form. Not to mention on good bullshit with a nigga.

  “What you keep scooting back for? I’m not about to shoot you Thug. I’m just holding the gun in my hand that’s all,” she said, with a devilish grin on her face.

  “Quit playing with me. You waving that shit all around and you got that look in your eye like you had when you shot me in the ass. I swear to God if you shoot me this time I’m pressing charges.” I was dead ass serious. My ass be hurting like hell from time to time. She has sent my ass to the hospital twice. The third time I might not make it out that bitch.

  “The hardest thing I ever had to deal with was you dying on me. I cried every day for you Thug. Then I find out that you were very much alive and fucking your physical therapist who turned out to be a fucking undercover agent. She was another one of your bitches that thought she was slick.

  “Ta-Baby you enjoy killing everybody. I understand that you’re reminding me of all the pain I caused you, but at the same time you forgave me for all of those things. If you forgive me then that’s some shit that you shouldn’t bring up. I would hate to think that you were walking around harboring all this resentment towards me. Just recently you were telling me how happy you were with me and how I’ve been a good husband to you. I’m listening to you right now and you’re sounding different.”

  “I do forgive you, Thug. If I didn’t I wouldn’t still be here trying to get you to see where it is I’m coming from. In a nutshell, over the years I’ve been through it all and still stood beside you as your wife. I’ve told you over the years that I never want to be just your wife. It’s imperative that I have an opinion, a voice, and an identity. Boss Lady Inc. is all me. That gives me something to be proud of outside of being your wife. When you just flat out said that we were done, that shit was wrong on so many levels. It would have been different if you had sat me down and we came to a mutual understanding. Instead, you scolded me and treated me like a child and that made me act out.

  I understand you’re the Head Nigga in Charge and you get the highest honor. However, I’m Boss Lady and I earned that shit. That title wasn’t given to me. I put in major work over the years to reach Boss status. If I’ve never done anything I’ve earned my respect from the bitches and niggas in the streets. Most importantly, you need to give me the respect that I earned. I just want you to treat me like I’m somebody at all times. I’m really sorry for stabbing you and leaving you like that. I was just scared and I didn’t know what to do.

  “You know that I love you, I just hate when you get mad at me. You have no limits or boundaries, Ka’Jaire. Going forward, I just want both of us to think before we act. This time around, I don’t want you to apologize because I know you’re sorry. I just want you to listen.”

  I grabbed her face and kissed her long and hard. There was so much I wanted to say to her, but I decided to respect her wishes and just take in everything that she’d said. I never want my wife to think that I take her for granted because I don’t. Just like most niggas, we get content and forget what’s important in a relationship. Yes, I’m comfortable with Tahari and where we are in our marriage. I might be just a little too comfortable because I thought I knew her inside and out. She brought feelings out that I didn’t know she had. I never want her to feel like she’s less than a woman because she’s my wife. There’s a method to my madness. She just doesn’t understand that when I tell her something, it’s for her own good. But of course, she doesn’t see it that way.

  I was glad that we were at least on speaking terms because I needed to figure out how I was going to tell her about this Python situation. I know that it’s going to hurt her, but I would rather she know now than later.

  The next morning, I woke up and Tahari wasn’t next to me. I swear to God if she’d left, hopped on a plane, and disappeared on my ass again, I was gone fuck her up. She has to stop doing that shit. I pulled the covers back and hopped out of bed. I looked inside all of the kids’ rooms and they were empty. I went down the stairs and found Tahari in the kitchen with an apron on, cooking breakfast. I shook my head because if she was cooking that meant she was up to something, or she was about to confess some shit.

  “What happened? What did you do and how much will it cost me?” I said as I sat at the table.

  “Good Morning to you, too. Why is that the first thing you say when you see me cooking breakfast?”

  She came over and placed a plate of fresh fruit in front of me. She dipped one of the strawberries in some whipped cream and fed it to me. Yeah, she was definitely up to something.

  “Because I know you and you’re up to something. You hate cooking, Ta-Baby.”

  “I know I do. I just wanted to fix you breakfast for a change.”

  She placed a plate of blueberry pancakes, turkey bacon, cheese eggs, grits and biscuits in front of me. Tahari can cook her ass off. Her Grandma Lucy taught her well. I wish her ass would cook more often. She sat across from me just staring at me. I knew she was trying to figure out the right time to break whatever news that she was holding in.

  “You were right, Thug.”

  “What are you talking about?” I stopped eating and pushed my plate away. I reached across the table and grabbed her hand. She looked sad all of a sudden.

  “You were right about Python. He wasn’t genuine with his intentions for me or my sisters.”

  “You better not cry. Fuck that motherfucker! I already know and that’s the real reason I wanted you to end Boss Lady Inc. You guys are on the Fed’s radar. I didn’t want to come right out and say it because I still needed to get the rest of the information.”

  “Oh my God, Thug. Why didn’t you just tell me? We went through all these unnecessary changes. I stabbed you, for Christ’s sake.”

  Tahari jumped up from her seat and wrapped her arms around me.

  “Anything we go through is more of a lesson. It teaches us to love each other and respect one another. I’m fine, my wounds are healing just fine. I want you to tell the rest of your crew about you guys being on the radar. I can’t deal with y’all sitting in prison. Make sure you tell them I’m not Sarge, Malik, or Quaadir. I’m getting them bitches back for jumping on me. Peaches gone get it too, because she kicked it off.”

  I laughed because I still couldn’t believe that those bitches had the courage to actually hit Thug.

  “They scared to see you, babe. Leave my girls alone.”

  Tahari walked in front of me and started kissing my wounds on my chest. My dick sat straight up. Tahari put her hand inside my Polo boxers and begin to stroke my manhood. She licked her lips and pulled my dick out.

  “I know damn well y’all ain’t about to do that nasty shit around all this damn food.”

  Tahari jumped up and hurriedly put my dick away. I knew I never should have giv
en Malik a fucking key to my crib.

  “How in the hell did you get in my house?” Tahari yelled, looking all embarrassed.

  Malik dangled his keys in the air and sat down at the table. He grabbed the plate I had and started eating what I hadn’t finished.

  “Don’t try to get off the subject, sis. I see I have to wash the cups before I drink out of them over here, too.”

  “Stop acting like Barbie don’t do dick!”

  “I wash the cups behind her ass, too.”

  I fell out laughing because this nigga is a straight fool. I love my Lil Bro.

  “I can’t stand you, Malik. Get the hell out of my house!”

  Tahari reached for a biscuit, threw it at him, and ran out of the kitchen before he could throw it back at her.

  “What the fuck you want, nigga? It better be good, too. Your ass just fucked up a nigga nut.”

  “You and her are the most dysfunctional couple I’ve ever met. She was just stabbed you, you was crying about it, she left your ass, she came back, you choked her, and now she in here about to salute you.”

  “Ain’t nobody no more dysfunctional than you and Barbie. I blame you though, because you made that girl crazy whooping on her ass back in the day.”

  “There you go bringing up old shit. Let me get down to why I’m here. Have you talked to Ma or Markese?”

  “Nope. Why you ask that?”

  “Aunt Gail missing. Uncle Mike woke up and she was gone. Get dressed so we can get out here and try to figure out where she at. Markese going crazy and Ma is, too.”

  I hurried up and got dressed because this shit had Python written all over it. I just hope Gail ain’t up and walked on Uncle Mike. That shit would be so fucked up. Not to mention if that’s the case Markese and Aja will never forgive her. I planned on spending the rest of the day with my wife and kids. So much for a day or rest and relaxation.

  Chapter 20- Regretful Love


  This morning I woke up bright and early just like I did every day. Since Mike was still asleep I decided to go to IHOP and grab us some breakfast to go. I walked out and was not paying any attention to my surroundings. As soon as I placed my keys inside my car door, a bag was placed over my head and I was thrown into the trunk of a car. I’d been kidnapped for ransom years back, so I knew not to panic and remain calm. The entire time I was in the damn trunk of the car I was trying to think who in the fuck wanted to kidnap my ass.

  During my days of being on drugs I got over on any and everybody I could. Then I thought that it could possibly be someone trying to get back at my son or my nephews. I stopped thinking so that I could focus on what the hell was going on around me. It seemed like I’d been in the car for hours, but I knew it hadn’t been that long. This damn trunk was hot as hell. I felt like I was going to die from heat exhaustion. Not to mention the damn gas fumes. I wanted to cry, but I closed my eyes as tight as I could and thought about Mike, my kids, my grandkids, and the rest of my family instead. Lord I’ve come too far for this to be my ending. How in the hell would they survive without me?”


  “Wake up, G-Baby.”

  The sound of Python’s deep voice jarred me from my sleep. The feel of his hand caressing my face made me jump from my not so peaceful slumber. I sat up and looked around. I was on the couch in the living room of his condo. He was sitting across from me smoking on a cigar, looking like the snake that he was.

  “Why would you kidnap me like that? I know my kids are worried sick about me.”

  “I kidnapped you because you won’t return my calls and do what the fuck I’ve asked you to do.”

  “Well you might as well let me go, because taking me against my will won’t make me leave Mike. So you can get that shit out of your head right now.”

  I’d been ducking and dodging his calls since I realized that he wanted me to relapse on drugs. Python wanted to have mind control over me. He knew the only way he could do that would be to get me back hooked. I did get high with him twice, but once the feeling wore off I knew I never wanted to go back to that life.

  Right after I got high that second time, I went home and told Mike. He forgave me and told me I needed to get my shit together or he was leaving my ass for good. The sound of his voice and the look in his eyes let me know that he wasn’t playing with my ass. Mike had given me too many chances and I knew he was fed up with my shit. After all, I’d been cheating on him with Python from the moment he came back into my life.

  My kids were so mad at me. I had to get my shit together before I lost everything that was near and dear to me. Python wasn’t shit and I wasn’t about to lose my family behind his demonic ass. This nigga had fooled all of us. He had me thinking that he was a good guy. He was, until he didn’t get his way. This motherfucker had to be out of his mind if he thought Ta’Jay, Tahari, or Ta’Keesha were going to go against their husbands for his ass. The moment those girls turned down his offer, he started talking grimy about Sarge, Thug, and Quaadir.

  That’s where he had me completely fucked up, and where the problem came in. I refused to sit back and let him make idle threats against my fucking nephews. Not to mention talking about how he was going to kill Mike. That was the last and final straw for me. To this day, I know it was Python who had shot him a while back. He was adamant that it wasn’t him, but the more he ran off at the fucking mouth I knew he was the culprit. Mike was shot from behind, so he doesn’t know where it came from.

  Python stood up from the couch and walked over to where I was sitting. He grabbed me by my hair and yanked my head back hard as hell.

  “What you won’t do is question me or say shit to me about your motherfucking kids. They aren’t mine so I don’t give a fuck about them missing you. Your ass might as well get comfortable because this is where the fuck you live now. You can forget about your other life. That shit is a distant memory. Now what you’re going to do is call that nigga Mike and tell him that whatever y’all had is over and you’re never coming home.”

  “That crack pipe has fried your fucking brain, Python. You might as well do whatever the fuck you’re going to do to me because I refuse to call my husband and tell him some shit like that. Your ass is crazy talking about forget my old life. Let my hair go, motherfucker!”

  I yanked away from him but he grabbed me by my throat and begin to choke me to the point where I was seeing spots in my eyes and began to lose consciousness. He let me go and I started coughing and choking. I fell off of the couch and on my knees trying to catch my breath.

  “Now, like the fuck I said, you’re going to call him and let him know it’s over.”

  “You might as well kill me because that shit ain’t happening.”

  He started beating the fuck out of me like I was a nigga. I was trying my best to fight back, but he wasn’t let ting me get a lick in. He delivered a vicious kick to the side of my head that caused me to black out immediately.


  I didn’t know how long I had been out of it. I came to and was sitting up in his bedroom. I was completely naked. I didn’t feel like I had been penetrated, so I didn’t understand why he felt the need to remove my clothes. My head was hurting so bad that all I wanted to do was lay down and go to sleep. I was trying to figure out how in the fuck I could get out of here. Python had never been so cruel to me and I knew eventually he would kill me because I was never going to agree to do what he wanted. That shit was out of the question. I was prepared to die at his hands before I made Mike or my kids think I left them for Python’s ass.

  I got up from the bed and walked over to the bedroom door. I was surprised that it was actually unlocked. I peeked my head out and looked down the long hallway. I was familiar with the layout of his condo because I’d been there on several occasions. If I could make it down the stairs, I would be in the clear. I didn’t hear anything so I slipped out and tiptoed to the top of the landing. It was then I overheard him talking. I peeped over the banister to see if I could get a good look a
t who he was talking to. That’s when I realized he was talking on the phone.

  “Yeah I have her. She upstairs knocked out cold,” He said into the phone. He placed the phone down and flamed up a cigar. During that time a voice that I thought was familiar speak.

  “She should be dead. Not out cold. This is what the fuck I be talking about. You’re slacking on my fucking watch. You need to handle what the fuck I sent you to handle. Either you do that shit or give me back my ten million dollars.”

  I could’ve died when the realization of who the voice belonged to came to my mind.

  “I’ll handle it. All of that shit ain’t necessary.”

  I immediately turned around and tiptoed back into the room that I was in. I went over to the window and surprisingly it was open. I pushed it open and peered out. I was only on the second level of the condo but it looked like a long ass fall if I jumped. I contemplated for a couple of seconds before I got the courage to jump.

  “Where the fuck you going?”

  I looked behind me and Python was coming towards me. I closed my eyes and I jumped out of the window. I heard a gunshot go off and I felt pain in my shoulder as I fell down inside the flower bed. It took me about a minute to gather myself before I was able to stand to my feet. My whole body was hurting from the fall and my shoulder was bleeding profusely. Despite being in pain, I knew that had to get the fuck out of dodge and at least make it home to my family to tell them the shit I’d heard.

  I wanted to cry because I couldn’t believe the shit. I was still naked as the day I was born as I limped down the street. It was late at night so there weren’t that many cars out. God must have been on my side because my prayers were answered in the form of a police squad car that came up and helped me. This was the first time in my life I was sitting in the backseat and not in handcuffs. I didn’t even care that I was naked I just want to get to wherever my sisters were.