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King and I 2: A Royal Love Affair Page 9

  “Oh shit! She didn’t tell you yet? Act surprised sis when she breaks the news.”

  “I will. Congratulations bro. I’m so happy for ya’ll.” I gave him a hug and handed Princess to him. My mother’s suite was a couple of doors down so I didn’t even bother putting shoes on. The Ceaser’s Palace was immaculate so I was comfortable with walking the short distance barefoot. When I got ready to knock on the door it opened and King was walking out of the room.

  “What you doing out here? Don’t you know it’s bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding? Meet me at the altar in your white dress.” King kissed me on the lips and walked away from me. I watched as he walked down the hall and towards the elevator. He walked as if he ruled the world and like there was nobody else in the world but him. His tall stature and strong back made him look like a beautiful stallion. How could one man command so much attention off of his aura alone? I watched him until he disappeared on the elevator. At the same time another elevator opened up and my mother, along with my girls all stepped off.

  “Come on bitch! Let’s get ready for this damn wedding. I’m ready to get drunk.” Blacky said, as she walked up and snatched me towards them.

  “I wish you would perk up Siyah. Your ass is mighty sad for a woman who is about to get married.” My mother said, but I ignored her comment mainly because I was still in my feelings about the way she handled me. I exhaled and followed them to the bridal suite because no matter what had happened the day before I was still going to marry my king.

  Chapter 16-Kingston

  This shit with this nigga Gutta had me ready to kill him and every motherfucking thing moving. This nigga definitely didn’t check my background or Google me because he would have known that I was not to be fucked with. Yeah, that nigga had a death wish and his wish was my command. All I want to do is get money and take care of my family, but these niggas won’t let me be great. If this bitch ass nigga thought that for a minute he could even grace Siyah’s presence he was sadly mistaken. I looked at the lust in his eyes as he spoke about her pussy. I don’t know what it is with these niggas and my bitch’s pussy. I must admit I understand the infatuation because that shit is potent and it got me running around here acting like a real bitch behind it and that shit don’t sit well with me. Never have I encountered a woman that made me weak like A’Siyah Mills.

  I hated to talk to her the way I did, but Siyah kills me acting oblivious to shit. She can’t sit there and tell me that she had no idea that giving her fucking number to another nigga was a cool, especially a nigga that she used to fuck with. The fact that she failed to tell me that she used to fuck with this nigga rubs me the wrong way. I want to be able to trust Siyah because she has my life in the palm of her hands. I say that because love will get you killed and that’s why I’ve never fallen in love or wifed a bitch up. Siyah has me off my square, but at the same time I love the fuck out of her and my daughter and nothing will change that. That’s why I’m standing here at the altar damn near in tears as I watched her and her father enter the chapel doors. She was so fucking beautiful, just like I imagined she would be.

  Guess what I did to today

  Those were the words I said to you

  It was last May don’t know the exact day

  In my hand there was a ring

  Then you told me that you love me

  more than anything in your life

  So I asked you would do me the honor of being my wife

  Happily Ever After by Case played as Mo walked Siyah down the aisle and handed her off to me. I couldn’t even wait to say “I do”. I grabbed her into my embrace and we kissed passionately.

  “That usually happens after you guys say “I do”. Since you’re eager let’s get this show on the road.” The pastor said.

  “No! King please don’t do this to me! I love you. Please don’t marry her. I can’t live without you. Everything I do is for us a better life. I need you King. Please don’t do this to me.” I could have died as I watched Karma stumble her drunk ass down the aisle. I was about to put a bullet in this bitch’s head.

  “Not today bitch. Hold my grandbaby!” Nita handed Princess over to Mo and went towards Karma. That made Na-Na, Blacky, Star, and Rika try getting to Karma’s dumb ass. I was glad I had called a couple of my nigga in after the incident with Gutta because they were trying to help diffuse the situation.

  “What is she doing here King?” Siyah asked, looking at me surprised and shocked. At the same time I knew that she was hurt.

  “I have no idea babe.”

  “For some reason I don’t believe that. It’s funny because the way she looks now is the way she looked the day we were outside that building. Now I’m going to ask you again. Are you fucking that bitch?” She asked, as she roughly snatched her hands away from mines.

  “It’s a long story Siyah. I’ll explain it later just let me get rid of this psycho bitch and continue with our wedding. Trust and believe I don’t love that bitch and this shit is business. That’s Karma’s problem she don’t know how to separate business from her personal feelings.”

  “You want me shoot the bitch?” Santana asked.

  “I really do want you to shoot her ass, but I know I can’t murder her ass her like this.” I walked away from Siyah and headed towards Karma. I grabbed her ass by her hair and dragged her ass out of the chapel.

  “What the fuck are you doing here Karma? This is my fucking wedding day! Why would you come here and do this shit. You know there is nothing between us.”

  “Really King? How could you say that?” Looking at her I knew this bitch was truly out of her mind. She looked like a fucking mad woman with mascara running down her eyes. Drunk and stumbling acting as if she never knew what the fuck it was between us. This hoe done caught a whole flight to Vegas just get her fucking feelings hurt even worse. Bitches bring shit on themselves. She knows it ain’t nothing to us but money. True, I was fucking her at one point in time, but the last time we had any type of sexual encounter was when I let the bitch give me some head. During that entire conversation I told the bitch what the fuck it was, but now I see this bitch has a fucking fatal attraction. This bitch is bad for business and now she’s officially cut off.

  “Let me tell you something you dick silly ass bitch, as of now you’re my fucking enemy. You can’t be trusted and you’re bad for business. You’re here confessing your love for a nigga that don’t fucking love you. Get that shit through your head. Bitch, I don’t love you, you were never my woman. We have no fucking ties besides getting this fucking money, but since you can’t separate business from your personal feelings we’re done. As of right now you’re no longer a part of my business dealings. You gone take your Dizzy Dora ass back home and do your fucking job as building manager, but whatever business dealings we had is officially over. I’m letting you walk out of here with your life, but bitch I’m giving you fair warning if you fuck with my money I’ll murder your bitch ass. As a matter of fact bring your ass in here and tell my fiancé what it really is between us. I’m not about to be playing with your stupid ass!” I dragged the bitch back inside the chapel by her hair.

  “Please King, let me go. Don’t make me do this.”

  “Shut the fuck up! Where’s Siyah?” I asked, as I went back inside the chapel. I looked and my daughter was gone as well.

  “I’m not gone ask again, where the fuck is Siyah!” At this time I threw this bitch Karma on the floor hoping to break her fucking neck. Everybody was just standing and sitting around looking crazy and not saying shit.

  “She took Princess and left out the back door.” Nita said, looking at me with disappointment. That fucked me up because Nita has always held me in a high regard. I know that I was looking real fake to her right now.

  “Get this bitch out of my sight immediately! Fuck!” I walked out of the chapel and tried to find Siyah and my daughter. When I made it to the hotel she wasn’t there either. I sat on the edge of the bed and put my head down in my hands. I
had fucked up, but at the same time Siyah had me fucked up taking my fucking daughter and running off. I understand that she is upset and she has every right to be, but I’m not going to accept her taking my fucking daughter and disappearing on a nigga.

  Chapter 17-Siyah

  1 Month Later

  It had been a month since the fiasco of what was supposed to be the happiest day of my life. I don’t know what came over me as I stood at the altar waiting for King to finish talking to the bitch he claimed he had nothing going on with. In my heart I knew it was more between them the day I saw them talking. I guess you can say it was my woman’s intuition. I felt it that night he lay in bed and promised me that nothing was going on with the bitch Karma. Bitch was born fucked up with a name like that.

  I haven’t seen or talked to anyone since that day. I’m just not in the mood to be bothered. I’m still hurt, angry, and most of all embarrassed. I felt like such a fool for falling in love with a man like King. All of the signs were right there, yet I paid them no attention. I wanted so badly to believe that King was nothing like other niggas. In a way he’s not like other niggas; he’s in a league of his own. At the same time he’s the typical man who wants his cake and to eat it too.

  I know that King is on a rampage looking for us. He’s going to murder my ass for taking Princess and that’s what scares me most. I know how he feels about her and this must be hurting him right now. At the same time I’m hurting too and she is the one that can keep me sane. As I stood at the altar all I could think of was my life and what I was going to do. My mind went blank as I grabbed Princess from my father and walked out the side door exit of the chapel. I was so happy that the limo was still outside and I had him take me back to our hotel. I knew that King would be coming any minute so I sent one of the housekeepers in to get my purse and some of my personal items. I walked right back out of the hotel and I went and checked into another hotel until I could figure out my next move. I’ve been in Vegas ever since because at this point I’m too afraid to go home and too ashamed to face my family and friends. I feel bad because I know they’re worried about us. I cut my phone completely off and I had deactivated my Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts because the last thing I wanted was for people to find me. I decided to log onto my Facebook and check my messages. My head begins to spin and my heart begins to beat rapidly as I read a message from Rika.

  I don’t know where you are but bitch you need to get home ASAP. I don’t know how to tell you this but King got killed. Please come home!

  I sat on the floor so that I wouldn’t pass out. I couldn’t stop the tears that was flowing. Yes, I was mad and hurt at King’s actions, but the thought of him being dead was killing me. I grabbed my daughter and hugged her so tight. How can I raise my baby without her father? This shit wasn’t fair at all. I was now regretting just up and leaving like that. Maybe if I would have stayed things would have been different. Once I gathered myself I caught the first flight out back home.

  After a four hour flight I was exhausted mentally and physically. I wanted to just go to sleep and wake up from this nightmare called my life. I wanted to go straight to the house I shared with King, but the was the last place I wanted to be because I knew he wouldn’t be there or he would never be coming back. I didn’t bother to call anyone and tell them that I was back in the city. I hopped in a cab and headed straight to Rika’s house.


  “Oh my God Siyah! Where have you been? Everybody has been worried sick about you. Are you and the baby okay?” Rika asked, at the same time she was hugging me so tight.

  “We’re fine. What happened to King?” I asked, as tears fell from my face.

  “The only thing wrong with King is that he’s crazy as hell and has been on a fucking warpath since you have been gone. Bitch, you’re the cause of a lot of niggas being dead in the last month.” Rika took Princess out of my arms and went and sat down on the couch. I was confused at what she had said like she doesn’t know why I’m here.

  “Rika I got your message. What happened to King?”

  “What are you talking about Siyah? What damn message?” I took my phone out and showed her the message.

  “This message, telling me that King was dead!” I was now breathing hard and crying even harder because I was so confused. Rika was shaking her head and looking confused as well.

  “I didn’t send this message. My account had to be hacked Siyah. I would never do no shit like this.” Rika was looking just as shocked as I was.

  “That’s because I sent it. You really shouldn’t leave your phone around like that sis. So, a nigga got to be dead in order for you to bring your ass home with my daughter?” I turned around and it was King in the flesh. I swear I wanted to shit in the floor. I was trembling with fear because he looked like he wanted to kill me. He had the scariest frown on his face. His nose was flaring as he breathed and thick veins were protruding from his forehead and neck. His eyes bulged out of his head as he morphed into the beast that I hated to see come out of him. I began to tremble because out of all the times I’ve seen him angry this was the one time I was afraid for my life. At the same time I was pissed that he would play such a cruel fucking joke. This shows me that this motherfucker is truly sick-minded.” He took big steps getting as close to me as he could. If he thought this intimidation tactic was going to make me fold he had me fucked up. I’ve been folding for King since the day we met and I’m officially tired.

  “See the shit you make me do. You know I don’t play about my daughter. So, for you to be gone for a month and I don’t know where the fuck you at with her, yeah, you definitely want me to fuck you up Siyah.” He was standing in my face staring me down trying his best to intimidate me. I was scared, but I wasn’t giving into his ass this time around. Fuck this shit. I’ve been more than enough to his ass.

  “Why would you do some shit like this? You’re truly out of your mind to make me think that you’re dead so I can come back home. It’s your fucking fault why I left anyway. I don’t have time for this shit. As a matter of fact I’m tired of you and all of your bipolar ass behavior. What the fuck do you want from me Kingston?”

  “Watch how the fuck you talk to me. You got less than a minute to get my daughter and bring your ass on.”

  “Come on now bro! Don’t do her like that.” Legs said, as he stepped in front of King.

  “With all due respect, you my nigga and all, but this between me and my girl!”

  “It’s cool, I just don’t want ya’ll getting into it over this bullshit.” I grabbed my baby from Rika and stared at her long and hard.

  “Call me if you need me.” She said, under her breath. I just nodded my head, letting her know that I would. King walked out of the door and I walked behind him. I went with him without a fight to keep confusion down, but the first chance I got I was getting away from his ass again.

  King gently removed Princess from my arms and placed kisses all over her face.

  “Hey daddy baby. I missed my princess. Did you miss daddy? Of course you missed your daddy. Mean mommy kidnapped you.” I rolled my eyes at his bald headed ass as he placed her in the car seat. I got in the passenger seat and put my seat belt on, making sure to not even look at his ass. This is the one time I was so disgusted with him and he was such a turn off. I hate he’s acting like I just took Princess and left for no reason. His bitch ruined my wedding day and he did as well. He’s my king and he was supposed to protect me from shit like that. I know in my heart that there are plenty of bitches that want to be with him or that he has been with. I put that shit in the back of my mind because it didn’t matter; all I wanted to do was focus on us. I resent the fact that he let this bitch come in and wreck my fucking wedding day. Since the first day I laid eyes on him all I’ve ever wanted to do was be with him. But now I’m not so sure because all I want to do is get the fuck away from his ass.

  “What were you thinking just leaving and taking Princess with you? I know you’re mad at me, but damn you
could have at least called and let us know that you were okay. Nita has been worried sick about ya’ll.” We had pulled into our driveway and were just sitting parked. I refused to look at him as he spoke to me and I knew it would make him mad, but I didn’t give a fuck.

  “It’s good to know somebody cares about us.” I said, as I opened the car door and got out. I walked around and got my baby out and went inside of the house. It had been so long since I had been there that it felt foreign to me. The aura was all off to me. I felt like a stranger in my own fucking house.

  King was still outside sitting in the car. I took that time to bathe Princess and put her to sleep. She looked so peaceful sleeping in her nursery. I guess she was tired of sleeping in a hotel as well. I hated to admit it but being in my home did feel one hundred percent better than being in a fucking hotel.

  I was exhausted mentally and physically. I still couldn’t believe King made it look like he was dead just to get me to come home. That shit is so fucked up. Like who does some shit like that?

  After taking a hot shower I climbed in bed and thought about where it was I wanted to be. I love King, but it ain’t enough love in the world for me to keep letting this nigga handle me like I’m some type of wack ass bitch. I’ve hung in there and held on strong trying to be the woman he needs me to be. All the while taking the brunt of his actions. I know that King loves me, but he doesn’t appreciate me and that shit has to change, so I need to do what I have to do for Siyah. This shit is going to hurt, but I guarantee you it’s going to hurt him more than it will ever hurt me.

  Chapter 18- Kingston

  I sat on my side of the bed watching Siyah as she slept. Things were different and I could feel it. Her heart was changing and she was slipping away. This month without her and my daughter had made me doing so much soul searching. I’ve missed her with every fiber of my being. At the same time I realized shit wasn’t going the way either of us expected. I’m walking around thinking the shit I do is cool and she’s walking around acting as if everything is cool. The shit with Karma put a lot of shit into perspective. I blamed her, but at the same time I can’t be mad at her for being in love with me. Granted I never gave her an inkling that we would ever be together. She was in love with me and that was my fault. I had planted a seed in her head they we had the ability to take over the world and make money together. Constantly giving her the dick, knowing full and well she was in too deep with the idea of being my woman. It didn’t matter that I was actually about to get married. Somewhere in Karma’s head we had a future. I didn’t pay attention to that shit because my only focus was getting fucking bread. In the midst of doing what I had to do in these streets I had so much shit going on that I forgot about the most important thing in this world, and that was Siyah. I let the shit that was going on with my father, mother, and the streets get in the way of the only real person I had on my team, outside of my niggas Legs and Santana. She was here all along and I knew that, but these inner demons fucked me up in my head. I fucked up and I can admit that. The last thing I wanted was Siyah to leave me. She was too quiet and I knew she was plotting to run again and I simply couldn’t let her leave me. I stood over her and watched her as she slept. I placed a kissed on her forehead and left the room, making sure to lock it behind me.