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King and I: A Royal Love Affair Page 13

  I loved how he needed me. Underneath that hardcore exterior was a little boy in need of love and affection. I know that the love that I have for him is totally different than that of a parent, however, I have every intention on giving him everything that he has never had. I wanted to be everything in his world, because I know that’s how he is going to be to me. We both needed each other like we needed air. This is the type of love I’ve yearned for and no matter what I’m going to do my best to stick it out with him.


  “Excuse me, Mrs. Gianni.” I turned around to see who it was that was calling me. A man was racing towards me with some paperwork in his hand. For a split second I forgot that I was with Kingston. We had just left from having a celebration dinner.

  “What the fuck you just call her? Take a good look at her. Whenever you see her just know her last name is Banks.” I had to grab Kingston because he was damn near choking the shit out of the man, who I now knew was a fucking process server. I hadn’t even thought about Luca’s ass. I should have known it would be only a matter of time before somebody showed up fucking with me. Technically we were still married at the time of his death. I never went to the morgue to claim his body or nothing. Fuck him.

  “I’m sorry, sir. I’m just doing my job she matches the picture of the woman I’m looking for.” The man handed me the pics and the paperwork. I looked at it and it was estate papers. Apparently I had inherited everything Luca owned. There were so many zeros, I went blind just looking at the number. Once Kingston let the damn man go, I signed the papers and we headed to the car. When we got inside I handed him the paperwork, so that he could look over them.

  “Donate that shit to charity.” He barked and threw all the papers back at me. I tried to catch them all before they hit the floor of the car. Before I could put my seatbelt all the way on, he started driving all crazy and shit. I just sat in silence looking over the paperwork. Kingston was just all in his feelings about the damn man calling me Mrs. Gianni. He had no reason to be upset. He knows damn well I don’t even use that name, I use Mills.

  The entire ride home he was driving like a bat out of hell, and I was scared shitless, not to mention my morning sickness was now all day sickness. With each erratic turn and quick stop I felt sicker and sicker. When we pulled into the driveway I hurried up and jumped from the car, so that I could get to the bathroom.

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” My momma said as I rushed past her and straight to the bathroom. She loves being over here with us. We keep trying to get her to move into the guesthouse, but she refuses to leave out of the projects. As soon as I hit the master bathroom I vomited everywhere. Once I was finished I rinsed my mouth out and laid across the bed.

  “Are you okay, bae?” Kingston came and sat next to me on the bed. He removed my jacket and my UGG boots from my feet.

  “Yeah, I’m good. Your son is sending me through it. I’ll be okay in a minute once the queasiness subsides.”

  “You want me to go get you some saltine crackers and a ginger ale?” The feeling of Kingston’s hand rubbing all over my booty was putting a bitch to sleep. I didn’t want him to move.

  “I’m good. Just lay down with me and finish rubbing my booty. That will make me feel so much better.” Kingston continued to rub on my booty and caress my hair.

  “I’m sorry about the way I acted earlier. I just lost it hearing him calling you Mrs. Gianni. That shit fucked my head all the way up to the point where I want to make shit official. The only name I want you to be called is Mrs. Kingston Banks.” I turned over so I could look in his face to see was this some type of joke.

  “Is that a proposal because the answer is yes?” I straddled him and placed soft kisses on his lips.

  “Of course it’s a proposal, but you deserve one better than that.”

  “You give me the world already. I don’t need a lavish proposal or a wedding. Let’s just go down to the courthouse and make it official. I really want to do it before we have the baby. I want to be able to wear a nice dress. I’m getting bigger by the minute, and I would just die if I looked like a beach whale.”

  “Your wish is my command. Just give me the date and time that you want to do it, and I’ll be there. In the meantime get rid of that fuck nigga’s money. No wife of mine will ever walk around spending another nigga’s money. Get you some rest I have to make some runs.”

  Kingston removed me from his lap and left out of the room without even giving me a chance to say anything. I really didn’t know why he felt the need to make me give the money away, especially when I was so deserving of it. I had been through a lot being married to Luca, especially towards the end. There was no way in hell I was about to give all of the money to charity. Maybe a portion of it, but I know that I will never have to work again in my life.

  Now, don’t get wrong, Kingston is filthy rich. He pampers and spoils me rotten, however, at the end of the day, I was not around when he was getting it out the mud. He had to hustle and put in work everyday in order to get to where he is in life right now. I’ll never be comfortable with just his money. There’s nothing like having your own, and that’s why I’m keeping my inheritance. That shit is rightfully mine. Love does not pay the bills. Shit changes within the blink of an eye and a bish wants to be set. I knew that I should tell him how I felt, but Kingston wasn’t trying to hear shit.


  “I don’t want no parts of that, Siyah. Kingston is going to have a fit if he knows you kept that money.”

  “I know, ma. That’s why I’m turning it all over to you. We’re going to open up a bank account and put your name on it. That way he will never know. Just trust me on this. You will have access to all of the money. I want you to go and buy you a house, and I’m not taking no for an answer.

  “I swear you and Kingston are not going to worry me. I’m going to do it, Siyah, but don’t put me in this shit. It’s all your doing.”

  “Really, ma?”

  “Hell yeah. Fuck you mean really? That nigga don’t have no chill walking around shooting up people’s houses over your ass. Ain’t nobody got time for that, Siyah.” I just shook my head because Kingston had everybody all scared and shit. I guess I should have been on pins and needles fucking with his ass. Just call me hard-headed. Hopefully a hard head don’t make a soft ass. Kingston is going to fuck me up when and if he finds out about it. In the meantime I needed to just focus on having a healthy pregnancy and getting ready for my upcoming nuptials.

  “Don’t worry, ma.”

  Chapter 26-Kingston

  It had been four months and I had been searching for the bitch Vita high and low. She had literally vanished off the face of the fucking earth. All of her bank accounts had long ago been depleted. All of the properties I had purchased for the bitch, I burned them down and got the money off of them. The bitch would never lay her head in a crib my hard earned money paid for with her stanking, scandalous ass.

  Looking for this bitch was like looking for a needle in a haystack. She was hiding good ass fuck, and if she knows what’s good for her she’ll continue hiding. I haven’t had a good night’s rest with this bitch on the loose. Ever so often I would pop up at some of the bitch relative’s houses, but they all claimed that they hadn’t heard from her. If there was one person who knew of her whereabouts it was her whore of a mother. The bitch had disappeared around the same time Vita did. I had gotten word that she was back in town, so I was making it my business to go and holler at her ass.

  I needed to get at this bitch Vita immediately. Siyah was a little over seven months and I wanted that bitch dead before she brought anymore harm to my family. Siyah acts as if she’s not worried, but I know that she is. The last thing I want is for her to be stressing out my seed. I know for a fact that bitch Vita is somewhere plotting. I know how the bitch thinks. After all I taught her everything she knows.


  “Where the fuck is your daughter at, Ms. Miller? I know for a fact you know, so don’t even try
to lie to me.” I stood in front of her blocking her from getting inside of her car. The bitch looked like a deer caught in headlights when she saw me swerve in front of her car and block that ass in.

  “Look, I don’t know where Vita’s scandalous ass is. That bitch stole all of my money from my bank accounts and skipped the fuck out on me. I have a warrant out for her arrest. I have every intention on pressing charges against that bitch. What types of daughter steals all of their mother’s life savings. My brother in Dallas had to pay all of my bills until I was able to get me a good paying job. I promise you, Kingston, I have no idea where Lavita is at.” I got a good look at Ms. Miller, and I knew she was telling the truth. The tears in her eyes was a dead giveaway. She was obviously hurt behind Vita’s actions.

  “If you get in contact with that boot mouth bitch you tell her I’m coming for that ass. She owes me, and I want it to be paid in her blood. I’m letting you know right now to buy a dress and pick out a fucking plot. I’m putting a bullet in her chest just like she did my girl. Only difference is she won’t live to talk about it.”

  “I wouldn’t give a fuck what you did to her. Vita is not the person I thought she was. I thought that she would grow up after she gave birth to her daughter, but that seemed to only make it worse. I should have known she wasn’t wrapped too tight when she gave that baby up for adoption without telling me shit.” I looked at her in shock because this was my first time hearing about a baby. As a matter of fact, I’ve been knowing Vita since we were fourteen and she ain’t never been pregnant.

  “When was Vita pregnant? I’ve been around her daily since we were teenagers, and I know for a fact she has never been pregnant.”

  “I’m sorry, Kingston. She made me promise to never tell you. Remember she had to do a year in Juvenile Detention when she was fourteen. Well she gave birth during that time. When she gave birth, I was able to get the baby until she came home two months later. One day I left to go to work, and when I came home she had given Prince up for adoption. Apparently the process had already started when she was locked up. She cried and pleaded for me not to fight it or say anything to you. She said some shit about neither one of you were ready for a baby, and that you would leave her if you found out. I knew it was wrong, Kingston. I’m so sorry we never told you the truth.”

  “So let me get this straight, I have a son that’s damn near ten years old and ya’ll thought it was okay to keep some shit like that from me?”

  “Look, if it’s any consolation I have the information of where he lives and everything. They allow me to see him once a month. Vita’s pitiful ass has never went to see him since the day she gave him away. Come on in the house I have the information for you.”

  I was so fucking mad steam was coming from my fucking ears. I stayed quiet as I followed her into the house. She walked hurriedly to the back of the house. I leaned my head back on the wall in the living room, and I waited for her to come back. So many thoughts were going through my mind as I waited for this bitch to come back with information. I couldn’t believe these bitches thought it was cool to keep my son away from me. At the same time, what the fuck was I going to tell Siyah? Right now she’s waiting for me at our baby shower. I swear if it wasn’t for bad luck it wouldn’t be any good luck. I observed Ms. Miller walking back towards me with the papers in her hand. My anger reached its peak and I couldn’t control it.

  “Here is the pa—” I didn’t even let her ass finish a sentence because I silenced her ass with a bullet between the eyes. There was no way I would ever allow her ass to live or breathe another day. Bitch became my enemy the moment she revealed that sucka ass shit to me. I play many motherfucking games, but keeping my seed away from me was a deal breaker. I snatched the paperwork out of her hand and left like I had never been there. I was glad she lived on a deserted block, so I didn’t worry about anyone seeing me.


  “Is everything okay, babe? You’ve been quiet the entire baby shower.” Siyah came and sat down on my lap.

  “I’m good, babe. I’m just a little tired that’s all. Are you happy it’s a girl? I know how bad you wanted to give me a Jr.”

  “I’m so happy. I get to comb her hair and we can dress alike. Don’t worry, I promise in a year or two I’ll give you the son that you desire. Is that a deal?”

  “Deal. Let’s start loading up the gifts. The cleaning crew I hired will clean up after we’re done. I love you, babe. You know that, right?” I stroked the side of her face as I looked into her beautiful eyes.

  “I know you do. I love you too, babe. Now let’s go home.”

  After making it home I contemplated telling Siyah about my son. I knew that I loved her more than anything in this world. So the last thing I was going to do was keep some shit from like this from her. Lord knows I would go ballistic if she kept some shit like that from me.

  “Babe, we need to talk about some shit that I found out today. Before I tell you this it’s imperative you know that I had no idea about any of this.” Siyah sat up, cut on the lamp that was on the nightstand by her side of the bed, and she stared at me.

  “If it’s something bad I don’t want to know. If you can fix it without me then do that. We’re so happy, Kingston. I’ve never had a sad day since we made things official. Everything has been so perfect for us.”

  “That’s the thing, Siyah. If I keep it from you then I will be hurting not only you but the both of us. I actually need your support on this because it’s life changing for the both of us. I can’t do this without you, Siyah. Please let me do the right thing and tell you this. It’s a must I get it off my heart.”

  “Okay, Kingston. I’m all ears.”

  “As you know I’ve been out day in and day out looking for this bitch Vita. So today I went over to her mother’s crib, because I heard she had come back in town. I questioned her about the whereabouts of Vita, and she swore up and down she had no idea where the hell she was at. At first I thought she was lying until she started crying. I was getting ready to just say fuck it and leave, until she revealed to me that the bitch Vita had a son by me when she was fourteen.

  “That’s not even the bad part, she gave him up for an adoption without even telling me. All these years I’ve been walking around here without a care in the world, and I had a son out here. This is the paperwork that she gave to me.” I handed the paperwork over to Siyah and she sat in silence as she read over the contents.

  “Babe, we have to get him. If he’s your son, he should be here with you. I’m with whatever you decide to do. We’re building a future and anything that’s a part of you is apart of me and our daughter.” Siyah grabbed my hand and placed it over her stomach. My daughter kicked as soon as I touched Siyah. Just knowing that Siyah felt so strongly about finding my son made a nigga love her more than I already did. Siyah was a one in million type of woman, and I’m glad that she belonged to me.

  “Thanks, ma. I appreciate it. You don’t know how much it means to me that you support me. I want to get in contact with his adoptive parents, because the shit was illegal to begin with, but first I just want to focus on you having a healthy birth. Afterwards will take the necessary steps to get my son back. I swear I can’t wait to get my hands around that bitch Vita’s neck.”

  “I think you should go back and talk to her mother. Maybe she will give you something else on Vita.”

  “That bitch ain’t gon’ tell me nothing else.” I said as I flamed up a Black and Mild.


  “I killed that bitch that’s why.” I kissed Siyah on the forehead and walked out of the room. I knew I had fucked her up in the head, but a nigga had to do what a nigga had to do. No apologies for killing the bitch of course.

  Chapter 27-Siyah

  I had been having back pains off and on for the last week or so. I had grown tired of going back and forth to the hospital because they kept sending me home. They said they were just Braxton Hicks contractions. I couldn’t wait to give birth and get this shit over w
ith. After fighting with my mother and father about my choice to get married at the courthouse, I gave in and decided to just have a big wedding after I gave birth. Kingston was all for it as well. I don’t know why people feel like a big ass wedding meant something. I had a lavish ass wedding before, so I was over that shit, however, Kingston had never been married before so it was selfish for me to take that experience from him. Kingston had been staying home more, and I was so happy about that because the last thing I wanted to do was go in labor alone.

  I had been spending so much time at home that I utilized that time to get the baby’s nursery together. Kingston had put up all of the furniture and painted while I was applying the decorative appliques to the wall. We decided to do the entire room as Disney princesses since we were going to name her Princess. What’s a king and queen without their princess? I could tell that Kingston was so ready to jump into fatherhood.

  I can tell that he is going to be a great father. Over these last couple of months he and his father have become extremely close. Sometimes I sit back and I watch their interactions with one another. Kingston is like a kid on Christmas when he is with his dad. I felt so bad when he told me that his mother had passed away right before he reunited with his dad. I could see the hurt in his eyes. I’m so glad that my mom had stepped in and was really taking on the mother figure role.

  At first I thought I had to watch her ass. There was a time when she wanted to fuck him. My momma was a lot of things, but scandalous and sneaky was not one of them. Plus I think she call herself liking on my daddy again. Every time I turn around they were all on the phone talking. When I ask them what they are talking they both always say “Candy Crush”. Yeah right. Candy Crush my ass. I’m cool with that, though, because it beats them arguing and acting as if they hate one another.