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Thug Mansion (Thug Passion Book 8) Page 3

  After much thought, I got in touch with Quaadir and let him know that I was coming down to Atlanta to visit them. I knew that Thug, Malik, and Ta’Jay were going to be mad because I didn’t tell them first. Hopefully, they would understand that I needed to get away for the sake of my sanity.

  Right now there was no way I could stay here and live in this house without Quanie. We built this house from the ground up for our future. I see no sense in living in it without him. I packed lightly for the trip because I planned on shopping when I made it down there for everything we would need. I had no idea when I was coming back home. I laid across the couch and cuddled with my babies, praying for better days and hoping that Quanie would eventually forgive me.

  Chapter 4- I Don’t Mean It


  I was mad at myself for choking Rosé. That was definitely out of character for me. Not to mention her stabbing my ass. That was out of character for her as well. We never fought to that extent. I hated that we’d been fighting like crazy in front of our kids. Heaven had a fit this morning when we were tussling. That shit hurt my heart because I love all my kids, but Heaven is my entire world. That little girl has given a nigga like me a purpose to live. That’s why I have to make shit right with my wife. I never in my life want her to see what we have become and think that’s how a relationship is supposed to be.

  After receiving fifteen stitches in my arm, I headed back home only to find Rosé and my kids gone. The worst part was that she had left her ring behind accompanied by a fucking note. She knew how to piss me off because that’s exactly what I was.

  As a matter of fact, I was livid and had every intention on fucking her up for taking my kids. True I had been in a real fucked up mood lately, but after all the shit that I’d been through, a nigga deserved to have a bad day or two.

  Rosé knows that I love her more than anything in this world. After all, I lost the life that was near and dear to me before I met her. It didn’t matter that the shit was all a big lie. The way I feel now, I just wish none of the shit would’ve came to the light. Not saying that I regret my wife, because Rosé is the best thing outside of my kids to come out of all this bullshit. I just wish shit wouldn’t have all came at me like a raging bull.

  To go from being adored by your parents to them hating you and trying to kill you is some hard shit to swallow. Followed by learning that one of your best friends is really your brother because you share the same father. All my life I’ve been raised as Remy Ramirez, Jr. To know that he’s not my father and Vinny Santerelli is had me fucked up. Not to mention my best friend really being my brother. That shit has me fucked up. Rosé thinks that I’m just supposed to get over everything. That’s easy for her to say because her family has never betrayed or turned their backs on her.

  Despite all of that, I’ve been acting pretty damn fucked up towards her. Rosé didn’t deserve that at all. At the same time, I needed her to be more supportive of what I was going through. Rosé’s trying to live life like shit normal and it’s not. Nothing about what we’ve been through is normal.

  I had been avoiding everybody like the fucking plague, especially Thug. That nigga, out of all people, knew what the fuck I was going through. He was never supposed to hold that shit to his chest like that. We were supposed to be better than that, so that’s why I been on some fuck everybody type shit lately. I don’t even know who the fuck I can trust.

  Since Rosé wants to take my kids, I don’t trust her ass, either. But she’s in for a rude ass awakening if she thinks she gone take my kids from me.


  I’d been looking all over for Rosé and the kids. Her family hadn’t heard from her and that caused me to worry like crazy. Regardless of being in retirement, I’ve acquired many enemies over the years. At this point, I just wanted to make sure she was straight. Even if she didn’t to want come home.

  I’d been out looking for her all day and I was exhausted from the damn pain medication they gave me at the hospital. I needed to lay my ass down for a couple of hours. I was mentally and physically drained from the day’s events. I just wanted to lie down and regroup because I had every intention on finding my wife and kids.

  When I pulled in my driveway, I had the right mind to reach for my gun. Thug and Malik were sitting on the hoods of Thug’s Aston Martin. Last time I checked, I wasn’t fucking with either of these cats. I thought I made that shit clear on several occasions, but I see motherfuckers didn’t get the memo.

  “It’s about time you brought your ass home my nigga,” Malik said as he jumped off of the car and Thug did as well. These niggas were standing here looking like the damn Double mint twins. I just shook my head because they were my fucking brothers and my biggest issue was the way I found out.

  “Get the fuck off my property!”

  “Nigga you need to get off all this bullshit. Okay, so we’re brothers. You walking around here acting like a bitch. Like the shit is bad or something. I fell back for a minute because I knew the shit was fucked up, but at the same time nigga, this shit is a fucking blessing. I’m sick and tired of you walking around like this shit is the end of the world. I’ve always had respect for you and fucked with you the long way. However, I’m not feeling this soft shit you on!” Thug stepped closer to me and I stepper closer to him.

  “Ain’t no hoe in my blood so don’t step to me with all this rah rah ass shit.”

  Before I knew Thug swung and caught me in the jaw. I immediately swung back and cracked his ass. We started going blow for blow. Older brother or not, I wasn’t backing down.

  “I got a stack on Remy! That’s right my nigga, don’t let him do you like that. World Star! I’m definitely uploading this motherfucker here! That’s right Big Bro, handle that little nigga. I got a stack on Thug, too.”

  Malik was really clowning the both of us. We both continued to go blow for blow until we were tired out. Thug got the best of me, but I wasn’t backing down from his ass. He already knows my gun blows just like his. All that fighting made me bust my damn stitches open and I was in pain. I sat on the doorstep and pulled my shirt over my head to wrap my arm. I spit the blood from my mouth that had pooled inside of it.

  “Come on nigga, let me take ya ass back to the hospital. I think I need them to look at my nose. I swear to God if you broke my shit, I’m shooting ya bitch ass,” Thug reached his hand out to help me up. He pulled me in for a hug and we both embraced.

  “Aww ain’t that shit sweet. I’m glad you young ladies made up.”

  “Shut the fuck up, Malik!” Thug said as he charged Malik but he ran towards his own car.

  “Don’t get mad at me because Lil’ Bro was hanging with you. I can’t wait to tell Quaadir this shit. As a matter of fact, let me FaceTime that nigga right now. Fuck y’all niggas. I’m headed home to get some pussy anyway. Have fun skipping down the street and holding hands,” Malik peeled off in his car and I hopped in the car with Thug. It had been a minute since I had any interaction with him outside of us just fighting and getting shit off of our chests.

  “I know that shit been fucked up with everything going on in your life. You must know and understand that it fucked me up when I found out that you were indeed my brother. You of all people know of all the fucking lies and secrets my mother kept from my siblings and me. Nigga, you think you got it bad finding out we’re actually brothers. How in the fuck do you think I felt when it came to light that Quaadir was not only my brother, but my twin? Not to mention the fact that he fucked my wife. Now that’s some shit that will make a nigga mad and want to kill his brother. Trust and believe me, had it not been for the love of my mother, he would be a dead motherfucker.

  “Today I’m grateful to have him as my brother and the same goes for you. Now, let me clear anything up if you’re confused. I know that family is the last thing you’re trusting right now, but family is everything. I can assure you that you have a family. All you have to do is allow yourself to trust again. We’re a family. Now don’t get it twisted, it�
�s always some bullshit when it comes to Peaches, and of course, our wives. Still and all we love each other and go to war with for each other. We good, Bro?” Thug handed me a blunt and I took a long pull off it. After that speech, how could I ever not want to be a part of this family?

  “Yeah we good.”

  We pulled up to the hospital and sat smoking the entire blunt before heading in to get checked out.

  “By the way, if you’re looking for Rosé, she at the W Hotel on Michigan Ave. in the Executive Suite. I saw the text come through Ta-Baby’s phone earlier. Don’t tell them I told you. My wife would have a fit. But I hate that she has to meddle in matters that don’t concern her. As you know, retirement is hard on her so she has to make up for it in shit that has no concern of hers. However, that’s my baby and I love her. If Rosé becomes a part of that whole Boss Lady shit, be prepared because you’ll have to lay hands on her ass because they don’t listen.”

  “I’ve seen that crew in action. Rosé already nutting the fuck up on me. Let me get checked out and drag her ass up out of this hotel. Good looking, Bro.”


  After sitting in the damn ER for three hours, I was finally stitched back up. I was glad Thug’s nose wasn’t broken because fighting that motherfucker was like fighting a damn bull. He doesn’t even look that damn strong. I have to eat my Wheaties and get back in the gym tussling with his ass. Now that we got all of our frustrations out of the way with one another, I doubt that we’ll ever have to come to blows again. It felt like a weight had been lifted off of my shoulders since we got that shit off of our chests. The more I thought about it, the more I realized I was overreacting about the entire situation. I should have been embracing the fact of having a family that I knew was loyal. Instead of dwelling on the family that wasn’t. In the midst of my craziness, I got away from what was important and that was my wife and kids. There’s no way in hell my family should be at a hotel when we have a multi-million dollar estate. That shit had me feeling all types of fucked up but not for long, because I was going to get my family. Rosé didn’t have a choice because I was going to drag her ass out by that long ass hair she be rocking.

  Chapter 5- Nothing Even Matters


  It hadn’t even been a full day and I was missing Remy like crazy. I saw him calling me all day, but my pride wouldn’t allow me to answer his call. Now as I lay here in bed next to my sleeping babies, I realize that Tahari was right. I did move far too fast. I felt so naked without my wedding ring. That was a token of our love and I never should’ve taken it off. I was just so mad and hurt about the way he’d been treating me lately. Walking around the house with all that pent up frustration and shutting me out was hurting me to my heart.

  We’d been through so much together, so for us to be saying the nasty things that we’d been saying to each other really bothered me. It was hurting me to my heart that I had to actually slice his ass. The moment he wrapped his hands around my neck, I knew he needed a reality check. He wasn’t listening to my words, but he damn sure heard my actions loud and clear when I let that blade do the talking. Although I’d been out of jail for years now, I still walked around with a blade on me. To a certain extent, I was still very much institutionalized.

  Although it seemed like I was satisfied with what I’d done, I wasn’t. Inside, I was sick about what I had to do. Regardless of anything Remy has done or said to me, I don’t know where I would without him. He’s been here for me since the moment we met. I couldn’t help but feel like he lost everything by trying to be with me. I remember telling him that I wanted to leave because I couldn’t handle him losing everything because of me. Remy flat out refused. I know that man loves me because he was willing to die for me. As I lay here I regret not having more understanding and patience with him. Out of all the events that had happened, the one that hurt and broke him the most, was when his father ordered his men to gun him down.

  Finding out that Thug, Malik, and Quaadir were actually his brothers was the icing on the cake. Shit has been crazy ever since. I’ve been getting the brunt of all his anger and in a heated moment, I lost control. I just wanted things to get back to the way they were when we first met before all the betrayal. As much as I missed him and wanted to go home, I knew that I couldn’t. I had to remain firm in letting him know that he couldn’t treat me like shit just because he was mad. We’re a team. We can’t go around fighting each other, because no matter what at the end of the day all we have is each other. I might have a big family that loves me, but when we said our vows Remy became my family. He’s mine and I’m his. This is just a bump in the road for us, but we’ve been through hurdles and obstacles and come out strong. So a bump ain’t shit to some survivors like us. I lie in bed with my kids and stared at them sleeping peacefully until I dosed off.


  “Rosé! Get up, get my kids dressed, and let’s go home.”

  At first I thought I was dreaming at the sound Remy’s loud and powerful voice. Once I opened my eyes, I realized he was standing over me and it was far from a dream. I sat up in bed and stared at him through narrow eyes. The whole time I wondered how in the fuck he knew that I was even there. At the same time, he had a lot of nerve coming in here and demanding that I go home. I wanted to come home, but I didn’t have to let him know that.

  “What if I say I’m not ready to come home?” I folded my arms across my chest like the spoiled brat he’s made me.

  “What if I say that if you don’t, I’m gone drag your ass out of here by your hair? Now like I said before get up, get my kids dressed, and let’s go.”

  This time he was so loud that he woke up the kids. As soon as they realized he was in the room, they jumped up and were all over him.

  “Daddy! Daddy!”

  “Are you okay, Daddy?” Heaven asked as she rubbed his arm and hugged him. When she hugged him, she faced me. My heart sank as she gave me the nastiest look ever.

  “Daddy is just fine. Help your Momma put your brothers’ clothes on so we can go home.”

  Remy went and sat down in a chair that was in the corner of the room. I hesitated, but eventually I got up and got ready to head home. It was taking everything inside of me not to just burst out in tears because my feelings were hurt. It hurt for him to act like he didn’t care about my feelings. I swear I wanted to just lash out, but that wasn’t a good idea. Especially since the kids were all happy to see him. I decided to take one for the team, for the sake of my children.

  When we made it home I got the kids situated and took a long, hot bath. I laid my head back and just thought about how Remy hadn’t said one thing to me on the ride home. Somewhere inside of me, I was just praying that he would be the nice and gentle Remy I fell in love with. We didn’t have to have some long, drawn-out conversation, confessing our love to one another. If there was nothing else I was sure of in life, it was our love for one another.

  Right now I was sad as fuck because I didn’t feel loved by him. Once I was finished bathing, I quickly dried off and headed out of the bathroom to get in bed. I was stopped dead in my tracks at the sight before me. I covered my mouth and tears ran down my face. Our bedroom was dimly lit and filled with candles and rose petals were all over the room. Remy hit the switch on our stereo system that was installed in the wall and R.Kelly’s I Will Never Leave came on.

  “I’m sorry for everything, babe. I love you more than life itself. I don’t know what I would do without you. Forgive me for the way I’ve treated you. I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure shit between us gets back right. I never want to fight like this again. Rosé we’ve come too far for this.”

  Remy had moved closer to me and lifted my chin so that I could look into his eyes. He wiped my tears with his thumbs. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tighter than ever before.

  “Of course I forgive you. I’m sorry for cutting you.”

  Remy yanked my towel from around me and lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and we kissed pass

  “I love you so much, Baby,” I said as Remy roughly threw my naked body on our King-sized poster bed.

  “I love you, too.”

  He placed his head in between my legs and began to devour my pussy. Remy was a beast in the bedroom. In all of our years of being married, he’s never eaten my pussy the way he was doing. He had my legs wrapped around his neck with a death grip on them. I’d already cum several times, but he wasn’t letting up. It was like he wanted to suck the soul of my pussy. I was gripping the covers tightly and punching the bed.

  “Oh shit, Remy! I can’t take no more! I feel like I’m about to piss on myself!” I yelled out in pleasure.

  I was sure that I woke my kids up. I was trying my best to push his head from in between my legs. Although I was slightly able to push his head away, his long ass tongue was still able to assault my clit. He inserted two of his fingers inside of me and that broke the dam. I started squirting so hard that it was shooting damn near across the room. I was in shock because I’d never cum so hard in my life.

  “That a girl. That’s right, make that shit nasty for Daddy,” Remy said as he crawled in between my legs. We stared into each other’s eyes as he threw my limp legs over his shoulders. I closed my eyes as Remy placed his dick inside of me and gave my ass the business. I had no time to try and fuck back because he was in full beast mode. He had my body bent in so many different positions, one would think I was a contortionist. Nigga was just that fucking good with his dick game.

  After a couple of hours of straight animalistic sex, we laid in our soaking wet bed. Our bodies were dripping wet from our sweat and from each other’s sweat. I laid my head on his stomach as he ran his fingers through my hair. His soft touch sent chills through my body. His touch alone let me know that the Remy I fell in love with was back and in full effect.

  “You know that no matter what I will never turn my back on you, Remy. When shit gets rough, I need for you to have trust in the fact that I’m here. I’m more than just your wife and the mother of your children. I’m your best friend, I’m your Bonnie, I’m your ride or die bitch, and most importantly, I’m your pain pill. It’s my job to take the pain away. Let me be the sun and the rainbow in the midst of the storm that had placed this dark cloud over you. I love you Remy Ramirez and nothing will ever change that. Not even you being mean and pushing me away. Don’t ever in life treat me like your enemy again because if we’re fighting each other, we’re opening the gates for the people on the outside to hurt us. We’ve had enough of that. Let’s just live the happily ever after that we promised each other.”