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King and I: A Royal Love Affair Page 3

  “Why are you staring at me like that?”

  “I was looking at them beautiful ass lips and wondering what that mouth do?”

  “It licks and sucks the royal penis clean.” I said seductively, as I crawled on all fours and placed his now hard dick in my mouth. I began to suck and slurp all over his dick like a lollipop. All the while I made eye contact with him. He was leaned back, intensely watching me as he continued to smoke on his Black and Mild. I lifted his dick and began to suck on each one of his balls sending him into a frenzy. I went even harder when I looked up and he had a pillow over his face, trying to hold it in to keep from moaning out like a bitch. All I could think in my head was “Got ‘Em.”

  “Fuck that! Get your ass up here and ride this dick.” He roughly yanked me up and slammed me down hard on his dick. He bounced me up and down on his dick until he came all up in my pussy. We were both spent and exhausted after that session. I swear there was a God, because this nigga was a motherfucking beast in the sheets. He had long dicked me enough to last me for months. I collapsed on his chest and fell asleep.

  I must have been sleeping good, because I never even felt Kingston remove me from his chest, and he was no longer in bed with me the next morning. I sat up and realized he was gone and it was damn near twelve in the afternoon. I looked over on the nightstand and saw some cash and a note telling me to call an UBER. I felt so cheap at the moment. I know the shit was a one-night stand, but I didn’t like being treated like a common hoe.

  The sound of my phone ringing broke me from my thoughts. I found my phone on the dresser and I had over fifty missed calls mostly from my mom and from Luca. I began to shake uncontrollably because I knew he had been to her house looking for me. I took a quick shower and got dressed. I shook my head as I waited outside in this strange ass neighborhood waiting for a UBER. This is what the fuck I get! I thought to myself. That feeling quickly subsided as I thought about the way Kingston made love to me and fucked me senseless. This shit was definitely worth it, that was until I pulled up to my mother’s building and saw Luca getting inside of my car that I left parked out there. He drove away and I immediately paid the driver and ran inside the building up to my mother’s house.

  “I’m not going to even ask where the fuck you been at but, you better think of something fast. Your crazy ass husband and his goons been here all night looking for you.”

  “What did you tell him, ma?” I was scared shitless and she was smoking on a cigarette and drinking a beer without a care in the damn world.

  “I didn’t tell that motherfucker shit because I didn’t know shit. I did tell him to keep his motherfucking hands to himself because he ain’t your god damn daddy, nor are you his damn punching bag. I called Junior and Boon over here and they’re on the way. I don’t like the way he was talking to me or talking about what you better and better not do. Your ass ain’t going back home and I mean that shit. That greasy head fucker is the devil and I don’t trust him.” My mother was going on and on, but I had tuned her out. At that moment I wasn’t thinking about her or Luca. Call me crazy but at the moment the only thing that was on my mind was Kingston and our night of passionate sex. An incoming text came and I knew it was Luca, I could feel it. I opened it up and it read:

  Come home we can talk about this.

  I ignored it, and I had no plans on answering it. I was still pissed at him for putting his hands on me. I got undressed and climbed into my mother’s bed and stared at the ceiling in deep thought. The only thing on my mind was Kingston. I closed my eyes and all I could see was his handsome ass face, not to mention his black ass dick. The scent of his Burberry cologne was all in my hair. I grabbed a pillow and placed it in between my legs just to have something to hold on to.

  “That dick was good, huh?” I looked up and Rika was standing over me shaking her head.

  “Good ain’t the word, bish. That nigga dick game is so official.”

  “Please tell me your ass ain’t sprung already. I told you to stay away from his ass, Siyah. Take your ass home to Luca. Speaking of Luca he came to my house last night looking for your hot pussy ass, so don’t tell him you were with me.” I put the pillow over my face, because I was definitely going to tell his ass I was with Rika. Luca was pissing me off. For a nigga who didn’t fuck with the projects he was making his rounds looking for me. I started to feel kind of bad. Although I was unhappy, I still loved him, as crazy as it seems.

  “Get your shit together, bish. The Money Team is throwing a big ass bash in the field, unlimited everything. We’re definitely about to get fucked up.”

  “Alright. I need some rest, though. That nigga Kingston got a bish wore out.” Rika laughed and she walked out of the room. At the same time my mother came in the room. I looked at her and I knew she had heard what I said.

  “Please don’t lecture me, ma.”

  “I’m not about to say shit, Siyah. I’m actually glad he gave one of us the dick. I’ve been throwing this experienced pussy on him since he took over this building. That nigga wasn’t biting, though. You better get that nigga for everything he’s worth.”

  “What do you mean took over the building?”

  “That nigga controls the entire complex. He pulled a Nino Brown on the damn property manager. Kingston is not to be fucked with, Siyah. When he took over he basically went to each apartment and gave the families one thousand dollars a piece, just because. The hood loves Kingston, so your husband better tread lightly coming over here, to the land, like shit sweet.” My mother walked away without a care in the world. On the other hand, I was now trying to understand just how deep this shit could get between Luca and Kingston.


  The field was packed to capacity. It seemed like the whole hood was out in full force partying. The liquor was flowing abundantly and DJ Eddie had the music on blast. It was a beautiful night out in the Chi. One could only hope it would remain that way. Shit can get ugly real quick when gunplay is involved, but for the most part, shit was cool as a cucumber. I had been sitting on the hood of Blacky’s car sipping on some Patron and Rose’s Lime. I swear it felt good as hell to be kicking it with my people.

  I had been in a mental battle with taking my ass home to Luca or staying at my mother’s crib. Lord knows I loved my momma, but we can’t stay in the same house for too long. Luca had been calling me all day so I put him on the block list until I was ready to talk to him. I watched in the distance as Kingston walked around being praised like he was a king. It was taking everything in my power not to walk over to where he was. I had to play the shit cool. The last thing I wanted was to be acting all thirsty over a nigga.

  I couldn’t get our love making session out of my mind. Every time I closed my eyes I pictured him on top of me fucking my brains out. It was a shame and a sin for that nigga to be so fucking sexy. I took a sip from my cup and watched as he walked around and greeted different people. His walk alone was cocky and confident. His aura screamed I’m the shit and I know it. He looked like an Adonis. I swear this nigga had the body of a Greek God. The way his dick print looked in his gray jogging pants had a bitch salivating at the mouth. I loved how from time to time he would grab his dick as he walked. Yeah, this nigga was cocky as hell and that made my pussy wet. He was the fucking thug of my dreams. There was only one thing, though, he didn’t belong to me, as a matter of fact, I was nothing to him but a fuck.

  “Bitch, come on let’s walk around and see who all is out here.” Na-Na said, as she opened up a new box of Patron. I swear the Money Team wasn’t doing no fucking around with the supply of liquor and weed.

  “Come on, Rika, Star, and Blacky walked their asses off and have never come back anyway. Knowing Rika and Blacky their ass somewhere smoking. Star ass probably done dipped off with her bae.”

  “Hell yeah, you know Star can’t be around crowds for too long.” We both laughed and headed towards the bleachers where we spotted Rika and Blacky in the distance. I became winded as I observed a girl sitting on King�
��s lap brushing his beard. My heart was racing fast as hell. I had to tighten up, though, because no one knew about me fucking him, but Rika. From the look on her face I could tell the whole situation had her saying, “I told you so”, however, she was my best friend so her feeling that way was understood.

  “I can’t stand this bitch.” Na-Na said, as she sipped from her cup.


  “That bitch, Vita, who sitting on King’s lap. She think she the shit because she’s his main bitch. She lucky he like a big brother to me or else I would put this pussy on his fine ass. Nigga caked the fuck up, ya hear me, friend. He’s a straight fucking boss, not to mention I heard he working with a monster.” I was hearing everything she was saying, but I zoned out hearing the fact that he was in a relationship.

  This nigga hadn’t said one thing about being in a relationship; then again I never even thought to ask. I felt so damn stupid at the moment. I almost wanted to turn my ass around and get far away from the whole scene. We locked eyes, and he looked away as if my pussy just wasn’t in his mouth last night. I watched as she kissed him on the lips and I cringed. At the same time I wondered how my pussy tasted on her lips. I didn’t know her and had no reason to dislike her, but at the moment I hated this bitch. She had my man and I was all in my feelings.

  “I was just about to call your phone and tell you to come over here.” Blacky said, as she handed me the blunt. I inhaled deeply and tried to pass the blunt to Na-Na, but she was in full dance mode. I swear the girl drops everything to dance. Ever since we were younger she’s been a damn dancing machine and damn good at it. I swear when she starts dancing everybody stops what they’re doing and watch her. Ciara ain’t got shit on my friend.

  “Heyyyyyyy! Hit that shit, friend!” I said, as I drank the rest of my drink and started twerking next to her. At this point Rika and Blacky joined in. I was showing out on purpose. I looked at Vita and she had her nose turned up. I rolled my eyes and kept shaking this ass. Once the song went off we all sat down on the bleachers.

  “You better stop shaking your ass like that Rika before I put this dick in you.” Legs said, as he grabbed his dick and walked towards her.

  “Stop playing with me.”

  “Don’t do my homie like that. You know damn well you want to give him some of that pussy. Stop fronting in front of your crew. Let me find out, Rika?” King said and we all started laughing.

  “Shut your ass up, King.” Rika said, and at the same time we could hear gunshots going off in the distance.

  “Raise up, Vita. I know these niggas ain’t shooting up my fucking party.” I watched as he removed the biggest gun from his waist and started walking towards the damn crowd along with his crew.

  “Oh hell no! Let’s get the fuck out of here. I’m not with none of this bullshit right here.” Rika said, and we all walked off of the bleachers. At the same time Vita slightly bumped into me. I was ready to pop off, but I started hearing more gunshots and that’s when I saw everybody scattering like roaches. We damn near broke our necks getting out of the damn field. That Patron had my ass gone and all I wanted to do was go to sleep. Instead of me going to my mother’s house, I went to Rika’s house. She wasn’t ready to come in the house, so she gave me her keys, and she went back outside. I went inside her spare bedroom and undressed. I heard someone start to bang on the door. I threw my clothes back on and I headed towards the front door. I look through the peephole and it was Rika. I opened the door and she ran past me. The way she ran I could tell she had the pee. Before I could close the door it was pushed open forcibly and it was Luca. He grabbed me by my face gently and stared at me before speaking a word. He leaned down and kissed me on the lips.

  “You’ve proved your point, Mrs. Gianni, it’s time you come home. Tell Rika you have to leave; I’ll be downstairs waiting on you. Don’t make me come back up here and get you.” He kissed me on the forehead and walked away. I was scared shitless. I stood in the doorway and thought long and hard. Despite not really wanting to go back home, I knew that I needed to go home. I had my little fun and it was over. After all from the looks of it nothing would come of Kingston and I.

  “Luca just came, and he’s downstairs waiting on me. I’ll call you when I make it home.”

  “Are you sure you want to go home?”

  “No. I’m not sure, but it’s for the best. I promise we’ll do something next weekend.”

  “Well at least let me walk you downstairs.” Rika and I walked out of her apartment and down the stairs. When I made it outside I wanted to die as I watched Kingston and Luca in what looked like a heated conversation.

  “Bitchhhhh!” Rika said under her breath, but loud enough for me to hear her. I was shitting bricks as Kingston walked in our direction. My heart raced the closer he got to me.

  “What’s good, Ms. Siyah?” Out of nowhere he grabbed me and pulled me in for a hug. I was a little taken aback at him doing this, because not even an hour ago I was in his presence and he said nothing to me because he was with his bitch.

  “You bet not give that nigga my pussy!” He said through gritted teeth, at the same time he sucked on my earlobe. I locked eyes with Luca and I knew he was heated. I looked at Rika with sympathetic eyes and she looked scared for me.

  “Call me if that motherfucker put his hands on you.” We gave each other a big hug and we parted ways. I slowly walked to the car and Luca had the door already opened for me. I slid inside the passenger side and he slammed the door so hard that I shook. He got in the driver side and we drove in complete silence. It was an hour long drive to our home. I was so nervous that I twiddled with my thumbs the entire time. I could feel the anger radiating off of him. I’ve never been so scared in all of my life. When we made it to the house, our head of security opened our doors and we both walked into the house. I immediately went up to our bedroom and he was on my ass following me up the stairs. Before I could close the door behind me he caught me by the back of my neck and slammed me onto the bed.

  “Don’t I give you a good life?” He said through gritted teeth. I was unable to respond because he was smashing my face into the bed.

  “Answer me, Siyah!” He turned my head to the side and I tried my hardest to catch my breath.

  “Yes, Luca!”

  “What was the black nigga King doing touching you?”

  “He was just greeting me that’s all, Luca. Please let me go.”

  “Take your clothes off right now!” He let me go and he took off his suit jacket. I sat up on the edge of the bed and looked at him as he unloosened his tie and rolled his sleeves up.

  “Why do I have to take my clothes off?”

  “Because I smell him all over you. Get your ass in that bathroom and scrub his scent off of you.” I slowly undressed and walked into the bathroom. I looked over my shoulder and Luca was standing right there. I turned back around and cut the shower on. I stepped inside and let the water run all over me. I grabbed my body wash and lathered up my towel.

  As the water fell all over my body all I could think about was Kingston. We only had one night of passionate sex. There is no way I should be all in my feelings about him. The more I thought of him the wetter my pussy became. I grabbed my Jack Rabbit from underneath the sink and I masturbated with it. The entire time I imagined Kingston making love to me. I closed my eyes and I drifted off to a world where only Kingston and I existed.

  I was almost at my peak when Luca started to bang on the door telling me to hurry up so that we could talk. I was so pissed at him for not letting me get my damn nut off. I hurried up and dried off. I wrapped the towel around me, and I exited the bathroom. Luca was sitting on the chaise in the living room area of our room. He was smoking a cigar and drinking some Jameson. I said a silent prayer hoping he wasn’t about to get drunk, because it would definitely be some shit. He was pissed off at me, and I wasn’t in the mood for his shit tonight. Once I slipped on my silk robe, I joined him in the living room area. I really didn’t know what to say so I just
sat quietly in front of him and waited for him to speak. He stared at me for a couple minutes before he spoke.

  “Are you happy, Siyah?”

  “Honestly, at one point I was happy, but lately all I can think about is my family and friends. I miss them so much, Luca. Day in and day out you go out and handle your business while I’m here all alone. You buy me all these nice things, but you don’t want me going out anywhere. The worse part of it is that you don’t even take me anywhere. I just want to get out and start enjoying life. I’m too young to be stuck in this house.” I couldn’t even believe I had said all that. Usually I kept everything bottled in because I didn’t like to argue with him.

  “So this is why you’re acting out and running away from home like you’re not a married woman, so that you can go out and hang in the ghetto?” Luca threw his glass up against the wall and it shattered everywhere. I had to duck down to keep the glass from hitting me.

  “That is not the ghetto, Luca. In case your ass forgot that’s where I come from. You have some nerve calling where I come from ghetto. Was it ghetto when you were pulling up to my building when you wanted this pussy? This shit is so funny to me right now.”

  “It was ghetto then and it’s ghetto now. That’s exactly why I don’t want you over there. I have some major shit going on and all you can think about is running around the ghetto like a fucking teenager. I’m finished talking about this shit and please don’t bring it back up!” I looked at him like he had lost his mind. I don’t care how much I love Luca, if he feels this way then it’s best I rethink this whole marriage. In a nutshell his ass is calling me ghetto and it doesn’t sit too well with me. I refused to go after him and try to plead my case about the matter. Fuck Luca. At this point it is what it is. I’ll just take my chances because there is nothing Luca can do or say that’s going to stop me from visiting my mother and my friends.