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King and I: A Royal Love Affair Page 11

  “Shut up, King. That’s your ass keep moving. Here drink some more Remy.” I said, as I handed him the fifth of Remy, and he drank straight from the bottle. His ass was leaking and damn near about to pass out.

  “Ahhhhhhhhhh!” I shook my head as he screamed out in pain. I had finally got a good grip on the bullet, and I was able to pull it out. I put some antiseptic on the wound and packed it with some gauze until the doctor could make it. I hadn’t had a damn drink all week, and I was most definitely in the mood for one now. Kingston had already let me know what went down so a toast was in order. Ding dong the wicked witch and her demon seed were dead. I know it’s wrong to celebrate a person’s demise, but at the same time they fucked with my baby. I’m just glad they’re both dead, but it’s no consolation, because my child and unborn grandchild are still in a coma.

  I made sure to dope Kingston’s ass up real good. He needed to take his drunk cry baby ass to sleep. I swear he whined and cursed the entire time I was trying to remove the damn bullet from his back. I couldn’t wait for Siyah to wake up, so I can tell her about this crybaby ass thug she done fell in love with.

  Chapter 22-Kingston

  It had been a month and Siyah still hadn’t woke up. I was keeping up with her progress through Nita and her medical team. The baby was still flourishing and I was happy about that. I hired a prenatal team to monitor the baby around the clock. She was now at thirteen weeks gestation and the baby was doing great. I had been doing a lot of soul searching and something inside of me was telling me to reach out to my pops. I guess the anticipation of knowing that I might be a father soon made me want to see him. It had been almost four years since I last saw him or my mother. Last I heard she was in prison for prostitution and drug possession.

  As I pulled up to my father’s last known address, I began to gather my thoughts. I had no idea what I was going to say. Mainly because the last time I saw him it wasn’t a friendly interaction. He was standing outside of the damn liquor store selling loose cigarettes. It was like a smack in my face when he asked me for ten dollars, so that he could get him some heroin because he was sick. I felt totally disrespected. He might not have ever done anything for me, but at the end of the day I was still his fucking son, not to mention it was my fucking hood. I own this fucking city, so to see my pops out there like that fucked my head up.

  That shit wasn’t cool at all. Before I knew it I had hemmed his ass up by his collar. I wanted to hit his ass so bad, but I knew I couldn’t lay hands on him like that. At the end of the day, he was still my father and there was nothing I could do to change that. Instead of laying hands on him, I walked away under the impression that I would never breathe a word to his ass. No matter my hesitation about fucking with him or my mother, it was best I put my feelings to the side and reach out to them.

  If they were still on drugs and living their fucked up lifestyle I would still play my part as a son. It’s crazy the effects Siyah was having on me. Prior to meeting her I never would have reached out to my parents. The thought never would have crossed my mind. It’s like everything she’s going through is letting me know that life is way too short to hold grudges or to be petty. She’s laying in my home in coma and she has no idea the profound effect she is having on a nigga. She has to wake up, because I have to make shit right with her. Siyah is my future, and I can feel that shit in my soul.


  “Is that you, son?” I heard my father’s voice from behind me as I turned on the stairs to walk away. I couldn’t believe my eyes. He looked good and above all, clean. He didn’t have that familiar twitch of a heroin addict.

  “What’s up, old man?” We shook it up and embraced. It felt funny hugging him, especially since I don’t have a memory of ever being that close to him.

  “Same shit different day. I’m just trying to stay on the straight and narrow. I guess you heard about your momma.”

  “Last thing I heard about her she was locked up.”

  “I’m sorry to tell you, son, but your momma passed away two months ago. I hate to tell you but she had full blown AIDS. It took her fast, son. I wanted to come and tell you, but she made me promise not to bother you. She felt like she deserved to suffer alone due to her not being a mother. I made a promise to her that I would clean my shit up and I did, son. I’m sixty days clean and I intend on staying that way.”

  I stood there in silence taking in everything that he had said. Just hearing that she had passed had me feeling fucked up. It’s like there was so much shit we had to do and say to one another. There was a bench on the porch, and I needed to sit down and gather myself. My father sat next to me and flamed up a cigarette.

  “It’s cool, son. There is no need to feel fucked up about this. She is in a better place; no more pain or suffering. I know I haven’t been the best father. No let me rephrase that, I’ve never been a father to you. Life is too short and all I want to do is take advantage of the second chance at life that I have. I want to be in your life and be the best father I can be. That is if you will have me, son.”

  “Of course, Pops. That was my main reason for coming over here. I’m glad that you’re clean. I’m so fucked up knowing that she passed away and we never got a chance to make things right. There are so many things I needed to talk to her about.”

  “I know it’s not the same thing but I’m here, no matter what.”

  “That’s what up, I’m counting on you, especially since you might be a grandfather soon.”

  “What you mean might be? I’m ready to toss a football around with my grandson. You don’t think the baby yours or something?”

  “I know for a fact that’s my baby, it’s just that the mother is in a coma and they might not make it. That was my reason for coming over to reach out. How can I be a father when I don’t even know what having a father is? That’s not a cheap shot towards you, but I’m just keeping it one hundred.”

  “No disrespect taken. Today is the beginning of us building a father and son relationship. You’ll be a great father. God will bring this young lady and your son through this. You just have to keep the faith and be strong for the both of them.”

  “How do you know it’s a boy?”

  “That’s all we make, son. Watch what I tell you you’re going to have a house full of boys, I put my life on that.” It felt good to talk to my father. We ended up talking about so many different topics. I had divulged to him that I couldn’t bring myself to go inside the room where Siyah had been.

  I felt so bad for everything that had happened to her that it was hard to look at her and not feel like shit. My father got on me and told me that I needed to man up and sit with her. I had every intention on doing what I had to do when I made it back to the crib. I needed to man the fuck up and sit with her and my seed. I left my father’s house with a new sense of being. As I headed home all I could think of was my mother, and how she must have suffered in her last days. My only hope is that she got right with the Lord and received her wings.

  When I made it to the house I went straight to Siyah’s room. Nita was balled up in the recliner next to her bed asleep. I swear they looked identical asleep. The sound of the machines beeping made me uneasy, but at the same time it put my heart at ease. I’ve never been the sentimental type of nigga and that’s probably because I’ve never been shown love and affection, however, hearing my seed’s heartbeat on the monitor had me feeling like a real bitch. I’ve never been in love off of a sound alone, however, this shit makes a nigga want to give everything up just to continue hearing it. Siyah and this pregnancy got a nigga all fucked up.

  “Wake up, Ms. Nita. Go lay down in the guestroom, I’ll stay in here with her tonight.” I could tell that she was beat. She had been in this room day in and day out looking over Siyah.

  “Are you sure, because I don’t want her to wake up alone?”

  “I’m positive.” Nita kissed Siyah on the cheek and left out of the room. I grabbed a blanket from the closet and I got comfortable in the recliner. I p
ulled it close to the bed so that I could hold her hand as she slept. With my free hand I placed it over her stomach. Although she wasn’t showing, it still felt good to do that. At that very moment there was no place in the world where I would rather be. Sleep came easy as I laid back in the recliner. Comfortable that Siyah and our baby was still hanging in there.


  “Luca! Luca!” I thought I was dreaming hearing this man’s name in my sleep, but I jumped up and that’s when I saw Siyah wide awake calling Luca. At the same time she looked scared as fuck.

  “Siyah! Calm down. Luca is not here and don’t speak that fuck nigga’s name in my presence.” I know she was just waking up, but the last thing I wanted to hear coming out of her mouth was Luca’s name.

  “Where am I?” Siyah was looking all around and the machines trying to figure out her surroundings. She scared me looking as if she didn’t recognize me.

  “You’re at my house. Do you know who I am?” I stroked the side of her face trying to calm her down.

  “Of course I do, Kingston.” Hearing her say that had a nigga blushing like a motherfucker. I probably would have spazzed the fuck out if she acted as if she didn’t know me.

  “Do you remember what happened to you?” Tears started streaming down the sides of her eyes. Puddles were starting to form in her ears because it was taking her so long to speak. From the looks in her eyes I knew she was reliving everything.

  “Vita shot me.”

  “Did she say what I think she just said?” Nita said, as she walked in the room and rushed to her bedside.

  “Are you sure it was Vita who shot you, baby girl?”

  “I’m positive. She shot me and the last thing I remember was seeing her and Luca kissing.”

  “Let me talk to you for a minute, Nita.” I walked out of the room ahead of her and she followed me.

  “Calm down, Kingston.”

  “I can’t calm down. All along this bitch Vita has been calling my motherfucking phone and sending texts like she ain’t did shit. This bitch has been plotting against me the entire time. I should have known that bitch would never walk the fuck away peacefully. What fucks me up is that the bitch was in cahoots with my fucking enemy?” I was so upset I punched a hole in the wall. This shit had me so fucking hot right now. This bitch Vita thought she was so fucking smart, but I had something for her ass too. I had no problem with putting a fucking bullet in her head.

  “I understand your anger but for right now that shit has to wait. Let’s make sure Siyah is okay. She still doesn’t know that she’s pregnant. I’ll go and get the medical staff. You go and put your hand in some ice. Don’t you start blaming yourself for this shit? There is no way you would have known it was Vita. This ain’t shit but proof of how fucking snakish a scorned ass bitch can be over a nigga that don’t want her anymore. Let me go call her daddy and let him know that she’s woke. Go in there and sit with her. I’m sure she’s wondering what the hell is going on right now.” Just that quick I had forgot what the fuck really mattered. I had every intention on getting at the bitch Vita, but right now Siyah was my main priority.

  Chapter 23-Siyah

  The pain in my chest was almost unbearable, but I was happy to be alive. Just knowing that there was a strong possibility that I wasn’t going to make it had me rethinking all of my decisions. Six months ago I was living life without a care in the world, now I’m just trying to stay the hell alive. Lord knows this isn’t what a bitch signed up for.

  I wanted to cry when my mother told me that my house had been burned to the ground. I know that I hadn’t been living there long, but I was in love with that house. Kingston had went all out and now my shit was nothing but rubble. Kingston had some powerful ass dick. He had bitches out here trying to commit murders. I must admit he had some good ass dick, but I hope I never get to a point where I would want to bring anyone harm over it.

  Every since I woke up everybody had been acting so weird and it was becoming annoying. I was my normal self despite being in pain. Not to mention I keep seeing visions of her pulling the trigger and seeing her with Luca. I was so glad the doctors had came in and removed the IV’s and the blood pressure machines. Those damn beeping sounds were driving me crazy. It had been a couple of hours since Kingston had been in the room with me, and I was starting to feel like he was avoiding me. I hoped he didn’t think that I blamed him for Vita shooting me. This shit was not his fault.

  My mother and Rika told me how he went above and beyond to make me comfortable. That really warmed my heart. At least I knew he had a heart. His usual dark and cold eyes had been replaced. They were softer and he looked at me with so much love in his eyes. He and my mother were acting all strange like they were up to something. I chopped it up as them being happy that I woke up from what they said was coma. I had no idea where the fuck I was at. I’ve heard people say that when someone is in a coma they could hear the things going on around them. I didn’t hear anything so I probably was close to deaths door. God just wasn’t ready for me just yet and neither was I. There is so much I still have to accomplish and show the world.

  My mother went home to get some more clothes, and I needed to go to the bathroom. There was no way I going to the bathroom in a bedpan. I become embarrassed just thinking about how I was when I was in a coma. The last thing I wanted was for Kingston to have be around that. I know it was out of my control but that’s just the woman inside of me. There’s something about Kingston that makes me want to be perfect at all times.

  It took me about ten minutes before I got the strength to get out of the bed and walk towards the bathroom. Where ever the hell it was located, on my way down the long corridor I over heard Kingston and Legs talking. I knew I wasn’t supposed to eavesdrop, but I had to know what they were talking about.

  “Have you got a location on the bitch Vita yet?”

  “Hell no. That bitch probably somewhere long gone by now. She knows I killed that bitch ass nigga Luca, so she has to know her ass is next on the chopping block. I’m going to do that bitch ten times worse than I did Luca’s mother. We have to find that bitch. She can’t be walking around on the loose and Siyah is pregnant with my seed. On my life, my nigga, as long as I have breath in my body no one will ever hurt her again.

  “I feel that shit, my nigga. Does Siyah know she’s pregnant yet?

  That was it for me I had heard enough. So that’s why they had been acting so weird around me. I no longer had to use the bathroom, I went straight back into the room. I took off the gown I had on, because I needed to get a good look at my body. I winced in pain as I ran my hand over the wound to my chest and neck. I stood in front of the floor length mirror and turned from side to side. There was definitely a small pudge, but not enough to the point where I looked pregnant. I looked up and King was standing in the doorway. He slowly walked inside and stood behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and placed a soft kiss on my shoulder blade.

  “How come you didn’t tell me I was pregnant?”

  “The night you were shot was when the doctor informed us that you were eight weeks pregnant. You’ve been in the coma a little over a month so you’re now a little over thirteen weeks. We were going to tell you, we just wanted to make sure all of the tests and everything came back fine. So far so good, my son is a fighter, but what’s more important is that you’re a fighter and you came back to me.”

  Hearing him speak those words made me think back to the place we were prior to the shooting. If memory served me right he wanted to just be friends, but from the way he was talking one would think that I was his woman. The last thing I wanted was for this man to think that he needed to try and be in a relationship because of what I had been through. I was nobody’s charity case.

  “I know that we’re friends and this is not what you signed up for. So I’ll get in contact with Planned Parenthood to get rid of it.” Kingston removed his hands from around my waist and pushed me away from him, but not hard where he would hurt me.

p; “Don’t fucking play with me, Siyah. Fuck you mean call Planned Parenthood. I’ll dead your motherfucking ass if you ever say some bullshit out of your mouth like that. I know your ass was shot in the chest but it ain’t shit wrong with your fucking brain. I suggest you use it because your ass ain’t thinking logically. Now get your ass back in that bed. You’re on bedrest until I’m ready for you to get off of it.”

  “Really, Kingston? So you’re just going to make me stay in your house? You can’t make me keep this baby, it’s my decision.”

  “This is your house now. Your decision went out of the fucking window the moment you started talking about killing my seed. I don’t like to repeat myself so this will be my last time. Go get your ass in the bed!” He raised his voice so loud that it made me jump. Jumping out of fear caused me to wince in pain. The power in his voice damn near brought tears to my eyes. This dude was so fucking confusing, one minute he just wants to be friends, and the next he wants to act as if we’re married. I swear I wanted to haul ass and get the fuck out of this house, but I knew I was too weak for all of that.

  Later that night I laid in bed and my mind was all over the place. I don’t know why, but Luca came to my mind. I shook my head at the thought of him actually being dead. It’s crazy how my life has done a complete one eighty. I can’t believe I’m pregnant by Kingston. God works in mysterious ways. All of the unprotected sex I had with Luca, I never once got pregnant by him. Low and behold I meet this psychotic ass Kingston, and I’m now pregnant with his baby. I rubbed my hand over my stomach just thinking that I had a life inside of me. So many thoughts and fears were running through my mind. Like what if I wasn’t a good mother or what if my baby didn’t like me? I know that I was overthinking the situation, but I was so confused at the moment. Too much was going on at once and I didn’t know how to handle it.


  It had been almost a two weeks, and I had grown tired of being cooped up in this room. I hadn’t seen Kingston, but I knew he was in the house. I could feel his presence not too far away. I could have sworn I could feel him watching me as I slept. I really wanted to talk to him, but he was avoiding me. That was making things even harder for me. I thought Luca was terrible, but dealing with a man like Kingston was a challenge. He wouldn’t even let me go out to the doctor. He had the medical staff taking care of me around the clock. In my opinion I was okay, but Kingston seemed to not think that.