King and I: A Royal Love Affair Read online

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  Kingston had been avoiding me at all costs, but he made sure that I was comfortable. He had my beautician, Trish, and her glam squad come to the house and give me a makeover. Not that I needed one, he did it just because he wanted to pamper me. I don’t know who had been cooking my meals, but whoever it was had me getting thick. I had lost a few pounds after the incident, so I was glad to fatten up, had me looking like I had been eating my rice and cabbage. It seemed like my stomach had gotten a little bit bigger overnight.

  My mother had been staying home more and Rika had been working a lot of hours. I’m not a fool, though. I can bet money Kingston is the reason why they haven’t been over to the house. At least we were able to Facetime one another. Since I had so much time on my hands, I had been able to catch up on some of my reading.

  I had just finished this book entitled Double Crossed by Author Rosaldo Horsford. This book was so good. The twin’s sisters in this book were off the chain. The ending had me all fucked up, but at the same time that nigga Head had me horny as ever. He was such a Boss and he reminded me of Kingston in so many ways.

  I had been trying my best to hold out and be as stubborn as he was being, but I couldn’t take it. My mind was telling me to be strong and leave him the fuck alone, but my pussy was purring and in need of some of Kingston’s massive ass dick. Don’t judge me. Ms. Kitty wants what she wants, ain’t no way around it.

  It was late at night when I finally got the courage to get up and go talk to Kingston. Enough was enough. There was too much going on for either of us to be acting the way that we had been acting. I walked around the whole house and his ass was gone. I was fed the fuck up at this point. How dare he leave me in this big ass house by myself? Kingston had me completely fucked up, and this was the last fucking straw for me. I got on the phone and I called Blacky to come and get me. I knew for a fact she wouldn’t tell a soul where I was. Kingston wanted to play games with me; I was about to show his ass just how to play games.


  “Kingston is going to kill both of us and you know it. I knew this shit was a bad idea. His crazy ass got a million dollar price on your head and you’ve only been gone for a couple of hours. What the fuck did you do to that crazy motherfucker?” Blacky and I were sitting in her living room talking about Kingston’s ass. I was sitting on the couch eating donuts without a care in the world.

  “I didn’t do shit to him. The question is what the fuck did he do to me? Here it is I’m the one who was shot by his bitch. Not to mention now I’m pregnant with his fucking baby, and he wants to hold me hostage in that fucking castle he calls a house. Do you know I haven’t seen or talked to him since we had that damn argument? Him leaving me without saying a word was the final straw. Now shut up and go get me a damn Pepsi.”

  “You or his psycho ass ain’t gon’ worry me. I’m telling you right now I’ll rat your ass out in a New York Minute for that damn award money. I’m not gon’ even lie to you.”

  “Really, bitch?”

  “Hell yeah. I love you bitch, but I’m all about my coins, plus I love my life and I have a funny feeling your baby daddy is going to kill me. That nigga is crazy as fuck. Anybody who cuts a bitch head off, takes it to the bar, and tells the bartender to pour this bitch a drink too, is out of their fucking mind. Bitch, you picked the wrong nigga to fall in love with. He killed your fucking husband and his mother. You have my prayers behind fucking with him.”

  I just stared at Blacky as she spoke because I had never heard all of these details about the murder. The more the bitch talked the more scared I became. At the same time someone started banging on the door like the police. I jumped off the couch fast hell and tore ass toward the back of the house. I heard her laughing loud as hell, so I started walking back towards the living room.

  “Bring your scary ass out here.” When I made it back out front Rika, Na-Na, and Star were now all in the living room. All these bitches were laughing and I didn’t see shit funny about it.

  “Really, bitches? Ya’ll think this shit funny and I’m on the run.”

  “Bitch, you better be trying to book a flight, because Kingston is on a fucking rampage. That’s why we’re all over here, he’s blowing our phones up looking for your ass. I had to get out of the house, because Legs kept asking me shit. Ya’ll know I can’t lie to my baby, he be knowing.” Rika fired up a blunt and started smoking. The bitch looked like a crack head taking a long ass drag from the blunt.

  “Kingston came to my damn job. How in the hell does know where I work at is beyond me? That nigga going to get a bitch fired. Kingston punched a damn hole in the wall and everything. I had to tell my boss he was upset because we had a death in the family.” Star said, as she lit her a cigarette.

  “We gon’ have a death in the family alright. We’re looking at the deceased right now. I love you bitch, but it was nice knowing you. Can we be your pallbearers?”

  “Hell no. You bitches be too fucked up. You hoes will probably drop my damn casket. Thanks, but no thanks.” My phone started going off and it was Kingston. I was so scared, I could have shitted in the floor.

  “That’s him ain’t it?” Blacky asked, as she blew weed smoke from her mouth.

  “Hell yeah. Can’t you tell that bitch look like she about to go in premature labor?” Star said, making everybody fall out laughing. I couldn’t wait until these hoes was going through a crisis, I was going to laugh at their asses. My phone chimed letting me know that I had a text. I was scared to look at it because I knew it was Kingston.

  You have less than a minute to bring your ass outside or I’m about to shoot that motherfucker up. Now play with it.

  I just shook my head in frustration at all of his antics that he was pulling. Kingston knew damn well he wasn’t going to shoot this damn house up. So there was no way that I was going outside. I didn’t even bother to tell the girls what his message said, because I didn’t believe his ass. That was until the damn bullets got to flying.

  Chapter 24-Kingston

  The fact that Siyah thought I was a sucka ass nigga made me even madder. She really thinks I’m some type of motherfucking joke. So she left me no choice but to show her ass that I was about that action. I never make threats that I didn’t intend to follow through with. That fuck boy shit ain’t in my nature. I was done talking and let my AK do the talking for me.

  I was a loose motherfucking cannon and at this point it was Siyah’s motherfucking fault for being hard-headed. She knows damn well she wasn’t supposed to leave out of that house, at least without saying something first. I didn’t give a fuck how she feels about being in the house and I wasn’t there. She should have checked and found out first. With all this shit going on she decided to be spiteful. If it’s one thing I hate about a bitch it’s one that’s spiteful. Siyah just keeps failing all of my tests. She didn’t feel me at first, but I know she feel a nigga now.


  “Are you out of your mind, Kingston? You could have killed one of us.”

  “Are you dead?” I shot back. Blacky was yelling and I didn’t give a fuck. Star and Siyah was crying while Na-Na was drinking straight from the Patron bottle. I walked all the way inside of the living room and I stood over Siyah who was balled up on the couch crying.

  “Why would you shoot up the house?” Siyah asked as she sat straight up on the couch.

  “Don’t ask me any fucking questions, especially, when I told you to bring your ass outside, or I was going to shoot this bitch up. You didn’t come out so I did what I had to do. Now get your shit and let’s go home.” I kneeled down in front of her so that she would know that I wasn’t playing no games with her ass.

  “Just go ahead home, Kingston. I promise to bring her home in a little bit.” Rika came and stood in between us, and I politely moved her to the side.

  “That’s not going to work. By the way I thought you didn’t know where the fuck she was at? I thought we were better than that, Rika.”

  “We cool and all, but I’m team Siyah
, just like you’re team Legs. Don’t get it twisted.”

  “My point exactly. I knew ya’ll knew from the jump. Loyalty goes a long ass way. She’s y’all friend so I expect for ya’ll to protect her. At the same time she just got shot and she’s pregnant. It’s too much shit going on in these streets right now for her to be pulling disappearing acts on a nigga. Not only was I worried about her, but she got her momma and daddy all down at the police station filing missing person’s reports.

  “That shit ain’t cool at all. Forgive me for fucking up your shit. I’ll pay for all of the damages, Blacky. I’m done playing these ghetto ass games with her. I’ll be outside Siyah, and don’t make me come back in here and get you.” I kissed her on the forehead and I could feel her shaking.

  The last thing I wanted to do was make her scared of a nigga. All I wanted was for her to understand that there is certain shit she just couldn’t do fucking with a nigga like me. I knew that her crew was mad at a nigga, but I didn’t give a fuck because they knew the shit that she had just been through. So for them to hide her out, knowing that the hoe Vita was on the loose, pissed me off but I had to give it to them, neither of them snitched. I should have known because their asses were always up to no good. Birds of a feather flock together.


  The drive home was quiet and I was left with my thoughts. I was starting to feel fucked up about the way I had been handling Siyah. She stared out of the passenger side window the entire time and avoided me. She wouldn’t even let me touch her and that made me feel like shit, but at the same time I stand behind my decisions. Siyah had to stop acting like a child, and tell me what the fuck she wanted from a nigga. I pulled into the driveway and cut the car off. Siyah tried to hurry up and get out, but I grabbed her back making her sit back down.

  “What’s wrong with you, Siyah?”

  “Nothing. I’m good.” She pulled her phone from her pocket and she began to scroll Facebook. I snatched her phone and threw it on the backseat.

  “I’m gon’ need you to do more than just say some whack ass shit like that. It’s obvious you’re not good. One minute you don’t want my baby and the next you running away from me. You’re acting childish and spiteful. That is a big ass turn off. What the fuck is really good, yo? You acting like you don’t want to be with a nigga.”

  “If I’m so childish and spiteful then why do you want to be bothered with me?”

  “After everything I just said to you, the only thing that stood out was the fact that I called you childish and spiteful. Fuck all that petty shit, Siyah. Can’t you see I’m trying to take care of you? You’re pregnant with my seed and you act like it’s the end of the fucking world. Why in the fuck would you just leave the house like that without telling me first?”

  “The same reason why you would just leave me in the house all alone as if I don’t even exist. I know I made you mad when I made the statement about getting an abortion, but what did you expect. Before I got shot you wasn’t talking to me. As a matter of fact all you wanted from me was to just be friends. I can’t help that I started to have feelings for you.

  “It was like one minute you were a nobody to me and then you became everything. I was married and there was nothing in this world I couldn’t get from Luca. Then I met you and realized that you were just what I was missing. I can’t explain how I fell in love with you. I don’t know if it was your touch, the way you kissed me, or the way you made love to me. The one thing I am sure of is that it was never my intention to fuck everything up. I was supposed to be content with that one night stand, but I craved from more of you.

  “Kingston, you have to believe that I never had ulterior motives to be with you and most importantly to be carrying your child. So you see it’s not my intention to be spiteful or childish. I’m just so confused at all of the events that have transpired between us in such a short period of time. It’s all just too much on me, Kingston.”

  “Come here, man.” I reached over and pulled Siyah onto my lap. I adjusted my driver seat so that she could have enough room. Plus I couldn’t be squashing my little nigga. I wiped the tears that had fallen from her eyes and just stared at her for a minute before speaking.

  “On some real shit, you making this shit harder than it has to be. Stop blaming yourself for wanting to be more to me than a friend. Granted that was all I wanted in the beginning. Just like you I started to feel more for you than I intended. It’s the life I live that kept you at arm’s length. No matter how much I tried to push you away there was a part of me that still wanted me some Siyah. Everyday you were showing me just how down for a nigga you was, but I couldn’t just jump into something that I wasn’t ready for. That wouldn’t have been fair for me to drag you along knowing that I never had good intentions for your heart. You deserve so much more than that.”

  “If this is not what you want then why are you holding me hostage and shooting up people’s house to get to me.”

  “I only do shit like that for people I really care about. As a matter of fact I’ve never cared about anyone as much as I care about you. When you got shot I was fucked up, because I felt like I should have done more to protect you. The thing that had me sold on the idea of being with you is when I found out you were carrying my seed. That shit warmed a nigga’s heart and I’m one cold-hearted motherfucker. I don’t give a fuck about shit. That mentality changed when I found out you was carrying a piece of me.

  “There wasn’t a question or doubt in my mind that you were pregnant with my flesh and blood. You have to understand that all this shit is new for me too. I wouldn’t be acting like this if I didn’t care about you. I never had parents growing up and I don’t want that for our child. I’ve never had to love anyone but myself, so loving you and my child is all new to a nigga. All I ask is that you work with a nigga. If with me is where you want to be then I’m all yours. The world is your oyster and you can have anything you want.

  “This is our home. Right here at this very moment is where we will begin our forever, because ain’t no breaking up, going to bed mad, or running away when shit gets hectic. As you just witnessed I have no problem with shooting shit up when it comes to you, so are you fucking with a nigga or what?”

  “Of course I am, Kingston, but you have to promise me that you will allow me to at least have a voice. You’re so damn bossy.”

  “I’m a boss, ma. That’s the only way I roll. Give me a kiss.” I grabbed Siyah by the chin, and she leaned in and placed a juicy kiss on my lips.

  “I love you, Kingston.”

  “I love you more, ma. I promise there is nothing in this world I won’t do for you and my seed. I have big plans for our future. All I ask is that you be patient with a nigga and love me even when I make it hard for you to do so. It’s not that I’m not loving you right, a nigga just don’t know how. Teach me how to love, ma.”

  “I’ll teach you all of that and more. I need you to know that the world is a cold ass place. When there’s nothing and no one left, I’ll be the one keeping you safe and warm at night. These niggas, them bitches, or these streets will never love you like I do. You told me you needed a queen. Little did you know I was here all along, you just refused to see me. My crown shines just as bright as yours, maybe even brighter, because it’s my job to make you a better man than you already are. A king ain’t shit without his queen. There will never be a question of my love or heart because you got it.”

  Siyah placed my hand over her heart and I swear it felt as if it started beating hard as hell. Siyah had fucked me up in the head with the words she spoke to me. All I could think of was how this woman had the potential to be the death of me. She was my weakness and that wasn’t good for a thoroughbred like me.

  “Come on, let’s go inside and christen this house the right way. You’ve been neglecting this dick.”

  “We don’t have to go inside. Ms. Kitty can handle that daddy dick right here.” Siyah shifted over to the passenger side and removed her shoes and stretch pants. I pulled my pan
ts down and I began to stroke my dick.

  “Play with that pussy the way you did when we first fucked. Make sure you make it nasty for daddy.” Siyah turned to the side and cocked her legs back as far as they would go. I saw so far up her pussy it was a wonder I couldn’t see my Jr’s head.

  “Ahhhhhhh!” Siyah came so hard it squirted all over the damn dashboard.

  “Bring that ass over here, girrrlll!” I yanked her over and slammed her down on my dick. She was riding me so long and hard. I knew I was all up in her soul. She made it rain all over a nigga.

  “Oh my God, Kingston! I love this dick! Ohhh I’m about to cum all over my big black dick!” Siyah’s pussy was sucking up my dick like a vacuum. She had me feeling like a real bitch.

  “I’m about to bust!”

  “You better not come before me!” Siyah slapped me hard as hell across the face. It was like her ass was possessed as she swung her head from side to side. She was riding a nigga so hard she had my damn truck rocking from side to side. She knows I’m the dominant one when it comes to sex. So I had to bring her back to reality and give her this king dick like a boss. Just like the queen she was, she rode the shit out of my throne. As we both came I couldn’t help but think that I needed to not only marry Siyah, but the pussy too.

  Chapter 25-Siyah

  I couldn’t believe that Kingston and I have decided to make things official. If someone had told me the first time I laid eyes on him that he would be the father of my child, I would have told them that they were a lie. It felt so unreal waking up next to him every morning. The best part of my mornings were lying on his chest listening to his heartbeat. For some reason it felt as if his heart beat for me and me only.