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Thug Mansion (Thug Passion Book 8) Page 16

  “Her ass snore like a grown ass man mixed with a fucking bear,” Chanel said as she continued to tie her feet to the bedpost while I was tying her arms up.

  “I can’t believe this bitch is sleeping through all of this shit,” Rosé said as she and Tahari slid a big ass barrel in the room.

  “Me either but I’m about to wake her ass up,” I said as I walked over and slapped the shit out of her twice.

  “Whaatttt!” That bitch jumped up but she was delirious as hell. She looked around and saw nothing but us surrounding her bed in all black with hoodies on. I leaned forward so she could get a good look at me, I wanted that bitch to see me before she checks out. She tried to get up but quickly realized that she was tied down and couldn’t move.

  “Surprised huh?”

  “Please let me go! Why are you doing this?”

  “Don’t y’all hate bitches like this? They kill me acting oblivious to what the fuck is going on. Open that container Rosé,” Tahari said as she walked over and pulled out the biggest rat I had ever seen. Motherfucker was big as a damn raccoon. Shit, she caused all of us to jump the fuck out of the way. She dangled the rat over Michelle’s body and she begin to squirm like crazy.

  “No! No! Please don’t put that on me!” She was begging and pleading but it wasn’t helping because Tahari dropped the rat on her chest. Shit made me cringe like a motherfucker.

  “You are a rat aren’t you? Rats like to hang with other rats. Now there’s more where that come from so bitch you better get to talking. I don’t have all motherfucking day to play with you, ” Tahari said as she slapped her ass across the face.

  “What have you told the police about me and my husband?” I walked over to the container and I was scared as fuck looking at all of those damn rats but I knew I had to grab one. I needed this bitch to get to talking and fast. I grabbed one of the rats by its tail and dangled it over her face.

  “Okay! Okay! I’ll tell you everything just please don’t put another one of those things on me.

  “Get to talking bitch!”

  “Darrow and I are federal agents. We had been sent here from Atlanta to build a case against Thug Inc. All attempts in the past by other federal jurisdictions had failed to come up with anything solid to get them convicted. Their case was put on our desk and immediately it became personal for Darro. He noticed you in some of the surveillance photos that had been taken of you guys coming out of your home. There were also pictures of Thug. He was the target of the investigation. That’s who the government wanted and they won’t rest until they get him. The government had no idea that you were Darro’s baby mother.

  “I never knew anything about Zaria’s mother until that day when he came clean at our headquarters. He immediately came up with this elaborate ass scheme to take you guys down. That’s where he fucked up at. He never revealed to our superiors the connection between you two. If he did they would have taken him off of the case immediately. Darro couldn’t have that because he wanted to make you pay for leaving him and your daughter. Had he did what was right, he would still be alive today and we would be enjoying our life.

  “Your mother and sister had no idea that Darro was simply using them to get closer to you. Chrissy really thought he just wanted them to get to know Zaria but she had become a pawn against you as well. Each time she went over to your house he had tiny recording devices hid in her clothing. That’s how I knew Malik killed Darro. I have the whole thing on tape. Zaria’s clothing had to be in the basement at some point during that time. I heard him beating you, Barbie.

  “That motherfucker crazy. He tortured the shit out of Darro. I was stuck between a rock and hard place because we were never given permission to hide those devices in her clothing. So I decided to just keep them for safe keeping in the hopes that I could extort money from you and get the fuck out of dodge. I had to come clean to my superiors about the connection between you and Darro when he disappeared. One thing the government is not, is stupid. They know Thug Inc. is responsible for that man’s disappearance. I wish his ass was here to fix this mess because he’s ruined my fucking career because he was still infatuated with you and you weren’t thinking about his ass. I lost my job because of his ass.

  “Now I’m stuck here in Chicago with no family or nothing. All I had was Zaria and when I lost her, I knew I needed to come up with another plan. That’s when I decided to hit you up in the hopes that I could come up off some cash from you.”

  I was standing over this bitch still dangling this rat over her trying to take in everything she had said about this motherfucker Darro and his motives. He claimed to love our daughter so much but all along he was using her as a pawn to get back at me and to take Malik down.

  I feel so stupid for feeling bad about what Malik had done to him. I looked over at Tahari and the rest of the girls and I knew that they were fuming after hearing what this bitch said. I just dropped the rat directly on her face because she had made me that mad. She laid there and blamed it all on Darro knowing full and well she had a hand in the shit too.

  “Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Please! I told you what you wanted to know! Why are you doing this?”

  “Bitch you’re a rat just like ya nigga was. Why in the fuck should we spare your life? You basically just told me that you have evidence that not only incriminates my husband, but me as well.”

  “Just you mentioning Thug’s name is a death sentence bitch. I don’t play behind that one. My husband moves with ease and precision. You cracker motherfuckers will never be able to lose my husband in the system. As a matter of fact, I’m done talking to this rat ass bitch. Hand me the whole container. I’m about to dump all these rats on her rat ass. Then again, since this is my last hoorah, a simple bullet in the bitch will suffice.”

  “I promise you I won’t say anything. Please Barbie. Promise me you won’t do this. I have some information I think might help you. I’ll tell you if you untie me.” I looked over to Tahari and she nodded for us to untie her.

  “You got less than a minute starting now fifty-nine, fifty-eight, fifty-seven. . .” I started to count backwards letting her know she better get the fuck to talking.

  “The government is no longer trying to build a case against Thug Inc. That has been put on hold since they’ve been receiving vital information on Boss Lady Inc. courtesy of Python.”

  “Who did you just say?” Tahari said and it looked like all the color had drained from her face. We were all in shock hearing her say Python’s name.

  “My best friend still works for the government and Python is a criminal informant against you ladies. It seems that you didn’t choose him over your husband so he wants to take everything from you and your sisters, including your freedom.” Tahari was breathing heavily and biting her bottom lip,

  “Dump that container on her ass Barbie!” I lifted up the container along with the help of Rosé. At the same time Dior, Chanel, and Gucci begin to pour gasoline all over the room and on Michelle’s body.

  “You promised you wouldn’t kill me! Michelle cried out.

  “Barbie promised you that shit. I didn’t.” Tahari let off two rounds in her skull, lit a match, and threw it on her body. We rushed out of there before the whole damn place was engulfed in flames.

  As we rode back in Tahari’s Denali truck, I could tell her mind was somewhere else. It was yet again another heartbreak and betrayal from a family member who claimed to love her and not be like the other ones who claimed to love her. I felt so bad for her.

  “What are we going to do now Ta-Baby?”

  “I have no idea Barbie. I just need to go home and think about how I’m going to tell Thug how I allowed yet another snake into our operation by not listening.” The rest of the ride was silent. We were all speechless because we had come to grow fond of Python too. We had all agreed to allow him to train us to be assassins for him.

  I could tell the dynamic between us had changed the moment our husbands stepped in and said we were all retired. Python had been in his feelin
gs. The look in his eyes when he pulled that gun out on Quaadir let me know that if given the opportunity, he would without a doubt pull the trigger. As I observed the look on Thug’s face, I knew he wanted Python to move a muscle so that he could end his ass. It’s about to be some shit and I’m almost certain Thug Inc. is about to come out of retirement, if only for one night.

  Chapter 19- Back to Us


  When I woke up the next morning to find Tahari gone, I was pissed. At the same time I couldn’t be mad at her. I didn’t even know what came over me. I just became enraged when I saw her and Quaadir in such close proximity to one another. It was just them two alone so my mind began to wonder as I saw them engaged in a hug. My mind raced and I spazzed the fuck out. After all these years I still get angry at the fact that my brother and my wife fucked before. When I looked at Quaadir at that moment, I didn’t see my brother. I saw the nigga God who wanted to kill me and take my bitch. Yeah, a nigga was tripping hard as fuck because neither of them had given me an inkling that they were on that with one another.

  My mother had been calling me nonstop and I knew it was because I fucked around and broke Quaadir’s nose. That Remy mixed with that damn Kush had me in a zone. Not to mention the fact that this nigga Python had pulled a rookie motherfucking mistake the moment he upped on my brother. We can fight amongst each other but all bets were off when it came to an outsider getting in nation business that doesn’t fucking concern them. I had eyes on this nigga anyway from the jump. Y’all know how the fuck I roll when it comes to these niggas in these streets. From the moment Python magically appeared bearing gifts I didn’t trust him but I put my feelings on the back burner for the sake of my wife.

  Tahari longed for a relationship with anybody who had the same blood as her and that was her problem. She saw the good in people even when they meant her no good, and that includes me. The shit I got on this nigga Python is going to kill my wife’s soul and I’m mad about that shit. Tahari believed everything about him and that he really wanted to be in her, Ta’Jay, and Keesha’s lives. For a minute I thought he was one hundred until I found texts in her phone from him popping smart shit to my wife with regards to her listening to what the fuck her man say instead of his ass. This nigga really didn’t know who the fuck I was. My motherfucking name been Daddy for a long time. I’m the only Daddy she knows. Yep, I’m a cocky ass nigga and after all these years of being with Tahari, I’m still that nigga she calls Daddy when I’m knee-deep in the pussy or she giving me that million-dollar mouth. That’s just the way we roll. Despite the current state of our relationship, how hard we go for one another will never change. I’m sitting here still bandaged up from her stabbing my ass up but it don’t mean shit to me. Nobody fucks with my wife’s heart and live to snitch about it.

  I never would have known what the fuck Python was up to had I not reached out to my brother Adonis. Although he had left the force, he still had people in high places that he goes to and finds shit out. I was thanking my lucky stars to have a brother that was at least legit. I long ago stopped fucking with them dirty ass cops on the inside because they were out to get a nigga’s freedom in the long run. Over the years I’d grown tired of the snake ass niggas coming for my head. The streets ain’t playing fair no more. I had a long ass run and made millions on top of millions. I walked away from it with my freedom and my life.

  That’s more than majority of kingpins can say because they’re either dead or in jail. I chose retirement because I had done it all and seen it all. My crew and I had a long run on the streets of Chicago. Now it’s time to groom our sons to get ready to take over what’s rightfully theirs. It’s their birthright to stunt on these niggas, fuck their bitches, and stack that bread. I wouldn’t have it any other way for my sons.

  My intentions were to get back at this nigga Python before I left Atlanta but I had more pressing issues that needed to be dealt with. For so many years I had put business before my children and my wife. That shit can wait until later. I needed to get home to my wife. That is if I still had one. I was weak in the knees just thinking of her talking about a divorce. I would never let that shit happen because it’s til death do us part. That didn’t mean it didn’t fuck me up that she said some shit like that out of her mouth. I knew I had fucked up big time because she would never say any shit like that to me.

  I hopped my ass on my private jet and headed back to Chi. Hopefully I can fix this shit with my wife so that I can get back to this business of finding the motherfucker Python. I knew he wasn’t that far because he was too cocky and too busy trying to prove a point that he could outdo Thug Inc. I guess my goons and I could come out of retirement and remind the streets that we ain’t sleep, we just relaxing.


  When I finally made it home it was well after midnight and the entire house was quiet. I turned the security system back on and I headed up the stairs. I checked on all of the kids and they were asleep in their beds. A dim light was shining from our bedroom so I knew Tahari was most likely up. I walked inside of the room and she was slipping her pajama shirt over her head.

  “Oh shit, you scared me. I didn’t even hear you come in.” She grabbed her bonnet from her vanity and put it on her head. I hated that damn thing but she insisted on wearing it to bed and all over the house if I didn’t snatch it off her head in the morning when she would get up.

  “That’s because you forgot to turn on the alarm system again. I told you to stop doing that shit. Just because we live in this gated community around all these rich white folks doesn’t mean shit.” Tahari always forgot to cut the damn security system on before going to bed. I was dog ass tired so I just removed my clothes and climbed in bed.

  “I know Thug. Apparently you tell me to do a lot of shit,” she said in a sarcastic tone. She climbed in bed, turned her back to me, and cut of the lights off. Minutes later I heard her sniffling and I knew she was crying. I rolled over and tried to grab her but she yanked away from me.

  “Come on now bae. Stop crying. Tell me what’s wrong so I can fix it.”

  “Everything is wrong Thug. Things were not supposed to be this way. You know what, never mind because no matter what I say nothing will change and I don’t want to fight with you no more. I just want to be happy and stay happy. I just want to get in my happy place and be able to stay there. It seems like no matter how happy I am, there’s always something in the shadows waiting.” She was crying harder than ever and that made me forcefully pull her closer to me. I already knew that she was most likely crying from all the bullshit that had been going on between us. I was angry as fuck at myself looking at the bruises on her neck. That shit wasn’t cool at all.

  “I don’t want us to fight no more either. I’m sorry for everything.” I kissed her on the back of her neck as I spoke gently in her ear.

  “That’s just it. You’re always sorry and you turn around and do the same shit. You promised me that you would never hurt me like Nico did. You might not have hurt me to the extent that he did but you have hurt me nonetheless.”

  “I know that I hurt you bae and I’m sorry for all that shit. I’m fucked up behind putting my hands on you. You making me feel like I’ve been a fucked up husband to you. I’ve done nothing but try to give you the best of everything. A nigga has went through hell and back to be the husband that you need me to be. I’ve killed motherfuckers behind fucking with you. You don’t have to ask because you already know the shit I’ve sacrificed to be with you. I’m feeling like you holding some shit in that you need to get off of your chest. What’s good bae?” I was now standing over Tahari and staring her down because I was having a hard time understanding where she was going with this. It sounded like she was upset about way more than me putting my hands on her.

  “I know all the drama I caused by us getting together. I know what you sacrificed out here in these streets for me and that’s the problem. I feel like because you saved me that fateful night after Nico beat me with that extension cord, I’m your
property. You treat me like your child sometimes instead of your wife. Now don’t get me wrong Ka’Jaire, because I would never take away from how you love me or how you cater to me. I’ve never wanted for anything. If I wanted it, no matter what it was, you went out and got it for me.

  I’ll never assassinate your character as a husband with regards to taking care of your responsibilities. You love me in a way that I know another man in this world could never love me. You love me with your whole heart and I love you with mine. People look at us and want the type of love that we have. They see you that nigga they call “Thug”, the handsome, sexy, rich, big dick, pussy monster ass nigga and they lust over you. These bitches see how you love me and they want my life. Not knowing the full story of what I’ve been through over the years being your wife. Oh my God! Just sitting here thinking about all of the bullshit I’ve endured over the years is pissing me off.”

  Tahari jumped up and started swinging on me and I let her get her row out. She was punching the shit out of me in the same places where she had stabbed me at. That shit was painful but I took it because she needs to get all this pent up anger and frustration out of her. She was amped and all out of breath.

  “That’s right, get that shit off your chest!” I sat on the edge of the bed and flamed up a blunt because I knew I needed to be high fucking with Tahari when she gets like this. Ain’t no telling what the fuck she gone hit me with or when one of them hard ass slaps was coming. I needed to be under the influence because that shit hurt like hell.

  “I remember when I was pregnant with our first baby and I was so excited. Only for you to turn around and tell me you thought it was best I get an abortion. In comes Kelis with KJ and baby girl. Then it was okay for me to keep my baby but then I lost him due to stress and pneumonia only for you to turn around and leave me when I got out of the hospital. I could have died when I saw you fucking that hoe in Peaches’ bathroom hours after you had broken up with me.