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Thug Mansion (Thug Passion Book 8) Page 11

  “How nice of you guys to join us. It’s funny we were just talking about you.” I stood to my feet as Thug walked around the table and stared down at me. He was trying his best to intimidate me but I was not giving in.

  “So this is how you gone do it? I’m just making sure I know where we stand so anything transpires I won’t feel bad about the shit.”

  “Get the fuck out of here Thug. I’m having a meeting in my headquarters.” I pushed him back but he grabbed me by the back of my neck and dragged my ass to my office. The whole way there I was swinging and trying to bite a plug out of his ass. Everyone was trying to break us up but at the same time they didn’t want to touch us because we were humbugging.

  “It’s like you want to test me to see how far you can take me.” Thug was squeezing my jaws so tight I thought that he was going to break my shit. I was trying my best to respond but the way he was holding my jaws made it damn near impossible. He roughly pushed my head back making it bounce off of the wall behind me.

  “I’m not trying to do shit to you Ka’Jaire. All I’m doing is making a decision that makes me happy for a change. I’m not trying to disrespect you Thug but you don’t get to tell me what the fuck to do. You’re my husband, not my father.” He just sat stroking his chin in deep thought.

  “Maybe if you would have had a father in your life I wouldn’t have to treat your ass like you’re my child. Ya’ ass should know right from wrong.”

  “And maybe if you would have had a father in your life your mother would treat you like her son instead of her fucking husband.”

  “What the fuck you say?” Before I could respond Thug swung and hit me so hard that I lost my balance and fell. My mouth and my nose were leaking profusely. I was too dizzy to move and my vision was blurry. I wanted to cry but the shock of the blow had me just stuck but something inside of me went off in my head. Before I could fully think about what I was doing I had grabbed a letter opener from my desk and stabbed Thug repeatedly.

  “Ahhhhhh!” He was screaming out in pain at the same time trying to get me to stop stabbing him. At that moment I didn’t see Thug. I saw Nico. As I kept swinging the letter opener in my head I envisioned each and every time he had hit me.

  “What the fuck did you do?" Malik yelled and it caused me to come back to reality and drop the letter opener. Thug was on the floor holding his chest and I could see the blood seeping through his hand.

  “Bro, get me to the hospital,” he said in a weak voice.

  “Oh my God! What did you do to him?” Ta’Jay said as she ran past me and fell on the floor on top of Thug. My mind was racing and my heart was beating rapidly. Everybody was looking at me with judgment in their eyes. I wasn’t thinking. I just ran out of the office.

  “Tahari! Tahari! Wait.” Keesha grabbed me and tried to pull me back, but I started swinging on her so she could let me go. I hit her one good time and she finally stopped tussling with me. I didn’t understand what was wrong with me.

  I hopped on my bike and got the fuck out of there. I don’t know why I didn’t stay and make sure Thug was okay. I guess I was just scared that I had possibly killed him. This was the second time I had physically done something to him that could kill him. I knew in my heart he wouldn’t forgive me. My brain was drawing blanks and my body was numb.

  I rushed to my house and packed some clothes and made sure to grab some money from the safe. Everything was a complete blur. I don’t even remember how I made it to the airport. I cried as I sat on the airplane looking at my face in my compact. It was black, blue, and swollen. I looked like I had an abscess. That’s how huge my jaw was. I placed my sunglasses over my face and sank down in my seat. I just wanted to sleep the entire flight.

  Hours later I landed at Miami International and I powered my phone on. I had so many calls from everybody, and texts as well. The only one that stood out was the one from Thug.

  Husband: So you want to kill me huh? That’s what we on. You just run the fuck off and not even make sure I’m okay. I was wrong for hitting you so I guess I deserved to get stabbed but I would never leave you leaking like you did me. I guess I need to reevaluate who I made my wife. You’re not the Tahari I married. Since you feel the need to abandon me and our kids, I advise you to stay gone.”

  My heart sank and I began to shake. I waited for my luggage and I headed over to South Beach and checked into the Fontainebleau Hotel. I made sure to get in contact with Marta to tell her what had happened. I talked to each one of my kids and let them know that I had to take a vacation and that I would see them soon. I laid in bed and I cried because this was not my intention. I just wanted to show Thug that I was independent and that I was dedicated to Boss Lady Inc. Things just escalated. The last thing I wanted to do was physically hurt him but I didn’t want him to physically hurt me either. He hit me like I was a man. Granted he had hit me in the past but it was not like that. That hit was vicious and it reminded me of the ass whooping Nico used to give me.

  I remember sitting at the kitchen table eating dinner that I had prepared for us. It wasn’t hot enough for him so instead of him asking me to warm it up he dumped the plate into my lap and punched me in my face. The blow was so powerful he broke my nose and damaged my eye socket. To this day I have issues with my vision. From the moment I met Thug I felt safe and secure with him. In all of our nine years of being together he’s never made me feel like I had to be scared to the point where I would leave the city.

  I can honestly say I’m scared of the outcome behind me stabbing him. Honestly, it does look like I just ran and I didn’t care if he was okay but that wasn’t the case at all. I just panicked and I got the fuck out of dodge. Although I was afraid, I knew that I had to take my ass home and face Thug and deal with whatever consequences he has for me. In my heart I know that he’s going to make me suffer and do whatever he can to mentally break me down. I know how he operates so I just have to stand firm and be the strong ass Tahari I’ve always been.

  I was really mad at myself for running away like a coward ass bitch. For the first time in a long time I folded under pressure. I’m fucked up in the head about it because I’m that bitch that applies pressure. This shit is going to get worse before it gets better. If it gets better, that text has me thinking Thug is done with my ass. Shit was all good just a week ago now a bitch has to fight to prove her love.

  Chapter 14- A Woman’s Redemption


  The moment I got the call that my baby had been stabbed I caught a motherfucking red eye to Chicago. The plane ride over all I could think about was who could have possibly done that shit to him. I was so scared because of the way Malik sounded on the phone. I think he was crying but he told me that he wasn’t. I was on pins and needles from the airport to Cook County Hospital. I knew shit was kind of bad if he had been taken there. They have the best trauma unit in the city. Just knowing that he had been taken there had me nervous as hell.

  I didn’t know what I would do if I didn’t have Thug in my life. Just knowing that he was laid up in a hospital and I wasn’t there made me realize just how stupid I had been. Lord knows I wouldn’t have been any good had he left this world and we were on bad terms. I was beating myself up because I should have apologized to him and Tahari. They didn’t deserve the way I treated them when Ta’Jay got hurt. I had been taking all my anger out on my family instead of being mad at myself.

  Quanie leaving me was my fault and mine alone. I just couldn’t bring myself to see that it was me who had ruined my own relationship. I blamed Quanie and he didn’t deserve my behavior either. That man truly loved me and I pushed him away. For a minute I thought that we were back good. That was until I dropped the twins off at his house before heading over to the hospital.

  Some bitch answered the door in a nightshirt. She was real pretty and much younger. I wanted to cut the fuck up and act a fool but I was trying to be a better person and mother to my children. I could tell that Quanie got a kick out of me seeing this. If he was trying
to hurt my feelings, he had most definitely succeeded. I could have showed my emotions but instead I held them in and acted like a good baby momma who wasn’t bitter because the father of her children no longer wanted her and had obviously moved on. She was his age. That alone let me know that I had been defeated.

  Although Quanie made me feel like I was the most beautiful woman in the world, there were times when my insecurities got the best of me. Quanie would always reassure me that I was all he wanted. That’s neither here nor there at this point. I fucked up and he’s moved on. I just have to suck this shit up and be a woman about it. I guess I should be thankful he hasn’t asked for a divorce yet. This shit hurts my soul but I’ve been hurt before. The only difference this time around was that I was the one who brought this shit on myself. I hurried up and shook Quanie, and our bullshit, from my mind as I walked through the emergency room at Cook County Hospital. Thug was my main concern at the moment.

  “Hi, I’m Patrice Kenneth. My son Ka’Jaire Kenneth was brought in some time last night.” I tapped my nails on the desk as the nurse looked him up in the computer.

  “I’m sorry we don’t have anyone here by that name. Wait a minute. Okay, we did have him here but he signed himself out of the hospital.” I just shook my head and walked back out of the hospital. Malik called me acting like Thug was on his deathbed. This motherfucker had signed his damn self out of the hospital and ain’t said shit.

  I tried calling everybody but no one was answering the phone. I was getting pissed by the second because somebody needed to tell me something. I still had no idea how Thug had been stabbed but I was about to go to his house and find out. There might be beef between him, Tahari and me but at the end of the day I needed to see what the hell was going on. I know that I had said some shit to Tahari I shouldn’t have said. However, I felt a certain type of way because she didn’t have the common courtesy to call and tell me what the fuck was going on with my son. I knew she was mad at me but we were better than that.


  I placed my key inside of the door at Thug and Tahari’s house and walked all around looking for them. When I made it to their bedroom room I knocked but got no answer so I just walked in. Thug was lying in bed with like four big patches on his chest. My baby looked like he was in so much pain.

  “Oh my God! Are you okay baby?” I rushed over and ran my hands over the patches. I didn’t even know the tears were falling until I felt my face wet.

  “I’m good Ma, stop crying.”

  “No you’re not Ka’Jaire. Why in the fuck would you sign yourself out of that damn hospital? Why are you here by yourself? Where the fuck is Tahari or Marta?” Just seeing him in bed and home alone made me mad. He had just been seriously injured and was all by himself. I removed my jacket and started straightening up the room. I was about to get comfortable because I was not leaving my baby here alone.

  “I don’t know where Tahari at. Marta and the kids are in California. They should be back here within a couple of hours. I sent a private jet to bring them all back home.” I looked at him as he spoke and something was off. The fact that he said he didn’t know where Tahari was at made a light bulb go off in my head but I didn’t want to jump to conclusions.

  “What you mean you don’t know where she at? You’re laying here stabbed all up and shit and she’s M.I.A. She stabbed you didn’t she?”

  “I hit her and she grabbed a letter opener and started stabbing me. I’m not even mad that she stabbed me Ma. I put my hands on her and that set her off. I’m mad because she just walked out and left me on the floor of her office leaking. I would never leave her in a state like that.” My baby looked like he wanted to cry and that made me hurt. I wanted to be mad at Tahari for stabbing him but I knew that I couldn’t. I was an abused woman so I know in the heat of the moment, we react. However, I am mad that she left him leaking. At the same time I know that Tahari loves Thug without a doubt.

  “Thug, she was scared. Imagine how she felt once she realized that she had hurt you. Now I know that me and her aren’t on the best of terms but I know her love for you is real. Have you heard from her or anything?”

  “Nope, that bitch won’t answer the phone. I’ve sent her several texts and I know she sees them. I told her ass since she decided to get ghost on me and our kids then her ass better stay gone.” I watched as his eyes got glossy. He reached over on the nightstand and grabbed a Newport from the box. If his ass was smoking, he was stressed and I hated when he was stressed because we all got the brunt of his anger. Thug tripped me out trying to act all tough and she knew he loved Tahari more than he loved himself.

  “You don’t mean that and you know it. Let me call her and see if I can get her to come home. She’s probably scared to face you. Seeing you laying there all bloody made her panic. You know she didn’t mean to do it.” I was trying my best to get him to calm down and stop talking crazy.

  “She probably didn’t mean to physically hurt me but she fucked me up in the head by just leaving like it was nothing. So like I said, her bitch ass could stay gone. End of discussion Ma.” I looked at him like he was crazy talking about end of discussion. I didn’t argue though. I just got up and headed towards the kitchen to cook him something to eat and make some phone calls. Malik, Quaadir, Ta’Jay and Remy needed to get their asses over here and talk some sense into his ass. Most importantly, Tahari needed to bring her ass home and get this shit straightened out.

  I got in touch with everybody but Tahari’s ass. She was sending me to voice mail but I made sure to leave her ass a nice message. If she knew like I knew, the sooner she got home the better. I was no longer in a mood to cook so I ordered as much Seafood Junction as I could since I had people coming over.

  I sat at the bar drinking me some Patron and smoking on a cigarette in deep thought. I was thinking about all the bullshit that had transpired over the years and the pressure I had placed on my son.

  “Pour me a shot, Ma.” I looked up and Thug was standing over me.

  “Now you know you have to pour your own troubles.”

  I grabbed him a bottle of Remy and a shot glass. I placed it in front of him and I just stared at him for the longest. I couldn’t believe my baby was in his thirties. It seems like yesterday I was bringing him home from the hospital. The moment I gave birth to him and Quaadir, I saw greatness in their eyes. It was something about the way they looked at me for the first time. They had Vinnie’s beautiful eyes and my caramel complexion. They were perfect in my eyes.

  I laughed thinking about that damn Malik. I should have known he was going to be a damn fool. He came out laughing instead of crying. I swear when he was a baby he would be giving me the finger. People sit and think that Thug is my pick out of my kids but it’s really Malik. That motherfucker got a hold my heart like no other. Just thinking about it makes me feel so bad about the responsibility I had put on Thug since he was younger. He never got a chance to enjoy childhood or being a teenager because he was too busy making sure I was okay and learning the family business.

  “I’m sorry for ruining your life Ka’Jaire.”

  “What are you talking about Peaches? You didn’t ruin my life. If anything, you made me the man I am today.”

  “That’s the thing about it. Baby, I raised you to be a kingpin and I was wrong for that. A mother is supposed to raise her child to be a doctor, a lawyer, or hell-even the President of the United States. I taught you how to cook and package dope when you were nine years old. At eleven, I had you and Malik doing deliveries and picking up money from my workers. Day in and day out I drilled it in your head that you were the oldest and it was your responsibility to make sure that your brother and sister was okay at all times. Each and every time Snake did something to me, you were right there defending me.

  “I remember one time he hit you with an extension cord and you choked the shit out of him. He was scared of you, he never let you know that but I knew that he was. I ruined you by making it so easy for you to catch your first body. I wa
s supposed to get the fuck away from Snake the first time he hit me but the glitz, the glamour, and the money blinded me. In the beginning, my motive was to show y’all bitch ass Daddy that I didn’t need him, his family, or his fucking money. After a while, I realized he didn’t care about me or you boys but it was too late. By that time I was deep in with Cassie, Snake, and Venom there was no way out but you gave me a way out. To this day I blame myself for how fucked up you kids are. I should have been more protective of you guys instead of the other way around.

  “I just keep thinking about how you used to sit outside of our building and buy all the kids who didn’t have money anything they wanted. You were always so good with the ladies. They just loved them some Ka’Jaire. Hell, you always had a good heart and a good spirit. It’s just that the way you were raised fucked you up as a grown man. I never should have exposed you to that lifestyle. I feel like that lifestyle blocks you from your softer side. I’m your momma so you don’t always have to always have that thug ass demeanor with me. If you’re hurt about this shit with Tahari, then let it out but don’t let that anger block you from what your heart is telling you. You love that girl and you need to find out where the fuck she at and bring her home. Fuck this Thug Inc. and Boss Lady Inc. shit. It’s fucking up all of y’all as families.

  “This shit with Sarge and Ta’Jay should be an eye opener for all of us. That shit could have ended badly. I just don’t want that for you and Tahari. Y’all have come too far and fought too many battles to be together. Please son, I’m begging you. Don’t give up on the best thing that has ever happened to you. That’s your wife, not some random ass bitch you fucked and had a couple of seeds with. I can look at you and tell you fucked up without her. I’m almost certain that wherever she is at, she’s feeling fucked up too. I always knew Tahari loved you. She showed me to not even fuck with her husband. Boss Lady had fire in her eyes when she got on me about the way I was treating you. That made me realize the error in my ways and how I’ve overstepped my boundaries.