Thug Mansion (Thug Passion Book 8) Read online

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  “I hope you know that she gone kill that dog too,” Ka’Jairea said and walked off without a care in the world. I shook my head because I knew it was true.

  “What’s good Kaine and Kash? Mommy missed y’all. Did y’all miss me? No hugs or nothing.”

  “What’s good Ma?” they said in unison. I smiled because they always said the same thing at the same time. It was so creepy. They’re so mild-mannered and well-behaved now. Who would have thought these were the same little boys who used to kill all the damn fish and write all over my walls. They were the epitome of terrible twos. Marta was the one who could tame them and make them act right.

  I looked over at Kaia and Kahari and they were the last of my babies. They grew up too fast for me. They were now going on six and were very smart. They love me but they go to Ka’Jairea for everything and that’s mainly because she’s basically helped with her brothers and sisters for as long as I could remember. I don’t know where I would be without her sometimes. I just hate that our relationship has changed since she’s gotten older. She’s into boys and into social media. Her Daddy hates it but there’s nothing we can do about it. She’s a teenager. Thug is going to have a fit when he finds out about her liking Li’l Hassan. I think that it’s so cute she has her first crush.

  I observed Kylie and she fit right in with us as a family. I just hate that she has been diagnosed with having a mild case of Autism. After we got full custody of her, we found out that she had some issues but she’s been doing well with her therapy and tutors. I hope that her mother is looking down on us and happy about the decision she made. I looked around at all of my kids and silently thanked God for each and every one of them. They give me a purpose and a reason to live.

  My phone began going off and I knew it was Thug. I ignored that shit and headed up the stairs to my bedroom. I didn’t have time to talk to him at the moment.

  “Can we talk Ta-Baby?” I looked up and Momma Peaches was standing in the doorway of my bedroom. I had actually tuned out the fact that she was here in my house.

  “Sure come in.” I sat down on my bed and waited to hear whatever it was she had to say. I knew sooner or later she would be coming and saying something to me with regards to me stabbing her son. I’m surprised we hadn’t come to blows because after the disagreement in the hospital, I just knew it was on whenever we saw each other again.

  “I know that I’m the last person you want to talk to but I just want to clear the air and move on from the shit that went on between us. These last couple of months has been the hardest on me and it’s been an eye-opening experience as well. I never apologize for anything but it’s only right I apologize to you for overstepping my boundaries with regards to Thug.

  “At the same time, you know how I am about my baby. That boy is literally my life and I just can’t see myself living without him. From the bottom of my heart, during the course of your marriage if I ever disrespected your place as his wife, I apologize. I also want to apologize for the statement I made with regards to my family going through shit ever since you came in the picture. Like you said this shit been fucked up way before you ever came into the picture. The things I said to Thug back at that hospital was wrong. Ta’Jay is a grown ass woman and it’s not his or Malik’s responsibility to make sure she doesn’t go out and fuck psychotic ass niggas.

  “I also had a long talk with Thug and I apologized to him for everything. I just want the best for my family. I also want the best for you guys. I see how you love my son and I’ve always loved that about you. The first time I laid eyes on you I knew you were going to be my daughter-in-law. You had this look in your eyes that let me know how much you loved my son. I just had no idea your ass was batshit crazy over his nutty ass.”

  We both laughed and I walked over and hugged her tight as ever.

  “I’m sorry for the things I said as well. Although I was mad it was never my intention to disrespect you as his mother. Let me rephrase that. I meant as our mother. You’re the only person outside of my grandma Lucy that was a real parent to me. I’m forever grateful for you inviting me into your close-knit family and making me a part of it.

  Thug loves you so much and he feels like if he lets you down then he has failed you. So it hurt me for him just hearing you say what you said but I’m glad we’ve cleared the air. It felt so awkward being in a room with you and not saying anything to each other.”

  “Exactly. Now that that’s out of the way. Have you talked to your sister? Her or Quaadir not answering the phone for anybody. I’m so worried about them. My grandbaby dying and all that bullshit that happened after the funeral had me fucked up. This family needs to come together. I don’t like what’s going on at all.”

  “I tried to call her but she’s not answering either. I really hope no one thinks that there was anything inappropriate going on between Quaadir and me. I swear to God Momma Peaches Quaadir and I don’t look at each other like that period. Thug just happened to walk past the room and see us hugging. The hug was nothing but a comforting hug. I’m disappointed that Thug would behave like that.”

  “You already know how he feels about that situation. Thug and Quaadir are the best of friends and brothers. However, it doesn’t change the fact that his wife and brother fucked before. Just like Keesha loves you and y’all have become close. It still doesn’t change the fact that her husband and her sister had sex before. There is nothing wrong with Keesha feeling inadequate when it comes to you. After all, you’re Boss Lady right? I don’t condone the shit Thug did that’s why I went across his shit. As a matter of fact, where is that motherfucker anyway? He’s the main reason I’m over here. Malik called and told me that Quaadir nose is broke and I’m pissed the fuck off about that shit.” I just shook my head hearing that Thug had broken Quaadir’s nose.

  “I left his ass in Atlanta. When I saw my eyes and my neck I was so outdone. I packed my shit and now I’m here ready to file for divorce.” Peaches just starting dying laughing like something was funny. That was the same thing Keesha did before I read her ass for filth. Peaches was going to get her cursed out again laughing at me.

  “You and your husband are truly made for each other. The both of you are so fucking dramatic when you get into it that it don’t make no sense. I understand that you’re trying to prove a point but that’s a drastic decision to make. You know damn well if you file some damn divorce papers and he signs them you’re going to be all in your feelings. You and Thug need to learn how to communicate with your words instead of with your hands. Over the years you guys have prospered into one of the most wonderful couples out of everybody.

  “Y’all problem is both of you want to be the boss of the relationship. Listen to me baby, and listen to me well. You have these bitches out here admiring the way you bossed up and overcame that shit with Nico. They also love how you carry yourself as a woman and how you will kill anything moving. There’s nothing wrong with that. What’s wrong is you always bossing up to Thug. Now don’t get me wrong, you don’t have to lay down and take his shit. You’re supposed to stand up for yourself and speak about it when something is wrong. The fact remains the same that Thug is the man in the relationship and you have to let him be that.

  I’m telling you this because I learned this shit the hard way with Quanie. It took for him to leave me completely alone in order for me to see the error in my ways. Nothing is wrong with going across his shit if he puts his hands on you. Never let that shit slide. We are both victims of domestic violence so there is absolutely no way we would even be cool with any man hitting on us. I don’t condone you stabbing him up either. Y’all both have to be careful. That shit could have went left on both of y’all parts. He could hit you the wrong way or you could have killed him had you hit a main artery or something.

  “I know it’s hard to talk to Thug but you guys have to sit down and have an adult conversation. Y’all have eight damn kids, ain’t no motherfucking breaking up. I’m gone need the both of you to get it together immediately. Thug
will kill your ass before he let you divorce him. Come on and help me get this menu together. It’s time for this family to sit down and have a dinner. We need to get back to us. The Kenneth Family never folds under pressure.”

  Peaches had said a mouthful and I never had chance to even respond because she kissed me on the jaw and hurriedly walked out of the room. I totally agreed with her. I didn’t really want a divorce from my husband. I was just doing it to get his damn attention. I’ll just wait until he comes home and hopefully we can sit down and have an adult conversation. I really don’t know what’s going to happen to us if he continues to act the way he’s been acting.

  I can’t believe Peaches wants to have one of her famous family dinners. Those things never turn out right. After all of these years you would think she was done with this shit. This should be interesting with all the drama this family got going on.

  Chapter 18- New Secrets


  I had been trying my best to keep it together but I was slowly losing my mind. Darro’s wife, Michelle, had been a real pain in my ass and I was tired of her flat booty ass. Since Malik killed Darro, my daughter has lived with me. The thing about that was that she had been with me illegally. During the course of Darro and Michelle’s marriage she had legally adopted my daughter. I didn’t know the shit until like a month later when she showed up on my doorstep trying to take Zaria.

  At first I thought the bitch was joking but I quickly knew that she wasn’t when she produced legal documents. I was crushed but I had no other choice than to hand my daughter over to her. We went to court and I tried to fight it. I had to take a DNA test and everything to prove that I was, in fact, her birth mother. Thank God I never turned over my parental rights to my daughter when I left her with Darro. That’s why she is now in my custody and living with us. Malik has adopted her as his own and I’m so happy. She loves her some Malik. I’m not surprised though because all of the kids love his silly ass.

  The joy of being able to raise my daughter and live happily ever after with her was short-lived. Michelle has been hell bent on making Malik and me pay for whatever she thinks happened to Darro.

  They still haven’t found Darro’s body and as you all know, they never will. I still get sick to my stomach when I think of how Malik had cut his damn body into all those pieces. Darro is still considered a missing person but this bitch refuses to leave me the fuck alone. I had been keeping the shit from Malik a secret because I knew that he would most likely go ape shit. I didn’t need him catching any more bodies. That part of our lives was over and done with. I just wanted us to sit back and enjoy the life we’ve worked so hard to have.

  This bitch Michelle was working on my last good nerve with all these threats and accusations. I decided to meet up with her just to see what was really good with this green ass bitch. All this tough talking over the phone had me hyped. I wanted to tag this bitch one good ass time but I knew that I couldn’t. I had to play it smart with this hoe because I had no idea where her head was really. It was a good thing Malik was still in Atlanta or else he would have been asking all types of fucking questions.


  I sat inside of Starbucks impatiently waiting for Michelle to arrive. She was already thirty minutes late and I knew she was doing the shit on purpose. I was done waiting for the bitch. She had me fifty ways to fucked up if she thought that I was going to sit and wait for her to come to a meeting that she had set up.

  As soon as I made it out to the parking lot her car was pulling inside. She honked her horn and pulled into a parking spot.

  “You’re late.”

  “I ran into traffic. Let’s go back inside and discuss some things.” She stepped out of the car and strutted past me like she was walking on the catwalk. I looked around the parking lot to see who the fuck she was strutting for. My True Religion pants cost more than everything she had on and we all know True Religion ain’t that damn expensive. I caught up with her and we grabbed a table.

  “Did you want anything?”

  “Cut the bullshit Michelle. What the fuck do you want from me and my husband?” This bitch was acting all nonchalant and I wanted to slap the shit out of her. Calling herself playing this fucking mind game with me.

  “Straight to the point huh?” I observed her as she leaned forward and that’s when I noticed what looked like a piece of black wire on the inside of her collar. It took everything inside of me not to reach across the table and snatch her ass bald. This bitch was wearing a wire.

  “You know what Michelle, I just remembered I need to pick the kids up from afterschool. Let’s reschedule this for another time.” I grabbed my purse and walked out of there fast as I could. I jumped in my car and got the fuck out of there with the quickness. I was so damn nervous and paranoid that I was shaking. I could barely drive so I pulled over to the side of the road. I had to think of what I needed to do next. If this bitch was wearing a wire, there was no telling what she had told the damn police. Malik was going to go ballistic when he found this shit out. He was still in Atlanta and I didn’t want to ruin whatever business meeting that he and Thug had out there. I was all out of options and Ta-Baby was my only hope.


  “Tell me again Barbie. How do you know that the bitch was wearing a wire?” Tahari had been asking me question after question. I felt like I was in a fucking interrogation room. Dior, Gucci, Chanel, and Rosé were also in my living room. Ta’Jay had to be put back on bed rest because she messed up her back helping us whoop Thug’s ass. I still can’t believe we fought him.

  “I’m telling you the bitch bent down and I saw the wire taped underneath her collar. She called herself leaning forward to go inside of her purse but really she made her shirt move. That’s when I saw her collar pop up. It was right there. I swear Tahari, that bitch was rocking a wire.

  “Did you tell her or say anything incriminating?” Gucci asked.

  “No never. I thought the bitch was about to extort me out of some money just because she was a greedy bitch. In reality, I know it was a setup to get me to incriminate me or Malik.”

  “The nigga ain’t even been declared dead and that bitch out here on a witch hunt over a missing person,” Rosé said.

  “Either way, that bitch got to go immediately,” Chanel said.

  “We can’t do shit Chanel. You must have forgot Thug shut Boss Lady Inc. down,” Dior said matter-of-factly. We all turned and looked at Tahari. I could tell she was in deep thought about what we should do. Her ass was on the fence about whether or not she should defy Thug. I understood her position. It’s hard as hell being at odds with your husband and he’s the boss of the motherfucking city. Over the years I’ve sat and watched wondering how in the hell she has survived Thug’s wrath. People can say what they want about my husband but I’ll take his ignorant bipolar ass any day over Thug. He ain’t even my husband and I’m scared to defy him. So if Tahari decides to not go after the bitch Michelle, I totally understand.

  “Suit up. Y’all know the colors. We need to make this shit count. I’m retiring Boss Lady Inc. and we will only come out to play when we have no other choice. I know that we can all agree that motherhood and our wifely duties trump everything. I’m not getting soft on you guys. I’ve just come to a place in my life where I realize that I have too much going on in my home life. I’ve missed so many milestones with my kids trying to prove a point to my husband when in reality, I didn’t have to. I had already showed Thug that I was down for him from the jump just by being the wife he needed me to be.

  “In other words, I love my husband more than I love the adrenaline rush of being the head of Boss Lady Inc. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m still the baddest bitch known as Boss Lady. I just choose to take motherhood and being a wife more serious.” We all understood her because we had all sacrificed so much over the years to support our husbands. I hated to admit it but it was definitely time to retire Boss Lady Inc. for good. We had a good ass run and without a doubt, we’ll go down in hist
ory as some of the baddest bitches that ever did it.”

  We all got up and walked over to where Tahari was and had a group hug. It was well needed. We had all grown up tremendously over the years and that was because we had each other. We’ve fought together and cried together. I couldn’t ask for a better set of females to not only call my friends, but to call my family. Our love for them Thug Inc. niggas will have us all forever connected to one another.

  “Let’s do this shit before Thug and the rest of them fools make it back to the Chi.”

  “Yes. Let’s get to it. I don’t have time to be fighting his ass no more. His ass is strong as an ox.”

  “Bitch you should have saw me running my ass up out of there after I got me a couple of licks in. I just knew he was about to turn around and start shooting our asses,” I said and we all laughed. Them bitches laughing but I didn’t see shit funny. Thug was going to get our asses for this shit. He and Tahari needed to make up so we could be off the hook. When they are all in love that nigga will say yes to anything.


  “This bitch sleep hard as hell,” Gucci said as she blew smoke from her mouth. Every time we were about to kill somebody this bitch needed to smoke a cigarette. It gets more and more annoying to me. Especially since I stopped smoking them things. We were inside of Michelle’s bedroom. She stayed in the same house that she and Darro stayed in when he was alive. The bitch looked like her room was a shrine of him. That shit was creeping me out and I needed to hurry up and get the fuck out of dodge. Malik had been calling me back to back and I just let it go to voicemail. I knew when we finally did talk he was going to act a damn fool about me not answering. Not because he was jealous but because he would be worried about me and the kids. Despite me standing in this woman’s room getting ready to kill her ass, I smiled at the very thought of my husband. Despite Malik’s silly ways, my baby has grown up tremendously. I never would have thought he would have been able to overcome his childhood demons. I’m just glad I was there to see him through it.