Thug Paradise 3: Forever Thuggin Read online

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  “What is this all for? Why would she hurt my daughter? Her own grandchild.” Tahari was now crying so I went over to sit next to her. All of her girls jumped up and started aiming their heat at me.

  “Slow down killers!” I put my hands up in surrender. They acted like they really wanted to shoot. Tahari gestured for them to put their guns down. I sat next to her on the couch and wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

  “Cassie does the shit out of greed and jealousy. She hates to see you girls living the good life and can’t get that. She’s an old, lonely, miserable bitch. Karma is kicking her in the ass for all of the dirt she has ever done. Peaches did a lot of shit, too, but she ain’t grimy. She’s always been a go getter and a hustler to her heart. Family is everything to Peachhead. That’s why she will always be triumphant and come out on top. Cassie hates Peaches because she is everything that she will never be.

  “So what do we do now? That bitch is still out there wreaking havoc. I won’t rest until that bitch is dead. She murdered my motherfucking niece and for that shit, I want to cut her up into a million fucking pieces.”

  “I have a location on her as we speak, but I think it’s best everything is discussed in the presence of your husbands. Thug has sent word that he wants a meeting tomorrow. At that time, I’ll give you the information that I do know. I’m so glad that you girls came and let me get it all out in the open. It would give me great pleasure to be in my grandbabies’ lives that is if you let me.”

  “Of course we will,” Tahari said and she hugged me. Keesha and Ta’Jay did the same. We talked for a little while longer and agreed to meet up the next day for the meeting. We needed to get Cassie before she pulled another stunt. In the meantime, I needed to figure out how to make Gail my wife. The way she just put that thang on a nigga makes me want to give her my last name and every damn thing I own.

  Chapter 30- Trish

  I’ve been trying my best to be supportive to Markese, but he’s been shutting me out. Since finding out about this motherfucker, Python, possibly being his father, Markese has been spazzing out. I’ve tried to sit him down and talk to him several times, but he’s keeping everything bottled in. Not to mention the fact that he’s back in the game. I’m not mad that he’s back in the game. He’s my husband and I support him. But as his wife, I should have heard it from his mouth, not Aja’s. With everything that’s going on, I don’t even want to add stress by nagging him about it. We’ve been together for almost twenty years so I trust his decisions when it comes down to business. Despite all the drama going on with the family, we’re still living good. Our businesses are booming, money is flowing abundantly, our kids are healthy and our relationship has its ups and downs. More ups than downs, and I’m comfortable with that. Markese makes sure we want for nothing. He goes hard for his family and that will never change. I just hate that he’s in such a bad place right now. I think he will feel much better when he sits down and talk to Gail. Not to mention Mike packed his shit and left Gail. I thought he was bullshitting when he said he was leaving. Aja and Markese aren’t talking to her right now and she is so fucked up about it. My biggest fear is her falling off of the wagon. Gail has come too far for that. I’m going to try everything in my power to help her through this difficult time. After all, she’s like a mother to me.


  It had been a minute since I stepped foot inside Gentlemen’s Paradise. I really didn’t like the atmosphere these days. Mainly, because I had a feeling that Markese was fucking with this stripper bitch named KoKo. I really don’t do the who social media thing, but it’s been brought to my attention that she’s been making indirect statuses in regards to fucking one of the Bosses of the club. That shit got Markese written all over it. Despite him trying to convince me that I’m wrong or I’m exaggerating, I’m not no fool. Just like it’s in my head that he fucked Nisa. That situation has already been addressed, so there’s no need for me to beat a dead horse. Long as they know that I know. I’m still cool with Nisa but I’m not with that friendly shit between them. The only way they can ever be around each other is in my presence. They both know not to fuck with me. If he has been cheating, he’s been doing a good job at keeping it under wraps and that’s the way it better stay. I swear they bet not ever think of crossing that line again. I’m going to fuck the shit out of Killa with his fine ass. They can play if they want to.

  I didn’t want to swing by the club alone, so I called Tahari to come out with me. When she arrived, Keesha and Ta’Jay were with her. I loved kicking it with them because they were wild and crazy. Plus, Tahari needed to have just one night where she wasn’t stressed out about her daughter or the issues that her family had been going through.

  “It’s packed up in here,” Ta’Jay said as she sipped on her Amaretto Sour.

  “This motherfucker stay packed,” Keesha replied, as she poured her another shot of Cîroc. I looked over and Tahari looked like she was not enjoying herself.

  “Are you okay Ta-Baby?”

  “Not really. I have a lot on my mind. I’m worried about all this drama with my mother still being alive, Python being our grandfather and this damn inheritance. Who would have known we would inherit a Haitian Drug Cartel, not to mention Thug being in an accident. He’s mad because he has to have one more surgery on his leg before he can start physical therapy. I’ve never seen a person have surgery on their brain and up the next day trying to kill people. I’m worried about him the most. Thug doesn’t know how to function being bedridden. He has every intention on running this meeting with Python. Please forgive me Trish. I’m putting a damper on the mood.”

  “It’s cool. As matter of fact, we can leave. I just wanted to come through and talk to Markese. He’s avoiding me because he knows I’m about to get on his ass about the way he’s doing Gail. We’ve hardly had any time to sit and talk. I’m at the shop all day. He’s out in the streets handling business during the day and here at night. I know that y’all have had a long ass day. Go ahead and head home. I’m going to holler at Markese and head home myself.”

  “After we finish this drink we’ll leave. Hopefully, you’ll be back before then. If not, I’ll call you tomorrow.” Tahari hugged me and I went to find Markese. I went up to his office and he was in there passed out.

  “Wake up bae,” I said as I walked over to the couch he was asleep on. I leaned down and I kissed him on his lips.

  “What are you doing here? You should have told me you were coming I would have had a section for you.” I looked at him as he sat all the way up. He looked so stressed at the moment. I rubbed my hand over his fresh cut Caesar.

  “It’s cool. I wasn’t coming to kick it. I just wanted to come and talk with you. We’ve both been so busy lately we haven’t had time to sit and talk. I miss you being at home.”

  “I miss you too bae. You know I’m out here making sure shit straight for us. Plus, I want to pay for you to get that house in the Hamptons you wanted. Thug and I have been thinking of purchasing some houses out there. We can live out there during the summer. Shit, we can open you up a salon out there too. Sky is the limit for you bae.” I blushed as Markese talked to me. It made me feel good that he wants to give me all those lavish things, even though I’m accustomed to it.

  “Thank you for spoiling me rotten. I just want to say thank you in case I don’t thank you enough. ” I reached over and kissed his lips. I grabbed his dick through his slacks and he was rock hard. I unzipped his pants and got down on my knees in front of him. I pulled his dick out and seductively licked the head, making sure I sucked all the juices that were oozing out. That shit drives me crazy. I placed his dick into my mouth and I began to suck as if my life depended on it. I just wanted to relieve some of the stress that he was under.

  “Fuckkkkk!” He moaned out in pleasure as he roughly began to fuck my face. Seconds later he came all down my throat and swallowed each and every seed. Markese’s shit was like milk; it did a bitch’s body good.

  “Take them shorts of an
d come sit on this big motherfucker!” Markese said, as he pulled his slacks all the way down around his ankles. I came up out of my shorts quick fast and in a hurry. I climbed on the couch on all fours and he slowly entered me. After all these years, I still have to brace myself when he puts his dick inside of me. The width of his dick is not normal. He was pounding in and out of my pussy viciously and I was enjoying each and every minute of it. As soon as I was getting ready to cum, the door flung open and it was a bitch standing there looking like a deer in headlights.

  “What the fuck KoKo? Your ass know you not supposed to walk in here without knocking!” Markese had stopped and he was pulling up his pants. I was pissed off that this bitch had fucked up my nut. I pulled on my shorts as I tried to contain my anger. I knew that this was the bitch that called herself liking Markese. I was ready to see how this shit was about to play out.

  “I’m sorry Boss. I didn’t know you was in here fucking.”

  “Bitch, you weren’t supposed to know he was in here fucking. Shouldn’t you be out there doing something strange for some change, with your ten-dollar weave wearing ass.

  “I want to do something strange to him but obviously he like fucking Molly the Maid ass bitches!” Did this bitch just come for me? She tried to walk out of the door but I pounced on her ass like a cat. I was wiping the floor with her ass.

  “Get her off of me!” She was screaming for Markese to help her ass as I beat her face all up.

  “You better beat her motherfucking ass Trish. If you don’t beat her ass I’m going to beat yours.” Y’all already know I don’t want no ass whoopings he handing out. So, I went even harder trying to beat the fuck out of her. I glanced up for a minute and Markese was sitting behind his desk smoking a blunt. I had beat her ass until she passed out. Moments later, security came and scooped her up and carried her off.

  “When that bitch wakes up, let her know she’s fired for disrespecting my motherfucking wife and my establishment. Close that door bae. I’m not done giving you the dick.” On his command, I did what I was told. I felt no remorse for the bitch. She lucky I didn’t shoot her ass for calling me a fucking maid. I stayed with Markese until closing time. It felt good to kick it with him at the club. I think I’ll come down there more often. I need to make my presence known around that bitch. Plus, I have feeling I’ll be seeing KoKo again. When we walked out of the club, King and Nasir were pulling up.

  “Fuck y’all pulling up like that for? I almost let loose on y’all asses.” Markese said as he put his gun back in his waist. King and Nasir had a somber look on their faces.

  “We need to get to the hospital. Pops got hit up. It ain’t looking good. Gail is at the hospital going crazy. Aja is up there with her now.” King said as he tried to hold back the tears that had welled up in his eyes.

  “What the fuck happened?” Markese asked through gritted teeth.

  “The details are still vague. Gail was with him when it happened. Let’s go bro,” Nasir said and we all started walking towards the car. This shit is about to get real ugly if Mike checks out. I got a feeling who did the shit, but I’m just gone sip my tea and be quiet.

  Chapter 31- Tahari

  As soon as we made it to the parking lot of the club, we were surrounded by about ten gunmen. They were all holding A-R 15 assault rifles. A black minivan pulled up and we were thrown inside. Black sacks were placed over our heads once we were inside. There wasn’t a lot of talking amongst the men.

  “What do they want with us Ta-baby?” Ta’Jay asked just above a whisper. I knew she was closer to me because I could feel her shaking.

  “I don’t know sis. I do know that if they wanted us dead, they would have killed us in the parking lot.” For some reason I wasn’t scared. I knew it was because of all that I had been through. A part of me was praying that it was Cassie. I needed answers. Plus, these motherfuckers didn’t even check us for guns.

  “I swear if that slick nigga Python behind this shit, I’m going to kill him with my bare fucking hands,” Keesha said through gritted teeth.

  “Are y’all strapped?” I whispered so they couldn’t hear us.

  “Yeah,” they both said in unison.

  “Let’s just see where they’re taking us. On my cue we blast. Just breathe easy and show no fear. We’re Boss Lady Inc. If this is our last night on Earth, we’re going out with a bang. I had to put my big sister cape on and be brave for them. I had no clue what the outcome of all of this was going to be. After what seemed like an hour, the van stopped. The sound of the doors opening caused us to jump. We were all pulled out of the van and walked up a steep hill. It was eerie how they weren’t even speaking. All I could think about was how Thug was going to kill me for not going straight to the house where the rest of the family was. Here it is the seventh book and I’m still hardheaded as hell. I felt the ground change beneath my feet and I knew that we were now walking on the floor. I felt myself roughly being pushed into a chair. Moments later, the sacks were roughly pulled from over our heads. I became enraged as I tried to leap over the table and choke the fuck out of Cassie. A gun was immediately placed to my head. She was sitting stoically like she was a queen or some shit. Her ass looked like the evil stepmother.

  “Awwww! The little bitch is mad.”

  “You damn right I’m mad, but I’m more hurt than anything. What have Keesha and I ever done to make you do this to us?”

  “Don’t ask me questions that you already know the answer to. You bitches think you’re hot shit because you’re married to niggas with a little power and money. Not to mention so loyal to my enemy, that scandalous hoe, Peaches. By the way, how’s Quanie?”

  “You hate my mother because she is everything your ass would never be.”

  “No, I hate your mother because she ruined my life. Oh yeah, you need to start giving your nigga the pussy the way you used to give it to Snake.” This bitch was crazy as hell. Who would say some sick ass shit like that to someone that was molested?

  “Why did you let him do that to me?” Keesha spoke up and tears were streaming down her face. I was mad she was crying but I didn’t know her pain. I was never molested and I thank God for that. However, I hate that this shit happened to my sisters. My trigger finger is itching I want to kill this bitch so bad. For now, I just need to be patient because I will never be able to go on with my life not knowing what happened to my daughter.

  “Oh shut the fuck up Keesha. I’m so tired of you playing that same old tune. Get over it.” Keesha leaped across the table and was able to slap fire from Cassie. One of the gunmen roughly yanked her back and made her sit in the seat.

  “I’m tired of this shit. You’re the devil. Whatever fate you have for us, so be it. All I want to know is why would you hurt my daughter.

  “She died when I hit you with my car. I just held onto her until the time was right. It hurts to lose a daughter, doesn’t it? That’s exactly how I felt when I was trying to do right by you ungrateful bitches. But nooooo, you hoes wanted to be a part of Peaches’ family so bad that you crossed me out. Not to mention your husbands who didn’t like me from jump. Especially that motherfucker, Thug. Speaking of Thug, how is the healing process coming along?

  “It’s coming along just fine, bitch,” Thug said as he came from behind Cassie and shot her in the back of the head. Blood and brain matter flew everywhere. When I wiped the blood away from my eyes, I looked up and Thug was moving slowly and his head was still bandaged.

  “Oh my God! What are you doing here Ka’Jaire?” I jumped up and ran towards him and wrapped my arms around him. He winced in pain, as I held on to him tightly.

  “What the fuck?” Keesha said and I turned around and I almost fell out as I watched Quaadir, Malik, Sarge, Dro, Dutch, Rahmeek, Hassan, Python, Barbie, and Khia all remove the ski masks from their heads.

  “I can’t believe this.” Ta’Jay walked off crying and held on to Sarge tightly. Keesha did the same thing to Quaadir. It brought tears to my eyes because it looked so romantic.
I was so happy to see Khia. I wanted to ask her where she had been but it was not the time. Just her being here was enough. The way Python was smiling I knew that he was behind this shit.

  “I’m not going to even ask how the fuck y’all pulled this shit off. Why you didn’t let me kill her, Ka’Jaire? There was so much more I needed to know.” I rubbed my hand over the bandage that was on his head.

  “I needed to put a bullet in that bitch head in honor of our daughter. That’s the least her Daddy could do for her. I couldn’t take her talking to y’all like that any longer. That bitch didn’t deserve another minute of your time. Our daughter is going to be able to rest now. Come on, let’s go home and make love.” Thug grabbed me around the waist with his good arm and pulled me in even closer.

  “You aren’t in any condition to be trying to make love to me.”

  “I’m going to lay there and let you make love to me. After all, you do that shit so well.”

  “I love you more than anything in this world Tahari. I’m going to try my best to give you and my kids an even better life than you already have. All I want to do is grow old with you and keep you happy.”