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Thug Paradise 3: Forever Thuggin Page 9


  “She’s so pretty Ma,” Ka’Jairea said as she touched her face.

  “Yes she is,” I said as I kissed her on the forehead.

  “Daddy’s baby looks like an angel.” Thug smoothed out her dress.

  “I thought I was Daddy’s baby,” Ka’Jaiyah said, as Thug lifted her up to see Ka’Jariana.

  “You are Daddy’s baby.”

  “It’s okay, my sister can be your baby too. Maybe if I let her she will wake up.” I had been done crying until she said that. Thug grabbed my hand and held it tight. At this point, I couldn’t take it anymore I ended the services early. This was too much for our kids to be witnessing. Not to mention, I felt like I was going to be sick. We all kissed her one last time before the funeral directors closed the casket. Once the funeral was over, we all exited the funeral home and headed back home. I was happy that all of our family was there to support me, but at that moment I just wanted to be alone with my husband and our kids. Nico was dead, our daughter was dead, and there were still someone out there who wanted to bring harm to us. I just wanted to savor the quiet moments that we could get at home alone with each other.

  “What’s up bae, talk to me?” Thug said as he climbed in bed next to me. After having a family night, the kids were all in bed and asleep. The day’s events had all of us tired as ever.

  “I’m just thinking about the baby, that’s all.”

  “Me too. She’s our guardian angel now,” Thug said as he grabbed the remote and turned the TV onto SportsCenter.

  “When I was gone away from you and the kids, I missed the little things about us. Like lying in bed with you like this, Ka’Jaiyah coming in the room talking crazy to us, and most of all I just missed the life that we shared together. We’ve built so much together and it bothers me that someone is always in the shadows trying to hurt us. When will it all end?” I seriously wanted for all of this drama to end. I just want to be a better mother to my children and wife to Thug. Our wedding anniversary is approaching and all I want is to celebrate without a care in the world. Thug pulled me closer to him and I laid my head on his chest.

  “As long as you’re married to a nigga like me, it will never end. I hate that being married to me is so hard. Trust and believe me, there is nothing I want more than for you to be able to just sit back and enjoy the fruits of my labor.”

  “Don’t get it twisted. Since the day you took me to your home, I’ve always enjoyed the fruit of your labor because you’ve always made sure I had the best of everything. Do you remember when we first met, you used to always tell me that it was fate that brought us together?”

  “Yeah I remember. I also remember your ass not believing me?” I couldn’t help but laugh because I really didn’t believe in that shit.

  “After all these years, I believe that fate brought us together. Don’t you see Thug. Back then, you always told me that you were my knight in shining armor, but I was your angel in disguise. No matter what, we’ve always been there for one another. God created us for each other. There is no other man in this world that can fill your shoes or walk in them. I don’t mean to toot my own horn but there ain’t a bitch that can walk a mile in my Red Bottoms. Regardless of whatever has happened, I’m glad I have you in my life to go through it with me.” I felt Thug kiss my forehead and that made me snuggle up under him so more.

  “Aww! That was sweet, you got me blushing and my dick on hard.”

  “Shut up! I’m trying to be serious and you playing.” I playfully punched him in the chest.

  “Who playing? My dick is hard. Look at him winking at you.” I looked down and Thug had pulled his massive dick out of his boxers. It really did look like it was winking at me. I never understood how Thug’s dick is always shiny. I swear it’s a beautiful sight. My mouth watered just looking at him stroke it up and down. I scooted down so that I was eye level to it, and seductively licked the pre-cum that was oozing out of the tip. I got on my knees and swallowed him whole. I placed the covers over my head and I began slowly making love to his dick.

  “Ahhhhhhhh! Suck that shit, just like that.” As soon as I started to go in, I heard the door swing open. I stopped but I still had Thug’s dick in my mouth under the sheet.

  “Daddy, can I sleep with you, Kash peed in my bed?” I should have known it was the bedroom bandit Ka’Jaiyah.

  “Not right now baby. Me and Mommy are playing hide and go seek.” I was trying so hard not to laugh because Thug was stuttering like it wasn’t shit.

  “Well who’s it and where’s Mommy? I don’t even hear y’all counting.” I swear this child is just too smart for her own good.

  “Here I am baby. Mommy was hiding under the cover.”

  “No mommy, you’re not supposed to hide like that. Let me play so I can teach you.”

  “Not tonight. Go back and get in the bed with KJ. I’ll come and get you in a little while.”

  “That’s real petty,” she said as she left out of the room.

  “Where did she get that shit from?”

  “Her little friend Heaven. My nigga, Remy’s daughter back home; they’re in the same class. Well at least they were until she got kicked out. You think Ka’Jaiyah is a mess, Heaven got her beat.” Thug climbed out of bed and grabbed a Newport off of the dresser.

  “When did you start smoking cigarettes?”

  “When you died and left me with her little cock blocking ass,” Thug said as he walked out of the room. I fell out laughing at Thug. He was too mad she messed up his flow. That’s what he gets though for always babying her and giving her whatever she wants. I missed my baby and some things she did was cute. However, I have to get on her about her mouth. She has no filter and that’s not good for a five-year-old little girl. I will not have her walking around like she runs the household. Hopefully, we can break her from doing that. Especially since she’s been doing it since birth.

  “What’s wrong bae?” Thug walked back in the room with the meanest scowl I had ever seen.

  “We have to get back to the Chi. My drug shipment for the month has been seized by the police and all the stores we own have been burned to the ground. I can’t believe this shit!” Thug punched and kicked a hole in the wall. I laid back in bed and placed the pillow over my head. I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired, but I’m all in. My nigga got problems so that mean we got problems. No matter what, I’m forever his rider. Back to Chicago we go.

  Chapter 16-Aja

  Back in the game

  I had been following Rahmeek around for the last two weeks. Something was definitely off about his ass these last two months. If I found he was cheating on me, I was going to kill him and that bitch. I thought we were over all of this shit. We were seven years strong in our marriage. This cheating shit is for the birds. I haven’t looked at another man since Rahmeek whooped my ass for letting Slim eat my pussy. Oh yeah, and the time he had to kill Niyah’s brother, Marlo, after I fucked him in her and Hassan’s house. Let’s not forget the bitch, Karima, he was cheating on me with and had a baby on me with her. I’ve raised their daughter, Brooklyn, as my own since Marlo’s psycho ass killed Karima. I just couldn’t accept her when I found out about her, but can’t nobody tell me shit about my Brooklyn now. That’s my daughter, not to mention my lil’ diva. Brooklyn and Lil Rahmeek are now eight. My son, Rassan, just turned six and he is a momma’s boy to his heart. Rahmeek hates that because he wants them to be little gangsters in the making, but not on my watch. However, Lil’ Rahmeek is his father’s child. He is him all the way. I love my family with all my heart and things have been going so well with us. There is no reason for Rah to be cheating on me. I cook, clean, and I still fuck him like a porn star after all these years.

  As I trailed Rahmeek, I hope and prayed that I didn’t catch him with a bitch. I was going straight to jail. I had been following him for about thirty minutes. I observed him pull up to a house on 78th and Vincennes. This was odd because he had no business being on the Southside of Chicago. Al
l of his businesses were on the near Westside and in the Downtown area. I waited a few minutes after he went in, before I exited the car. I slowly crept up to the door and listened. I tried peeking through the windows on the porch, but the curtains were black so I couldn’t see shit. I got ready to walk off of the porch, but I was yanked by the back of my neck into the house.

  “What the fuck you following me for Aja?”

  “God dammit! You scared the fuck out of me Rahmeek!” I was holding on to my chest, trying to catch my breath.

  “Fuck all that. Answer the question?” I just stood there shifting from side to side. I became nervous because this shit didn’t look right on my part.

  “I’ve been following you because I think that you’re cheating on me.” He stepped closer to me and lifted my chin so that I could look in his eyes.

  “I come have every night and I wake up with you every morning. I cook breakfast for you and the kids before I leave out for work. If I’m not at the club, I spend all my free time with you and the kids. I make love to you, I fuck your brains out when you want me to, I eat that pussy for breakfast lunch and dinner, I rub your feet when you come home from a hard day at work, I send you roses and edible arrangements twice a week for no reason at all. Answer me Aja, since all the bullshit in the past have I ever given you a reason to think that I’m cheating on you?” I felt so stupid at the moment because he does all those things and more.

  “No, you haven’t. It’s just that these last two months you’ve been acting different.”

  “Regardless of my behavior, have I neglected you or my kids?”

  “No you haven’t.”

  “Exactly. Take your ass home.”

  “Wait a minute. Now I know I’m in the wrong for not trusting you, but don’t disrespect me.”

  “I’m not being disrespectful. Now take your ass home and we’ll talk when I get there.” I just stood there and looked at his ass with my hand on my hips.

  “I’m not going nowhere until you tell me who house this is. Don’t try me Rahmeek, I will tear this bitch up.”

  “I’ll sit here and let you do a walk through. I’m not in the mood for the bullshit that you’re on. I haven’t laid hands on your ass in a long time. I need to calm down before I smack the shit out of you with your jazzy ass mouth.” I wasn’t trying to hear none of that shit he was talking. I pushed past him, went into the house and was met with the foul smell of crack being cooked. I pushed the kitchen door open and there was nothing but bitches naked packaging heroin. I just shook my head when I saw Markese, Thug, Peaches, and Gail. Peaches standing over the stove, cooking crack pregnant as hell. My Momma sitting at the table cutting the dope, while Markese and Thug put money through the cash machine.

  “So, this is why you’ve been sneaking around. Y’all back in the game, huh?”

  “Get your ass out of here Aja before you make me fuck up these measurements. We doing what the fuck we have to do to keep this cash flowing. I’ll call you later. I can’t talk right now. Momma got to watch the flick of her wrist or motherfuckers will be dropping like flies. This shit pure as hell nephew.” I was in shock hearing Gail talk like she was a damn heroin connoisseur. “Momma, you’re a recovering addict, you have no business around these drugs. Auntie, you’re pregnant. You have no business inhaling these fumes while you’re pregnant.” What the hell are you thinking?”

  “Get your ass out of here Aja! I did this shit while I was pregnant with all my kids.”

  “So, that explains why Malik acts the way he do,” Thug said as he flamed up a blunt. I was even shocked to see his kingpin ass getting his hands dirty.

  “Leave my baby alone. You know he special.” Peaches turned around and started back cooking on the stove. This was one dysfunctional ass family right here.

  “I’m telling Trish on your sneaky ass Markese. I know for a fact she don’t know you back in the game.”

  “Rah, get your snitch ass wife before I smack the shit outta her.”

  “I wish you would put your hands on me. I’m leaving now. Oh yeah, and you King Rah, since you’ve been lying to me, get use to the couch and your hand.” I chucked the deuces up and got the fuck out of dodge. All their asses was going to be back in jail. As soon as I made it home, I called Trish on Markese. Yep. I was snitching on that ass.

  Chapter 17-Rahmeek

  I’m A King

  The way Aja acted today really pissed me off, to the point where I wanted to slap fire from her ass. I can’t believe her ass had been following me around and assuming stupid shit. I’ve being doing right by my wife and I’m feeling a certain type of way about her behavior. No matter what I do or how great I am as a husband to her, she still finds a way not to notice the shit I do for her and my kids. I go hard for my family each and every day. I literally get no sleep because I’m out making sure the cash flow is straight and my businesses are in order. She complains because we never spend time together, but I’m out working. As a husband and as a father, it is my job to make sure my family lives comfortably. After all these years of being married, one would think she would be less insecure.

  It had been a long day at the trap. All I wanted to do is climb in bed and sleep. Of course, when I walked in the door Aja had covers and a pillow on the couch. She had lost her mind if she thought I was sleeping on the motherfucking couch. I took all of my clothes off in the laundry room, and went upstairs to our bedroom. Before going inside, I checked on the kids and they were asleep. I had to make it my business to take them out to the arcade. It had been a minute since I took them out and spent leisure time with them. When I walked inside our room, Aja was sitting up in bed reading. I needed a shower so I went into our bathroom. I didn’t say shit to her because I knew she was about to start some shit.

  “So, you just gone walk in here and don’t say shit to me?”

  “I don’t have shit to say Aja. Take your ass to sleep.” I headed straight into the bathroom and I took a shower. I was not about to play this game with her spoiled, bratty ass. That’s her problem; she’s so fucking spoiled. I blame that nigga, Markese, and he blames me. Hell, we’re both to blame. The shower curtain swung open and Aja was standing there looking crazy. I just shook my head at her because she just would not let a nigga be. I’m not in the mood to be arguing with her ass. This is the shit that makes me want to slap her ass. Aja really be testing a nigga. In my head I had to woosah because I was seconds from muffing the shit out of her.

  “I said I was sorry for following you. Don’t come in here like I was the only one in the wrong. You got back in the game without discussing it with me. In case you forgot, I’m your wife and that should have been a joint decision. I can’t believe you were in a trap house. Rahmeek, you’re a businessman now. There is no need for you to be back doing that shit. I’m telling you right now that I will not wait for you if you go to jail. I’m not about to be one of those females who gets the kids all dressed up to go see Daddy. My kids will not talk to their father through a motherfucking glass!” Aja had tears in her eyes before she stormed out of the bathroom. I hopped out the shower, soaking wet to go after her. She was sitting on the bed wiping her eyes.

  “Stop crying Aja. It’s not that serious. You have nothing to worry about. Everything is going to be okay.” I had to pull her into my embrace to get her to calm down. I hated to see her cry, especially when it’s over me. Aja is a spoiled brat and wants things to go her way. I always give in because she always acts like a baby and tries to cry. I’m hip to all of her tactics, but I know these were really genuine tears.

  “How can you say that Rah? When you were lying in that hospital bed fighting for your life. I was so scared that I would never see you again. I hated when you went to jail. I was home all alone and pregnant. I don’t want to raise our kids by myself. Our life has been wonderful. We have been living good. If you and Markese get back in the game, nothing will ever be the same again.”

  “Aja I’ve never left the game, I just played behind the scenes. We have pa
rtnered with Thug. That shit is lucrative for all of us. True I have money and I’m living comfortable, but the shit I got planned for our future calls for me to get my hands dirty. When you met me I was fresh out of prison and head of my own drug operation. When I linked with your brother, my profits doubled. We’ve linked with Thug Inc. and our shit has quadrupled. I don’t know about you but I love our lifestyle and I want to give you an even better lifestyle than you are accustomed to. You have every right to have a feeling that I can be killed or get sent to prison. It’s a possibility that either of those things can happen. That could have happened at any time. That’s just the life I live. I’m always going to have a target on my back. You knew that when we made this shit official. Stop acting new to this bae. You true to this shit. All I need from you is to have faith that I will come home each and every night safe and sound. I can’t have you at home worrying about me in the streets. All you need to do is raise our kids, take care of our household, spend my money, stay beautiful, keep that pussy tight, and fuck my brains out at least twice a day.” The entire time I was talking to Aja, she was stroking my dick with precision. I was rocked up and ready for her to make love to the “THRONE.” After all, I’m still that nigga they call “KING RAH” and I stand to be the coldest. Aja dropped down to her knees and made love to my dick like the King I am.

  Chapter 18- Thug

  Closer to the Truth

  It had been a minute since a nigga had to sit in a motherfucking trap, but when my shipment got hit I had to get my motherfucking hands dirty. That shit took me way back. I remember being a little nigga helping my mother and aunt package heroin for Snake. So, this shit had definitely taken a nigga back. I hated to have my mother in the kitchen while she was pregnant, but she was my only hope. Peaches got a recipe out of this world and don’t nobody know what it is. My aunt Gail can measure her ass off. She knows just the right cut to put on the dope to make that shit a hit and have the fiends coming back for more. Since my flight landed three days ago, we’ve been in this motherfucker making the trap jump. My girls that I had packaging, are the same ones that I’ve had for years so they knew we were on a schedule and I needed this shit out on the streets ASAP. Whoever hit my shit must not have known I’m a motherfucking hustler to my heart. I can sell fire to the devil himself. My shipment getting hit didn’t do shit but bring out the sleeping beast in me.