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Thug Mansion (Thug Passion Book 8)

  Thug Mansion

  Written By: Mz. Lady P

  Chapter 1- That Thug Life


  As I sit in my man cave watching Paid in Full for the hundredth time, I can’t help but think about my life and how far I’ve come. I have a beautiful, sexy wife and we now have eight beautiful children. We have officially adopted Monae and Nico’s daughter, Nicaria. She’s very much our daughter and we treat her as if she came from us. Monae wanted us to change her name because she wanted her to have no parts of Nico. We’ve renamed her Kylie Kenneth. It’s taken some time, but she’s grown used to her new surroundings and family.

  I have more money than I know what to do with, and most importantly I have my freedom. After all of these years of running a successful drug operation and laying niggas down who felt the need to cross me, I’m blessed to be in the land of living and able to enjoy the fruits of my labor. My wife and my kids want for nothing. Over the years I’ve gone hard in the paint to give them the life that they deserve. I put my blood, sweat, and tears into building my empire so that I could one day pass it on to my sons. I know that I shouldn’t want that for them, but it’s a part of their genetic makeup. It’s in the Kenneth blood to run drug empires. At the same time, being able to flip that shit into something positive. We might break the law, but we’re smart enough to get rich in the process.

  One thing for sure and two for certain, Tahari and I are raising the next breed of street royalty and they will not be fucked with on any level. Right now, I just want them to be kids and enjoy life like all kids should. However, I’m aware that they don’t live like other kids. They have a rich, spoiled life. Not to mention their parents are the King and Queen of the Chi. Who the hell am I kidding? Tahari and I are legends in these streets and we aren’t done with creating history. We’ve done a lot of epic shit over the years that has a lot of motherfuckers in relationships thinking they’re the next Thug and Tahari.

  I’m gone keep it one hundred, my baby and I are cut from a different type of cloth. We’re flattered that we’ve had such an impact on couples. However, at the end of the day, we didn’t choose this “Thug Life,” it chose us. That’s what makes us a cut above the rest. We embrace this shit because we had to fight from the moment we met to get where we are today. So, as I sit back and face this blunt and take another shot of this Remy, I embrace being in retirement and being a family man.

  Not to get it fucked up, I’m still that nigga that has the ability to dismantle armies and make the streets bleed until I’m satisfied. Let’s not forget, if I’m not satisfied Tahari will make sure I am. Fuck Bonnie and Clyde. It’s Thug and Tahari these people looking up to these days.


  I laid my head back in my theater seat as I guided Tahari’s head up and down on my dick. After all these years, she still has that million dollar mouth and pussy. That shit still right and tight after eight kids. After all these years of marriage, she makes each time feel like the first time. I’m more in love with her now than I ever was.

  When shit was looking impossible, she made it possible. I was able to take leaps of faith in life because she was there to believe in me, regardless of whether my decisions were wrong or right. We’ve both made decisions that had the possibility to break us, but the shit made us stronger than ever. I’d do the shit all over again if it meant my wife would be along for the journey. No matter how hardcore of a nigga I am, Tahari Lashay Monroe- Kenneth makes me weak as fuck.

  Tahari sped up the pace and started going crazy all on my dick. That made me cum full force, spraying my seeds down her throat. She looked up at me with those sexy, but devilish ass eyes, and smiled as she swallowed my seeds.

  “Fuck you smiling for?” I asked her as she stood up and began to remove her pajama bottoms.

  “‘Cause I just did that motherfucker the right way. I had you speaking in tongues and shit.”

  We both laughed as she sat on my lap and got ready to put my dick inside of her. That shit was short-lived when we heard the sounds of someone banging on the theater door.

  “You already know who that is,” Tahari said. She stood up and placed her pajama bottoms back on and I put my dick away. I got up opened the door to see a eight year old Ka’Jaiyah standing there with her thumb in her mouth and her hand on her hip.

  “What do you want, little girl?”

  “Can I come in here with you and mommy? Kaine and Kash locked me out of their room, KJ said I can’t come in his room because I can’t keep my hands off of his things, Ka’Jairea is on the phone with Lil’ Hassan, and Kylie, Kaia and Kahari are sleeping.”

  “Well go in your own room. Me and mommy are talking right now.”

  “All y’all do is talk with the door closed all the time. Why y’all can’t talk with it open?”

  “Ka’Jaiyah go to your room, right now. I done told your grown ass about questioning us when we say something. Do like your Daddy said!” Tahari said as she walked towards the door full speed ahead. Ka’Jaiyah stomped off and rolled eyes.

  “If I hear one door slam or you tearing that room up, I’m whooping your ass!”

  Ka’Jaiyah has anger issues like me. When she gets mad she tears shit up. I’ve lost count on how many tablets and phones of hers I’ve had to replace due to her breaking them when she’s gotten mad.

  “Why you got to be so hard on her, Ta-Baby?”

  “That’s her fuckin’ problem. You let her get away with way too much. I have to be like that with her because she’s out of control. She’s eight, not eighteen. You need to start chastising her, not rewarding her. You’re creating a problem that will be hard to break when she gets older. I’ll fuck her up before I let her think it’s okay to be disrespectful to us.”

  “She won’t be like that. Stop exaggerating all the damn time Ta-baby. Ka’Jaiyah just happens to be our spoiled child and she requires more attention. She’s just like you, Bae. Beautiful, feisty, and spoiled rotten by Daddy,” I hit Tahari on her ass and grabbed another blunt to flame up.

  “Daddy definitely spoils me,” Tahari said as she sat on my lap and began to rub her hand over the waves in my hair. I handed her the blunt and she looked like she had drifted off into deep thought.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  “I was just wondering how Python was doing.”

  “Well you don’t need to worry about what the fuck he doing. Leave that nigga where he at. Now we both agreed that we’re out of the game and we’re focused on our legit businesses and our family. Every motherfucking thing else is irrelevant. I don’t want to hear that shit again Ta-Baby. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes. I understand you, Ka’Jaire. You don’t have to yell at me like I’m a child. I’ve told your ass about that shit.”

  Tahari jumped off of my lap and stormed out of the theater room, making sure to slam the door behind her. I couldn’t do shit but laugh because she had just shown the same behavior our daughter does when she can’t get her away. At the same time, I felt bad about raising my voice at her. Of course I hate for her to be mad at me, so I needed to smooth things over. A happy wife is a happy life. I’m not even trying to be in this bitch getting blue balls fucking with Tahari. When she gets mad, she holds out on the pussy and a nigga need that shit like I need air. I’m gone have to take one for the team this time around. I’m gone have to suck on that pussy real good tonight.

  After I faced the entire blunt, I went upstairs to find Tahari. She was in the kitchen making dinner. I couldn’t help but fallback and watch her ass cheeks jiggle with each step as she moved. I slid behind her as she stood over the stove. I placed soft kisses on the back of her neck.

  “I’m sorry I raised my voice. I just do
n’t want you getting any ideas about that nigga Python. We’re retired and focused on our businesses and family right now. Don’t it feel good to just relax and not worry about being shot at or the police coming for us?”

  Tahari turned around and wrapped her arms around my neck. We engaged in a passionate kiss and gazed in each other’s eyes.

  “Yes, Bae. It feels great. I didn’t mean to make you upset. He just crossed my mind, that’s all. I’m happy and content with where we are in life. There’s no need for you to get all upset and getting to acting crazy just because I thought about my grandfather. It’s an adjustment to go from killing and drug dealing to just chilling, but I’m handling it. I love lying in bed and you’re there with me every night. I sleep comfortable knowing you’re safe from all the dangers the street has to offer. I love you, Ka’Jaire.”

  “I love you more. Now hurry up, a nigga hungry and I don’t want no food.”

  I flicked my tongue out letting her know what I really was hungry for.

  “You so nasty. Let me hurry up though so I can feed you.”

  “That a girl,” I said as I tapped her on the ass and walked out of the kitchen.

  As I sat in my recliner and turned on the TV, I wondered if I was really as retired as I wanted to believe. I still ran the streets silently. King, Dutch, and Nasir were doing all the footwork because my original crew was also retired and enjoying the fruits of our labor. Killing and drug dealing had been our life. Retirement has been good to us, but truthfully, I could always feel when something was on the horizon. I had a bad ass feeling I couldn’t shake and I wasn’t ready for any of it. I just want to live life and be great doing it.

  Chapter 2- Life of a Thug’s Wife


  I laid in bed next to Ka’Jaire, staring at the ceiling in deep thought. After all of these years of riding shotgun next to him in the streets, I was having a hard time dealing with retirement. As for Thug, he’s so content and doesn’t have a care in the world about the shit. These days, he’s chilling, smoking, and drinking Remy. Enjoying the shit out of being retired. Sometimes he makes me mad at how relaxed and nonchalant he is. I know that I should embrace him being in the comforts of our home, because we never had a moment’s peace when he was in the streets.

  The kids are enjoying having their Daddy at home to take them to school, cook for them, and allow them to do whatever the fuck they want to do. He’s a regular ole Mr. Mom, but I’m the one who does all the cleaning after they fuck up.

  Don’t get me wrong, I love him being home and spending more time with the kids and me. It’s just that my house was a helluva lot less chaotic when his ass was in the streets. I’m just being honest.

  That’s still my baby after all these years. He still looks at me like I’m the most beautiful girl in the world. He makes me feel special. He still spoils me rotten, and he still fucks me like each time is the first time. In other words, he still and we still.

  After all of our trials and tribulations, we still have so much to smile about and be thankful for. At the end of the day, and after all that we’ve been through, we’re a strong united front as husband and wife.

  Our life is a fairytale and most women would kill to be in my shoes. But like I’ve said before, these bitches couldn’t walk a mile in my Louboutin’s.


  Since Ka’Jaire was sleeping peacefully, I decided to get up and cook breakfast for my family. Marta was still living with us, but these days she’s retired as well and living the good life right along with us. Marta definitely deserves to put her feet up and relax after raising our damn kids.

  As I walked past Ka’Jaiyah’s room, I could hear her talking. I swear this little girl was a damn night owl. She be up watching TV and sneaking on the phone with Heaven’s grown ass. I get sick and tired of her teacher calling me damn near everyday because she always falls asleep in class. I’m tired of whooping her because Thug allows her to get away with murder. I’m going to fuck around and murder both of them if they don’t stop testing my gangsta. I opened up her bedroom door, and just I expected, she was on the phone.

  “Give me that phone, right now!”

  “I can’t Ma. I’m talking to Heaven and she’s really sad.”

  “I don’t give a damn if she is sad. Y’all have no business on the phone at five in the morning.”

  “Please Ma, don’t take my phone! I was trying to make her feel better. Heaven was crying because Auntie Rosé and Uncle Remy were fighting. Uncle Remy was bleeding.”

  “Give me that phone,” I snatched it out of her hand and put it up to my ear, but all I could hear were the boys crying.

  The sound of Remy and Rosé arguing in the background made me shake my head in disbelief. Remy has been on some other shit since finding out that Thug was really his brother, and Rosé has been getting the brunt of all his anger. I felt bad for her because Remy is the gentleman out of the crew. So for him to be acting out of character is really hurting her. After listening for what seemed like forever, I had to hurry up and hang up. Thug and Remy were pissing me the fuck off being stubborn with one another, but this was the final straw. Thug was about to get up and we were about to go and see what the fuck was going on over there, whether he wanted to or not.

  “Thug, you need to wake up!” I said as I shook him, trying to wake him up.

  “What the fuck Ta-Baby?”

  “You need to get up right now. Remy and Rosé are over there in that house fighting in front of those kids. Heaven and the boys are over there screaming and crying.”

  “Mind your business, Tahari. I’m not about to be getting in another niggas business with regards to the way he handles his wife.”

  “He ain’t just another nigga, he’s family and so is Rosé. I thought family is everything to you? I bet if that was Malik you would have hauled ass getting over there.”

  Thug was pissing me the fuck off acting like he didn’t give a fuck about Remy, but deep inside I knew he loved him. Thug prides himself on being the big brother and the one who makes sure everybody is okay. So for Remy to be rejecting him has him feeling a certain type of way.

  “Last time I checked, the nigga didn’t fuck with me. So I don’t fuck with him.”

  “You and him really getting on my fucking nerves being childish. Life is too fucking short for y’all too be acting like this. You can sit around and not do nothing but I’m going over there.”

  “It’s too early in the morning for this shit, Ta-Baby. I’m not about to argue or fight with you because your hardheaded ass going to do whatever the fuck you want to do anyway. Just leave me out of the shit.”

  Thug pulled the covers off him and walked his naked ass into the bathroom. I followed him and stood in the doorway, with my arms folded across my chest, watching him as he pissed. He was doing too much right now.

  “Why you got to say all that?”

  “Look, I’m done talking about this bullshit. As you can see, I’m using the washroom. So either you’re going to hold this dick while I’m pissing or shake it when I’m finished, and if you not then you can get away from this door, Tahari.”

  He slammed the door in my face like I wasn’t even standing there. I was worried about Rosé, so I threw on some clothes and headed over to their house.

  I used my key and went inside to find Remy trying to stop himself from bleeding and Rosé sitting on the stairs, smoking a blunt like it wasn’t shit. For a minute, I just stood frozen, trying to see if I should snatch Rosé’s ass up and get her out of the house, or if I should call a damn ambulance for Remy who was bleeding all over the place.

  “You need to get to the hospital quick, Remy,” I said as I tried walking towards him.

  “I’m good, sis,” Remy said as he walked out of the door. I turned and looked at Rosé, who was still smoking the blunt in silence. I went and sat down on the stairs next to her and she handed me the blunt.

  “Would you help me pack some stuff for me and the kids. I have to leave this house. I can�
�t stay in here another night with him acting like this. We need to give each other some much needed space. We’ve never been the type of couple that physically hurt one another, so this is too much. I lost control, Tahari. I stabbed him in front of our kids and now Heaven is mad at me.”

  Rosé put her head down on my shoulder and I felt so bad for her. I pulled her in for a hug and we just sat there, smoking blunt after blunt until she got ready to pack. For a minute I thought she was just in her feelings about packing and leaving, but she proved me wrong when she actually did. She threw me for a loop when she took her ring off and sat it on the coffee table, along with a note.

  Shit had just got real, and I could only imagine what Remy was going to do when he came home to find his family gone. If he’s anything like his older brother, shit was going to get worse before it got better.

  “I don’t think you should take your ring off. Right now you’re just mad. Don’t act on impulse, sis. Remy’s going to go ballistic when he comes home and finds that ring here and you gone.”

  I was talking but I could tell Rosé wasn’t trying to hear shit.

  “I took it off and I’m not putting it back on until he starts acting like the man I married. I’ve been through so much being his wife at the hands of his family. Not one time did I get discouraged and feel the need to lash out at him or treat him like shit. He’s walking around here treating me like I’m his enemy. Fuck him! I mean that shit, too. I’m done with the disrespect. Maybe if he brings his ass home and sees that his family is gone, he might realize how fucked up he’s been.”

  “I’m not going. I want to stay here with Daddy.”

  “Heaven I advise you to get your back pack and go get in the car. I’m trying my best not to whoop your ass, but the way I feel right now, I will beat your ass raw.”

  Heaven stomped off and slammed the door behind her.

  “I don’t know what we’re going to do with her and Ka’Jaiyah,” I just shook my head because they were one and the same.