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Thug Mansion (Thug Passion Book 8) Page 18

  Instead of me calling Mike or Markese, I called Peaches and Sherita. I made sure to tell them not to tell anyone that they had found me and to keep on the low about my whereabouts until after I spoke with them. My shoulder was in so much pain, but I didn’t give a fuck. I signed myself out of the hospital and waited for them to come and get me.


  “What happened, bitch? Please tell us and be truthful. Did you go with Python willingly?”

  I was sitting in the backseat of Peaches’ car and I wanted to reach up and slap the shit out of Sherita. I’d only been in the car for like ten minutes and from the moment I stepped in, she’d been giving me the third degree like I had faked getting kidnapped or some shit.

  “Come on out and say what you really want to say, Sherita. You think I faked this shit, but I didn’t. I’m so sick of your stuck up ass passing judgment on everybody else.”

  “Don’t get mad at me because Python got control over your dumb ass. Got you back smoking that pipe again and shit.”

  “God damn, Sherita! You talk too fucking much. Didn’t I tell you not to repeat that shit?”

  I just stared at Peaches and shook my head. She had no business telling this bitch my business. Especially since she was adamant about not fucking with us.

  “Why would you tell her my business? Now bitch you would be mad if I told her ass how you be licking Quanie ass. Ooops! Did I spill that tea?”

  “Now bitch you dead ass wrong for that. That’s my personal business and I’ll make sure to never tell your ass nothing else.”

  “Serves your booty licking ass right. If I wanted the world to know I slipped and smoked some crack, I would’ve let them know. Sherita’s black ass can’t hold water. I bet you’ll think twice before you tell my motherfucking business again.”

  I sat back in the seat, very satisfied that I’d put that bitch out on front street.

  “Damn sis! You do that shit for real? I wouldn’t tell nobody that,” Sherita said as she flamed up a Newport. I tapped her on the shoulder so she could hand me a cigarette.

  “I’m not ashamed of anything I do in the bedroom with my husband, sis,” Peaches said with much confidence.

  “That’s why you got that little boy running around here like he crazy.”

  “Shut the fuck up, Gail! Just tell us what the fuck happened so I can drop your worrisome as off to your husband and kids.

  “I’m not saying shit until Sherita apologizes to us.”

  “What the fuck I got to apologize to you bitches for?”

  “How about for acting like we personally did something to you? I sold drugs and Gail was strung out on them. Please help us to understand how that affected you.”

  “It affected me because y’all left me home alone. I needed my big sisters and you guys weren’t there for me. All I had was Ma. You guys don’t have an idea of what I went through to take care of her. I had no life because I had to deal with our Schizophrenic mother who heard voices and saw people that weren’t there. Y’all was out living the life while I was stuck taking care of a woman who told me every day that she wasn’t our mother. I never understood any of this because before she went crazy, she was always the best mother in the world to us.

  “I had no one to talk to but Dino. I got sick and tired and I just left her and moved with him. To this day, I resent y’all because I didn’t have my sisters there to help me deal with her. I vowed to just cut off all ties. I never thought I was better then y’all. I just felt alone because one day we were all together and then it was like I was an only child. I hated y’all for leaving me with her. Even on her death bed she was talking crazy about us not being her daughters and how we needed to take Quaadir from Aunt Ruth. I knew her ass was crazy then because she’s the one who talked you into giving her your son. So, I thought she was just talking crazy. That’s why I never said nothing.”

  I laid my head back on the head rest and the wheels in my head started to turn. Something wasn’t right and we needed to get to the bottom of it.

  “I hate that you felt like that and that you had to go through that. We love you and we’re sorry for everything. Could you please find it in your heart to forgive us?” Peaches said as she wiped the tears from her face that had fallen. I wiped my little tears but they weren’t all dramatic like Peaches’ ass. I was still in my feelings about this bitch thinking I faked being kidnapped.

  “Of course I forgive y’all.”

  We all hugged it out and that was the end of this silly ass beef we all had.

  “Are you going to keep sitting back there smoking that motherfucking cigarette and not tell us what the fuck is going on?” Peaches yelled.

  “Don’t raise your voice at me, bitch. Anyway. Python had me at his house. For some reason it was like he kidnapped me but wasn’t acting like I was really kidnapped. This damn fool didn’t lock the doors, chain me up, or nothing. He kept demanding that I call Mike and my kids and tell them I was with him now and that I wasn’t coming back. I refused to do it so he roughed my ass up.

  “He ended up kicking me in my head and knocking me unconscious. When I woke up, I was in the guest room of his condo. I knew I had to get the fuck out of there some way. I saw a side of that nigga that let me know he had every intention on killing me if I didn’t do what he wanted me to do. The door was open so I was able to get out into the hallway and that’s when I heard him talking on the phone to someone about him having me. Y’all not going to believe who it was telling him that he should’ve been killed me.”

  “Who?” They said in unison.

  “Aunt Ruth. That was her voice I heard. I’ve been knowing that woman all my life. Her raspy voice is distinct. That was her, I know it was. But what I don’t understand is why she’s dealing with Python and why does she want me dead. I ain’t never did shit to that bitch.”

  “I got a bad feeling about this, y’all. Just thinking about how Ma used to tell me to talk to Aunt Ruth about who our mother was and now she wants you dead. Something ain’t right, y’all,” Sherita said as she flamed up another cigarette.

  “There’s only one way to find out. We board a private jet to Atlanta. It takes less than two hours to get there. We can go talk to this old bitch and be back before anybody knows it.”

  “But Peaches, don’t you think we should at least tell everybody that Gail is okay.”

  “No because they won’t let us go. I have to go and see what’s really good. I gave that lady one of my most prized possessions. My son. My mother convinced me to give my baby to her. I was young and I didn’t know any better. I thought my mother and Aunt Ruth knew what was best for me at the time. However, I’m sitting here listening to what y’all saying and that lets me know something ain’t right and until we know what’s what, I won’t rest.

  My son, my grandkids, and my daughter-in-law live out there and they love her. I was just out there with my babies sleeping under her roof and she made me feel welcome. But if this bitch got ulterior motives, I want to know about it before it’s too late. I just lost a grandson and I’m devastated because I haven’t had time to mourn him properly. I’ve been trying to put my kids and their families back together. If there’s an unseen threat and she’s it, I want to kill her ass myself. For fucking with my family, and that includes y’all.

  “Say no more, sis. Let’s take that ride,” Sherita said and I was more down than ever. I wanted to know why this bitch wanted me dead.

  Chapter 21- Ulterior Motives


  Since the incident at the repast, I hadn’t spoken to Thug and I wasn’t really trying to. This nigga had broken my fucking nose on that jealous shit. He knows motherfucking well there is nothing going on between Ta-Baby and I. That just proves that the nigga still had ill feelings towards me from the shit that happened years ago. Yes, there was a point when I was in love with Tahari, but shit changed when I found out I was married to her sister and she was married to my brother. All of the lustful desires I had for her went out of the window

  I’m not going to lie or front, when we had sex that shit was like moving mountains for a nigga. But I also came to the realization that it wasn’t that deep for her. She loves that nigga Thug and I don’t know why he doesn’t see that she’s not checking for me. I wish Keesha would see that I’m not checking for her sister. I’ve loved Keesha forever and I’m going to be loving her until God calls me home. My wife is the total package, there ain’t bitch out here that can hold a candle to her. Not even Tahari.

  Keesha is beautiful and sexy as fuck. Going to sleep next to her every night and waking up to next to her is the highlight of my day, every day. A nigga couldn’t ask for a better life than the one that Keesha has given to me. So the fact that she thinks she’s not good enough for me because of my dealings with Tahari hurts me. I love my wife more than anything in this world. I know that I’ve been a dog ass nigga in the past but no matter what bitch I fucked or had dealings with, Keesha got my heart.

  Since the death of our son, we’ve been distant with one another. She’s sank into a depression and I’m worried about her. Keesha is living in her own existence as if my kids or me don’t exist. I’m mourning as well, but I can’t forget about my other kids and wife. They still need me to make sure we all get through this together as family. Fuck this street shit, all I want is for my kids and wife to at least get back normal. I know that we won’t ever be the same with Quameer being gone, but we have to move forward and be there for each other. Keesha has completely shut down on me. I just need her to let me in so I can take care of her.


  “What the fuck!” I said as I walked in the room and observed Keesha laying on the floor with pills spread out in front of her. A fifth of Patrón was sitting on the side of her. I rushed over and I started stepping on all the pills, crushing them. I snatched the bottled up and threw it up against the wall, causing it to shatter.

  “No Quaadir, just let me die. I want to be with my baby.”

  I picked her up off the floor and carried her into the bathroom. I cut on the water and I ran her a hot bubble bath. I removed her clothing and placed her inside of the tub. I’ve never in my life cried as hard as did when I looked at the shell that my wife had become. She was crying and I was crying even harder. Just knowing that she wanted to kill herself fucked me up in the head on so many levels.

  “How you just gone leave us, Ma? What about me and the kids? We already lost Quameer. We can’t lose you, too. I’m sorry about everything, Ma. If you don’t want to be with me anymore that’s fine, but please don’t kill yourself. That will kill me, Keesh. Baby, I need you now more than ever. Why would you take those damn pills like that?” I grabbed a towel and poured some Olay body wash on it. I started to wash her body from head to toe.

  “I never got a chance to take a pill. You came in before I could.”

  “Promise you won’t do that shit again, man. What the fuck would I tell our daughter and our son if you checked out on me like that?”

  “I promise I won’t. I just miss my baby so much. I can hear his voice and it’s driving me crazy. Just please be patient with me, Quaadir. This mourning period is harder for me than I thought. I’m sorry I’ve been blaming you and shutting you out. I was wrong on so many levels for that. I think this mourning process has been so hard on me because I’ve been trying to do it by myself. I know now that I won’t get through this without you or the kids. I’m so sorry, babe. Please forgive me for everything.”

  I lifted her from the tub and dried her off.

  “Stop apologizing. You were just hurt. I just want you to know that I’ll never leave your side. I also want you to know that I need you in my life. I’m nothing without you. I’m sorry for all the hurt and pain that I caused you during the course of our relationship. I just want us to focus on the healing process.”

  “I love you so much.”

  “I love you, too.”

  I grabbed her around her waist and pull her in closer to me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and we engaged in a passionate kiss. I gently pushed her back on the bed and got down on my knees in front of her. I opened her legs and placed them on my shoulders. I dove in head first and started to feast on her pussy. It’d been so long since I tasted or penetrated her. So this shit was like air to me right now. The sweet smell of her nectar mixed with the Olay gave off an intoxicating scent. I applied pressure to her clit with my tongue as I slipped my fingers inside of her.

  “I’m cumming, God!!!!”

  Just hearing her call me that made me go harder until she was squirting full force. I had to jump back because that shit was gushing like a waterfall.

  “Damn, Bae! You came hard as fuck. I ain’t never made you squirt like that.”

  “That was just round one. Lay back.”

  I stood up, removed my clothes, and laid back on the bed. Keesha straddled me and I had to brace myself because I knew, without a doubt, I was going bust in a matter of seconds. Keesha and I had been going through so much that we hadn’t had anytime to be intimate with one another. So being inside of her for the first time in a long time was like Heaven. That’s exactly how her shit felt, too.

  Her strokes were slow as she grinded her body into mine. She stared into my eyes as she sucked on each of my fingers. I grabbed onto her waist and tried to gain control because I knew I was about to explode. She knocked my hands away and she begin to bounce up and down wildly.

  “Mmmmmmm!” She moaned as she dug her nails into my chest. I wasn’t able to hold it any longer. We both came at the same time. If she hadn’t got her tubes tied, she would most definitely be popped off.

  Keesha hopped up and went into the bathroom. She came out with a hot towel and cleaned me up. Once she was finished, I sat up in the bed and grabbed a blunt from the dresser. Just then, my phone begin to ring. I jumped up and grabbed it from my pants. I looked at the screen and it was Thug calling. I immediately sent the nigga to voicemail. I’m not fucking with him period.

  “How long are you going to ignore him? You know he didn’t mean it. I’m sure he’s just calling to apologize.”

  Keesha was standing at the foot of the bed putting on her underwear when her phone started to ring. She walked over to the dresser and grabbed it. She looked at the screen and answered it.

  “What’s up, sis?” I watched as her eyes got big as saucers. That made me step closer to her to see what was going on.

  “What’s going on?” I asked her and she put up her finger telling me to give her a minute.

  “We’ll be there shortly.”

  “Where in the hell are we going?”

  “That was Ta-Baby. Aunt Gail is missing. That’s why Thug was calling. Thug Inc. back in business. I’m about to pack us some clothes.”

  “We don’t have time for that. We’ll grab some shit when we get out there. Let’s go now, but first I need to swing by and check on Aunt Ruth. She called and told me she needed to see me and that it was urgent. I don’t know what’s wrong with her, but lately she’s been a little off to me.”

  “Maybe she’s sick.”

  “No she’s not sick. I just came from the doctor with her and she got a clean bill of health. Her doctor told her she was one of the healthiest sixty-five year old he ever seen.”

  “Are you sure he said that?”

  “Yeah I’m sure. Do you know something that I don’t know?”

  “I need to tell you something but you got to promise that you won’t get mad.”

  I looked at Keesha with a confused look on her face and wondered what in the hell she needed to tell me. I had too much going on already for her to be springing shit on me out of the blue.

  “Tell me whatever it is, but I won’t promise that I won’t get mad.”

  “I’m confused right now. The day the incident happened with Quameer I had went to see her. She told me that she had Stage Four Lung cancer and didn’t have long to live. She also told me not to tell you because she didn’t want you to worry. Something is definitely wrong. Yo
u heard the doctor say she had a clean bill of health. Now either she lied to me about having cancer or she had the doctor lie because you were sitting there with her. Either way, something ain’t right.”

  Now I was just as confused as Keesha was. Aunt Ruth would never lie about having cancer so she must’ve had the doctor do that because I was in the room.

  “Let’s get over there so we can get to the bottom of this.” I ran my hand over my face in frustration because I just didn’t understand what was going on with Aunt Ruth. If she did have cancer, it would break my heart. That woman raised me and taught me everything that I know. Life for me wouldn’t be shit without her. Although Peaches is my birth mother, Aunt Ruth raised me and taught me all the things that a mother is supposed to teach you.

  “Don’t say anything to her when we get over there about what I told you. Let’s just let her tell you everything okay,” Keesha came over and wrapped her arms around me. If nobody in the world knew how I felt about Aunt Ruth, she did.

  “I think it’s better if I go and talk to her alone. I know how much you love her and don’t think that I don’t care about your relationship with her. I know that she’s been the only parent that you’ve had as well. I just need to see where her head is at, okay.” Keesha nodded her head yes.

  “I’ll just stay here and wait for you to come back. We can catch a flight out to Chicago later. I miss the kids anyway and I’m sure they miss us as well.”

  “You know what? I need to deal with this situation with Aunt Ruth first. I’ll call Thug and let him know I’ll be out there first thing in the morning. I want you to book me a flight and send me the flight information. Go on ahead of me so that you can see the kids. That will be good for you, Bae. I promise that I’m right behind you. Kiss the kids for me. I love you, Keesha.”

  “I love you too, Quaadir. Be careful.”

  “I’m good. I ain’t going nowhere but to Aunt Ruth house.”

  We kissed each other and I left out of the house. I was anxious to get over to Aunt Ruth’s house so I could find out what the fuck was going on with her. Once I found out what was good with her, I could get back to Chicago and make sure my family was straight.