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Thug Passion 3 Page 11

  Chapter 21- Tahari

  Unintentional Bullshit

  After Thug and I had our little talk, I felt more comfortable with him being back in the streets. Despite him making his presence known in the streets, he made sure he spent enough time with our babies and me.

  I'd been busy myself. In a month, our strip mall was set to open, and I was so excited. All of my nail stations were finished. It was decorated in the pink and black zebra theme. It was simply gorgeous. Us girls had all been working so hard to make our businesses a success. I had been so busy that I hadn't been able to cook dinner for the kids. I liked to give Marta time to herself being she took care of all our wants and needs that she rarely had time for her own family.

  Tonight I was cooking Spaghetti with Meatballs and Garlic Bread for the kids. I needed to go to the grocery store and get all the items I needed to prepare the meal. As I walked through Jewels, I grabbed all the items I needed for my dinner. I bent down to grab some spaghetti sauce and felt someone behind me. I rose up, and when I turned around, I was looking into Quaadir's gorgeous ass face.

  Damn this nigga know he fine; I thought to myself as I placed the two jars of sauce in my cart. I really didn't want to look at him. I felt really bad about just up and going to Miami without telling him. He had been there for me and babies that entire year I thought Thug was dead. He was so patient with me. We had never had sex, but I was close as hell to doing it.

  I took in Quaadir's appearance, and it was different. He was iced the fuck out. He was rocking a pair of Versace jeans and a buttoned down shirt to match. He had a pair of Maison Martin Margiela sneakers on his feet. This nigga was a fucking repairman. I knew damn well he couldn't afford that shit on a repairman salary. But I must admit he looked good as hell rocking it.

  I observed how he kept licking his lips and looking me up and down. He pulled me in for a hug and I hugged him back. I felt as his hands roam all over my body. I didn't like the way it made me feel. I hurried up and moved out of his embrace. My husband's name was written all over my Kitty Kat. Quaadir would never get a chance to feel this pussy.

  "That's how you do a nigga? You just up and leave and don't say nothing. I was worried about you and the kids. Is everything okay with you?" I could tell that his concern was genuine. That made me feel really bad about just up and leaving without telling him anything.

  "I'm sorry, Qua. It wasn't like that; I had a family emergency in Miami."

  "How are the kids doing?"

  "They're fine. Getting bigger. The twins are tearing the house up." We both laughed. Quaadir took my hand into his. His touch was so soft. I felt something when he touched me that I didn't like. Nothing was going on, but for some reason I felt like I was cheating on Thug by even entertaining this conversation.

  "I need to get home to the kids, so that I can cook for them. How about we meet up at Starbucks tomorrow so we can sit down and talk? I need to tell you something."He grabbed my phone from my hand and put his number in it.

  "Call or shoot me a text and let me know which Starbucks you want to meet up at." He handed me my phone back, and he placed a soft kiss on my jaw. We parted ways, and I headed for the checkout counter.

  I paid for my items and headed to my car. As I was putting my bags in my trunk, a familiar face caught my eye. For a minute, I was shocked, and everything around me started to move in slow motion. The person got inside a red convertible and zoomed out of the parking lot. I hurried up and jumped in my car and followed the red convertible. I followed the car for about thirty minutes to Maywood a suburb of Chicago.

  The car parked and I watched as the familiar person got out of the car and grabbed the bags from the trunk. I watched the person walk up to the house and insert a key into the door. I had contemplated before I got out of my car. I hoped and prayed that my eyes weren't deceiving me. I emerged from my car, and I patted my purse to make sure Ms. Pearlie was in there. I walked onto the porch, and I pressed the doorbell continuously until the door swung open.

  My suspicions were correct; there stood none other than my mother Cassie, who I thought was dead. She was just standing there like a deer in headlights. I didn't know I was crying until I felt the hot tears streaming down my face.

  "So, you've been alive all this time. How come you didn't reach out to me?" She was just standing there looking at me. "Please say something. you're my mother!" I dropped down to my knees, and I cried like someone had died. I just couldn't understand why my mother didn't love me. What have I done that was so wrong?

  "Come on inside, Baby girl." Cassie helped me up, and we walked inside her home. It was all red with mirrors everywhere. I noticed pictures of my grandmother on her mantle. I couldn't help but stare at her picture. With all that had transpired in my life, I had forgotten about the one person who meant so much to me. It'd been two years since she died, and I missed her so much. I knew that she would just eat my kids up if she were alive. I sat down on the couch across from Cassie, and I stared her down.

  "I'm sorry, Tahari. I should have told you that I survived being shot by your husband. After you all fled the scene, I was able to dial 911 for help. I almost died from the injuries I sustained. Once I left the rehab hospital, I tried to go to the prison and visit Venom. The only problem was there was no record of him ever being arrested. That could only mean one thing—he was dead. I'm happy he's dead. I've been the happiest I have been in a very long time. I have a peace of mind, and I can see everything so clearly now." At this point, Cassie had came and sat beside me on the loveseat.

  "I'm happy you survived. How could you not reach out to me?"

  "Baby girl, I know that you want me to be a part of your life. It's too late for that. You don't need me coming into your life and fucking it up. Plus, your husband will never let us have a relationship with one another." She was now letting tears fall down her face.

  "You're my mother. I want you in my life. Look at them. These are my babies and your grandchildren!" I screamed as I shoved my phone in her face. A picture of my kids was my screensaver. "I don't care what has happened between us. I want you in me and my kids life."

  "They're beautiful. I would love to be in their life. We need to think logically, Tahari. If your husband finds out I survived, he will try to kill me. We can exchange numbers and talk from time to time. I don't want your husband to kill me, and I don't want you to ruin your marriage for me. You are happy and deserve all the happiness in the world. Now go home to your family. This is my address, so feel free to stop by and bring the kids." We stood to our feet and hugged each other.

  "Can I at least try to get him to let you be a part of our lives?"

  "Follow your heart, Tahari. I'm behind you one hundred percent. Please understand you run the risk of him and his goons killing me and trust me he won't miss this time." Cassie walked me to the door, and we hugged one last time before I left.

  As I drove home, all I could think about was how I wanted my mother in my life. In my heart, I knew that Ka'Jaire was going to go ballistic when he found out she was still alive. I made it up in my mind that I was going to tell him. Everybody deserved a second chance, and I wanted to give Cassie a second chance at being my mother. Hopefully, he would understand and support me. Who the fuck was I kidding Thug just might kill my ass for even bringing it up to him.

  After I had finished cooking dinner for the kids, we watched a movie, and I put them to bed. Thug was still out in the streets, so I climbed in bed and grabbed my Kindle to read Fallin For a Boss by Lucinda John. I ended up reading the whole book in two hours. I just laid in bed and stared at the ceiling.

  Before I knew it, the sun was coming up, and Thug was just now coming home. I closed my eyes and played sleep. Mainly because I didn't want him to think I was up waiting for him to come home. He jumped in the shower and climbed in the bed with me. He kissed me softly on the forehead and snuggled up behind me. It felt so good to be wrapped up in my husband's arms. I drifted off to sleep instantly.

  Later that m
orning, I woke up and got ready to go meet up with Quaadir. I got dressed in an all white Pink jogging suit with some all white Air Force Ones.

  "Where you off to this early in the morning?" Thug came to the bedroom as I was lacing up my shoes. I thought he was already gone. I hated to lie to him, but I had to meet up with Quaadir, so that I could tell him my husband was alive, and there was no future for us.

  "I need to meet up with one of the contractors for the shop. I'll be back in time to fix you some lunch."

  "How about we meet up at Red Lobster for lunch?" He grabbed me around the waist and placed a trail of kisses from the back of my neck all the way around until he found my lips.

  "That's great. I need to talk to you about something important."

  "You're pregnant, huh?" We both laughed.

  "You wish nigga. Ain't no more babies coming out this pussy." I kissed him on the lips and headed out the door to meet up with Quaadir.

  When I made it to Starbucks on Michigan Ave, Quaadir was already there waiting for me.

  "I ordered your drink already. I know how much you love those Mocha Frappuccinos.”

  "Thanks, Qua." I smiled at the fact that he would remember what I liked.

  "So, what's up, Tahari?" Quaadir said as he licked his lips. I had taken a long swallow of my drink before I broke the news to him.

  "First off, I just want to say thank you so much for everything. I really appreciate everything you did for me and the kids the past year before I left. I hate that I had to up and leave without telling you, but I found out my husband was still alive and in Miami. We are together and happier than ever. I recently gave birth to another set of twins, a girl and a boy. I really hope that you can forgive me. It was never my intention to lead you on."

  The sound of someone clearing their throat made both of us look up. I couldn't believe my eyes; Malik was staring at both of us with the death stare. I was literally shitting bricks because I was so scared. The scene looked so fucking suspect, especially since I had grabbed Quaadir's hand and held it.

  "What's up, lil Sis?" Malik said as he kissed me on the jaw. I looked at Barbie, and she was scared for me. I could see it in her eyes. At first, I was going to say that he was the contractor, and we needed to meet since that was the lie that I had already told Thug. However, I couldn't use that because they knew who Quaadir was.

  "What's up Malik? Long time no see." Quaadir held his hand out for dap, but Malik looked at his hand with this disgust written all over his face. Quaadir had become pissed instantly. I had a funny feeling this shit would escalate if I didn't hurry up and try to get out of there. I was getting ready to speak, but my cell phone ring. On the Run by Beyonce and Jay-Z played, so I knew it was my husband. I hesitated and slid my finger across the screen to answer.

  "Hey Baby,” I said into the phone, but I couldn't understand what he was saying because he was yelling. Finally, once I got him to calm down. I was able to understand what he was saying, and I was scared shitless. I jumped up and grabbed my purse to leave.

  "I have to get to the hospital. Kaine fell down the stairs, and he's unconscious," I cried as I ran out of Starbucks with Malik and Barbie on my heels. I turned around to see Quaadir walking out fast with us.

  "Fall back my nigga. This a family issue. My brother wouldn't appreciate you following up behind what belongs to him." Malik had stopped Quaadir dead in his tracks. They were face to face staring each other down. I watched as Malik lifted his shirt showing his gun. I also observed Quaadir raise his shirt and show Malik his gun. Now, that I didn't see coming. Quaadir never gave me the impression that he was a gunslinger.

  "I'll holla at you later, Tahari," Quaadir said as he walked backwards with his eyes trained on Malik. This shit was not going to end good. I had a bad feeling about all of this. I locked eyes with Malik and he just shook his head. I knew he was going to rat me out. Barbie was looking at me with sympathetic eyes. Her ass knew he was going to tell on me, too. I couldn't even worry about that right now. I needed to get to the hospital and see what was wrong with my son.

  Chapter 22-Thug

  These Hoes Ain't Loyal

  I was looking after the kids until Marta came into work. I turned my head for one minute, and Kaine managed to unlatch the baby gate and fall down the stairs. I heard him as he tumbled down. I ran out of my bedroom, and he was laying at the bottom of the stairs unconscious. I immediately grabbed him and hauled ass to the hospital. I felt like shit because I knew that you could never leave Kaine, and Kash unattended.

  Once we made it to the hospital, they rushed him to the back. I had already called Tahari, and she was on her way. I sat down in the waiting area and started filling out the necessary documents that were needed in order for him to receive treatment. Once I was finished with the paperwork, Tahari came rushing into the Emergency Room. The rest of the family was also with her.

  "Where my baby at?" Tahari was crying and fighting me trying to find Kaine.

  "Calm down baby. He's in the back being checked out."

  "What happened?"

  "I looked away for a second and he somehow unlatched the gate and fell down the stairs." I put my head down in my hands. I was so fucking mad at myself for being so careless.

  "Ka'Jaire, you know better than to leave the twins unattended!" I was trying to hold onto her, but she was so upset that she started pushing me away.

  "I know, Ta-Baby. I fucked up."

  "It's not your fault baby it was an accident. Go outside and get you some air. I'll come and get you if the doctor comes out and lets us know something," Peaches said as she rubbed my back. I got up to exit, and Malik followed behind me.

  "Malik, come here for a minute," I heard Barbie call after him.

  "I'll be back, Barbie. Go sit down and make sure Tahari cool." Malik and I walked to his car and smoked a blunt.

  "I know this might be a bad time to tell you this, but I saw Tahari and that nigga Quaadir I was telling you about at Starbucks. I feel like it would be wrong if I didn't tell you. That nigga wants your wife in the worst way. I didn't care for the nigga when I first saw him at y'all crib and I definitely don't like his bitch ass now."

  "Oh yeah?" Those were the only words that I could muster up the courage to say. I really didn't want Malik to see how fucking angry I was.

  "Yeah, I want to see that nigga in the streets, though. I had to show that nigga my gun, and he showed me his piece, as well. You already know I'm at his head now." I sat there quiet as Malik, and I continued to talk about the events that had transpired. I was livid, but my mind was on my son. I was going to deal with Tahari's lying ass later. My phone rang, and it was Tahari telling us to come back in. We ran back inside the hospital, and the nurse escorted me to the back where Kaine and Tahari were.

  I was happy as hell when I saw my lil nigga with his eyes open. I did notice the blue cast he had on his leg. I walked over and kissed him on the forehead.

  "Kaine is made of steel. He took a nasty tumble and all he has is a broken leg. As he fell down the stairs, he hit his head, and that's what caused him to become unconsciousness for a short period of time. We ran a Cat Scan and everything is fine. It could have been far worse than this. You guys need to baby proof the house a little better. Freak accidents happen all the time that don't get a happy ending," the doctor said to us as he handed us some prescriptions and some discharge papers for him. After that, he left the room.

  "I'm so happy you're okay," Tahari said as she kissed him all over his face. His bad ass just smiled as continued to lick the popsicle that the doctor had given him.

  "Get him dressed, so we can take him home." I didn't even look Tahari in her face or wait on her ass. I walked out to the lobby and let the family know that he was all good, and they could all go home. I sat out in my car and waited for Tahari to come out with Kaine. About thirty minutes later, she wheeled him out to the car.

  Tahari picked him up and placed him into the car seat in the back of my car. She climbed inside and put her se
at belt on. I cut the radio up as far as it would go. These Hoes Ain't Loyal by Chris Brown blasted through the speakers. Tahari kept her head turned looking out of the window. I saw her letting those little crocodile tears falling, but I wasn't buying that shit. Her ass could get ready to cry a fucking river. She looked in my eyes and lied to me with a straight face. I wanted to confront her about what Malik had told me, but I decided to give her the opportunity to come clean.

  We pulled into the driveway, and I helped her into the house and made sure everything was cool with the rest of the kids before I left. I needed to clear my head. Tahari was different from all the bitches I'd ever fucked with. From the jump, I'd trusted her with my life. From time to time, I would test her loyalty and each time she passed with flying colors. I understood dude was a part of her life when I was gone. The moment I stepped back on the scene, he should have been a dead ass issue.

  We had many conversations in Miami, and she assured me that they never had sex before. I'm not sure I believe that shit now. If nothing was going on between them, she would have told me the truth. Damn Ta-Baby why did you have to lie to me? I hit the steering wheel over and over again. I needed a drink.

  I called my boys, and we all met up at Gentleman's Paradise. I hadn't been there since the night I was shot. I made sure to beef up our security. We couldn't afford to get caught slipping. I tried my best to turn up. I was in a room full of nothing but bad bitches. I couldn't even enjoy myself because all I could think about was Tahari.

  Chapter 23- Tahari

  Mistakes and Regrets