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King and I: A Royal Love Affair Page 9

  Chapter 16-Rika

  I knew Siyah was about to curse my ass out. It was never my intention for her to find out about me and Legs the way she did. As a matter of fact, I really didn’t want anyone to find out about us, but he wanted us to be in a relationship. I wasn’t ready for that because I knew he wasn’t the type to be committed to one woman. That was the main reason why I didn’t want to give him a chance in the first place. It seems like since I stopped fucking with him on all levels he wants me even more. I’m not going to lie or front, I’m actually feeling him. I just don’t want people to know about us just in case he on bullshit. The last thing I want is for this nigga to have me out here in this streets looking like a damn fool. That’s also the last thing he wants, because I will fuck his life up fucking with my heart.


  I was pissed off that the police came and kicked my fucking door in. My house was in shambles. They tore all of my furniture up searching for drugs and guns. I didn’t play that shit about drugs in my house, so I knew all of the shit was some inside shit. It probably was one of Legs hoes called that shit in. I bet not ever find out who the fuck it was, because I’m going to break their fucking neck. The only reason they took us all in was because they were on bullshit. Legs and King had to be bonded out because they both had warrants. I wasn’t surprised that they got a bond, after all King ran shit around the city. I guarantee you it was going to be a boatload of motherfuckers on desk duty behind this fuck up.

  “I’m so fucking mad. I just brought all that shit.”

  “Stop tripping. I told you I’m going to buy you all new shit. I already called my realtor. He should have you something by the end of the week. You’re not moving back in that building.” Legs took a long pull from the blunt and handed it to me. I was laying across his bed in my bra and panties watching him as he got dressed to leave. I was dead set against him moving me into a new spot, but he wasn’t taking no for an answer. I had grown tired of fighting with him on the subject. I wasn’t no fool, though, I was going to make sure I paid my rent at my apartment. I wasn’t about to put where I laid my head at in a nigga’s hands.

  “I told you that you didn’t have to do that.”

  “Stop telling me that shit. I’m your man, right?” He asked as he lifted my chin so that I could look up into his eyes.


  “Say that shit like you mean it.”

  “Yes, you’re my man.” I got up on my knees and wrapped my arms around his neck. We engaged in a passionate kiss that lasted a little longer then I had expected. I loved the way he gripped my ass with his huge hands. I hated that I loved the way he felt. There was something about the way he held me. No man I had ever been with in my life made me feel so safe and secure.

  Something inside of me was telling me he wouldn’t hurt me but my past relationships were blocking me from letting him all the way in. Fuck niggas can really fuck it up for real niggas with good intentions, not to mention, seeing him out here in these streets fucking with these random ass bitches. He had been good to me, so I needed to just stop worrying about them other hoes and focus on me.

  “That’s what the fuck I’m talking about. I’m about to head out and handle this business with my nigga King, don’t wait up. I’ll call to check in. Be good for Daddy.”

  “Always.” We kissed one last time and he left out of the house. The night was still young and I didn’t want to be in his big ass house alone. I hit up Siyah, so we could go out to the bar and get some drinks and hot wings. We had so much to talk about. Plus, I knew she was all in her feelings about me not telling her about me and Legs. I wasn’t keeping it a secret from her, I was actually waiting until I was sure we were official.


  “I’m so happy you and him finally stopped playing and made shit official.”

  “So you’re not mad at me, bff.”

  “I was at first, but not anymore. I’m so happy you called me to come outside. I hate being in that big ass house by myself. I’ve been spending the night with my Momma just to keep from being alone.” Siyah looked so sad and I hated that. My friend is such a good girl, she just loves so hard. I feel like she’s giving Kingston all of her, and he’s only giving her half of him and that ain’t fair.

  “Can I ask you something without you getting mad at me?”

  “Now you know you can ask me anything.”

  “Do you regret leaving Luca?”

  “Of course she regrets leaving me.” I looked up and Luca was standing over Siyah along with two of his goons. My heart started to beat fast as hell, because I just knew that he was about to kill both of us. That’s exactly what he would have to do if he thought that he was going to hurt my friend while I was sitting there. Siyah looked scared as fuck. Luca slid inside the booth next to her and started stroking her hair.

  “What do you want, Luca?”

  “My mother is missing and for some reason I think you know where she’s at. After all you didn’t like her anyway.”

  “I don’t have the slightest idea about what you’re talking about. I wasn’t fond of her because I knew that she didn’t like me, but I wouldn’t wish any harm on her old ass.” Before I knew it Luca had grabbed a handful of Siyah’s hair and began to pull her out of the booth.

  “Let her go, Luca!” I yelled as I jumped from the side of the booth I was on and tried to get him to let her go. The two guys were blocking me from trying to help Siyah. I was trying my best to get away from them, but they had a tight ass grip on me. I watched in horror as Luca smacked Siyah so hard that he made her spin around and hit the floor.

  “Tell your little boyfriend King this shit ain’t over. I know he has something to do with my mother’s disappearance. Make sure you tell him I’ll see to it that he never makes another dime in this city” Luca said, as he smudged the blood across her face that was dripping from her mouth. Before he walked away he spit on her. Luca’s men roughly pushed me forward causing me to fall on the floor next to Siyah.

  “All you motherfuckers just gon’ stand around and see this happening and don’t call the police or shit.” I was mad ass hell at how these people just stood in this bar and watch this shit happen to us.

  “Come on, Siyah. Let me take you to the hospital. It looks like you need stitches or something. Your mouth is bleeding bad as hell.” I grabbed some of the napkins off of the table to wipe the spit out of her hair. Luca was a nasty ass nigga to spit on her like that. I was trying my best to stop the bleeding that was coming from her mouth.

  “I’m okay, just take me home. Don’t tell Legs, I really don’t want King to know.” I looked at her like she was crazy, but I didn’t say a word. She had me fucked up if she thought I wasn’t saying shit about this. Luca’s ass had to go ASAP.

  Chapter 17-Siyah

  I couldn’t believe Luca had slapped and spit on me like that. I knew that he had a vicious temper, but the look in his eyes was that of the devil. I’ll be the first to admit that I was scared of him at that moment. I had no idea his mother was missing. I hated the bitch, but that was definitely not my doing. Although I wish I had got to the old miserable bitch before someone else had. I knew that he and Kingston had beef, but I thought that it was over. Obviously it’s not.

  Luca had slapped me so hard he split the inside of my lip and that shit hurt. I decided to go to the hospital just because the bleeding wouldn’t stop. I was so happy I didn’t need stitches. Rika was so mad at me because I didn’t want to tell King about what Luca did. I just feel like I’ve caused enough drama. All this shit is my fault. I’ve caused a street war strictly because I cheated on my husband with Kingston. That was never my intention. The first moment I met Kingston I wanted to fuck him, but not fuck up our lives in the process.


  “Where that motherfucker lay his head at?”

  “Come on, Mo-Dogg. I know exactly where he lay his head at. I should have put a bullet in his ass when I had the chance, putting his hands on my motherfucking baby. Let�
��s go get his ass!” My momma and daddy were on ten, ready to fuck Luca up.

  “Please ya’ll calm down., I’m okay. Luca probably hiding out at this point. He’s no longer living at the house we shared.”

  “I don’t give a fuck about none of that shit, Siyah, I want that nigga dead. He don’t put his hands on my daughter and get to breathe another day. Was his bitch ass putting his hands on you before ya’ll parted ways?” My daddy asked.

  “I’ll answer that for you. Hell yeah. He was keeping her away from me and everything. I’m glad his momma missing. That bitch somewhere sleeping with the fishes, God don’t like ugly.” My mother popped open a can of beer and drank it straight down. I just shook my head because she was about to act a fool for the rest of the day.

  “Letting a nigga put his hands on you ain’t cool, Siyah.” My daddy sat beside me and wrapped his arms around me. I just sat there crying because I felt like I was on the spot. All of my business was out on display in front of my father. I was used to my mother knowing what was going on, but I was just now building a relationship with my father. I felt so ashamed even though I knew I really had no reason to. The last thing I wanted was for my parents to be out fighting my battles and feeling like they needed to protect me. They were both ready for war.

  There was a knock on the door and my mother got up and answered it. Kingston walked in with the meanest scowl on his face I had ever seen.

  “What’s up, Nita and Mo?” Kingston shook it up with my dad and hugged my mother. I was surprised that he and my dad knew one another, then again they’re both criminals. I watched as my mother whispered something in his ear. Her ass always plotting some shit.

  “Get your shit, Siyah, we’re about to go home.”

  “Hey to you too.” I made sure to say it with as much attitude as I could. I got up and grabbed my jacket and my purse before walking out of the door behind Kingston. I didn’t even say bye to my momma or my daddy. Their slick asses had probably called him over to the house.

  Kingston was walking fast as hell, and I was trying my best to catch up with him. When we walked out of the apartment building Vita and her friends were standing out front of the building. Vita was an ignorant ass bitch and I knew she was about to pull a stunt.

  “So, you just gon’ walk past me like we didn’t fuck this morning?”

  “Vita, get the fuck out of here with that bullshit. Technically we didn’t fuck. You sucked my dick and did these balls real nice. Fuck outta here. Bring your ass on, Siyah.”

  “Fuck you, Kingston, and this dick sucking bitch! You got me fucked up.” Instead of walking to his car I started walking towards mine. He was walking full force towards my car, but I hurried up and pulled off. Like really he thought it was cool to put it out there that she sucked his dick. Where the fuck is the respect?

  I think I needed to check myself in the damn mental hospital, because I felt like at any moment I was going to have a mental breakdown. God has to have something in store for me. This cannot be my life right now. I took my sweet time getting to my house. I needed to calm down and do some soul searching. When I pulled into my driveway, I just sat there for a minute because King’s Bentley was parked in the driveway already. I took a deep breath before I went inside. I needed to get my thoughts and words together before we faced each other.

  Chapter 18-Kingston

  I had been trying my best to calm down before Siyah made me smack the shit out of her. The Kush blunt I was smoking along with the Remy I was sipping wasn’t really calming down. The fact that I had to hear from Rika about the shit that Luca did to her had me livid. How could she not want me to know? This nigga basically threatened my motherfucking life and hers, but she thought it was okay not to tell me. That’s some real dizzy Dora ass shit right there, not to mention she let this bitch Vita get up under her fucking skin.

  Yeah, I let the bitch suck my dick, so fucking what. Siyah had no reason to be jealous about the shit. Here it is I’m going above and beyond to make sure she has it all and she letting my ex see her sweat. Siyah had basically showed me she wasn’t cut out for what we agreed upon. What Siyah didn’t know was that all of this was just a test of her strength, to see if she could handle being with a nigga like me. Trust and believe the shit wasn’t easy.

  That’s why I was never quick to settle down and give a bitch the title of being my wife. Things with Siyah were different. She made me feel things I had never felt for any other female, not even Vita. She had invested years in my drug business, but not in me. Vita walked around feeling proud that she had a hand in building my empire. Granted she did but at the same time she wasn’t wife material and Siyah was.

  I needed a woman who genuinely cared about a nigga and what makes me tick. I’m a beast and Siyah is beauty. Despite her being beautiful and caring, I needed Siyah to be strong and show that she was worthy of being with a nigga like me. Now let me clear something up when I make that statement. I don’t need her to be my ride or die bitch. I’m enough nigga for both of us. I see Siyah meeting me at the altar in her white dress and carrying my seeds, not on the front lines murking niggas with me.

  All I need is for her to be at home waiting on me to take away the stress that the streets put on me. I knew that Siyah was all in her feelings about the bitch coming and picking me up when I bonded out. That was my lawyer. I didn’t call Siyah, because the last thing I wanted was for her to be in the vicinity of a jail. I saw Siyah and I played it like that to see her reaction. She had yet to call and say anything about it, but when I called her I could hear the attitude in her voice. When I texted she was replying with that one word shit, and it was starting to piss me off. Siyah is beautiful, but she has an ugly ass attitude. I needed to get that shit in check ASAP. All that jazzy ass talking and disrespect will not fly with a nigga like me.


  “What you doing here? I’m sure that bitch Vita waiting somewhere to suck your dick again.” Siyah said, as she walked past me and up the stairs. I pinched the bridge of my nose as I tried to calm down. She was really pushing my buttons and now was not the time. I ran right up the stairs behind her ass.

  “I know your ass mad, but watch your motherfucking mouth when you talk to me.” I had to get up in her personal space and let her know just how for real I was with her ass. Instead of her looking at me, she was going through her phone.

  “Give me this motherfucking phone. I’m talking to you and your ass on Facebook. That shit rude as hell, ma, don’t fucking disrespect me. Do I disrespect you, Siyah?” I snatched her phone and slung it across the room causing the screen to shatter.

  “Is that a trick question, Kingston? You know damn well you be out here disrespecting me, cheating on me with all these random bitches, not to mention still fucking this hoe Vita. If you wanted to continue fucking that ghetto ass bitch you should have stayed with her. Leave me the fuck alone. Why the fuck do you want to be with me if you entertaining all this bitches?” That was it, I had been trying my best to remain calm and not show Siyah the other side of me, but I had to humble her ass real quick, not to mention she was yelling at me and using her hands when she talked to me like I was some sucka ass nigga. Yeah, she had me fucked up, and I needed to bring her ass back down to reality.

  “First of all, lower your motherfucking tone when you’re talking to a boss ass nigga like me. Raise your hand when you talking to me again, or I’m gon’ break your fucking wrist. I don’t hit women, but your actions making it real hard right now. I’m gon’ speak my peace and walk the fuck away from your dizzy Dora ass. Second, it was you who pursued me because your whack ass husband wasn’t hitting that pussy right. Granted I had every intention on fucking the lining out of your big dick deprived ass. Now don’t get it twisted, fucking with a king like me is a fucking privilege. I have bitches lined up to fuck with me. It’s safe to say you’re the chosen one, baby girl. So watch what the fuck you say to me.

  Third of all, if I wanted to fuck Michelle Obama I could because you’re not my woman
, you’re my friend. Right or wrong? Answer me right motherfucking now because for some reason your ass is confused about what the fuck it really is. You told me you can handle fucking with me without a commitment, but your actions are showing me different. If that’s the case then that would make you fake as fuck and above all a liar. I’m a king, baby, and I don’t fuck with fake or lying ass bitches. So keep it one hundred with me, what the fuck is really going on, Siyah.” Siyah had her head lowered and I raised it up so that she could look at me. I needed her to look at me in my eyes when she spoke. I like to look at a person in their eyes when I speak to them because the eyes can tell a person’s soul.

  “Yeah we’re friends.” Siyah’s mouth was telling me one thing and her eyes were telling me something else. The tears that were falling down her face made me feel bad, but I couldn’t let her know that.

  “You lying and I can’t fuck with you. We’re not fucking anymore. You don’t want to be my friend, you want to be my woman, and I told you I’m not ready for all of that, not to mention you keeping shit from me about a motherfucker putting his hands on you and threatening our life. That makes me feel like you still have some loyalty to that motherfucker, and I can’t trust you, Siyah. I’ll make sure you have around the clock security, but whatever we were, that shit is over. I’ll continue taking care of you because that’s the type of nigga I am. Don’t fucking call me if it ain’t about bills or you wanting to go shopping or some shit. Don’t worry about that bitch ass nigga Luca I got that nigga. Tighten the fuck up, ma. This whole attitude and slick talking out the side of your neck is not becoming of you.”