King and I: A Royal Love Affair Read online

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  “Mommy, please just go home. I promise I’ll be over there later.”

  “Siyah!” Luca roared causing her to damn near jump out of her skin.

  “Yes, Luca.”

  “Show your mother the door, she’s disrespecting our home.”

  “I’m not putting my mother out, Luca. I’ve asked you several times to send your nosey ass mother home and you never do.” Luca stood up from his seat and I stood up too. I was waiting for him to swing on my baby. I was pushing his shit back with the quickness.

  “Either you put her ass out, or you can get the fuck out with her!” He got so close in her face that she flinched and that pissed me off. I was seeing with my own eyes that she was scared of his ass. I could also tell that she didn’t want to disrespect me.

  “This is my house too, Luca. I have a say so around here too. Like I said I will not put my mother out and I’m not going anywhere.” Luca stared at her for a long time, and he walked out of the house. I really didn’t like the way he did that.

  “Go get your shit right now! I’m not leaving you here with him.”

  “Please stop, Ma! I’m okay. You can’t come over here acting like this. You’re all drunk and shit.”

  “I’m worried about you, Siyah. You’re a grown ass woman and I can’t tell you what to do. All I can do is pray for your safety. I’m going to leave out of respect for you, because I don’t give a damn about Luca or his mother. If you need me promise me that you will call me.” I grabbed her and held her close in a hug. Siyah had no idea how much I feared for her life right now, but at the same time I had to let her learn on her own. Although that’s not what I wanted to do it’s something that I had to do because she has to learn on her own. After a couple of minutes of hugging one another I left their home. I prepared myself for whatever was to come, because I knew for a fact Luca had something up his sleeve. On everything I loved if he hurt her he might as well cancel Christmas, because I’m on his ass like a tight pair of slacks.

  Chapter 8-Siyah

  I felt like shit for the way Luca disrespected my mother. If I ever disrespected his mother like that he would kick my ass, but him doing that was just confirmation that it was best that I walked away from this marriage. It’s one thing to disrespect me, but what he won’t do is be disrespectful to my mother. I laughed on the inside when I saw my mother with her beer in one hand and her gun in the other. That’s my momma and I love her no matter what.

  I was never supposed to allow her to leave like that. Actually, I was never supposed to allow Luca to dictate my life like that. I sat down on the couch in deep thought wondering what my next move was going to be. I heard something vibrating and I looked up and it was coming from the sofa table. I reached over and grabbed Luca’s phone. He was in such a hurry that he left his phone. In all of our years together I had never had the urge to go through his phone, but I had the nagging feeling that I needed to. As soon as I started going through it my heart began to beat like a drum.

  There were pictures of Kingston and I having sex in his house. I couldn’t breathe. I almost passed out when I read a text message of him giving the order to kill Kingston. I immediately began to panic. Luca knew from the jump I had fucked him. I ran around the house looking for my keys and my purse. I needed to get to Kingston before they hurt him.

  I don’t know what came over me but at that moment, I didn’t even care if Luca knew about us. I was trying to get to Kingston so that I could warn him. I had been calling the number he had gave me over and over again, but it was going straight to voicemail. Since I couldn’t get ahold to him I decided to head over to my mother’s house and let her know what was going on. I was also hoping she knew of a way to get in contact with Kingston.

  When I pulled up to the building I walked around to the back to see if King was in the back of the building. The closer I got to the playground I could hear arguing. Once I came into view I could see that it was Vita pointing her hand in King’s face. I wanted to stop in my tracks and turn around, but this was a matter of life or death.

  “I’m not gon’ tell you again, Vita. The next time you put your finger in my face I’m gone slap the fuck out of you. I don’t put my hands on you, so don’t put your hands on me.”

  “What you trying to do, flex cause this bitch walking up? I should beat her ass just for fucking in the bed and on the sheets that I brought. Trick ass bitch. As a matter of fact aren’t you married or something? I wonder what your husband would think if he knew you were in the hood doing his enemy’s dick.”

  “Shut the fuck up, Vita, and get the fuck from out of this building. You know I don’t play about bringing that shit around here, not to mention you putting my motherfucking business out here in these streets like I’m some lame ass nigga. This my last and final warning.” King walked up on her and was damn near touching her nose with his. I was standing there speechless, because I knew everybody had heard what she said to me. Damn near the whole building was now on their porches looking at the scene. I knew it would be only a matter of time before Nita bought her ass downstairs trying to fight.

  “You know what, King. I got something for you and that bitch.” She started walking off cool as ever I thought she was going to walk past me but she swung. I don’t know what came over me, but I started beating her ass like she stole something. It had been years since I had fought out in the streets like this. I was actually mad this bitch decided to play these damn ghetto girl ass names. I’m too much of a fucking lady to be out here fighting like this, but at the same time I’m not about to let this bitch get away with fucking with me.

  “You better beat her ass, Siyah.” I heard my momma say. At this point I started going crazy beating the shit out of her. I don’t know how we landed on the ground but I sat on top of her ass and pinned her down.

  “Get her off of me!” Vita was trying her best to lift me off of her, but I wasn’t budging. This bitch thought she was fucking with a weak ass bitch. I put up my boxing gloves long ago. This hoe just had to bring me out of retirement.

  “Nobody better touch my baby. She should have thought about that before she swung on her first. That’s right, Siyah, get that ass baby girl!”

  “Really, Nita? Move out of the way.” I heard Legs say. The next thing I knew I was being lifted off of her and walked into the building. The whole time I walked, Vita was shouting and cursing, making herself look like an even bigger fool. I looked around for King, but he was nowhere to be found. I know damn well this nigga ain’t bounce after he saw me and this bitch fighting. I was even more pissed off as I walked up the stairs to my mother’s apartment.

  “Damn, Siyah! You just beat the fuck out of Vita. I forgot you had them hands.” Legs said, as he threw a couple of punches my way. I pushed him and went and sat down on the couch. I was so mad I was shaking like crazy.

  “I wasn’t even trying to fight that bitch. I’m not even on that fighting shit like that anymore. I only came over here because I needed to tell King some shit that I found out about Luca.”

  “What the hell you found out about that prick?” My mother said, as she popped open a beer can.

  “Can I flame this up, Momma Nita?” Legs asked.

  “As long as you sharing, you bowlegged ass nigga.”

  “Would y’all please listen to me!” I had some serious shit to tell them, and all they can think about is smoking and getting drunk.

  “Go ‘head, baby girl.”

  “After you left today I found Luca’s phone. Curiosity got the best of me so I opened it. I went through his text messages and he ordered a hit on King. I went to his pictures and there were dozens of pictures of me and King having sex. He’s known all along about us. I fucked up y’all; Luca is going to kill me. I never meant to bring any harm King’s way. Luca is up to something, I can feel it.” Legs handed my mother the blunt and rushed outside the door. I guess he was going to find King.

  “Don’t even worry about it, Siyah. King gon’ handle that shit.”

“I’m scared, Ma. I know what Luca is capable of. How could I be so fucking stupid? All this shit because I wanted some damn thug passion.”

  “That thug passion’s a motherfucker, though. Here hit this, it will calm your nerves.” I grabbed the blunt from my mother’s hand and I took a long pull. I still had Luca’s phone so I decided to go through it some more. There wasn’t really nothing else in the phone besides the info about Kingston and I. So I knew this wasn’t his actual phone, just a business phone.

  “Let me holla at you in the back right now!” I looked up at Kingston standing over me with a mean scowl on his face. I got up, and he followed me to the back of the house.

  “I just want to say that I’m sorry for all of this, Kingston. I never meant for any of this to happen. Please don’t be mad at me, I didn’t mean to bring any drama your way. Look, here is his phone all the evidence is in there.” Kingston roughly snatched the phone from my hand and turned his back to me as he went through the phone. This nigga had me a little shook. I swear it was like he morphed into a beast. I rubbed my sweaty palms on my pants waiting to see his reaction after looking through the phone. He turned around and roughly grabbed my face.

  “You down for a nigga, huh?” He kissed me on the lips and walked out of the room with the phone. I was completely confused because he never gave me a chance to respond to what he said, not to mention how he just walked away without saying anything about what he saw in the phone. He was being too damn nonchalant for me. Shit, Luca was trying to kill our asses and he was acting like it wasn’t shit. I laid back in the bed and stared at the ceiling in deep thought.

  “What’s wrong, Siyah?” My mother asked, as she came and laid next to me in the bed.

  “I have no idea, Ma. I showed Kingston the evidence that was in Luca’s phone and all he said was ‘you down for a nigga, huh’ and walked away like he didn’t just see that Luca put a hit out on his life.” My mother started laughing as she blew smoke out of her mouth from the cigarette she was smoking.

  “Stop tripping, Kingston got that shit under control. I told you he is not to be fucked with in these streets. Luca and his crew better be ready for war because that’s exactly what it’s about to be. Now listen to your momma and listen to me good because I’m about to put you up on some shit. You just showed that nigga that you’re down for him. Luca is your husband, yet you chose to go out of your way to warn your side nigga about the shit Luca is up to.

  “Loyalty is hard to come by and you just showed him that you’re loyal. That’s big to a nigga like Kingston. You just fucked him up in the head right now. Prior to this you and him were just on some fucking shit, nothing more nothing less. You got his ass thinking like a motherfucker right now, and that’s a good thing. He feeling the fact that you chose him over your husband. He’s feeding off of that shit. At the same time loyalty won’t be all you need to be in that nigga’s world.

  “He has bitches on the regular doing all types of shit to be in his world. You have to show him that you aren’t any of those basic bitches, not to mention you just beat his main bitch ass. You aren’t a scary bitch and that counts. Don’t no nigga won’t no scary bitch. At the same time he don’t want no hood rat ass bitch out here fighting over no dick. I know she swung on you first; you did what the fuck you had to do. Going forward, boss the fuck up and fuck all these bitches. Trust and believe these hoes about to come out of the shadows.”

  I laid next to my mother and took in everything she was saying, at the same time I was thinking about staying alive. It seemed like everybody around me was worried about the wrong shit.

  Chapter 9-Kingston

  The fact that Luca called himself putting a hit out on me was quite amusing, but not surprising. I knew sooner or later he would be trying to start a street war over territory he had nothing to do with. This motherfucker really thought that I was going to bring his family in on my drug empire. Last time I checked them motherfuckers didn’t even fuck with the drug business. These days the Italians wanted their hands in on everything. I don’t know what type of fuck nigga Luca or his old ass Pops take me for, but I’m going to put them in tune real quick. While that nigga was plotting on me, I had been plotting on him and had my people following him. See what he didn’t know was in the process of him following me, my people found out that he was following his wife.

  That shit only sweetened the pot. I hated that Siyah had to be a casualty of war but like I said earlier, “by any means necessary”. It’s just that Siyah fucked me up today by bringing me that information. I never thought that she was feeling a nigga to the point where she would go out of her way to give me a heads up about her husband putting a hit out on me. That shit says a lot about her character. I have mad respect for her looking out for a nigga.

  I was feeling real fucked up about Vita swinging on her. Had I known that she was going to pull a stunt and put all her business out in the middle of the projects, I would have knocked the shit out of her from the jump. I was pissed when Vita let it be known that she came back to my house after I told her ass to leave. Stupid bitch watched damn near our whole sexual encounter, that shit only enraged her more.

  In order to keep from going across her shit I left the house and I hadn’t seen her since that day. All of sudden, out of the blue, she shows up in the hood acting a fool. That’s exactly why I don’t want her ass now. The bitch has no chill. I’m just glad Siyah whooped her ass. I was pissed seeing them fighting, so I walked the fuck away. I could have broken it up, but Vita deserved that ass whooping. If that hoe values her life she will stay far the fuck away from me. As much love as I have for Vita that shit all ended when she put my business out in the streets. Bitch all in her feelings about who and how I give the dick to the next person. It’s a wrap for her ass, and I put that shit on everything that I love. In the meantime I needed to focus on how I was going to go about fucking up this nigga Luca’s existence and taking that nigga’s wife at the same damn time.

  Chapter 10-Rika

  I couldn’t get home fast enough after I saw the damn fight between Siyah and Vita. Someone had taped the entire thing and posted it all over social media. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that the shit was over Kingston. This shit looks so bad on Siyah’s part. She’s a married woman out in the middle of the projects, fighting over her side nigga. I swear I want to be like this bitch when I grow up. Siyah got the juice now and it shows.

  I’m just worried about Luca and how he’s going to fuck her up. He’s definitely about to dig all in that ass. I’m so scared for my best friend. She’s out here fucking two of the worse niggas to ever cross, but Kingston is worse. At least Luca wifed her and has introduced her to the finer things that life has to offer. I’m not judging her decisions. I’m team Siyah until the death of me. It’s just that I personally feel like Kingston is nothing but a broken heart waiting to happen.

  That’s my bitch and I would never wish bad on her, I’m just stating facts. Kingston has a heart of gold with a diamond-encrusted dick to match. Diamonds are a girl’s best friend, and that nigga got these hoes going crazy out here in these streets. Vita was only the beginning. I’m happy as hell she beat, stomped, and dragged that bitch. I keep watching the video over and over again. I can’t stop laughing at Ms. Nita. That lady bars none when it comes to Siyah. Watching them two in action took me back to the days when we stayed fighting all through the projects. Ms. Nita was right there fighting with us.

  As I drove home my phone kept going off and I kept pressing ignore. Legs had been calling me for hours, and I had no word for his stupid ass. The one time I give into his ass and decide to give him some pussy, he shows up at my house drunk and high as hell. I’ve been sexually frustrated and his ass pulled a stunt like that. I get pissed off just thinking about it. I’m not gone even lie, I been wanting to fuck him, but he a hoe too. Him and King get around, and I don’t have time for these games. I have better shit to do with my time than to be out here fighting over some nigga, but if a bitch pop
slick I’m taking that hoe’s head off.


  As soon as I made it to the hood I went straight up to Nita’s house. I had been calling Siyah’s phone and her ass wasn’t answering.

  “I know you done lost your motherfucking mind banging on my door like that.”

  “I’m sorry, Ms. Nita. I’ve been calling Siyah and her ass ain’t answering the phone. Is she still over here?” I walked inside the house, and I set my workbag down on the couch.

  “Yeah she in the back all in her feelings. Go back there and talk to her, she needs a listening ear besides mine.” Nita was popping a beer can as usual. It was amazing, this woman still looked good as hell because she’s been drinking like a fish for as long as I can remember.

  “I know she ain’t worried about that hoe Vita?”

  “This shit wayyy bigger than that troll looking bitch. I’ll let her tell you, though.” After hearing Nita say that I was eager to know what the hell was going on. When I walked into the room Siyah was sitting on the edge of the bed crying.

  “What’s wrong, friend?”

  “Everything, I fucked up, Rika. Luca knows about me and King. He had been following me the entire time. He has a hit out on King, and I know for a fact he’s going to kill me too. I should have listened to you.” I wrapped my arms around Siyah, because I had never seen her like this. At the same time I was speechless hearing that Luca knew about her and Kingston.

  “Damn, Siyah! Does King know?”

  “Yeah, I told him not too long ago. He didn’t say shit but ‘you down for a nigga, huh?’ After that he just walked out of the room all nonchalant and shit.”

  “Don’t worry, King is somewhere probably plotting. Stop worrying, everything is going to be okay. We’re going to get through this together. ”