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Thug Mansion (Thug Passion Book 8) Page 14

  I got up and walked away because I felt the conversation escalating into something else. Plus, I wanted to talk to Quaadir and make sure that he wasn’t making my sister feel some type of way. It might not have been the best time but I couldn’t wait knowing my sister felt that way.

  When I walked inside of the house everybody was back drinking and kicking it like it just wasn’t about to be a fucking shootout in the living room. I looked around but I didn’t see Quaadir. Peaches kept staring at me. I could tell that she wanted us to talk and without a doubt I knew that we needed to make things right but for some reason I was on my Petty Betty shit. So there was no way I was apologizing to her or Thug first. I was fucked up about hurting him when it happened and I had every intention of giving in and asking for his forgiveness. That was until I made it out here and he was acting as if I didn’t even exist. It was like we didn’t even know each other. He was walking past me and talking to everyone in the room but me. He even went so far as to put the kids on a red eye back to Chicago with Marta after the funeral without me knowing. We were able to sit together at the funeral but after the service I was under the impression that they were on their way to Keesha’s house but when he arrived without them, I knew what he had done. I wasn’t about to stoop to his level because I don’t have time for it. Right now, this isn’t about me and him. It’s about trying to help Quaadir and Keesha cope with losing their son. At this point, everything else is irrelevant. Thug was trying his best to hurt me with his actions and I was trying my best to ignore his psychotic ass. He was itching to do something to me. I could feel it.

  “Where Quaadir at?” I asked Ta’Jay. She was sitting in the kitchen at the table with Peaches, Gail, and Sherita. It’s still so hard to believe that they are kin. Then again, it shouldn’t be because all they do is talk shit and mind their kids’ business but I ain’t trying to argue.

  “He in the back I think.” I headed towards the back of the house and found him in the twins’ room going through a baby photo book. I felt so bad for him and my sister. I walked inside and I sat on the floor beside him.

  “Man, sis. I swear if I could I would change places with my little nigga. I’m so fucking stupid for leaving that gun out like that. Keesha got on me every day about coming in and just laying it down. How the fuck am I supposed to cope if my wife hates me and blames me for our son’s death?”

  “I just talked to her about that and told her to stop blaming you. I think it’s just her way of coping with things. Keesha really needs you Quaadir. You know how she can get. That’s actually why I came back here to talk to you. She told me you wish that she is me. Please tell me you didn’t tell my sister that.”

  “Come on now Boss Lady. That shit is dead to me. I love my wife and I’m sorry you or any other woman could never be Keesh. That woman out there is everything to me. Anytime we get into it or have a disagreement, it’s her who throws your name in it. I’ve become a broken record trying to explain to her that I no longer look at you like that. I love my fucking brother and I would never be on no shit like that with you anymore. Keesha loves you and she hates herself for feeling insecure about what went down between us. Don’t take it personal though because it’s not just you. Any woman that she knows I fucked with she feels insecure about. I haven’t cheated on her since that shit with the correctional officer and I’ll never cheat on her again. I just want her to trust in me that I’m a good nigga. Yeah, I know I put her through some shit but I’m done with that life. I just want her to let me make this shit right.” Quaadir had tears streaming down his face and it hurt me to see him like that. I reached over and pulled him in for a hug so that I could comfort him.

  “Ahem!” I looked up and Thug was standing in the doorway with the meanest look on his face. I knew he was about to be on good bullshit and I was in no mood for it. I took a good look at him and he was good and tipsy.

  “What’s good Bro?” Quaadir said, as we both stood up.

  “Shit. I’m just wondering why the fuck my wife back here with you all hugged up. So, you need to tell me what the fuck is really good?”

  “Stop this shit Ka’Jaire. I was just back here making sure he was okay.”

  “Did I ask you any motherfucking thing? Huh?” he yelled and it made me jump.

  “No I –”

  “Shut the fuck up then. Back to you my nigga. You still want to fuck my wife don’t you? I see the way you stare at her and watch her ass when she walks by.” Now the rest of the family and others that I didn’t know had all rushed back to where we were and heard everything. I was so embarrassed for both for our families.

  “Man Bro, stop tripping. Let me holler at you.” Quaadir started walking towards Thug and he swung and him in his shit. Quaadir’s nose started leaking instantly.

  “Why did you do that Thug?” I cried as I rushed over to make sure Quaadir was okay at the same time Keesha and Peaches rushed over and started putting shit up to his nose to stop it from bleeding.

  “What the hell are y’all fighting for now?” Keesha said, as she looked from Quaadir to Thug.

  “Because my wife pussy so motherfucking good that he can’t keep his fucking hands to himself.” Keesha looked at me with so much hurt in her eyes. She just turned her head and focused back on Quaadir.

  “Why are you acting like this Ka’Jaire? You know all I was doing was consoling him. There is nothing going on between us and everybody in here who knows us knows that. Yes, I had sex with Quaadir but I didn’t know that he was my husband’s twin brother. It only happened once and that’s it. You’re dead ass wrong for this shit, Thug.”

  “Bitch, you want to talk about what’s wrong. Let’s talk about me laying on the floor of your office bleeding to death. You getting ghost and leaving me leaking like it wasn’t shit.”

  “I’m not gone be too many more of your bitches and I left your ass leaking because you put your fucking hands on me. Your stupid ass mad at me and you taking it out on your brother and the shit ain’t cool.” Thug rushed me and slammed me into the wall. He was choking me so hard that I felt like I was going to pass out. I was looking right into his eyes and they were black and cold as ice.

  “Let her the fuck go!” Peaches said from behind him and hit him at the same time. The next thing I saw was all my Boss Ladies getting Thug’s ass. He was drunk ass fuck and no match for them. Eventually he let me go and I collapsed on the floor. I started to vomit and cry uncontrollably. This shit was just too much. Why was he physically trying to hurt me? I didn’t know who he was but this was not the man I married.

  “Okay that’s enough. Get the fuck back. I advise y’all to get the fuck gone because when I let him go, he gone fuck y’all up.” Malik was now holding Thug back. If I was in the mood to laugh, I would have because you should have seen them bitches getting out of dodge except for Peaches, Keesha, and Quaadir.

  “This shit is ridiculous. I’m so fucking embarrassed,” I heard Peaches’ voice crack. I had never heard her sound like that. I managed to look at her and tears were streaming down her face. We were all a disgrace. At this moment it didn’t matter who was right or who was wrong.

  “I don’t mean no harm but could y’all please leave my house,” Keesha said as she walked out of the bedroom. I felt horrible and I wished this shit had never happened. I tried getting up but I was too dizzy. Malik let Thug go and he looked like he was about to walk out of the door but he quickly walked back over to me and yoked my ass up quick. He threw me over his shoulder. The last place I wanted to be was with him but I was too weak and dizzy to tussle with his drunk ass.


  I woke up in complete darkness with the most excruciating headache ever. I had no idea where I was. It took me a minute to realize that I was in my hotel room. How I had gotten there was beyond me. The sound of light snoring made me jump up and cut the light on. Looking at Thug sleeping without a care in the world jarred all my damn memories of his silly ass behavior. Then he had the nerve to be naked. I looked down and I had
my same clothes on that I wore to the funeral earlier. Just the thought of my nephew being dead made me sad all over again. I missed my kids like crazy and all I needed to see was their faces to make me feel better. I could tell that they were missing me as well when I saw them at the service. I also thought about my sister and Quaadir. I felt so bad about everything that had happened. I had to make it my business to go and check on them before I headed back to Chicago.

  I felt so dirty because I was in bed with my clothes on. Thug knows I hate that shit. I looked over at him and rolled my eyes at his eyes. Sleeping like he hadn’t shown his natural black ass. I gathered me some items from my suitcase to take a bath and headed into the bathroom. I removed my clothes and I looked in the mirror. The whites of my eyes were damn near bloodshot from him choking the shit out of me. I became angry as fuck looking at this shit. I had scratches all over my shit and his handprint was very visible. I hated how I looked and I hated how I felt. It was then I realized the shit between us had gotten way out of hand. I had the right mind to go across his shit while he was asleep but that would only make him want to get up and kick my ass some more. I knew I couldn’t beat his ass but we needed to have a much needed conversation. I need to know if he’s about to become the abusive ass man he told me would never become. He promised me that he would never fight me. Each and every time Thug hits me I get a flashback of Nico whooping on my ass. That’s not good. I might fuck around and kill his ass the next time he puts his motherfucking hands on me. It’s one thing for him to be overprotective and domineering, but abusive is something I can’t even accept.

  I walked out of the bathroom and stood over him as he slept. I couldn’t help it so I reached down and smacked the shit out him.

  “Wake the fuck up right now Thug!” He jumped up fast as hell looking all around the room like he didn’t know what had hit him. Then he looked up at me and realized who the fuck had slapped his ass.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

  “That’s the same thing I want to know nigga. Get your ass up because we ‘bout to get something straight right here and now.” I stood over him in my black panty and bra set with my hands on my hips. I cut on the light and stared at him to let him know I wasn’t playing with his ass. For a minute I thought that he was going to get up but instead he rolled over and turned his back to me.

  “You better cut that light off and lay your ass down.”

  “Fine motherfucker, have it your way. I’ll cut the light off and you better believe I won’t be laying down next to your ass. As a matter fact, fuck you nigga. I’m calling my lawyer first thing in the morning. I want a divorce from your black ass.” I walked away and started grabbing my luggage. I was so fucking for real with Thug. He had me fucked up if he thought things were going to go his way this time around. Sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures.

  “You better sit your ass down Tahari!

  “No! Fuck this shit. I’m going home. I ain’t got time for this bullshit. Do you see my face Ka’Jaire? Look at me!” I had to scream at him to get him to look at me in my face because he was trying his best not to look at me. I just shook my head and I walked into the bathroom and slammed the door. I stripped out of my bra and panties and stepped inside the shower. I leaned my head forward on the wall as all of the water ran all over me. I wasn’t even hurt about the situation. I was more mad about him acting nonchalant about the shit.

  I squeezed my eyes together as tight as I could because I could feel his presence in the bathroom. He was so close to me that I could smell the natural scent of his body. Yes, my husband had his own special sweet smelling scent. I knew he was close because I could smell him. Thug didn’t even need cologne, he smelled that damn good. At that moment I didn’t want to smell him, touch him, or feel him. I shook my head as I felt his arms wrap around my waist. Thug wasn’t playing fair at all. I knew he was about to fuck the lining out of me. Not that I didn’t welcome it but it would not fix the problem that we were going through. Thug needed to understand me and who I was as a person. You would think after all of these years he would know me by now. In reality, he does know it’s just that he likes to be in control so it’s blocking him from seeing how I’m affected by his behavior.

  Thug roughly turned me around and pushed my legs apart. He got down on his knees looking at me the entire time. I quickly turned my head because I no longer wanted to look at him in his face. I leaned my head back as soon as I felt Thug’s tongue on my pussy lips. His fingers slipped inside me with ease. I bit down on my bottom lip trying to stifle the moans that were threatening to escape my mouth. My breathing sped up and heart began to race as Thug sucked and licked every inch of my pussy. He threw my leg over his shoulder and went in full force.

  “Ahhhhhhh! I’m about to cum.”

  “Let that shit go then. I want you to cum all in my mouth.” Thug sped up his tongue action along with his fingers as he drilled them in and out of me. I started to cum all over his face and in his mouth at full force. My pussy juices mixed with the shower water that was still pouring all over us made the scene that much more sensual. My legs felt like noodles as Thug stood up and placed his lips on mine. I finally had the courage to stare at him in his eyes. He stood up and picked me up as well. I wrapped my legs around his waist and slid his dick inside of me without hesitation. Thug started to bounce me up and down on his dick with so much force. That shit hurt but it felt good at the same time. Thug was fucking me like an animal in heat but I knew it was all his pent up anger, stress, and frustration. So I let him release all his tension on my pussy. We fucked for what seemed like hours. We took it from the shower, to the balcony, to the floor and then to the bed. It was one of the best sex sessions we had ever had during the course of our marriage. Thug had taken my body to heights of pleasure beyond my wildest dreams. It was as if he was making love to me for the first time or the last time. Thug was fucking me like he was trying to prove a point. Either way he was fucking my brains out and I was enjoying each and every minute of it.

  The next morning I stood over Thug for the second time and watched him as he slept peacefully. I kissed him on the forehead and I grabbed my suitcases to leave. Yes, I was still leaving his ass and going back home to Chicago. It’s going to take more than just some good ass dick from Thug to make me forget about what had transpired between us. I loved Thug with all my heart but I had to show him that he can’t hit me and think that things will go back to normal after he makes loves to me. I looked at him one last time before I exited the suite. I had a plane to catch back to the Chi and I was not going to miss it. I had an appointment with a divorce attorney. What? You motherfuckers thought I was bullshitting? Thug’s ass is going to learn today what I’m about and that I’m not all talk when it comes to him because I’m definitely about that action. He’s going to do right by me as his wife or lose me as his wife. Point blank and period.


  My flight from Atlanta had been delayed due to severe weather so I didn’t make it home until the next morning. I was surprised when I walked in my house and Peaches was in my kitchen cooking. She must have caught a red eye flight after Keesha put our asses out of her house. At the same time, I wondered why she was in my house and we weren’t even on speaking terms. Where they do that at?

  “Hi Mommy!” all my kids said in unison and they all jumped up and swarmed around me. It warmed my heart to see my kids and the smiles that were on their faces.

  “What happened to your eyes?” KJ asked. I forgot all about my father being here. Yes, I said father. KJ be on me how a father is over their daughter. He’s been that way since I met him.

  “I’m fine. It’s just my allergies.” KJ and Ka’Jairea looked at me like they knew I was lying and that made me feel so low. What type of mother and father are we to even let our kids know that we physically hit each other.

  “Where is my Daddy? Something is wrong with Prada, Ma. I need him to take her to the doctor so that she can feel better.” I looked at Ka
’Jaiyah and I shook my head because I knew something was going to happen to that dog. I begged Thug not to buy her another pet but he just wouldn’t listen to me.

  “What do you mean something is wrong with her?” I reached over and grabbed Prada out of her arms. She started yelping as soon as I tried to stand her up and take a good look at her. I looked at her legs and that’s when I noticed that they looked broken. How in the hell did she break this dog legs?

  “Come on Yah-Yah. I’ll take you and Prada to the vet,” Marta said as she came over and took Prada from me.

  “Wait Marta, she needs to put on her clothes. I can’t take my child out in the streets looking any kind of way.” We all started laughing because my baby was dead ass serious. She is a fashionista.

  “Adios Mios,” Marta said as she threw her hands up in the air and followed her up the stairs to get Prada dressed. Marta loved all my kids and they loved her as well but I knew for a fact that she hated to deal with Yah-Yah. Hell, we all hated to. Thug was the only one she behaved for. Each and every time I look at her she’s a reminder of when Thug “died”. To this day I still get teary-eyed when I think of how I made it a year without him. Marta and Quaadir made it easy. All this time I forgot how much he helped me out with the kids during that time. Neither one us knew of the consequences that would possibly follow us for the rest of our lives.