Thug Paradise 3: Forever Thuggin Read online

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  All of our kids were knocked out in the bed when I climbed back in bed with them. I took a picture of us and sent it to him with the caption that read ‘The only thing that’s missing is you’. I snuggled up under my babies and drifted off to sleep. There was no other place in the world I would rather be than with my kids. They make everything okay even when shit is all fucked up.

  Thug had been avoiding me like the plague and it was really hurting my feelings. It had been a week since I was released from the hospital and we had yet to discuss things. I really needed someone to talk to but the last thing I wanted to do was burden people with our problems. Everybody had their own problems that they needed to tend to. The kids had been begging to go and see the babies and Peaches. They had been in the house all week, so I knew they needed to get out. My body felt great and some air was much needed.

  Chapter 28- Thug

  Break Ups To Make Ups

  It wasn’t that I didn’t want to be around Tahari, it was just I couldn’t bear to look at her. In a matter of days, we managed to go from being happily married to Ike and Tina. By the way, her ass was Ike. The way she fought my ass in that hospital parking lot, had a nigga sore as hell. There was so much that I needed to say to her but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I wanted Tahari to have an abortion but it was never my attention to kill the damn baby myself. Am I sorry she lost the baby? Hell no! Am I sorry she got hurt in the process? Hell yeah. She’s my wife and I love the fuck out of her. I hated that it even had to come to all of this. At this point, I’m not even sure if she still wants to be with a nigga. It had been a week since I had been home. I called to check on her and the kids all day, every day. I was at my mother’s house because I just needed to get my mind right. Plus, I had been handling business and preparing for this business meeting I had with this nigga, Python. Markese wanted to go with me but he was all in his feelings and shit, so I told him to sit this one out and go talk to Gail. They still weren’t on speaking terms and he needed to make shit right with her. Python wants Keesha, Ta’Jay, and Tahari to accompany me, but I’m not really feeling that shit. They don’t know his ass, so I’m really not understanding why he’s so hell bent on them being in attendance. I talked shit over with Sarge and Quaadir. They’re actually on the same page. However, Peaches thinks that they should be in an attendance. I haven’t even spoken to Tahari about her thoughts. I feel better knowing that she’s at home recuperating and making up for lost times with the kids.

  I was dog ass tired from making sure all of my businesses were straight. With everything that had been going on, I had been neglecting them. I’m glad my employees are loyal and had been holding shit down for me while I was going through my personal struggles. After going over the books and making sure shit was adding up, I knew that I needed to stop avoiding going home and handle this shit like a man. It had been a minute since I splurged on Tahari. What do you give a woman who has everything? Jewelry of course. A nigga can never go wrong with diamonds. I had to take a trip to Jared’s. When I arrived, the saleswoman knew me by face. Her ass better know me by face. On several occasions I’ve been the reason why her ass has gotten a fat ass commission check. I decided on a two and a half karat, white gold, princess- cut diamond ring, a two karat diamond heart necklace with the matching bracelet. I dropped twenty stacks in all but Tahari deserved it and more. When I walked inside the house it was pitch black. I knew Tahari was home because her truck was in the driveway. I checked the kids’ rooms and they were all sleeping soundly. I walked inside our bedroom and Tahari was sitting up in bed in a hot pink camisole. She had her hair wrapped up in a matching silk scarf. I smirked as I watched her blow smoke rings in the air from the Kush blunt that she was smoking. We locked eyes for a minute before I walked over to the bed and sat beside her.

  “What’s going on Mr. Kenneth?” she asked as he handed me the blunt.

  “Shit. What’s going Mrs. Kenneth?

  “So, I’m Mrs. Kenneth again?” She stood up and got ready to walk out of the room but I stopped her. I grabbed her and pulled her down on my lap.

  “You’ll always and forever be Mrs. Kenneth,” I said as I kissed her lips.

  “You sure do have a funny way of showing it.”

  “I’m sorry for saying that shit to you. That was real fucked up on my part. I’m also sorry about the way I handled you that night.” I stood up from the bed and went to the bar that was inside of the room. I knew I needed me a shot of Remy to have this conversation with her. I also poured her a shot. I grabbed another blunt from the nightstand and flamed it up.

  “No you’re not. I know that you’re happy as hell I had a miscarriage. You got your wish after all,” she said as she snatched the blunt from my hand and took a long pull off of it.

  “Let’s get some shit straight. I’m sorry that you had to go through a miscarriage. I know how it fucked you up when we lost our first child together. I would be lying if I told you that I wasn’t glad that you lost the baby though. As your husband, you never should have considered keeping that nigga’s baby after all of the pain that he has caused our family. It hurt me like a motherfucker that you would even consider keeping that baby after you killed our seed without discussing it with me first. That shit was a smack in my face. You disrespected the shit out of me. I felt like you were saying fuck me so I said fuck you. For the record, I never really wanted to leave my family but I couldn’t bear to even look at you while you carried that nigga’s baby.” She shook her head and laughed a little.

  “I admit that I was in the wrong for not considering your feelings, or sitting down and asking what you wanted. I thought that you would at least take into consideration that I’m raising your kids from another woman. I guess I was wrong,” she said as she knocked back her shot.

  “You damn right you were wrong. My son and daughter were from a previous relationship and I found out about them at the same damn time you did. You raising my kids is totally different then me raising a child by a motherfucker that has beat your ass, kidnapped you, and caused are daughter’s death. So please save that bullshit about how you’re raising my kids by another bitch. Last time I remembered, the only mother they have is you. On paper and in reality, you’re their motherfucking mother. So, don’t ever say no shit about them being from another bitch. As a matter of fact, fuck that bitch. I hope she’s rotting in hell with that motherfucker Nico. This is some bullshit man. Raise up off of me. I ain’t got time for this shit. ” I wanted Tahari to get off of my lap. I can’t believe she would even compare the situation with me and Kelis to her and Nico. That shit is no comparison at all. Tahari raised up off of my lap and I walked out of the room and out of the house. I was putting my key in the door when I realized this wasn’t the way to go about this shit. I turned right back around and went into the house. When I made it back upstairs to our bedroom, Tahari was laid across the bed on her stomach crying. I felt like shit, as I heard her crying the hardest I have in my life when it came down to us.

  “Stop crying bae.” I sat on the side of the bed and began to rub her back.

  “How could you just stop caring about me? You act like you don’t love me no more.”

  “I love and I care about you. You know that Tahari. We both have been acting the same way to one another. Please stop crying. You know I hate it when you cry, especially when I’m the cause of it.” She had sat up and was sitting on the side of the bed. I got on my knees in front of her and wiped her eyes.

  “Is Momma okay?” I looked up and KJ was standing in the doorway. Tahari jumped up from the bed and went into the bathroom.

  “She’s fine son. Go back to bed.”

  “No she’s not fine. You have to stop making her cry before she leaves us again. On the real Pops, she’s been really sad. All this week I’ve kept my room door open so that I could hear if she would cry. When I heard her, I would climb in bed so that I could make her feel better. She’s been crying because you and my little sister left her. Ka’Jariana can’t come back. T
hat’s where us kids step in at. We have to remind her that she still has us and we will never leave her. On the other hand, you’re here but you’re be being mean to her. I love you Pops, but you’re messing up.” KJ walked over to where I was and dapped me up. Instead, I pulled him in for a hug. My son had grew up on me and I missed it. He just spit some real shit to me. That moment when your nine-year-old son calls you out on your fuckups, it’s time to fix some shit.

  “You’re absolutely right son. I’ve been messing up big time with your momma, but I promise I’m gone do everything to make her happy. I will never make her cry again. Now gone back to bed, we have a full day ahead of us tomorrow.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “We can go wherever you want to go. The choice is yours, son.”

  “Let’s go to Disneyworld.”

  “Why Disneyworld?”

  “It’s not for me, it’s for my sisters. You know they love that Princess shit.” I laughed at hearing him curse and tell his reasons for wanting to go there.

  “That’s true. When you started that cursing shit?”

  “I’m sorry Pops. No disrespect intended.”

  “It’s cool son. Disney World it is. Don’t tell your sisters. We’re going to surprise them. Now go lay down so I can tell Mommy about the trip.” I think a family trip is exactly what we all need. I got on the phone and had my travel agent book the flights and our hotel. I needed for us to leave as soon as possible. As soon as I got off of the phone ,Tahari was coming out of the bathroom. I immediately got up and stood in front of her. I grabbed her face so that she could look at me in my eyes.

  “I’m sorry for everything. I love you and you know that shit. I just want us to put all of this shit behind us. I want make things right between us. You know you got my heart under lock and key. You got me out here looking like a real bitch nigga. I can’t even function in these streets because I ain’t got my Bonnie with me. You know you my motherfucking air Tahari. On some real shit, I feel like I’m gone lose it if I don’t find my way back to you or to us. You have to give me a chance to make shit right. I’m not going anywhere and neither are you. So, let’s stop all this shit and kiss and make up.

  “When did we ever kiss and make up? From what I remember, we usually make up by fucking each other’s brains out.” Tahari moved closer to me and started to suck on my bottom lip. I grabbed her chin and started to kiss her passionately. Her tongue tasted so sweet. I went to put my hand inside of her panties but she smacked my hand away.

  “I would just love for you to fuck my brains out but your ass is on a punishment. No pussy or million dollar head until I feel like you deserve it.

  “Are you serious right now Ta-Baby?”

  “As a motherfucking heart attack. Now come on over here and lay down. I want you to rub on my booty until I fall asleep.”

  “That’s fucked up. You got my dick hard as a brick right now.” I undressed and got ready to climb in bed and that’s when I remembered the gifts I had got her.

  “Here, I got you something.” I handed her the bags and her eyes lit up. I watched as she went inside the bag and opened up the different boxes.

  “You know I love diamonds. This is so nice. Thank you Ka’Jaire.”

  “You’re welcome with your crybaby ass. I thought you was Boss Lady around here crying and shit. Wait until I tell everybody.”

  “I am Boss Lady and you know I play no motherfucking games. I just have a weak heart when it comes to the man I vowed to spend the rest of my life with. I’ll cry over you, for you, and with you, no matter what the case may be. I love you and I never want to feel like you no longer love me again. I promise that I will consider your feelings and your heart going forward. I’m happy we made things right. Our kids are being affected by our behavior. I could have died when KJ asked were we getting a divorce. I assured him that we would never get a divorce and I meant that shit.”

  “Yeah, he came in here and put me in my place about making you cry. He made me proud but he also made me notice that he’s going to be a force to be reckoned with. He’s going to run this empire like an iron fist. He reminds me so much of myself when I was his age. I had inner ambition to run this motherfucking city; at the same time, my mother was my heart. I hated to see Snake hurt her and I went to bat for her each and every time. These streets better watch the fuck out because our son will one day become the King of Chi. By the way, he wants to go to Disney World tomorrow, so we have to get up and get packed bright and early.

  “I always wanted to go there when I was little. The girls are going to go crazy when they meet all of the princesses. I’m glad we’re taking this trip as a family. We need this. However, when we make it home its back to business. I want to have that sit down with Python. I’ve already discussed it with Keesha and Ta'Jay. I know that you’re against it, but I think it will shed some light on some unanswered questions. If he gets out of line, we’ll just send him to hell with Venom and Snake.”

  “Whatever you want to do I’m with it.” She kissed my lips and laid her head on my chest. It felt good as hell as she traced my tattoos with the tip of her finger. I smiled on the inside, as I thought back to the first time she ever traced my tattoos and fell in love with the Pussy Monster. I rubbed her booty as requested until she fell asleep. It felt good just to lay with her in my arms. There was a time when I thought that I would never be able to do it again. I was in deep thought as I thought about what our next move was gone be. My phone began to go off. I looked at the screen and it was Monae. I couldn’t answer it, so I let it go straight to voicemail. A text message came through and it was her telling me that she needed to see me ASAP. It had to do with my freedom. I was skeptical at first but then I was interested in what she had to say. I slid out of bed with Tahari and went to meet up with Monae. I swear she better not be on no bullshit. I spared her ass once, but this time around she won’t be so lucky. To be on the safe side, I hit up King so that he could roll out with me. As I drove over to meet King, I sat at a red light. I looked down to change the radio. I looked up and that’s when I realized I had been blocked in. There were two cars on each side of me. There was also a car in front and one in back of me. I reached inside my hidden compartment and grabbed my AR 15 assault rifle. My range was bullet proof so I knew that none of the bullets would penetrate the car or me. I couldn’t see inside the car because everything was pitch black. As soon as the cars doors opened, I started airing their asses out. They never even saw it coming. The car in back of me began to ram me from behind. I pressed down on the gas and I sped off to get away from whoever was behind me. I never saw the truck until it was too late, and it had hit me head on.

  Chapter 29- Tahari

  I jumped out of my sleep in a cold ass sweat. I had a feeling that something wasn’t right. I rolled over to feel Thug’s side of the bed and he wasn’t there. I ran through the house looking for him, but he wasn’t in the house. I looked in the driveway and his Range was gone. I went to check on the kids and they were all still sleeping in their beds. I started calling his cell phone over and over, but it just kept ringing. I sat on the couch and tried to calm down and think where in the hell he could be. I didn’t feel like he was out doing me dirty. The feeling I had was scary. In my heart and soul I knew that something was wrong with him. My phone started to ring and it was his phone calling me back. I answered and listened as the police officer told me that I needed to get to the hospital ASAP. I started to cry and sob because I couldn’t lose him, not again. We had just made things right and reunited with one another. I called all of the family and I got my kids out of bed. I gathered myself as I dressed my kids. The last thing I needed was for them to see me upset and crying. When I walked inside the hospital, Peaches and the rest of the family were already there. We were in one of those family rooms they have you sitting in. I feel like that room is a set up for heartbreak. Your loved one is in the back dead and they make you sit there as if there’s a chance. I absolutely hate that room at the county hospita

  “What are they saying?” I said solemnly as Peaches broke down crying.

  “They won’t tell me anything because they are waiting for you. Lord, what the hell happened to my baby?” Quanie limped over and held onto Peaches as she cried.

  “These motherfuckers better tell me something about my brother and his condition. I’m about to go crazy.” Malik slid down the wall onto the floor and Barbie sat down on the floor consoling him. I looked around the room and everybody was there, minus Khia of course. King, Dutch and Nasir were his Hittas and they looked sad as fuck. I felt like breaking down right there in that room, but I knew that I couldn’t. I had to be a leader for this family and see what’s going on with my husband.

  “Excuse me, has the wife of Mr. Kenneth arrived yet?” the doctor said as he came out in blue scrubs.

  “I’m Mrs. Kenneth. Please don’t bullshit me. Is he okay?”

  “Right now he’s in surgery. When the car hit him head on, he flew through the windshield. He’s suffered some serious injuries to his lover and upper extremities. We were successful with repairing the damage to his left leg and his right arm. He had a little bleeding on the brain from his head hitting the concrete. That’s our only concern. So far, the surgery is going great. Right now we wait and see what the prognosis is after the surgery. As soon as I can, I’ll come back out and tell you what’s going on.” I sat down in one of the chairs and pulled Kaia and Kahari onto my lap. The rest of the kids came and gathered around us.