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Thug Passion 3 Page 13

  Thoughts of my other son consumed me as a young mother. As the years went by, I gradually stopped thinking of him. Eventually, he was a distant memory that never came to my mind. That was until Cassie brought him up.

  That night Vinny left and went back to Miami; I hadn't heard from him in a week. Since we’d gotten married, he had been acting so strange and distant. It felt as if Vinny was living a double life. I wanted to talk to my kids about it, but we were not on speaking terms these days. My kids were disgusted with me, especially Thug. I didn’t think that he will ever forgive me for this.

  I'd tried to contact them, but they were sending me straight to voicemail. My mind had been on Tahari heavy. It'd been a little over a week, and she was still locked up. I knew she was going crazy in that dirty ass County Jail. My family couldn't catch a break. If it was the last thing I did, I was going to make this shit right.

  The only person who could give me any information on my other son would be my sister Gail. My mother and Gail were always so close. She hated me because all I did was create chaos. Gail was her pride and joy. That was until she became a damn crack head. She cut her ass off just like she did me. My mother died being disappointed in both of her daughters. It had been a long time since I sat and had a long conversation with my sister. I really hated to just pop up on her doorstep, but I needed my big sister to help me make things right with my kids.

  "I still can't believe your ass went and got married to that crazy ass Vinny," Gail said as she sat a plate of Salmon Croquets and Rice in front of me.

  "I can't believe it either. I just hope he's keeping shit real with me. Something ain't right. I just can't put my finger on it."

  "Don't worry about it. I'm sure everything is alright." I watched my sister, and I hated that we had lost out on so many years with each other. I was so glad we were close now. I've stalled long enough. It was time for me to let her know why I was there.

  "Thug knows he has a twin brother."

  "You told him. I thought we all agreed that it was for the best that he grew up not knowing about it."

  "That's what I've been doing. Until that bitch Cassie blurted it out at the hospital when Tahari shot Thug. I tried to kill the bitch, but the police came in and broke us up. I just want to find my son. Before I leave this world, I want to find him so that he can get to know his brothers and sister." I put my head down on the table and let the tears fall. This situation had made me so soft and vulnerable to my feelings.

  "Momma really didn't give him up for adoption. She sent him to Atlanta to live with Aunt Ruth. She has raised him into a remarkable young man. Before I got strung out, I would check on him from time to time. I have Aunt Ruth's number if you want it." Gail went inside her phonebook and wrote the number down for me. I just stared at it.

  "Go ahead and call him. I'll give you some privacy." I hesitated before I dialed the number. So many thoughts were going through my mind. It would kill me if he slammed the phone down in my face. After about ten minutes of debating, I dialed the number. My aunt Ruth cried the entire time we talked. I hadn't spoken to her since I was like ten years old.

  She told me that she didn't feel comfortable telling me anything about him without his permission. However, she did give me his number. I immediately called him, and I was so happy to know that he was here in Chicago on business. We made plans to meet up in a couple of days. I was so happy I had found my son. I thought that it was going to be much harder. Thank God it wasn't. Now I had to prepare myself to meet him in person.

  Chapter 26-Thug

  The Bullshit Continues

  Getting shot in the ass was no joke. I guess I deserved that shit. I should have never been fucking with Yoshi in the first place. That bitch was begging to suck my dick the night of the party. I went into the bathroom, and she followed me. She insisted on feeling my dick on her tonsils, so I let her. Her ass had that sloppy toppy. She wanted me to bust in her face, and I did just that.

  After Tahari peeped game and whooped her ass, I was mad as fuck and running on emotions. That was the only reason I took the bitch up to the suite I had already paid to stay in. I wasn't anticipating my wife following me and shooting the shit out of both of us.

  It killed me to see them put her in handcuffs and take her to jail. I didn't care if she did shoot me. That shit was my fault and the last place the mother of children needed to be was in jail. It'd been two weeks, and she was still locked up. She had refused all of my visits. I brought the kids to see her, and she refused to see them, as well.

  When the police first questioned Yoshi, she said that it was my wife who shot us. From the gate, I said I didn't know who it was. What the fuck I look like telling the pigs my better half shot my ass up for sticking my dick where it didn't belong? I paid Yoshi ten thousand dollars to say that Tahari was not the one who shot her. Our lawyer was working hard at trying to get her released. Things were looking good for her, so hopefully she would be released within the next week.

  My kids were growing crazy because they wanted their mother. I'd been with them the entire time that she had been locked up. Of course, Marta had been there with me. It was hard as hell taking care of all seven of their ass at once. Ka'Jaiyah didn't let me out of her sight. I had to walk around with her on my hip all day long. That was hard as hell with newborn twins. I regretted ever giving Tahari grief about having my kids.

  Despite having all the drama in my personal life, I still had to deal with the shit that was going on in the streets. Dante had finally got back to me and gave me the information that we needed on Bolo. I kept my end of the bargain. I let him keep the money, and I told him to get out of town. Malik, Sarge, and Dro started surveillance. I didn't want to move in on him quickly. I wanted them to sit back and observe him for a minute. Something was telling me that if we proceeded with caution, we would find out who this nigga God was.

  I loved my mother with all my heart, but how could she not tell me that I was a twin? For some reason, I knew something wasn’t right with me. All my life I felt like a part of me was missing. I guess that was the twin connection I always heard people talking about. Plus, I have three sets of fucking twins. It didn't take a rocket scientist to know that somewhere twins ran in this family.

  My aunt Gail and my mother assured me that we didn't have twins in our family, but this was some shit that Peaches didn't have to lie about. She had no control over her mother’s actions. I deserved to know that I had a twin brother out there in the world.

  Ever since I heard that I had a twin brother, I'd thought about him. I wondered was his childhood shitty like mines. Or did he grow up with great parents who showed him nothing but love and affection? The shit had started to consume me. I had so much going on in my life right now it was crazy. I needed my baby Tahari here with me. She always found a silver lining in this fucked up thing called life.

  "Is Mommy going to get out of jail?" Ka'Jaire Jr. asked me as he climbed up on the couch with me.

  "Who told you that she was in jail?"

  "I heard Grandma Brenda on the phone, and she said that Mommy caught you having sex with another woman, and she shot y'all." I was speechless as my son said all of this. We never talked in front of the kids like that. Brenda’s ass was on the phone running her mouth to God knows who telling all my fucking business. Our kids shouldn't know this shit. I didn't even know what to say to my son. He was almost seven, and he was not a fool.

  "Daddy, could you please bring Mommy home? Her food is good, and you burn all the food up." I grabbed him and started to tickle him until he couldn't take it anymore.

  "I promise you son, Mommy will be home real soon."

  "Do you promise, Daddy?"

  "I promise son." I kissed him on the forehead, and he ran to the back of the house. As if I already didn't feel like shit, my son just made me feel like the worst father in the world. How could I ever put them in a predicament where they didn't have Tahari? I had to get my wife back home ASAP. The sound of my phone ringing pulled me out of
my deep thoughts. I looked at the screen and immediately answered it.

  "He took my baby!" Ta'Jay screamed in the phone. She was so hysterical I could barely understand what she was saying.

  "Calm down Lil Sis. What happened?"

  "I was coming from the park wit Lil Sarge and this dude jumped out of the car and hit me with his gun. He took my baby from me! Please Thug you have to get my son back. He was screaming and crying. I couldn't do anything to help him."

  "I'm on my way to you. Don't call the police, Ta'Jay." Once I hung up from Ta'Jay, I immediately hit up my crew and told them to head over to Ta'Jay's house. I called my mother and told her to come and get my kids and take them out to the vacation house. No one knew anything about it, but the family. I also had Khia and Barbie accompany my mother. We couldn't afford for anything else to happen to the other kids.


  "I distinctly told you not go anywhere, Ta'Jay. Now look at what the fuck happened. Some nigga got my motherfucking son. Your ass never listens to me." Sarge threw the glass he was drinking from up against the wall of their living room.

  "I'm sorry. I just wanted to take him to the park." Ta'Jay was crying and shaking uncontrollably.

  "Listen to me, Lil Sis, did the nigga say anything when he grabbed Lil Sarge? I need you to think really hard." I was trying my best to calm her down. Sarge's anger was making her more upset. Malik and Dro were out making sure the girls and the rest of the kids were tucked away and cool.

  "Right before he drove away he said, "God sends his love," there was a female in the truck with him, but I couldn't see her face." I immediately knew that it had to be that nigga Bolo who had snatched up my fucking nephew. Sarge and I hauled ass taking Ta'Jay out to the house where the rest of the family was.

  "I love you, Sarge. Please bring our son home. I have to tell him he's going to be a big brother soon." Sarge stood there in shock as he took in the news that Ta'Jay was expecting again.

  "I promise I'm going to bring him home." They hugged and kissed before she got out of the truck to headed up to the house. Malik and Dro came out of the house and gave her a quick hug and kiss.

  "I love y'all so much. Don't come back without my son," Ta'Jay said through tears as she walked inside of the house.

  "That nigga Bolo got Lil Sarge," I said as we pulled away from the house.

  "He's a dead fucking man when I get my hands on that nigga. I got to bring my seed back home y'all. My wife is about to give me my second child. I need my son home to make my family whole again." Sarge laid his head back on the headrest, and I saw tears escape from his eyes. That was feeling that I never wanted to experience.

  "Don't worry, Bro, we going to bring him home. In the meantime, we need to continue staking out that nigga’s crib." I assured Sarge that we were going to find my nephew. I had every intention of making the streets bleed until I found my nephew.

  Chapter 27-Kenyetta

  Payback is a Bitch

  If Sarge thought that he was going to get rid of me that easily, he was sadly mistaken. That nigga thought that he could just marry me one minute and divorce me the next like I was trash. I lost out on eight years of my life behind that nigga. I never snitched on him, Thug, or Malik, and for them to just say fuck me. It had a bitch seeing red. The moment that Sarge felt comfortable putting a gun to my head and making me sign divorce papers was the day I knew I was going to get his ass back. I made his ass think everything was cool, and I was out of his hair. If that nigga only knew, it was the beginning of my payback. And we all know payback was a bitch.

  The news was all over the hood about how Sarge had done me. I was so fucking embarrassed and ashamed. I hopped a plane and went to Atlanta. I didn't have any family or friends there. I just went there to start a new fucking life. I had been there a little over a month when I first ran into the nigga God. He was that nigga in the A. I couldn't believe he called himself God, but the nigga was cocky and so confident.

  I met him and his right-hand man Bolo at a club. We hit it off and that same night he took me back to his mansion and we fucked. His body was chiseled like a Greek God. I fell in love just watching him walk around naked. He had the biggest tattoo I had ever seen. It was a picture of God that covered his entire back, so like I said before; this nigga was cocky and I loved that about him.

  We got to know each other better and after awhile I was a part of their team. I was transporting drugs for them all over the damn place. Not long after I had got settled in, God told me that he had business in Chicago and that me and Bolo would be accompanying him. I was already aware he was working with the Italians. I never heard him say any names, I just knew he trafficked for the Mob.

  Once I made it back to Chicago, I started putting my plan into action. Neither God or Bolo knew that I had a hidden agenda of my own. I never asked them about their business in Chicago, and I didn't want them to ask me about mine.

  However, shit got real when I found out they were there to take the Throne from non-other than Thug, Sarge, and Malik. I used that as the perfect opportunity to tell them all about their traps. I knew them niggas operation like the back of my hand. The shit was working out in my favor after all. I had to come clean and tell God and Bolo that I knew them. It was then we started watching them coming and going. I already knew where Sarge stayed at. After following them for a couple of months, we knew where they all laid their heads.

  It was only after Thug supposedly got killed that I learned the Italians sent God to kill Thug. The whole time Thug was gone, God was solidifying his spot in Chicago. Slowly but surely Malik, Sarge, and Dro were going to be bumped off one by one courtesy of the Mob. I didn't know what the fuck they did to piss them damn Italians off, but they wanted their fucking heads on a platter.

  Finding out that Thug was still alive threw a monkey wrench in God's plan. That shit made God even madder. Burning down their traps was a ruse to bring Thug out, and it worked. Shit had just got real because it was an all out war.

  I didn't give a fuck what was going on with these niggas. My main concern was making Sarge pay for what he did to me. Day in and day out, I watched him with his wife and son. I was so fucking jealous of her. She was so pretty, and I could tell he loved her. I also noticed how he spoiled that bitch rotten. That bitch had every color Birken bag, and all the bitch rocked was Red Bottoms and designer labels.

  I would sit for hours and watch how they doted on their son. He was so damn cute. Sarge never wanted kids with me. Every time I got pregnant, he made my ass get an abortion. So knowing that he allowed her to keep her baby killed me. It was then I knew what I needed to do to hurt him and make me feel better. That brought me to my current situation.

  "Don't cry Lil Sarge, you're with your new Mommy now. I'm going to take good care of you." I soothed him as he sniffled. He had been crying ever since me and Bolo took him from Ta'Jay.

  "I hope that lil nigga done with all that damn crying. That shit is getting on my fucking nerves, "Bolo said as he continued to place the money in the money machine.

  "He'll be okay. He just needs to get used to being with me and God." Bolo let out a loud ass laugh.

  "Do you really think that God is about to raise a kidnapped baby? Your ass need to think before you do shit. He not going to want any parts of that baby. Plus, he got his eyes set on something else. Trust and believe me you're not a part of those plans." I hated that no matter how good I was feeling about my relationship with God, Bolo always found a way to throw salt on my game.

  I didn't give a fuck; I had plans on being with God and raising Lil Sarge as my own. Fuck Sarge and Ta'Jay, I had every intention of making them suffer just like they made me suffer. I walked in the back of the house that Sarge had brought me, and I laid down in the bed with Lil Sarge. He had finally calmed down and was watching Chuggington. I hoped and prayed that both Ta'Jay and Sarge was somewhere crying their eyes out. Payback was definitely one cruel bitch.

  Chapter 28-Tahari

  A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
  Being locked up had given me a lot of time to reflect on everything that had gone on in my life. As I lay on this top bunk, all I could think about was my kids. I missed them so much. I knew that Thug was mad at me for refusing his visits, but I just couldn't look him in his face after everything that had happened between us. He brought the kids, and I still refused the visit. I never want my kids to see me behind bars. I was the worst mother on the face of the Earth.

  I did the same exact thing to them that Cassie did to me. I chose a man over my kids. The moment I walked into that hotel room and heard them fucking, all of my sanity went out of the backdoor. My love for Thug overshadowed my position as a mother. Being Thug's wife had become my world and the core of my very existence. No matter what was going on, I never should have let my emotions get the best of me knowing I had seven babies at home that needed me. I didn't think about it until he said the things he had said to me during our argument.

  The moment I knew that Thug and me were going to be a couple, I wanted to be everything to him that I wasn't to Nico. It was my own crazy logic. I made a pact with myself that no matter what, I was going to be his ride or die chick, and that worked out in my favor. I decided to fall back and let him do what he had to do in the streets, and when he came home, I would be there waiting on him. No questions asked.

  When I was with Nico, I never would have touched a drug let alone killed a bitch for him. Thug had a hold on me that I couldn't break free from. The bad thing about it was I didn't want to be free. If loving Ka'Jaire "Thug" Kenneth was wrong, then I don't want to be right. Regardless of all his flaws and his fuck-ups, I knew that he not only loved me, but was madly in love with me.