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Thug Mansion (Thug Passion Book 8) Page 9

  For the most part, they were keeping a nigga sane. I loved Ta’Jay more then anything in this world and her infidelity had gotten the best of me. I’ve always taken full responsibility for the pain I’ve caused her over the years. I know that she struggled over the years with being molested as a kid, but I stepped up in a major way with regards to how I handled her.

  Ta’Jay was fragile and that’s the way I had to treat her. When I saw her on that tape having sex wit that nigga in her office, I saw something different in her. I don’t know what, but the look on her face showed she was enjoying that shit. I’m pissed off and I don’t have a clue when I’ll stop being pissed off.

  “Have you talked to Ta’Jay yet?” Malik asked as he knocked back a shot. I swear we did more drinking and smoking at these meetings than talking.


  “Well you need to go check on her and take the kids to see her. She’s out of the hospital and staying over at Peaches’ house. If you don’t want to see her, I’ll take the kids to see her myself.”

  “We good on that.”

  I didn’t need this nigga getting in my business when it came down to my kids or their mother. I could care less if she was his sister or not. I just wanted to handle this situation my way.

  “You been my nigga since the sandbox, but that’s been my motherfucking sister since the womb. I understand that you’re in your feelings about this shit and it’s understandable, but don’t forget that’s still our sister. So I advise you watch what the fuck you say with regards to her,” Malik pounded his fists on the table like that was supposed to make me jump or some shit.

  “Or what?”

  “Nigga you want to rock or something?” Malik stood up and knocked his chair over.

  “It’s whatever, my nigga. I know how you coming and you know how I’m coming,” I said as I stood up. He got ready to walk around the table, but Thug stopped him.

  “Both of yall shut the fuck up and sit down. This how this shit gone go and I wish a motherfucker would go against the grain. There is no need for you two motherfuckers to be in here about to fight about this shit. Malik, you of all people know what Ta’Jay did was dead ass wrong. So brother or not, we can’t sit here and tell Sarge how to handle his wife. That’s his decision. I love my sister and I will leave a nigga’s brains on the motherfucking side of him for fucking with her. However, Sarge is a part of this family and we don’t fight amongst each other. If I told you niggas once, I’ve told you niggas twice, we beef with them motherfuckers in the streets.

  “As for you Sarge you’re handling this shit your way, but you’re going about the shit all wrong. Don’t you know that you’re not punishing her by taking the kids? If anything, you’re giving her a much needed break while she recuperates. Not saying that she doesn’t miss her kids, because I know she does. However, our wives wallow in the fact of having any moment’s peace without the kids.”

  We all laughed because we knew that was the truth. I flamed up a much needed blunt and inhaled deeply.

  “I love Ta’Jay, but this shit here got me fucked up. I’ve did my share of dirt, but she didn’t have to get a nigga back like that. I’m not going to keep the kids from her, I just wanted my kids because they were keeping me sane. I’d been fucked up just thinking about how close we came to losing them. One of them bullets could have easily hit one of them. I know Ta’Jay had no idea that nigga was gone pull that bullshit, but she had no business fucking that nigga in the first place. I respect all of y’all but at the same time, I just want to handle this shit my way. I know that’s y’all sister, but she’s also my wife. I promise to drop the kids off to her, but I know for a fact I’m done with her.”

  “I can’t tell you how to handle your wife, all I’m saying is watch how you handle my sister. You my motherfucking nigga. We’ve been through it all. Don’t think shit one-sided because she our sister. We not sitting here making excuses for what the fuck happened. Ta’Jay fucked up and brought harm to her family and that’s something she has to deal with. Don’t you think she’s suffered enough? You’re not the only one who was shot. She was hurt, too. Imagine how she must feel sitting in that house alone unable to do shit because her spine fucked up. We all let our pride get in the way of doing what’s right when it comes down to our wives. I don’t know why you fronting my nigga, you still love her. You just mad. I suggest you get out your feelings and go talk to her before it be another nigga eating her pussy again.”

  “Shut the fuck up, Malik!”

  “I’m just stating facts. Every time I’m telling the truth, you niggas tell me to shut the fuck up.”

  I just sat there in deep thought, thinking about what to do next. My sons had been asking to see their mother and had been worried about her, so I knew I had to just give in and take the kids to her.


  When I pulled up to my new spot, I knew it was about to be some bullshit. Ta’Jay, Tahari, Khia, Keesha, Dior, Gucci, Chanel, and Rosé were all blocking the doorway. Not to mention they were all standing with steel bats and their guns out. I knew they wanted to fuck me up so I called Thug Inc. These crazy bitches were not about to jump on me. I saw what they did to Quaadir and Malik. I’m not going at gunpoint. I’ll fuck around and shoot one of their asses first. Since they like to fight, they can squad up with my crew. This shit been a long time coming. I was sitting and waiting patiently. That was, until Ta’Jay started busting out my windows with a steel bat.

  “Get out the car, Sarge!”

  “Hell no, you crazy ass bitch.”

  “I got your bitch, nigga.”

  I watched as she and started stuffing a rag into my gas tank. She took a lighter out of her pocket and started trying to light the end of the rag. I jumped out the car quick as hell and she hit my ass across the chest with the bat. Before I could swing, they were all on my ass with the quickness. They were getting some good ass licks off of me, too. I lost my damn balance and ended up on the ground. That’s when them crazy bitches started stomping my ass out. I heard gunshots and them crazy bitches stop swinging on me and stomping my ass.

  “Bring yo’ ass here, Tahari!” I heard Thug say.

  I got up off the ground and all I could see was my niggas yoking up their wives. I zoned in on Ta’Jay and I charged her ass. I yoked her up by her neck with the quickness, damn near lifting her off of her feet. My fucking driveway was filled with nothing but all of us fighting and tussling with one another.

  “Let me go motherfucker! Give me my kids! I hate your ass!”

  “You hate me bitch? I hate your ass, too! You mad at me because you cheated and that nigga shot us.”

  “No! I’m mad because you’re acting like you never did shit wrong. I get it, Sarge. You don’t want me and that’s fine, but don’t take my kids from me. Go get my motherfucking kids out that house now!” Ta’Jay was now pointing her gun at me. I walked closer so that the gun was pressing directly against my forehead.

  “Pull the motherfucking trigger! You hate me that much then kill me dead. You’ve already killed my heart. Finish me, Ta’Jay!! You a big, bad ass Boss Lady, pull the trigger. I done seen it all and did it all.”

  “Put the fucking gun down, Ta’Jay. You’re going too far!” Thug came over and snatched the gun from her hand.

  “I just want my kids, Thug. Tell him to give me fucking kids,” Ta’Jay was now crying and biting her bottom lip.

  “Shut the fuck up with that crying. How in the fuck are you going to put a gun to someone head and then turn around crying? I’m so sick and tired of all of y’all walking around this motherfucker like y’all own shit. I know y’all Boss Lady Inc. and I respect that, but don’t get it the fuck twisted. I’m the motherfucking Boss around this motherfucker. What? Y’all forgot who run shit?

  “Cat got all y’all motherfucking tongue at the moment. Since ain’t nobody talking, let me ask Boss Lady her motherfucking self since she’s the head of Boss Lady Inc. Did you forget who the fuck the Boss is around this bitch?” Thug wa
s now in Tahari’s face and they were staring each other down, but she wasn’t saying shit.

  “Tahari Lashay Monroe-Kenneth, you don’t hear me talking to you? I asked you a fucking question. Did you forget who the fuck run this city?”

  “No, Thug. I didn’t forget!” she yelled at him.

  “Lower your motherfucking voice when you talking to a gangsta. Apparently you did, but I’m gone make sure I remind you. Since all y’all forgot who the fuck I am and how I get down. Boss Lady Inc. is no longer a faction of Thug Inc. Consider that shit canceled. All you bitches out of control and I mean that with the utmost respect.

  “Go get your ass in the car Tahari, we’ll finish this conversation at home. I don’t want to hear no back talking or I’m gone hit your ass in the mouth. That’s the problem, I ain’t laid hands on ya ass in a while and you think Boss Lady Inc. is bigger than Thug Inc. You got me fucked up! As for the rest of y’all niggas, handle your shit!” Thug walked off and pushed Tahari towards the car.

  “That’s what the fuck I’m talking about, Bro! Bring yo ass on, Barbie.”

  “Don’t touch me, Malik.”

  “Shut ya stanking ass up and bring your ass on. Don’t start that rah rah shit with me because you already know it ain’t gone do shit but make me lay hands on your ass. So I suggest you to keep a cool ass booty.”

  Barbie walked towards her car and peeled off and all the other girls followed suit. I had to sit my ass down on the porch because I felt like something was broken. I still hadn’t fully healed from being hit up and I think Ta’Jay had fucked me up some more hitting me with that steel bat. I looked at her and she looked like she was about pass out. She knows for a fact she shouldn’t even be doing this. From my understanding, her spine was still fucked up and she’s supposed to be on bed rest.

  “Come inside and lay down. You don’t look good. I promise I’ll go get the kids and bring them here and y’all can stay here with me until you heal up. Right now, I don’t want to talk about what happened or what just happened here. You just need to take care of yourself. I’ll make myself scarce and we don’t even have to deal with each other while we’re here. I’ll just have the lawyer come over and we can discuss custody of the kids.”

  I tried to reach out and help her, but she knocked my hand away.

  “I’m good. I don’t want to be where I’m not welcome.”

  I quickly grabbed her ass by the hair because she was pissing me off like I had really done something to her.

  “Stop trying to play the fucking victim, Ta’Jay. That shit is getting so fucking old to me. Yes, I cheated on you in the past. Yes, I was married and didn’t tell you and yes, there was a time when I was emotionally disconnected from you because I didn’t understand your apprehension when it came to having sex. No matter what I did to you, I took responsibility for my fuck ups. But as usual, you’re being a spoiled ass brat about it. Own up to the fact that you fucked up our family. Do you not realize that shit? That bitch ass nigga could have not only killed us but killed our fucking kids as well.”

  I let her hair go and pushed her ass away from me. I had no words for her until she was ready to act like a grown woman and own up to her shit. I threw her the house keys and walked to one of my other cars. I called the Nanny and told her to drop the kids off. I needed to get away from her before I fucked around and paralyzed her ass myself. Just talking to her made me realize how much we were both hurting, but I was not about to apologize for her fuck up. Ta’Jay came off the porch and stood outside of the driver’s side door.

  “I do understand Sarge, but you don’t want me to make it right. You just want a divorce and you want to take my kids. I was wrong and I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”

  “Move Ta’Jay, I have to go.”

  “I’m standing here crying my heart out and trying to apologize, but you still not letting me. I’m taking ownership of what I did. Just please give me a chance, Sarge.”

  I backed out of the driveway and peeled off, leaving her ass right there in the driveway crying. I knew I was breaking her down even more, but she needed to feel the repercussions from fucking with that nigga and hiding the fact that our daughter’s paternity was in question.

  Chapter 13- Twisted Hearts


  I sat in the passenger side of Thug’s car not really knowing if I should have been mad or embarrassed. Thug didn’t have to talk to me like I wasn’t shit. Especially in front of my crew. I would never disrespect him in front of his crew so why would he do that shit to me. I understand that Thug is the Head of the family and the Boss out here in the streets. At the same time, I put in work as the Head of Boss Lady Inc. I deserve some respect as well. Who in the fuck is he to tell me and my crew that we shut down? I was so fucking heated that I was certain steam was coming from my ears. I looked over at Thug and this nigga had a mug out of this world on his face. His nose was flared and the veins in his head and neck were protruding. I rolled my eyes and stared out of the window.

  “Roll them again,” he said as he reached over and muffed my head.

  “Keep your hands off of me, Ka’Jaire.”

  “Didn’t I say don’t say shit, Tahari?”

  He put emphasis on my name, trying to be funny. This nigga was really trying to put his motherfucking pimp hand down. I just shut the fuck up, but you better believe I would be right back talking later. I didn’t want to argue with him about none of this shit. I feel like we aren’t in the wrong for getting Sarge’s ass. He basically took her kids and wouldn’t even say a word to her. They already know how we’re coming when it comes down to each other. Sarge had to know the Boss Ladies couldn’t just sit back and let that shit ride.

  When we pulled up to our house, I hopped out of the car and rushed inside. Of course, Thug was hot on my ass, but I wasn’t running from him. I just wanted to get away from him at the moment. There was no talking or compromising when he was mad like this. I just needed to give him space until he calmed down. I couldn’t even go straight upstairs because all of our kids were in the living room watching TV and they knew better. Not to mention the house looked a hot ass mess.

  “Ka’Jairea and KJ y’all both know better then to allow the kids to be in my living room. Now clean this shit up.”

  They were now thirteen and old enough to watch the kids without an adult being present. They knew the house rules, but of course they do whatever the fuck they want to do because Thug allows them to.

  “Don’t holler at them because you mad at me. I done told your ass about cursing at them like you crazy.”

  “See, this is exactly what I’m talking about. This is why they undermine my authority.”

  It’s like when I tell them to do something they turn around and ask him. We’re supposed to be a team and stick with one another when making decisions.

  “I can’t run Boss Lady Inc. or my household either, huh. Big, bad Thug got to be in control of everything. If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you twice, stop doing that shit. When I tell them something, they do it. I’m sick and tired of you doing that dumb ass shit.”

  All the kids started cleaning and making sure the living room was back in order. Thug was fuming mad and I could tell he was ready to blow up on my ass but I didn’t give a fuck. I was just as mad as him.

  “We’re sorry, Ma. We’re about to clean up now. Just please don’t fight with Daddy.”

  “It’s okay, Kane. I’m not about to say a word to your Daddy. Just straighten up for Momma and y’all can go in the theater and watch something.”

  I rolled my eyes and headed up the stairs to my bedroom. I went inside of Thug’s weed stash and rolled my a fat blunt. The more I smoked, the more I started to replay the shit he had said back when we were at Sarge’s house. I respected Thug and his position as Head of the family and King in these streets. My husband reigns supreme and I know that. From the moment I met him and we decided to make things official, he has always reminded me. Not that he had to, but that’s Thug for you. I
know who my husband is and what he’s capable of, but he needs to remember who the fuck I am as well.

  I walked over the wet bar we had installed in our room and I poured myself a glass of Red Moscato. I just needed to chill back and release some of this tension that was building up. I already knew that shit was about to get real between us. I was just waiting for the storm to come because it was definitely about to blow over. As soon as I laid across my custom made, all red and black Marilyn Monroe chaise, Thug walked into the room. I grabbed my phone and I started acting like I was really looking at something. He stood over me for what seemed like an eternity.

  I just knew at any minute he was going to slap the shit out of me. Instead he snatched my phone out of my hand and threw it up against the wall. Before I could respond our bedroom door opened and KJ walked in. He had grown and sprouted up like a tree. My baby was now thirteen and as tall as his father. Not to mention as handsome as ever. He looks identical to Thug, but had strong features of his birth mother Kelis.

  “You straight, Ma.”

  “Yeah, she straight. Next time you see that door closed, make sure you knock first.” Thug walked over towards him and KJ kind of stood there looking over his father’s shoulder at me. KJ was so overprotective of me. As I watched him and Thug damn near in each other’s faces, it worried the hell out of me. It was then that I noticed just how much they were alike and I knew in the future they would both be a force to be reckoned with. KJ is, without a doubt, his father’s son. At the same time, I knew that he was no match for his father, so I had to get my baby out of here before Thug smashed his ass. It warmed my heart to know that my son was looking out for me.